SD Islam Al Azhar 6 Jakapermai Try Out Pts1

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                  TRY OUT
Poin total 28/30


ENGLISH 0 dari 0 poin




Instructions :
1. Write Basmalah and  pray before doing
the test!
2. Write your name, your absent number
and your grade clearly!
3. Do the easiest questions Frst!
4. Check your work before you give it to
the teacher!
5. Write your answers orderly and  easy
to read!
6. Say hamdalah when you Fnish the test

Pakta Integritas! *

Saya Bersedia

Hari/tanggal *


28 / 09 / 2022


Fathia ilmi shaliha

Grade 6: *

Al Kindi

Choose the best 28 dari 30

answer ! poin

“Let’s dig a … here, next to the tree. *1/1

The treasure must be inside the
ground,” said one of the pirates.

A. hole

B. key

C. spade

D. coin

You don’t need to … my house to do *1/1

the homework together. I’ll come to
your house in the afternoon.

A. get into

B. leave

C. come to

D. use

Look !!  It is a treasure …. There are *1/1

a lot of gold coins and jewels in it.

A. map

B. book

C. chest

D. ship

lots of  – in our cities – there will be *1/1

– trees .                The correct
arrangement of the jumbled words
above is ….

A. There will be lots of trees in our


B. In our cities there will be trees lots


C. There will be trees lots of in our


D. In our cities lots of trees there will


The men jumped from the plane *1/1

and opened their  ….

A. Soating skateboards

B. micro lights

C. surf boards

D. parachutes

You can fly in the sky by a  …. * 1/1

A. hang glider

B. parachute

C. Soating skateboard

D. micro light

Falah : What do you think,  ….       *1/1

    ?                                    Zakya        
: I think students will study and
meet the teacher in the computer.    
       The correct question for the
dialogue above is….

A. What will happen to school in the


B. What will happen to the students

in the future?

C. How will the students study in the


D. How will the school start in the


has your Dad – how long – at the *1/1

bank – worked - ?The correct
arrangement of the jumbled words
is ….

A. How long has your Dad worked at

the bank?

B. Has your Dad worked at the bank

how long?

C. How long worked at the bank has

your Dad?

D. Has your Dad how long worked at

the bank?

I’ve … my camera for three years. I *0/1

got it from my Dad as my birthday

A. had

B. bought

C. brought

D. borrowed

Jawaban yang benar

A. had

Read the text below!                             *1/1

                      Did the pirates sell their
captured ship? …. They also kept

A. No, they don’t

B. No, they didn’t

C. Yes, they do

D. Yes, they did

Opsi 5

We can walk or run very fast *1/1

wearing ….

A. inline skates

B. unicycle

C. microlight

D. monorail

Luthfi has got his laptop … two *1/1


A. since

B. for

C. but

D. because

You … bring any snacks with you. *1/1

We’ll have lunch at a restaurant.

A. need to

B. needs to

C. don’t need to

D. doesn’t need to

My uncle works in a circus. He rides *1/1

a … at the circus very well.

A. hang-glider

B. surfboard

C. jet pack

D. unicycle

in the future – car accidents – be *1/1

any - there won’t.                                  
The correct arrangement of the
jumbled words above is ….

A. in the future be any car accidents

there won’t

B. There won’t be any car accidents

in the future

C. There won’t be any in the future

car accidents

D. In the future there won’t car

accidents be any

You can see things that are far *1/1

away using ….

A. binoculars

B. a palm tree

C. an eye-patch

D. a spade

Read the text below!                             *1/1

                                 What did the
pirates do in Caribbean Sea? They

A. looked for better ship

B. robbed lots of ship

C. stole things from the villages

D. kept the treasures

Mrs. Anna  is a stewardess. She *1/1

has been in many flights  since she
was twenty eight years old. Now
she’s thirty nine years old. So she
has been a stewardess for … years.

A. ten

B. eleven

C. twelve

D. thirteen

How long has Ava … in *1/1

supermarket?                    She’s
been there since 10 o’clock.

A. been

B. got

C. had

D. given

This is the thing which can help us *1/1

to open the door and even the
treasure chest to look inside.            
It is a ….

A. key

B. hook

C. hammock

D. spade

This transport gadget is used on *1/1

the water or ground. It’s only for
one person. It’s ….

A. surfboard

B. hang glider

C. micro light

D. jet pack

“Wow, where did you … that old *1/1

coin? It’s so beautiful.” Mr. Lincoln

A. wear

B. get

C. come

D. see

I think in the future the children … *1/1

have much time to play so there will
be playground everywhere.

A. will

B. won’t

C. can

D. can’t

It’s one of transport gadgets. It’s for *1/1

one person in the air. It’s a ….

A. jet pack

B. inline skates

C. cable car

D. surfboard

We don’t have anything in the *0/1

refrigerator. We … do some

A. needs to

B. doesn’t need to

C. need to

D. don’t need to

Jawaban yang benar

C. need to

Read the text below!                             *1/1

                                            What will
happen in the year 2090?                  
                People will have….

A. many kinds of food

B. lots of free time

C. much time to spend at home

D. many activities

Fajar : … have you been a police *1/1

Ahlan : I’ve been a police officer
for seven years.                                    
          The suitable question word
for the dialogue above is ….

A. How far

B. When

C. How long

D. Where

We can put up a ... between trees. * 1/1

A. key

B. hammock

C. hook

D. treasure

Read the text below!                             *1/1

                           What activities will
the people enjoy to do? They will
enjoy ….

A. playing in the park

B. playing skateboard

C. doing sports

D. doing exercises

It’s OK, grandpa. You don’t need to *1/1

… a tent. I’ll do it for you.

A. put up

B. come with

C. get up

D. go with

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