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1- Cornea

2- Aqueous humor
3- Pupil
4- Lens
5- Viterous body
6- Photoreceptors
7- Bipolar cells
8- Ganglion cells
9- Optic nerve
10- Optic chiasm
11- Optic Tract
12- Thalamaus
13- Visual Cortex

Palpebrae – upper and lower eyelids

Tarsal or Meibomian glands – modified sebaceous glands

Conjunctiva – a thin protective mucus membrane that lines inner aspect of eyelids ; passes from the
eyelids onto the surface of the eyeball where it covers the sclera

Eyelashes- projects from the border of each eyelids

Lacrimal apparatus – produces and drains tears

Extrinsic eye muscles – move the eyeball medially, laterally, superiorly, and inferiorly.

Eyebrows – arch transversely above the eyeballs ; help protect the eyeballs from foreign objects and

Tarsal plate – a thick fold of connective tissue that gives form and support to the eyelids.


Sclera – white of the eye

Ciliary muscle – circular band of smooth muscle that alters the shape of the lens for rear or far vision

Iris- regulates the amount of light entering the posterior part of the eyeball

Retina- innermost layer of the eyeball

Fibrous tissue- avascular superficial layer of the eyeball; includes cornea and sclera.

Aqueous humor- watery fluid in the anterior cavity that helps nourish the lens and cornea

Lens- biconvex transparent structure that fine tunes focusing of light rays

Vascular tunic- vascularized layer ; middle layer


Auricle – the flap of elastic cartilage covered by skin that captures sound waves

Tympanic membrane – partition between the external auditory canal and middle ear

Auditory ossicles - ear bones

Vestibular apparatus – Receptor organs for equilibrium

Ampulla – swollen enlargement in the semicircular canals

Cochlea- contains the spiral organ

Perilymph- Fluid found inside the bony labyrinth

Oval window- Opening between the middle and inner ear ; receives base of stapes

Round window - opening between the middle and inner ear

Auditory or Eustachian tube – the pressure equalization tube that connects the middle ear to the

Vestibule- Oval central portion of bony labyrinth

Endolymph- Fluid found within the membranous labyrinth

Spiral organ – contains hair cells which are the receptors for hearing

Macula – receptor for static equilibrium

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