Latihan Soal PAT

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Latihan soal PAT

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The dialogue is for no 1

Dara : I’ll have to go now. Good night.

Putri : Ok, good night, Dara.

Dara : See you tomorrow.

1. What does the word “I’ll have to go now. Good night” mean?

It means that …

A. Dara will go with Putri. C. Putri want to sleep.

B. Dara will leave Putri. D. They are going to take a nap.

The dialogue is for no 2

Jack : Oh no! I forgot to print the file at Arika.

Rudy : Let me help you, because I'm going to go to Arika.

Jack : ….. You've been very helpful.

2. The suitable expression to complete the blank is…

A. I do apologize. B. Thank you. C. I am sorry. D.It doesn’t matter.

The dialogue is for no 3-5

Rosa : Hi, Reyna, how are you doing?

Reyna : I am fine, thanks. What about you?

Rosa : I am good. Umm…. I am here because I would like to apologize for my fault.

I broke your new glass yesterday. I am so sorry.

Reyna : Oh it is Okay, Rosa. I know you did it by accident.

Rosa : Oh, really? I feel sorry about it.

Reyna : Never mind.

3. “Hi, Reyna, how are you doing?” What does the sentence mean?
A. Santy is asking about Andin's condition. C. Santy is thanking Andin.
B. Santy is introducing herself to Andin. D. Santy is greeting Andin.

4. What did Santy say about her mistake? Santy said ….

A. apology B. compliment C. gratitude D. introduction
5. What is the synonym of the word “fault” in the dialogue above?
A. Attitude. B. Behavior C.Matter. D. Mistake.
The dialog is for the question 6

Dito : When were you born, Roy?

Roy : I was born on the National Education Day thirteen years ago.
Dito : It was a great day, Roy. So, you were born on the second of May.

6. When was Roy born?

A. nd
May 2 2009. B. May 12th 2009.
C. May 2 2010. D. May 12

7. It is a quarter to three.

Which is the suitable picture that shows the time?

A. C.

B. D

The text is for numbers 8-10!

I have a pen pal. She is Citra Ariani . I usually call her Citra. She comes from Central Sulawesi. She was born on March 12, 2009. She lives at Jl. Kartini No. 102 Palu.

She studies in SMP Al Azhar Palu at grade seven.

8. The text tells us about the writer’s ….

A. Classmates B. identity C. friend D. school

9. How old is Citra in 2022?

A. Twelve years old. B. Thirty years old. C. Ten years old. D. Thirteen years old

10. “I have a pen pal” What does the word “I” refer to?
A. Citra. The reader. The writer. The pen pal.

11. Reza and Rezi go to school by bicycle everyday. …… little sister goes to school by car, because her school is so far.
A. His B. Their C. My D.Our

12. Ayu is my classmate. …… plays volley ball very well.

A. She B. Her C. Hers D. He

The text is for questions 13 to15.

My name is Irham Saputra. I am a seventh grade student. I study at SMP Tunas Bangsa. I always go to school every Monday to Friday. Besides studying at school, I

have many activities to do every day.

I always join a Mathematics course on Monday. After taking Mathematics, I still have an English course. I practice playing football with my team at school every

Tuesday. I also join a guitar course every Thursday. I like playing the guitar very much.. I must join the scouts at school every Friday. Saturday is my favorite day for I

can read a comic strip after school. My parents and I usually visit my grandparents on Sundays.

13. What activity does Irham do every Sunday?

A. Join guitar course C. join the scouts at school

B. Read comic strip D. go to his grandparents

14. How many days does Irham have to go to school in a week?

A. Three days. B. Four days. C. Five days. D. Six days.

15. Why does Irham join a guitar course? Because …

A. it is easy to play a guitar.

B. it is the cheapest course.

C. he has a guitar.

D. he likes playing a guitar.

16. Bella is looking for something in her pencil case. It is small. It has a hole, it is made of plastic. It is used to sharpen our pencils. Do you know what is it?

A. a sharpener. B. a pencil. C. a pencil case. D. an eraser.

17. Ario is at the shop. He wants to buy something. It is not very big. It is made of plastic and iron. It has a switch and a cable. He should turn it on when he studies in

the evening so that he can read books clearly. What does he buy? It is …

A. an AC. B. a bookshelf. C. a desk lamp. D. a TV.

18. Complete the dialogue correctly.

Sahwa: Mom. I’m coming. What are you cooking, mom? It smells so good.

Mom: I am making jelly puding. Please help me to chill it first in the ...

A. refrigerator. B. microwave. C. cupboard. D. bowl.

19. Complete the dialog correctly.

Dini: Alya, would you please accompany me to the Alpha Mart? I need to

buy some snacks.

Alya: Ok, let’s go shopping.

Dini: But, it is very cloudy now. I think it will be raining soon.

Alya: that’s right, we should bring ...(19)

A. a cap B. a dress. C. a helmet. D. a rain coat.

20. Fill the blank correctly.

Do you a giraffe? A giraffe has ....... It helps to eat leaves from the tall trees.

A. wide ears B. strong legs C. long neck D. long trunk

Read the conversation below, and answer the questions 21 and 22.

Yulia is at the store. She is talking to Ms. Dewi, the shop assistant.

Ms. Dewi : “Good morning. Can I help you?”

Yulia : “Good morning. I am looking for..ehmm…”

Ms. Dewi : “What are you looking for?”

Yulia : “I’m sorry. My mom asks me to buy it but I forget the name. “

Ms. Dewi : “Can you describe it?”

Yulia : “It is a piece of equipment. It is small. It is made of plastics. It has a hole.”

Ms. Dewi : “Is it a pipe?”

Yulia : “No, it isn’t. It is used to control the flow of water.”

Ms. Dewi : “Is it a tap?”

Yulia : “Yes, it is a tap.”

Ms. Dewi : “What color do you want?”

Yulia : “One red and two green, please.”

Ms. Dewi : “Here you are.”

Yulia : “How much is one tap?”

Ms. Dewi : “It is Rp. 10.000,00 each.”

Yulia : “Here is the money. Thank you.”

Ms. Dewi : “You’re welcome.”

21. What does Yulia want to buy?

A. Water. B. Taps. C. Plastic. D. A pipe.

22. How many pieces of the equipment does Yulia buy?

A. One. B. Two C. Three. D. Four.

Look at these pictures!

23. Where do you usually see those things? In the … room. B. bedroom. C. kitchen. D. bathroom.

24. Fill the blank correctly.

My sister has a cat. It is really …. It loves to play with her and the new things it finds.

A. charming B. cute C. helpful D. playful

25. Fill the blank correctly.

Hippo is a/an … animal. It will attack humans near its territory.

A. tame B. poisonous C. cute D. aggressive

26. I live on land. I have got sharp teeth. I am a wild animal. I eat meat. People call me “The King of the Jungle”. Who am I?

A. a cat B. a crocodile C. a fox D. a lion

27. Ali : Aldo, do you have a pet?

Aldo : Yes, I have a dog

Ali : What does it look like?

Aldo : It has a small body. It also has brown fur. The name is Bam.

A. “It has a tiny body”.The closest meaning of “tiny” is ….

B. Big B. huge C. short D. small

The text is for question 28.

When I went to the Batu Secret Zoo Malang, I saw an owl. This owl is a unique and amazing bird. It is a heavy bird and has a large head and an oval face. The owl has

round eyes. Its eyes are large and are locked in the skull. It means the eyes cannot rotate independently. They are typically solitary. Though the owl is typically solitary,

it also lives in a group. The owl hunts mostly small mammals, insects and other birds.

28. What is the purpose of the text? It is to …

A. describe a specific animal namely an owl in the zoo.

B. entertain the reader about the owl’s head.

C. show the steps to catch an owl.

D. tells the story about an owl that is spreading in society.

29. Where does the writer see the owl?

A. At the river C. at Batu Secret Zoo

B. at the Surabaya Zoo D. at Ragunan Zoo

30. Complete the sentence below correctly.

Bagus has a rabbit. The rabbit has ...

A. four legs, two wings, two long ears. C. two legs, four wings, two large ears.

B. four legs, no wing, two long ears. D. two legs, no wing, two large ears.

The text is for the questions 31-32.

I have a best friend. My best friend is one of my classmates. His name is Novaliano. He is a tall boy, about 170 cm. He has a well-built body because he

likes doing sports. He has a round face with a pointed nose. His eyes are sharp.

He is kind- hearted, truthful and hardworking. He is very punctual. He always does his homework. He likes doing sports and playing music. He can play the guitar

well. I am glad to have such a friend. He always inspires me to work harder.

31. What is the text about?

A. The writer’s brother. C. The writer’s best friend.

B. The writer’s character. D. The writer’s physical appearance

32. Which of the following statements is true?

A. He hates doing sports and playing music. C. He has positive characters.

B. He cannot play guitar well. D. He can sing well.

The table is for the number 33-34.

Name Height Body Hair Eyes Nose Special Mark

A mole
Aisya Tall Thin Wavy Small Pointed

A dimple
Erlina Average Flat Straight Slanting Flat

Dania Short Slim Curly round small A mole and a dimple

33. Here is the correct description of Erlina.

A. She has a tall and slim body. Her hair is straight. Her eyes are small and her nose is pointed. She has a mole on her chin.

B. She has a flat body. Her hair is straight and her eyes are slanting. She has a flat nose. She also has a dimple on her cheek.

C. She has a flat body. Her hair is straight.Her eyes are small and her nose is pointed. She also has a dimple on her cheek.

D. She has a tall and slim body.Her hair is curly. Her eyes are round. She has a pointed nose. She also has a dimple on her cheek.

34. What does Aisya look like?

A. She has a short body. Her hair is curly. Her eyes are round. She has a pointed nose. She also has a dimple on her cheek.

B. She has an average body. Her hair is straight and her eyes are slanting. She has a flat nose. She also has a dimple on her cheek.

C. She has a flat body. Her hair is straight. Her eyes are small and her nose is pointed. She also has a dimple on her cheek.

D. She has a tall and slim body. Her hair is wavy. Her eyes are small. She has a pointed nose. She also has a mole on her cheek.

Fill in the blank with suitable word 35-36

My aunt is a tidy woman. She is now 35 years old. Her hair is long and tidy. She combs …(35).. every day. Her clothes ....(36)..... always clean and neat. She lives

alone, so she makes up her own bed. She cooks her own food every day.

35. A. them B. their C. it D. its

46 . A. is B. are C. Was D. were

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