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Garces, Francis Jabez A.

12- Our Lady of Fatima

Practical Research 12

(Reflection Paper)

The title of our research study is “Factors Affecting STEM students to Pursue Medical
Course Amidst the Pandemic”. We, the researchers came up with this study in which we wanted to
know on how the pandemic would affect STEM students in choosing a medical course and how
different factors influence the decisions of the students for the future. In addition, we wanted to
know how many students wanted to pursue such course before and during the pandemic. Our
curiosity has driven us to do this study for students to be knowledgeable and have awareness on
how the pandemic has changed our decisions.

Throughout the entire process in conducting the study, it was an up and down journey for
us since there are certain struggles we had faced in order to reach towards the conclusion in our
study. This includes revisions, gathering of data through surveys, and using the IBS-SPSS. With
these challenges, I have noticed that one can overcome these challenges with teamwork and
perseverance. It is seen in our group even if all of us were affected by difficulties in making our
study specifically the recent Typhoon Odette which has caused us to use mobile data and marked
absent in making the study. These challenges did not hinder us to strive and move forward despite
everything that has happened.

I have certain realizations upon arriving to a conclusion in our research study in which one
of them is that we were able to know that 55 out of 66 participants wanted to pursue medical
courses before the pandemic while 66 out of 66 wanted to pursue during the pandemic. In addition,
we have gathered the different factors that have affected students in pursuing the course which
includes: student profile, academic performance, income, motivation, and family orientation in
which they are interrelated with one another. In addition, I have realized how important it is to
cooperate and communicate with each other. Also, I have pondered that one should think positive
and accept mistakes which would lead to one in finding ways to improve one’s study. It was a
memorable and unforgettable journey in practical research that has helped me learn a lot of things.

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