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Analysis of Mains GS 1

Indian Culture

Indian Culture - An Introduction

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Indian Architecture incl. Art & Craft & Paintings

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Indian Music and Dances

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Performing Arts, Drama, Theatre and Indian Cinema

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Indian Languages and Literature

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Fairs & festivals and Martial Arts of India

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Media and Culture

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Promotion and Preservation of Culture Incl. UNESCO

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Famous personalities & institutions attached to Indian culture

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Religions, religious thoughts and Philosophy incl. Saints of India

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Industrial revolution
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Important Terms in Economics

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Important Schemes & Programmes of the Government

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Modern India

The Decline of the Mughal Empire

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Indian States and Societies in 18th Century

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

The Beginnings of European Settlements

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

The British Conquest of India

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

The Structure of the Government and Economic Policies of the British Empire in India, 1757-
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Administrative Organization and Social & Cultural Policy

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Social & Cultural Awakening in the First half of the 19th Century
Pre & Mains - High Depth

The Revolt of 1857

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Religious and Social Reform Movements

Pre & Mains - High Depth

The Struggle Begins (1858-1905)

Pre & Mains - High Depth

National Movement (1905-1918)

Pre & Mains - High Depth

National Movement (1919-1939) Era of Mass Nationalism

Pre & Mains - High Depth

National Movement: Towards Freedom and Partition (1939-1947)

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Administrative Changes after 1857

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Economic Impact of British Rule in India

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Development of Indian Press

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Development of Education
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Brief on some aspects of British Rule

Pre & Mains - High Depth

The Indian States

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Civil Rebellions and Tribal Uprisings

Pre & Mains - High Depth
Peasant Movements (1857-1947)
Pre & Mains - High Depth

The Movement of Working Class

Pre & Mains - High Depth

The Evolution of Indian Nationalist Foreign Policy

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Communalism and Trends

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Role of women in freedom struggle

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Contributions of British & Foreigners

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Important Persons during freedom struggle & their Approaches to achievement of freedom
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Post-Independence India

Challenges of National Building

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Era of One-party Dominance

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Politics of Planned Development

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Economics of planned development

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

India's External Relations

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

The Crisis of Democratic Order

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Rise of Popular Movements

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Regional Aspirations
Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Recent Developments in Indian Politics

Mains Specific - Medium Depth
World History

The World From the 1890s to the First World War

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

The World Between the two World Wars

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

The Second World War

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Colonization, Decolonization, and Redrawl of National Boundaries

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Political Philosophies- Communism, Capitalism, and Socialism

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

The World Since 1945

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Indian Society

Structure of Indian Society incl. Caste system

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Social Institutions: Continuity and Change

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Social Inequality and Exclusion

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

The Challenges of Unity in Diversity

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Dawn of Independence and The Challenges for Nation Building

- Depth

Structural and Cultural Change

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

The Story of Indian Democracy

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Change and Development in Rural and Industrial Society

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Mass Media and Communications

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Social Movements
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Role of Women and Women's Organization
Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Poverty and developmental issues

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Urbanization, their problems and their remedies incl. Migration & Smart Cities
Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Globalization and Social Change - Effects of globalization on Indian society

Mains Specific - High Depth

Social empowerment
Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Regionalism, Communalism & Secularism

Mains Specific - High Depth


Physical Geography of Africa incl. important Geopolitical regions

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Physical Geography of Asia incl. important Geopolitical regions

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Physical Geography of Europe incl. important Geopolitical regions

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Physical Geography of North America incl. important Geopolitical regions

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Physical Geography of South America incl. important Geopolitical regions

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Physical Geography of Australia incl. important Geopolitical regions

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Physical Geography of Antarctica incl. important Geopolitical regions

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Disputed Territories of the World

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

Distribution of Key Natural Resources - Minerals & Oil Resources of the World
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Distribution of key Natural Resources - Mineral & Oil Resources of India

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Distribution of Key Natural Resources - Energy Resources of the World

Pre & Mains - High Depth
Distribution of Key Natural Resources - Forest Resources of the World
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Distribution of key natural resources - Land Resources incl. Land conservation in world &
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Distribution of key natural resources - Ocean Resources in world & India

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Distribution of key natural resources - Water Resources incl. Rivers & related issues in world &
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Natural regions and the world climates

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Agriculture and Major Crops of the World

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Biotic Resources of the World including Livestock & Fisheries

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Factors responsible for Location & Distribution of Primary Industries in World

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Factors responsible for the Location & Distribution of Secondary Industries of the World
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Factors responsible for location of Tertiary sector Industries incl. Tourism in world & India
and related issues
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Transportation and Communication of the World

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

International Trade
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

Demography of the World - Population Trends

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Demography of the World - Growth of Population

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Demography of the World - Demographic Attributes

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Demography of the World - Major Tribes and their Habitats

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Important Geophysical phenomena - Earthquakes, Tsunamis & Volcanoes

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Important Geophysical Phenomenon - Atmosphere, its Composition and Circulation

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Important Geophysical Phenomenon - Tides, Oceanic Circulation and Ocean Bottom Relief
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Important Geophysical phenomena - Weathering, Mass Movement & Groundwater

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

Various Landforms, Changes Therein and the Effects of Such Changes

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

Islands & Coral Reefs, changes therein and in Flora & Fauna and the Effects of such changes
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Mountains, changes therein and in Flora & Fauna and the Effects of such changes
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Lakes, changes therein and in Flora & Fauna and the Effects of such changes
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Rivers, changes therein and in Flora & Fauna and the Effects of such changes
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Changes in Flora & Fauna in general and the effects of such changes
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

The Earth, its Evolution and Origin of Life on Earth

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

The Earth and the Solar System

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Interior of the Earth and Materials of the Earth's Crust

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Climate and Weather & Changes in Climate

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Important Geophysical Phenomenon - Tropical Cyclones

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Important Geophysical Phenomenon - Temperate Cyclones

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Physiography of India including Geology

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Indian River System Including Lakes, and HEPs

Pre & Mains - High Depth
Indian Soils & Natural Vegetation
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Indian Climate including Monsoons

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Indian Demography including Tribes - Pre & Mains - High Depth

Analysis of Prelims

Pre-Specific History

Few Facts Abount Ancient India

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

History upto Indus Valley Civilization

Prelims Specific - Medium Depth

Vedic & Later-Vedic periods

Prelims Specific - Medium Depth

Mahajanapadas, Mauryans & Post-Mauryans

Prelims Specific - Medium Depth

Jainism & Buddhism and Hindu Schools of Philosophy

Prelims Specific - Medium Depth

Sangam Period & Age of Satvahanas

Prelims Specific - Medium Depth

Guptas & Harsha time

Prelims Specific - Medium Depth

States of Deccan & South India

Prelims Specific - Medium Depth

Travelers in India
Prelims Specific - Medium Depth

Turkish Invasions & Rajputs

Prelims Specific - Medium Depth

Delhi Sultanate
Prelims Specific - Medium Depth

Vijaynagar Empire, Regional Kingdoms & Surs

Prelims Specific - Medium Depth

The Mughal Empire

Prelims Specific - Medium Depth

Rise Of Marathas And The Sultanates Of Deccan

Prelims Specific - Medium Depth

Current Affairs
Current Affairs
Pre & Mains - High Depth


Pre - High Depth

Pre-Specific Science

Physics related matters

Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Magnetism and Electricity

Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Heat and Temperature

Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Work, Power, and Energy

Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Properties of Substances
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Important Terms of Physics

Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Chemistry related matters

Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Bio-Chemistry & Atomic Chemistry

Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Metals and Metallurgy

Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Biology related Matters

Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Biology - The Study of Life

Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Body Parts and their Processes

Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Essential Minerals of the Body
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Human Diseases
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Organization in Plants
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Animal Phyla
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Miscellaneous Science Related Topics

Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Pre-Specific GK

World Religions & Languages

Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Other Organisations of the World

Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Important Places & Personalities (World & India)

Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

India Year Book & Economic Survey

Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Important Prizes and Related Facts

Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Important Wars in the World

Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Few Facts about Countries

Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Few Facts about India

Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth

Miscellaneous Facts
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth


Synopsis of Rulers of Medieval India

Pre & Mains - High Depth
Analysis of Mains GS 2

Indian Polity

Indian Constitution - Historical underpinnings & Evolution

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Indian Constitution - Features & Significant Provisions related to The Preamble, Union & its
Territories and The Citizenship
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Indian Constitution - Features & Significant Provisions related to Fundamental Rights,

Directive Principles and Fundamental Duties
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Indian Constitution - Amendments, Schedules, and Important Articles

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Comparison of Indian Constitutional System with that of other Countries - Parliamentary &
Presidential Systems of Governance
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Separation of powers between various organs

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Executive: Structure, Organization & Functioning ; Ministries and Departments of the

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

The President and the Vice-President of India

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Functions & Responsibilities of the Union, the Prime Minister and Union Council of Ministers
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Parliament - structure, functioning, conduct of business, powers & privileges and issues arising
out of these
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Functions & Responsibilities of the States, the Governor, the Chief Minister and State COM
Pre & Mains - High Depth

State Legislatures - structure, functioning, conduct of business, powers & privileges and issues
arising out of these
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Issues and Challenges Pertaining to the Federal Structure, Dispute Redressal Mechanisms, and
the Centre-State Relations
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Emergency Powers of the Union

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Devolution of Powers & Finances up to Local Levels and Challenges therein - Panchayats &
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Judiciary in India: its Structure, Organization & Functioning, Judges of SC & High Courts,
Judgments and related Issues
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Elections, Election Commission and the Electoral Reforms in India Incl. Political Parties
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Provisions related to UPSC, State PSCs and Civil Services in India, and their Role in
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Finance Commission
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Audit & CAG of India

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

Developmental Issues

Regulatory & Quasi-Judicial bodies

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

Pressure Groups, Other Formal-Informal Associations and their role in the Polity
Mains Specific - Shallow Depth

Role of NGOs, SHGs, Donors & Charities, and Institutional & other Stakeholders in
Development Process
Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Peoples' Participation-Role of Civil Society in Governance

Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Government policies & interventions for development in various Sectors and issues arising out
of their design & implementation incl. Housing
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Rights & Welfare of STs, SCs, and OBCs - Schemes & their Performance, Mechanisms, Laws
Institutions and Bodies
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Rights & Welfare of Women - Schemes & their Performance, Mechanisms, Laws Institutions
and Bodies
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Rights & Welfare of Children - Schemes & their Performance, Mechanisms, Laws Institutions
and Bodies
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Rights & Welfare of Old-Age People - Schemes & their Performance, Mechanisms, Laws
Institutions and Bodies
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Rights & Welfare of Persons with Disability including Mentally Ill People - Schemes & their
Performance, Mechanisms, Laws Institutions and Bodies
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Rights & Welfare of Minorities Incl. Linguistic Minorities - Schemes & their performance;
Mechanisms, Laws, Institutions & Bodies
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Rights & Welfare of People with HIV-AIDS - Schemes & their Performance, Mechanisms, Laws
Institutions and Bodies
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

Rights Issues - Human Rights and NHRC

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

Rights Issues - Consumer Rights in India

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

Rights Issues - Other Rights

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

Other Social Welfare Bodies in India

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

Important Aspects of Governance, Transparency & Accountability including Right to

Information and Citizen Charter
Pre & Mains - High Depth

E-governance - applications, models, successes, limitations, and potential incl. Aadhaar &
Digital power
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Health & Sanitation and related issues

Pre & Mains - High Depth
Education and related issues
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Human resources, Youth, Sports and related issues

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Poverty & Hunger and related issues

Mains Specific - High Depth

Public Policy Making

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

International Relations

India's Foreign Policy evolution and changes

Mains Specific - High Depth

India - Pakistan
Pre & Mains - High Depth

India - China
Pre & Mains - High Depth

India - Nepal
Pre & Mains - High Depth

India - Bhutan
Pre & Mains - High Depth

India - Afghanistan
Pre & Mains - High Depth

India - Bangladesh
Pre & Mains - High Depth

India - Myanmar
Pre & Mains - High Depth

India - Sri Lanka

Pre & Mains - High Depth

India - Indian Ocean Island nations

Pre & Mains - High Depth

India - USA
Pre & Mains - High Depth

India - Russia
Pre & Mains - High Depth

India - Japan
Pre & Mains - High Depth
India - East Asia
Pre & Mains - High Depth

India - Middle East

Pre & Mains - High Depth

India - Central Asia

Pre & Mains - High Depth

India- West Asia

Pre & Mains - High Depth

India - Israel
Pre & Mains - High Depth

India - UK
Pre & Mains - High Depth

India - Australia
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

India - South America

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

India - Canada
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

South-East Asia, ASEAN and India

Pre & Mains - High Depth

SAARC and India

Pre & Mains - High Depth

BRICS, IBSA and India

Pre & Mains - High Depth

BIMSTEC and India

Pre & Mains - High Depth

IOR-ARC and India

Pre & Mains - High Depth

SCO and India

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Mekong- Ganga Cooperation

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

RCEP and India

Pre & Mains - High Depth

QUAD and India

Pre & Mains - High Depth
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

Rio Group
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

Africa, African Union (AU) and India

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Europe, European Union (EU) and India

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

NAM and its relevance

Pre & Mains - High Depth
Commonwealth of Nations
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

ACD and India

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

NSG and India

Pre & Mains - High Depth

ADB and India

Pre & Mains - High Depth

AIIB and India

Pre & Mains - High Depth

African Development Bank

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

League of Arab States (LAS)

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

Effect of policies and politics of developed & developing countries on India's interests
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Indian Diaspora
Mains Specific - Medium Depth

UNO and its various Agencies

Pre & Mains - High Depth

World Trade, WTO and issues involved

Pre & Mains - High Depth

World Bank and India

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

IMF and India

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
International Treaties & Agreements, and other important organizations
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Analysis of Mains GS 3

Indian Economy

Issues relating to Planning & Economic Reforms

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Community Of Latin American And Caribbean States (CELAC)

- Depth

Issues relating to Mobilization of resources incl. Savings, Borrowings & External Resources
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Issues relating to Growth & Development - Inflation & Monetary Policy

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Issues relating to Growth & Development - Public Finance, Taxation & Black Money incl.
Government Budgeting
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Issues relating to Growth & Development - Banking, NPAs and RBI

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Issues relating to Growth & Development - Capital Market & SEBI

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Issues relating to Growth & Development - Industry & Services Sector incl. MSMEs and PSUs
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Issues relating to Growth & Development - Foreign Capital, Foreign Trade & BOP
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Issues relating to Growth & Development - Demographic Economics & Various Indexes
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Issues Related to Poverty, Inclusion, Employment & Sustainable Development

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Agriculture Issues and related constraints

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Major Crops, Cropping Patterns and various Agricultural Revolutions

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Different types of Irrigation & Irrigation systems storage

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Transport & Marketing of agricultural produce

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Agricultural Finance & Insurance

Pre & Mains - High Depth

E-technology in the aid of farmers

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Issues related to direct & indirect Farm Subsidies and MSP

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Public Distribution System: Objectives, Functioning, Limitations & Revamping

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Issues of Buffer stocks and Food Security

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Technology missions
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

Economics of Animal-Rearing incl. White, Blue & Pink Revolutions

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Food processing and related industries in India: scope and significance, location, upstream and
downstream requirements and supply chain management
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Land reforms in India

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Effects of Liberalization on the economy, changes in industrial policy and their effects on
industrial growth incl. Economic Reforms
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Infrastructure: Energy incl. Renewable & Non-renewable

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Infrastructure: Ports & Waterways

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Infrastructure: Roads
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Infrastructure: Airports
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Infrastructure: Railways
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Infrastructure: Economic Corridors

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Infrastructure: Urbanisation and related Issues

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Investment Models: PPP, SEZ, EPZ and others

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Issues relating to Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)

Pre & Mains - Medium Depth

Science & Technology

Science and Technology- developments and their applications and effects in everyday life
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

Achievements of Indians in science & technology

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

Indigenization of technology and developing new technology

Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth

IT, Internet and Communications

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Defence related developments

Pre & Mains - High Depth
Space Technology & related matters
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Computer Technology incl. 3-D Printing

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Nuclear science
Pre & Mains - High Depth

Robotics & Artificial Intelligence

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Biotechnology, Genetics & Health related developments

Pre & Mains - High Depth


Environmental Pollution - Air, Water, Soil & E-waste

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Environmental Degradation - GHGs, Ozone Depletion and Climate Change

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Biodiversity, Ecology, and Wildlife Related Issues

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Environmental Conservation, Sustainable Development, and EIA

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Disaster and disaster management

Pre & Mains - High Depth

Security Related Matters

Linkages between development and spread of extremism incl. Naxalism

Mains Specific - High Depth

Role of External State & Non-state actors in creating challenges to internal security incl.
Terrorism & illegal Migration
Mains Specific - High Depth

Challenges to internal security through Communication Networks

Mains Specific - High Depth

Role of Media and Social Networking Sites in internal security challenges

Mains Specific - High Depth

Basics of Cyber Security and related matters

Mains Specific - High Depth
Security challenges and their management in Border Areas
Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Linkages of organized crime with terrorism

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Various Security Forces & Agencies and their mandate

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Analysis of Mains GS 4


Ethics and Human Interface: Essence, determinants and consequences of Ethics in human
Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Dimensions of ethics
Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Ethics in Private and Public relationships

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Human Values - Lessons from the lives and teachings of great Leaders, Reformers and
Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Role of Family, Society and Educational institutions in inculcating values

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Attitude: Content, structure and functions, its influence & relation with thought & behaviour
Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Moral and political attitudes

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Social influence and Persuasion

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Foundational values for Civil Service - Integrity, Objectivity, Impartiality & non-partisanship
Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Foundational values for Civil Service - Empathy, tolerance and compassion towards the
weaker-sections, and dedication to public service
Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Emotional intelligence - Concepts, and their utilities & application in Administration and
Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Contributions of Moral thinkers and philosophers from India

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Contributions of Moral thinkers and Philosophers from World

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Public-Civil service values and Ethics in Public administration: Status and problems
Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Ethical Concerns & Dilemmas in Government & Private institutions incl. issue of "Conflict of
Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Laws, Rules, Regulations and Conscience as sources of Ethical Guidance

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Accountability and Ethical Governance

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Strengthening of Ethical and Moral Values in Governance

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Ethical issues in International Relations and Funding

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Corporate governance
Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Probity in Governance: Concept of Public Service

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Philosophical basis of Governance and Probity

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Information sharing and Transparency in government including RTI

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Codes of Ethics and Codes of Conduct

Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Citizen's Charters and Work culture

Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Quality of service delivery
Mains Specific - Medium Depth

Utilization of public funds

Mains Specific - High Depth

Challenges of corruption
Mains Specific - High Depth

Case Studies
Mains Specific - High Depth

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