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- There are 3 major considerations for the interpretation of high strain

dynamic pile tests (HSDPT) as below:

i) Data Input

ii) Data Quality

iii) Data Interpretation

i) Data Input

- The following should be checked:

i) Wave Speed: a) R.C. Pile : 3800 - 4200m/s

b) Spun Pile : 4400 m/s

c) Steel Pile : 5120 m/s

ii) Area of Pile:

i) Data Input (Con’t)
ii) Young’s Modulus : E : ρ. c2 / k
where ρ : density of concrete (kN/m3)
c: wavespeed
k: gravity constant (9.81m/s2)

Typically E : Steel Pile : 2040 – 2140 ton/cm2

Concrete Pile : 300 – 460 ton/cm2
Composite Sections use average:
Eeq : (Esteel. Asteel + Econcrete. Aconcrete)/Atotal
ii) Data Quality

a) The proportionality of the major input rise (First maximum)

- If F>V, reasons could be:

i) Overestimated Modulus (E) due to wave-speed (w). Possible
for concrete or timber piles
ii) There is a significant shaft resistance close to the
transducers. No adjustment is required.
iii) There is an increase of impedance close to the transducers
ii) Data Quality (Cont’d)

- If F<V, reasons could be:

i) Underestimated Modulus (E) due to wave-speed (w).
Similarly could be possible for concrete or timber piles
ii) Not due to shaft resistance but possible due to tension
response from bottom of pile. Usually for very short piles.
iii) There is an decrease of impedance close to the transducers
iv) Pile damaged close to transducers
ii) Data Quality (Cont’d)

b) All Force (F) and Velocity (V) curves should be zero before impact
c) The velocities at the end of the record should return to zero. If
they do not, it either means the transducer is malfunctioning of the
pile motion is not complete.
d) The difference of Force responses measured from 2 strain
gauges at any time shall not be more than 1/3 to ½ the maximum
force value within the response.
e) The Forces at the end of record should return to a stable zero.
PDA Output Quantities (Cont’d)
iii) Data Interpretation

1) The time for wave to travel up and down the pile (2L/c) can be
checked by drawing time markers at the commencement of the
impact (T1) and at the end of the commencement of the response
from the toe (T2)
2) Marker T1 should be positioned where F and V meets
3) Marker T2 should be positioned where V starts to rise relative to F
or where Upward Wave (WU) firsts starts to reduce
4) The distance T1 and T2 can be measured and the 2L/c time
determined by scaling on the time axis.
iii) Data Interpretation (Cont’d)
Pile Damage

- Output Quantity BTA (beta) is an estimate of the severity of the

- Scale of damage is listed below:
Pile Damage (Cont’d)
Pile Damage (Cont’d) : Example from Double Track (Ipoh-Pdg Besar

1. Make sure all input data are correct

2. Make sure the transducers are not too close to
the top of pile.
3. Make sure F and V are a match
4. For beginners checking, evaluate BTA and

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