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TMEC 2-1


1.What is a Genre?

Literature is categorized into genres based on the type of writing that each piece
exemplifies through its form, content, or style. A distinctive type or category of
literary composition, such as the epic, tragedy, comedy, novel, and short story.

2. What is a (a) Poetry, (b) Prose and (c)Drama?

A. Poetry - Poetry is something that arouses a complete imaginative feeling, by choosing

appropriate language and selective words and arranging them in a manner that creates a proper
pattern, rhyme (two or more words having identical ending sounds) and rhythm (cadence of the
poem). It is in the form of verses, which constitutes stanzas, that follows a meter. The number of
verses in a stanza depends upon the type of the poem.

B. Prose - The prose is an ordinary writing style in literature, which encompasses

characters, plot, mood, theme, the point of view, setting, etc. making it a distinctive form of
language. It is written using grammatical sentences, which forms a paragraph. It may also
include dialogues, and is sometimes, supported by images but does not have a metrical structure.

C. Drama - A composition, in prose or poetry, accommodated to action, and intended to

exhibit a picture of human life, or to depict a series of grave or humorous actions of more than
ordinary interest, tending toward some striking result. It is commonly designed to be spoken and
represented by actors on the stage.

3. What is Fiction and Non-Fiction?

A. Fiction - they are stories which aren’t real. Fiction books are written using a writer’s
imagination. All characters, plots, places and events are completely made-up. They are read
more for entertainment and recreational purposes.

B. Non – fiction - These books on the other hand are based on true or real events and
happenings. A writer just uses his writing skills to draft down something that is actually a fact.
All characters, plots, places and events are real in this case. These books are read more for
information purposes.
4. What re the 2 kinds of Fiction?

A. Realistic Fiction - Realistic Fiction seems like real life, with characters dealing with
real life problems. The plot often takes place in the present time. The situations are true or could
be, but the main characters are fictional.

B. Fantastic Fiction - The fantastic is present in works where the reader experiences
hesitation about whether a work presents what Todorov calls "the uncanny", wherein
superficially supernatural phenomena turn out to have a rational explanation ", where the
supernatural is confirmed by the story.

5. What are the 4 Kinds of Non-Fiction?

A. Biographies - biography is a genre of writing that is frequently regarded as nonfiction
and focuses on a person's life. One of the earliest kinds of literary expression, it makes
use of all available data, including that stored in memory as well as written, oral, and
visual material, to recreate in words the life of a human being—as perceived from the
historical or personal perspective of the author.
B. Autobiographies - It differs from a biography, which is a person's life story written by
another person. Because they don't think they can write well, some people may have
someone else write their life story, but since they are the ones giving the information,
they are still regarded as authors. Because you are reading the person's views rather
than someone else's interpretation, reading autobiographies may be more intriguing
than reading biographies.
C. Essays - Although it can be written properly, an essay is a form of paragraph writing
that uses informal language. Writings may be written in the first person (I, ours, mine),
but most academic essays should be written in the third person (people, he, she).
Essays don't need to conduct as much research as most academic reports and papers
do, but they still need to cite any literature that is used.
D. Articles - A complete piece of writing, as a report or essay, that is part of a newspaper,
magazine, or book.  A piece of writing other than fiction or poetry that forms a separate
part of a publication (as a magazine or newspaper)
E. Humuor - A literary device known as humor is one that makes readers laugh or that
aims to make readers smile or laugh. Its goal is to relieve tension in the audience by
breaking up the monotony, boring, and tedium. To reveal new and humorous aspects
of life, the author employs a variety of methods, devices, words, and even complete

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