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Teacher’s name: NGUYEN THI MINH LOAN

Students’ name: NGUYEN TIEN DUNG
Class: VB2-K4

Thai Nguyen, May, 2022


It is feared that thousands of students may be using their phones or accessing the
Internet to cheat on tests. Jean Underwood, a professor at Nottingham Trent University,
has a report that makes a series of recommendations:

Pupils should sit exams in rooms with no mobile phone reception. Large
universities should fingerprint students and use biometrics to prevent impersonation.
Tests and examinations should be designed to reduce opportunities for cheating within
or beyond the examination hall. Encrypted tests might be particularly useful for test
centers where students are unknown to the examining staff.

Professor Underwood warned that academic dishonesty was not found just in
universities and that it was as bad, if not worse, in secondary schools, with evidence
suggesting the problem was worsening. In the report, she added that while there remains
some doubt over whether the amount of cheating is increasing, it is widely recognized
that it is a very significant problem and that although much of the research has focused
on the higher education sector, the school level data available suggests that the problem
is more, not less serious, in secondary schools. Professor Underwood's report said much
of the research about copying, plagiarism, and technology focused on the Internet but
she warned that the web was only the tip of the iceberg. In small examination sites
monitored by attentive staff, students have limited opportunities to use mobile devices
for cheating. However, in larger test centers with many students, mobile phones and
PDAs make it easy for students to exchange notes with other exam takers, receive text
messages from classmates outside the lecture hall, and search the web". An education
expert commented that technological developments are making it difficult for children
to distinguish between what is their intellectual achievement and what is taken or stolen
from others.

The promotion you have been waiting for so long has finally come your way, the
vital step on to the management ladder, which, with hard work, the right attitude, and
maybe just a little good luck, could one day take you all the way to the top.

There's nothing wrong, of course, with enjoying the fruits of your hard work, nor
with spending a moment quietly enjoying the fulfillment that comes from a personal
goal achieved. But before you get carried away with your recent success and start
thinking that from now on your work will consist of telling other people what to do in
between thinking about how to spend all that money that will come your way,
remember that with power comes responsibility. Your old routine, with its simple, task-
oriented recipe for success, is gone forever, replaced by a potentially more fulfilling but
also more complex set of challenges.

Probably the biggest change involved in moving into management is getting

used to the fact that you are no longer judged on how well you do the job as an
individual, but on how well your team performs. It's not easy to tell a colleague that
they haven't done very well, and although you should be as sensitive about it as you can,
you have to tell them. But you mustn't bully your staff either, so your new power
mustn't go to your head and change your personality overnight. A better approach is to
spend time listening impartially to what your team and your boss tell you before
deciding on a way forward.

Managing a group of people whose jobs you couldn't do as well as they do them
themselves may make you anxious to start with, but it's excellent experience for the
time when you advance further up the career ladder. Being the best accountant or the
best engineer will only advance you so far, because after your next promotion or the one
after that, you are going to have to manage other sorts of people. And you wouldn't
want your first taste of promotion to be your last, would you?.
Essay 1: Students do: Nguyen Tien Dung

Tasks: A friend has invited you to a party, but you are busy on the day it’s being
held. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:

 apologise for not being able to attend.

 explain why you’re busy.
 invite your friend to do something else with you

Dear Thao,

I hope you and your family stay healthy. I want to thank you for the invitation to
your birthday party but I am afraid that I will not be able to attend it.

I am really sorry that I will not be a part of your birthday celebration. Although I
really wanted to come, I had a very important exam that day. You know, the time of the
exam is scheduled by the school and I can't change it. I can't skip the period because it's
very important to me.

I don't want you to be upset about that. So I've booked two movie tickets for
next week as compensation and I'd like you to join me. It was the movie "Doctor
Strange in the Multiverse of Madness". I'm sure you'll love this movie too, right? Then
we can go shopping and then have dinner. I'll take the day off work that day so we can
spend the day together. I'm really excited to see you next week.

I hope to see you soon.

Best wishes,

Essay 2: Students do: Trinh Dieu Xuan

Tasks: An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region

and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend.

In your letter:

 offer to find somewhere to stay.

 give advice about what to do.
 give information about what clothes to bring

Dear Chien,

It was such a long time since we had any contact. And today I am very glad to
receive your letter and the news of your two-week’s holiday here was something
exciting for me. I am looking forward to meet you here. I am sure your stay would be
very pleasant as there are so much to do and so many places to visit here.

I would be very happy if you stay in our house. We have so many rooms in our
house and you would find your complete privacy during you stay here. My parents
would also be glad to see you. But in case you want to stay at a hotel, that would not be
a problem as there are two three very nice hotels in our area where I can book for you.

You must visit the local museum and then the sea beach. The foods near the
beach cafeteria are excellent. Do not miss the rail journey of our city as it is the most
comfortable means of travelling. You can book for fire camping and mountain hiking
that would be a great experience for you. I would also recommend you to try to local
library that has a good collection of books. As a book lover I am sure you will love this

It would be summer season during the next couple of months so please do bring
jeans, shorts and t-shirts mostly. The temperature at that time is quite high and do not
bring any heavy dress. It might rain sometimes and you should bring your raincoat and
umbrella as well.

I am very excited to meet you at airport.

Yours, Xuan
Essay 3: Students do: Le Duc Anh

Tasks: You recently bought a piece of equipment for your kitchen but it did not
work. You phoned the shop but no action was taken. Write a letter to the shop manager.
In your letter

 describe the problem with the equipment

 explain what happened when you phoned the shop
 say what you would like the manager to do

Bac Ninh, June 3, 2022

Dear Anna

Hi, my name is Le Duc Anh. A few days ago I ordered a kitchen appliance at your
store, but something went wrong so it didn't work. It must have been a problem when it
was delivered to my house. Before I wrote this letter, I called the shop but they did not
take any action including an apology. I am very upset about the customer service
attitude here, so I am writing this letter to reflect on your staff. When you receive my
letter, I would like you to ask your staff to apologize to me and come to check the
equipment again.


Le Duc Anh
Essay 4: Students do: Hoang Van Kien

Tasks: You will move to a new city for work. You know some people who live

 ask them for help finding accommodation

 tell them where you would like to live
 tell them about a type of place you are looking for

Dear Alisa,

Hope you are in the best of health. It’s been a while since we've written to each
other. You would be glad to hear that I will be going to England for my new job at
Oxford university. The school has produced extremely talented students, including 26
Nobel laureates, more than 120 Olympic athletes along with 7 award-winning poets and
especially more than 30 world leaders. and 26 Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom,
including Bill Clinton, India Ghandi, Aung San Suu Kyi…

Oxford University is located in the heart of Oxford, a medieval English city. The
university includes a system of 44 colleges and towers, along with more than 100
libraries. This is also the largest library system in the UK. Currently, the university has
22,000 students, of which more than half are university students representing more than
140 countries around the world.. I will arrive in Oxford city in next June and will
require your help to find suitable accommodation 

My preference would be to live close to my workplace, which is in central

Cambridge city, I do not want to commute a long distance daily. As I do exercise
regularly, it would be great to be near a park too.

I would like to live in an apartment rather than a large house because it will be
cheaper. So, a place with one bedroom is fine, but I would like to have a private
bathroom, a kitchen.  

I am sure you can help me find a good place so that I can settle down quickly.

Looking forward to meeting you soon,


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