History 2021 Prelims Explanation

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History: Ancient / Medieval / Culture asked in UPSC 2021

CSP21-SET-C] Q.64)  From the declines of Guptas until the rise of Harshavardhana in
the early seventh century, which of the following kingdoms were holding power in
Northern India? [गु प्ता साम्राज्य के पतन और हर्षवर्धन के उदय के दौरान उत्तर भारत में किसका
शासन था]

1. The Guptas of Magadha

2. The Paramaras of Malwa
3. The Pushyabhutis of Thanesar
4. The Maukharis of Kanauj
5. The Yadavas of Devagiri
6. The Maitrakas of Valabhi

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

1. a) 1, 2 and 5
2. b) 1, 3, 4 and 6
3. c) 2, 3 and 4
4. d) 5 and 6

Difficulty : Medium

Type: Theory

Explanation: can be solved via elimination , also given in TN Board- Std. 11

 b) 1, 3, 4 and 6
 After the Guptas and before the rise of Harshavardhana different dynasties came to
power in different parts of the country
 Yadavas of Deogiri came in the Medieval India
 Parmara of Malwas came to power in the 10th Century onwards


 TN Board- Std. 11
 Pratik Nayak’s History Live Lecture on Unacademy Plus

CSP21-SET-C] Q.70)  In reference to the history of ancient India, which of the

following Statements is/are correct?

1. Mitakshara was the civil law for upper castes and Dayabhaga was the civil law
for lower castes. [मिताक्षरा ऊँची जातियों के लिए दीवानी क़ानून था और दया
भागा नीची जातियों के लिए दीवानी क़ानून था]

1. In the Mitakshara system, the sons can claim right to the property during
the lifetime of the father, whereas in the Dayabhaga system, it is only
after the death of the father that the sons can claim right to the property.
[दया भागा व्यवस्था में पिता की मृ त्यु के बाद ही बे टा सं पत्ति पर दावा ठोक सकता है ]

1.  The Mitakshara system deals with the matters related to the property
held by male members only of a family, whereas the Dayabhaga system
deals with the matters related to the property held by both male and
female members of a family. [दया भागा व्यवस्था में महिला और पु रुष दोनों की
सं पत्तियों का ज़िक् र है ]

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

1. a) 1 and 2
2. b) 2 Only
3. c) 1 and 3
4. d) 3 Only

Difficulty : Tough

Type: Theory

‍ Explanation: b) 2 Only

 Not given in standard reference books but in IndianExpress explained series 2020.
 Mitakasara- compiled by Vijneswara, it was a commentary on Yajvalkya Smriti
 Belonged to the court of Vikramadtiya VI of Kalyani Chalukyas
 This book had detailes about the sucession laws of Hindu families
 Mentioned in the lecture on Plus Class- Pratik Nayak
 Discussed live in the class about the Hindu succession laws


 IndianExpress Article published in 2020.

 Partially covered in Pratik Nayak lecture- https://unacademy.com/class/delhi-
[CSP21-SET-C] Q.62)  Which one of the following ancient towns is well-known for its
elaborate system of water harvesting and management by building a series of dams and
channelizing water into connected reservoirs?

1. a)  Dholavira
2. b) Kalibangan
3. c) Rakhigarhi
4. d) Ropar

Difficulty : Easy

Type: Theory

‍ Explanation:

1. a)  Dholavira

 Dholavira was known for the Water Management

 Surrounded by 2 channels, the natives had built dam, reservoir, step well and canal for
effective water management


 NCERT- Class 12- Themes in Indian History Part 1

 Pratik Nayak Lecture on Vedic Age

[CSP21-SET-C] Q.65)  According to Portuguese writer Nuniz, the women in

Vijayanagara Empire were expert in which of the following areas?

1. Wrestling
2. Astrology
3. Accounting
4. Soothsaying

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

1. a) 1, 2 and 3 Only
2. b) 1, 3 and 4 Only
3. c) 2 and 4 Only
4. d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Difficulty : Tough

Type: Theory
Explanation: d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

 Mentioned in Krishna Reddy’s book

 Fernao Nuniz (1534-37) was a Portuguese traveller to the court of Vijaynagar King-
Achyut Raya
 He mentions the following professions where women were employed in different
roles – covered in the plus class – Pratik Nayak


 Mentioned in Krishna Reddy’s book

 Pratik Nayak Lecture on Vijaynagar Empire

[CSP21-SET-C] Q.68)  Consider the following statements:

1. It was during the reign of Iltutmish that Chengiz Khan reached the Indus in pursuit of
the fugitive Khawarezm prince.
2. It was during the reign of Muhammad bin Tughluq that Taimur occupied Multan and
crossed the Indus.
3. It was during the reign of Deva Raya II of Vijayanagara Empire that Vasco da Gama
reached the coast of Kerala.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

1. a)  1 Only
2. b) 1 and 2
3. c) 3 Only
4. d) 2 and 3

Difficulty : Medium

Type: Theory


 Explanation: a)  1 Only

 Changez Khan attacked the Khwarizm Prince Jalaluddin Magbrani, who sought
refuge to the court of Iltutmish. But Iltutmish decided not the give refuge to Jalauddin,
and hence he avoided the invasion of Changez Khan to India → #1 is right.
 Taimur invaded India in 1398- During this period, Nasiruddin Mohammed Tughlaq
was the ruler and not Mohammed bin Tughlaq (1325-1350) → #2 is wrong.
 Vasco de Gama came to India in 1498- was welcomed by the ruler of Calicut- Manna
Vikrama- also called as Zamorin. Krishnadeva Raya, the Vijaynagar ruler came to
power in 1509 onwards. → #3 also wrong.

 Iltutmish mentioned in TN Board- Std. 11 about avoiding Jalaludin Magbarani from

Chengiz Khan
 Timur’s invasion mentioned in TN Board- Std. 11
 Pratik Nayak’s Lecture on Delhi Sultanate

(CSP21-SET-C] Q.55)  With reference to medieval India, which one of the following is
the correct sequence in ascending order in terms of size?

1. a) Paragana- Sarkar- Suba

2. b) Sarkar-Paragana-Suba
3. c) Suba-Sarkar-Paragana


Difficulty : Easy

Type: Theory

‍ Explanation: a) Paragana- Sarkar- Suba

 Ascending order means- from smallest to largest

 Pargana- group of villages

 Sarkar- district unit during the Mughals
 Subah- Province of Mughal Empire- where Subahdars were appointed
 Covered under the Plus Course- Pratik Nayak


 Page 218 (Class 12th Medieval History New NCERT (Latest Edition)
 Pratik Nayak’s Lecture on Regional States

(CSP21-SET-C] Q.69)  Consider the following statements:

1. St. Francis Xavier was one of the founding members of the Jesuit Order.
2. St. Francis Xavier died in Goa and a church is dedicated to him there.
3. The Feast of St. Francis Xavier is celebrated in Goa each year.

Which of the statements given above are correct?

1. a) 1 and 2 Only
2. b) 2 and 3 Only
3. c) 1 and 3 Only
4. d) 1, 2 and 3

Difficulty : Tough because until you know the validity of second statement you
cannot arrive at the final answer.

Type: Theory

‍ Explanation:

 c) 1 and 3 Only
 Francis Xavier- was the one of the Christian missionaries who founded the Jesuit
order in India.
 He was responsible for the Goan Inquisition – 1540s
 His death took place in Sancian (Hongkong Region) later on his body was brought to
Goa and a Church was made → #2 is wrong.
 Feast of St. Francis is celebrated every year- 3rd December to mark his Birthday.


 TN Board- Std 11- mention about Francis Xaviers entry in India, but other details are
 Pratik Nayak’s Lecture on British Conquest

GuessMaster-GiriTM: N/A

(CSP21-SET-C] Q.5) With reference to India, the terms ‘Halbi, Ho and Kui’ pertain to

1. a) dance forms of Northwest India

2. b) musical instruments
3. c) pre-historic cave paintings
4. d) tribal languages

Difficulty : Tough

Type: Theory


 Answerà d) tribal languages

 Ho revolt took place – it was a tribal revolt- it can be inferred by that Ho is tribal
 Can be inferred from the tribal reactions against the British Rule


 Covered in Nitin Singhania’s book

 Pratik Nayak’s Lecture on National Movement Phase-1

CSP21-SET-C] Q.60)  Consider the following statements:

1. 21st February is declared to be the International Mother Language Day by UNICEF.

2. The demand that Bangla has to be one of the national languages was raised in the
Constituent Assembly of Pakistan.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

1. a) 1 Only
2. b) 2 Only 
3. c)  Both 1 and 2
4. d) Neither 1 nor 2

Difficulty : Tough Difficult to remember such dates.

Type: Current/Contemporary

‍ Explanation:

o B- 2 Only is Correct
o 21st February is declared to be the International Mother Language Day by
UNESCO in 1999. UNESCO works in the cultural part and not UNICEF.

 On, February 25, 1948, Dhirendranath Dutta had urged the Constituent
Assembly of Pakistan (CAP) to recognise Bengali as one of the official languages
but it was turned by Muhammad Ali Jinnah.


 IndianExpress Article published in 2021

GuessMaster-GiriTM: N/A
[CSP21-SET-C] Q.51)  With reference to the history of ancient India, Bhavabhuti,
Hastimalla and Kshemeshvara were famous

1. a) Jain monks
2. b) playwrights
3. c) temple architects
4. d) Philosophers

Difficulty : Tough

Type: Theory

‍ Explanation: b) playwrights

 Krishna Reddy’s Bookà

 Kalidasa, Bana, Bhavabhuti, and other authors are mentioned
 Who commented on the condition of women in the Gupta-Post Gupta period.
 It can be inferred that Bhavabhuti, Hastimalla and Kshemeshvara were playwriters/
 Bhavabhuti who lived at Kanyakubja in the early 8th century has three surviving
plays — “Malati and Madhava”, “The Deeds of the Great Hero’’ (Mahaviracarita),
and “The Later Deeds of Rama” (Uttarardmacarita)
 Romila Thapar- also mentions about the authors- Bhavabhuti, Hastimalla and


 Krishna Reddy’s Book

GuessMaster-GiriTM: N/A

(CSP21-SET-C] Q.59)  Which one of the following statements is correct?

1. a) Ajanta Caves lie in the gorge of Waghora river.

2. b) Sanchi Stupa lies in the gorge of Chambal river.
3. c) Pandavlena Cave shrines lie in the gorge of Narmada river.
4. d) Amaravati Stupa lies in the gorge of Godavari river.

Difficulty : Tough difficult to recall so much.

Type: Theory
‍ Explanation:

 Ajanta Caves lie in the gorge of Waghora river.

 Mentioned in the Nitin Singhania’s Book- Indian Art & Culture
 Explicitly explained in the Art & Culture- Plus Course by Pratik Nayak


 Pratik Nayak’s Lecture on Ajanta Cave

[CSP21-SET-C] Q.61)  With reference to Chausath Yogini Temple situated near

Morena, consider the following statements:

1. It is a circular temple built during the reign of Kachchhapaghata Dynasty.

2. It is the only circular temple built in India.
3. It was meant to promote the Vaishnava cult in the region.
4. Its design has given rise to a popular belief that it was the inspiration behind the
Indian Parliament building.

Which of the statements given above are correct?

1. a) 1 and 2
2. b) 2 and 3 Only
3. c) 1 and 4
4. d) 2, 3 and 4

Difficulty : Tough difficult to recall so much.

Type: Theory

‍ Explanation:

1. c) 1 and 4

 circular temple built during the reign of Kachchhapaghata Dynasty – king Devapala
built it in 14th Century
 Yogini represents the Shakti Worship and not Vaishnavism
 Other Circular temples were built- eg. Maniar Math in Bihar


 Pratik Nayak’s Lecture on Art & Culture

 https://www.financialexpress.com/ article published in 2019
[CSP21-SET-C] Q.67)  Consider the following pairs:

(Historical Place): (Well-konwn for)

1. Burzahom : Rock-cut shrines

2. Chandra-Ketugarh  :  Terracotta art
3. Ganeshwar : Copper artefacts

Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched?

1. a) 1 only
2. b) 1 and 2
3. c) 3 only
4. d) 2 and 3

Difficulty : Medium

Type: Theory

‍ Explanation:

1. d) 2 and 3

 Burzhaom- is a Neolithic site, known for pit dwellings. It doesn’t have have Rock Cut
 Ganeshwar- Chalcolithic culture site, contemporary to IVC. It is known for copper
 Chandraketugarh- located in Bengal
 Post Mauryan period site, known for terracotta sculptures and Image


 Chandraketugarh- mentioned in NCERT Class-12- themes in Indian history- Part 1.

But no mention of terracotta art
 Pratik Nayak’s Lecture on IVC

Modern Indian History & National Movement asked in

UPSC 2021

[CSP21-SET-C] Q.58)  With reference to Indian history, which of the following

statements is/are correct?

1. The Nizamat of Arcot emerged out of Hyderabad State.

2. The Mysore Kingdom emerged out of Vijaynagara Empire.
3. Rohilkhand Kingdom was formed out of the territories occupied by Ahmad Shah

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

1. a) 1 and 2
2. b) 2 Only
3. c) 2 and 3
4. d) 3 Only

Difficulty : Medium to tough

Type: Theory

‍ Explanation:

 Carnatic State emerged Independent out of Hyderabad State due to the later Mughal
polity- weakness → #1 is right.
 Mysore Kingdom became independent from the Vijaynagar empire in the year 1612
→ #2 is right
 Rohilkhand’s Afghan rulers existed during Mughal reign and they had offered their
services / alliance to Ahmed Shah Durrani in 3rd Battle of Panipat. So, Rohilkhand
was not carved from territories of Durrani. → #3 is wrong.

[CSP21-SET-C] Q.52)  Consider the following statements:

1. The Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms of 1919 recommended granting voting rights to all

the women above the age 21.
2. The Government of India Act of 1935 gave women reserved seats in legislature.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

1. a) 1 only
2. b) 2 only
3. c) both 1 and 2
4. d) Neither 1 nor 2

Difficulty : Easy

Type: Theory

‍ Explanation:
1. b) 2 only

 Mont-Ford Reforms- Also known as Government of India Act, 1919- didn’t gave
voting rights to ’’all’’ women. Only limited franchise was given during this time, viz.
voters qualification/criteria was the reason behind not giving universal adult suffrage
 Government of India Act, 1935- reservation of seats – system of weightage to Women


 Pratik Nayak’s Lecture on Freedom Struggle

 Book: Spectrum

[CSP21-SET-C] Q.53)  With reference to 8th August, 1942 in Indian history, which one
of the following statements is correct? 

1. a) The Quit India Resolution was adopted by the AICC.

2. b) The Viceroy’s Executive council was expanded to include more Indians.
3. c) The Congress ministries resigned in seven provinces.
4. d) Cripps proposed an Indian Union with full Dominion Status once the Second world
War was over.

Difficulty : Easy

Type: Theory


 Quit India Movement- launched on 8th August 1942 @ Gowalia Tank Bombay


 Spectrum: Covered directly

 Pratik Nayak’s Lecture on Freedom Struggle

[CSP21-SET-C] Q.54)  Who among the following is associated with ‘Songs from
Prison’, a translation of ancient Indian religious lyrics in English?

1. a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

2. b) Jawaharlal Nehru
3. c) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
4. d) Sarojini Naidu

Difficulty : Medium
Type: Theory

‍ Explanation:

 written during his imprisonment in Yeravada Jail, Poona. translated hymns from the
Upanishada and poems by Indian saint poets into English and that collection was
published as Songs from the prison
 Not given in any reference books
 Can be solved by elimination
 Tilak in Jail wrote- Gita Rahsya, Arctic home of the Aryans
 Sarojini Naidu wrote- the Bazars of Hyderabad


 Amazon shopping site

GuessMaster-GiriTM: N/A

[CSP21-SET-C] Q.56)  Who among the following was associated as Secretary with
Hindu Female School which later came to be known as Bethune Female School?

1. a) Annie Besant
2. b) Debendranath Tagore
3. c) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
4. d) Sarojini Naidu

Difficulty : Easy

Type: Theory

‍ Explanation:

 Bethune School was established by JED Bethune

 The first secretary of this School was Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
 IC Vidyasagar is also known for promoting girl child education and also for Widow
Remarriage movement


 Pratik Nayak’s Lecture on Freedom Struggle

[CSP21-SET-C] Q.57)  In the context of Colonial India, Shah Nawaz Khan, Prem
Kumar Sehgal and Gurbaksh Singh Dhillon are remembered as 

1. a) leaders of Swadeshi and Boycott Movement

2. b) members of the Interim Government in 1946
3. c) members of the Drafting Committee in the Constituent Assembly
4. d) officers of the Indian National Army

Difficulty : Medium

Type: Theory


‍ Explanation:

1. d) officers of the Indian National Army

 Indian National Army – Azad Hind Fauj, was formed in 1942 by Captain Mohan
Singh with the help of the Japanese, but due to differences it was disbanded.
 Again in July 1943, Netaji Subhash Chandrabose reorganised the Indian National
Army along with Ras Behari Bose and Japanese help.
 The INA campaign was headed towards Kohima under the leadership of Capt.
Shahnawaz Khan, which resulted into defeat.
 After the end of WW-2, the INA was had to surrender to the British Army and later
on 3 officials were court-martialled by Lord Wavell at Red Fort
 Red Fort Trials- were defended by a series of lawerys, including KN Katju,
Tejbahadur Sapru, JL Nehru- resulting into INA agitation across the country

Source(s):Spectrum: Solvable

 Pratik Nayak’s Lecture on INA

[CSP21-SET-C] Q.63)  In the first quarter of seventeenth century, in which of the

following was/were the factory/factories of the English East India Company located?

1. Broach
2. Chicacole
3. Trichinopoly

Select the correct answer using the codes given below

1. a) 1 Only
2. b) 1 and 2
3. c) 3 Only
4. d) 2 and 3
Difficulty : Medium

Type: Theory

‍ Explanation: a) 1 Only

 1st Quarter of 17th Century- refers to the period between 1601 to 1625. During this
the East India Company had base in Surat, Bharuch (Broach), Ahmedabad etc. → #1
is right.
 Trichonopolly – Trichy came under the British Influence in the later part of 17th
Century. It was under the control of the Carnatic State , came to prominence in the
second Carnatic war – 1749 to 1754- can be easily eliminated. → #2: wrong.
 Chicacole- part of Northern Circars – known for textile centre. It was taken by British
from the Nizam of Hyderabad in 1766, during the first Anglo Mysore war. → #3 is


 Spectrum: Ans Partially available

 Pratik Nayak’s Lecture on Entry of Europeans

[CSP21-SET-C] Q.66)  With reference to Madanapalle of Andhra Pradesh,  which one

of the following statements is correct?

1. Pingali Venkayya designed the tricolour Indian National Flag here.

2. Pattabhi Sitaramaiah led the Quit India Movement of Andhra region from here.
3. Rabindranath Tagore translated the National Anthem from Bengali to English
4. Madame Blavastsky and Colonel Olcott set up headquarters of Theosophical Society
first here.

Difficulty : Tough

Type: Theory

‍ Explanation:

 Class 6 Social Science Book 3 (Civics) – Social and Political Life – I: Page2 – caption
below the image: “Jana Gana Mana” was translated by Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore
from Bengali to English in February 1919 at Madanapalle in the District of Chittoor.”


 Can be solved via Elimination- Pratik Nayak’s Plus Course

 Pingali Venkaya- hoisted the national presented and design the national flag in 1921
at Vijaywada to Gandhi, during the Non Cooperation Movement.
 Pattabhi Sitarramaya was arrested with the entire committee and incarcerated for three
years without outside contact in the fort in Ahmednagar,  Can be eliminated, through
the classes/ books
 Madame Blavatsky and Colonel Olcott established the Theosophical Society of India
at Adyar, near Madras- 1882.


 Class 6 Social Science Book 3 (Civics) – Social and Political Life – I: Page2
 Mentioned in the Current Affairs- The Hindu article in 2021-Feb.

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