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Cae es ee ee ed 13.Nov-2022 Poitty-o1 20-Nov.2022 Economy - 01 27-Nov-2022 Geography -01 a-Dec-2022 History - 01 ‘1.pec-2022 Polity - 02 12-Dec-2022 Economy - 02 25-Dec-2022 Geography - 02 ‘san-2023 History - 02 8-Jan-2023 Potty 03. 15-Jan-2023 Economy - 03 22-Jan-2023 Geography - 03 29-Jan-2023 History- 03 S-Feb-2023 ‘clones and Technology - 01 12-Feb-2023 Potty - 08 wFeb-2023 Economy - 04 26-Feb-2023 Geography - 04 ‘S-Mar-2023 History 04 12-Mar-2023 Science and Technology - 02 International Relations and Places 19-Mar-2023 staan Caled ee e e ees t 26-Mar-2023 Complete syllabus 26-Mar-2023 Complete syllabus 2-apr-2023 Complete sytiabus 22-Apr-2023 ‘o-Apr-2023 ‘o-apr-2023 Complete Sy 16-Apr-2023 Complete sy 16-Apr-2023 Complete syitabus 23-Apr-2023 Complete Syllabus 23-Apr-2023 Complete sy! 30-Apr-2023 Complete sy! 30-Apr-2023 Compiete syt 7-May-2023 Complete sy! ‘7-May-2023 Complete Syllabus 14-May-2023 Complete syllabus 14-May-2023 Complete syttabus See Fundamentals of the Constitution Pistonen! Underpinnings Evokton & Making of the Conetrction Features and Significant Provisions ‘The Union ard ts Tomitony Simenament of Const 5 Emergency Prowsions 1 inter State Reta Reference Book YOth NCERT : Democratic Politics ARMNEERT. Indian Constitution ot Work Indian Poly by M Laxmicarthn DD. Basu’ introcuction To The Constitution of ‘The Constitution of Inala by PM, Bales Current Affairs References oni Pate Review By PRS fsa Frontline The Hinds ‘The Indian Express BYU's EXAM PREP Morthiy Magazine Current e Detintion 1 Concepts: GR, GNP. Market Price, and Factor ‘Cost. NNP. NDP. Transfer Payments, National Income mt FC. Personal income, Disposabe Income, Factors Affecting National Income, Not Foretan Factor Income. Metnod: Income Method, Expenditure Method, ‘Application of Various Methods, Base Year GOP Betintor “Types ot Economy. Growth Ve Develpoment Employment 7"Unempioyment, Types of Unemployment. ‘Structure Seasonal Feicuonal, Gyctcal, Nature of Unemployment in icin Relation th Inna, Unemployment Curve, ete Poverty Pe Types of Poverty, Poverty Calculations, Measures, and other Reinted Issues ‘Taxation, 7 Shnesitication, Ditoct and Incroet, other taxes, type fof taxation, Objectives of Tavation, GST councl Microeconomics Development 2, TAMNGERT. Economics: Introductory 3. Tain NCERT: Economics: Introductory Microeconomics 4. Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh 5. Nitin Singhanis indian Eeonon ‘Current Aftairs References Economie Survey & Budget Zhe ncn express BYUS Exam prep Monty Magazine Curent Test Code: SEC-GEO.01 jed Syllabus ‘Geography oF Earth and Solar system ‘Geomorphology. “ine Grain std Evolution of the Earth {Gatorts and the Evoliio Environment and ie components Level of Ovganisetion Ecosystem Bastes ‘Types af Ecosystem: Tetresbial and Aquatic Ecosystems Principles ot Ecology colony Process: Food, Eneray, Succession, Biageacnenical Cycles, ete Basics of Biodiversity. Definitions: Biodiversity types of biodiversity. types er epecios ote Bioaiversty In indo: realms, biomes, blogcoaraphic ‘Throats and loss of biodiversity: causes and consequences Reference Book. Seograpny With NCERT Geography: Fundamentals of Physica Geography | SINNGERT Ourervronmert Ceruncate Physical ana Human Geography - Goh ‘Cheng Leone 6, Silent ongian Ate or Oxford Atos 3. NCERT 10th - Science - Unit- 14.15.16 2. NeERT protogy tin” Une 10 (Chapter 12,14, 15 18 Ervironmont and Ecology by R Rajagopalan CCurront Aftairs References “Geography and You Yoana Kerchetra The indian Express Test Code: Cert Bred History -01 Ancient History Horappan / Indus Valley Cvieation Weaie age Manojanopados Heterodox Religion: Ajivkas, Buddhism and shins Medievel india. ary Medieval Period North Ina and South Inca Vioyanagar Emre Savvis PN larappan Age, Mauryan, Sungas, Kushanas Satavananes, Guptas: The Temple Architect: BBrawida, Nagar, Vesara, ete indo.stamie =o ‘Bittorent School Of Art Performing afte 1 Theotreheates in indo: Foie Phentre, Moder ‘Theatre, People Associated with Theatres, Indian inom, and Circus Reference ook TNCERT History: class 6th to 12th Goss 6th Our Posts Gass jain Themes in nlan History -1 lass iat Temes ninan Hato 2, Ancien nei ini’s Ancient Past By B'S. Sharma 3. Medieval Indio’ History of Medieval Indio Satish (Ghordra (NCE), Mecievel Ina (Macon) Satish Chandra, Advancea Study Inthe History of Medieval nia by J enta 4: IGNOU ond NiOS Material for Ancient and Medtoval 5, Anciont ond Medieval Inia by Poonam Data 6. REET Glass) an Introduction to indian Art 7 NCERT Class xi Living Cats Tractons of Inala A indian art and Guture’—atin Singhania, 5. Spectrum: Facets of indian cuture 16.Ancient and Mecievalinaia by Poonam Dalal ‘anya cae) 11 Madernindia ty Poonam Dalal Dahiya (FM) Current Affairs References PIG Yeorend and Regular Updstes ofthe Minty ‘Government Websites: CCRT (Resources) Artand Culture Progrommes on Sansoa TV Inaian Express Yojana July 2022 - Thais in inci Yojana August 2022 "Literature and Azad Kurukshetra September 2022 - Tribal ite & Culture. seC-€c0-02 Pe RMI C its Poitty-02 Fundamental Rights Directive Principles Fundamental Duties ebresident 2 Prime Minster 2 Cental Coun! of Ministers and Cabinet Commitece +. Posts ike Cabinet Secretary, Chief Secretary te State executive oe Sovernor Economy -02 ‘extemal Sector and Currency Exchange rate SSainnce of Payments: Dorntion Current 390 apie, Accours, Convery For i -tssuen, Chalonges te Foreign Trade otal Trade Policy Fogion-mee Trace ‘Wro-rtated fasues and ina Intetectual Property tights internotional rade and Goes: tar Purpore and Objectives, Organization and Functions, working ana Evaluaticn, nr and Unierseweloped Counties, SOR Reform «Wore Bank dhateral and feegional Cooperation ete. Trace agreements Pranning Tflosring Objectives and History, Ottorent modale St Plannina, hype of Panning, Pistory of Planning in Inia (Wievervaraya Pian Gann Plan FICE! Fropossl, Congress Pian Bombay Mar), nettations (Pranning Commission, NITr Aayog Nationa! Sevolonment Counel NDC) Inaian Polty by Mt Laxmikarith ‘The Constitution of India by PM, Bakshi Current Affairs References ‘Monthy Pay Review by PRS The Indian Express BYU's EXAM PREP Monthly Magazine Current "ith NCERT: Economies: Indian Economic Development. ean NCERT: Economies: Intracuctory Macrosconomics Incian Economy by Ramesh singh Nitin Singhaniae Inian Economy Current arrairs Retorences Economic Suey ana ausget ‘he nn express ve maint MIU'S EXAM PREP Monthly Magazine Current Aries Pe RM C its ‘Geography 02 ‘climatology ‘Compostion and Suucture of Atmosphere Sct Radiation, Heat Balance and Temperature ‘imonpere Crniton an Wentet Syste Simate cnange Pietation ot Oc ‘Oter Peatures of Ocean sich as Ocean Waves, Guirent Tides & Tauris ‘emperaiae& Salnty Disebution, Marine Resources, Map-bnsed: Distribution of Occans and Continents, tror important Locations, ke Islands, Voicanoce, takes, Mountain Ronges ete Biodiversity Conservation in stu conservation ational efforts and inlativest Iirernational enor and initatves to conacive Blodiversty (summns, organsations, conventions, “Types af pollution (ar water, soled waste, e-waste, Hietosctve, biomedical, plaste waste, ete) ‘Major and minor pollutants Chuses and impacts of each type of pollution Prevention: ole of technology national and International efterts (summits organisations, Invtatves, polices, programmes, rules, 3%, fogendies, ete) Reference Book MGeograpny: ‘ith NCERT Geography: Funcamentas of Physical Geography BM NCERY. Resources and Development Cerutcate Physical ana Human Geography Goh ‘cheng Leong Srient Longtan Alas oF Oxford Atos NGERT 10th Science “Uni 14,15 16 NEERT Biology 12m | Unt 0 fehapter 13, 14, 15 & 16) NCERT Chemistry tith (Parti Chapter 18 Blociversity and Conservation: Environment Information System (eww orwis.nic in) IGS "Environment Moc Environmont and Ecology By R Rajagopalan currant atalrs Reteronces ‘Geography ancl You. Kenusnetra Zhe han express Test Code [eco a ete Brn) History -02 [Ancient History ‘Mauryan Age Fost Mauryan Age: Shungo, indo-Greeks, Sekes, Sangam Age and Literature Gupta age Post Gupta Potties: Palava, Chalukyas, Harstivarsnane and Later Guptas Insian Paints iS Vastorcat Development - Wall Paintings, Cave fond Mural Parings, Minature Paintings, Mughal Paintings, Rajput Paintings. Fark Panga, other Paintings, Moder Indien Paintings & rogion Mn cur, Sana, Buda, Chant, Prigsopny 2 Six Schools oF Phtesopty. Aika, Lokayata oMarvalans Cangtinge terre: naan Language, nen Fairs, Fesuval, nd Cram Religious Festvas, ‘Secuiar resivats (States BUTS. are crane Science & Technology: Seionee & Tee?mctouy in ‘Ancient india sence & Technology in ees ini Inalan Heritage Conservation: UNESCO'S List of ‘Tangible World Hentage Sites in cio, Curl Hertnge Sites Natural Hentage Sites, important UNESCO'S Ust of intanaibte Cutural Hertoge ‘Rerorse ar Honours Sting MNCERT Hany: Claes om to 1am iaas Zain Tomes in nan History -1 lass iat memes in indian Hatoy 1 ‘Tne Wonder That wes iio “AL: Bosheim (Ghana (NCERT) Medieval cla pacman) ‘Satish Chandrn, Advanced! Stody ln the History of ‘edieval mata by J UMenta 4. IGNOU and ROS Material for Ancient ane 5, Ancient and Medieval ina by Poonam Dall Banya cna. 6. NCERT Sines Xan inrosicton to Indian At 3. NCERT Cioss Xi Living Cra Tractions of no & Inainn At and Camure — Nitin Singhan 5. Spectr Facets of ncion eure 10.Anctent ane Mecievalinaia By Poonam Daal Baniya cae. 11 Maden india by Poonam Dalal Dahiya (FM) Current Aftairs References SNRIB. Jeerendend Regul Updates ofthe Minty ‘Government Websites: CCRT (Resources) Artand Cuture Progrommes on Sancoa TV naan Express Yojana July 2022 - Tribals in inca ‘Yojana August 2022 - Literature and Azad KGrucsneta September 2022 "Tria Lite & Culture See History -01 [Ancient History Harappan/ Ines Valley Civitzation edie Age. Mansjanspadas Heterodox Retsion: Aivas, Budchism and Tory Maeve! Peiod Noth nc and Sout na “Vijayanagar Empire Horappan Age, Mauryan. Sungas. Kushanas, ‘Satavananas, Gupta The Temple Architecture: Dravida, Nagara, Vosara, otc Indo flare Sculpture and Pottery Pertorming arte + Puppetry Diferent forms of Puppetry in india Theatre, People Associated with Theatres, Indian Reference Book NCE T History: Class th 10 121% Sos ett Our Posts | lass {2mm Tomer in nclon History -1 lass iain memes ning Hato ‘The Wonder That Was india AL. osha Medieval nd: ator of Macieval Ida” Satsh ‘Anelent andi Medieval Inia by Poonam Datel Dahiya (TMH). 6. NCERT Class x! an introduction te Indian Art 7 NCERT Glass Xi Living Crafts Fractions of india 8 ncian Art ancl culture Nitin Sinahania 9, ‘Spectrum Facets of inatan curture 10. Anelont and Medieval india by Poonam ala ‘Dahiya (rm) Modern Inala by Poonam Datal Dahiya (TMH) Current aftairs References TTIB™ Yeor endand Regular Updates ofthe Ministry ‘Govemment Websites: CCRT (Resources) Artond Culture Progremmes on Sansoa TV Inaian Express Yoana - July 2022 - Thibats in inca Yojana “August 2022 "Literate and Azad Kurukshetra = September 2022 - Tribal Life & Scr SECHIS.03 Detailed Syllabus Brey Geography -03 Indian Seograptny Structure ana Pnystograpny Drainage system imate and Chmatic Regions of inca Natural Vegetation, Plant ane Animal Life Forest and Their Distbxtion Majer Crops Grown in India an6 Agro-Cimatic Regions Map based ctimate Change and its Mitigation ‘Groen Hours Gases and Global Warming 2 impact of ctimate enange 1 Raportsinaices by agencies of United Nations + Gamate change muigaten SM National efforts and inklatves (policies, laws, rules, et) + Intemational efforts and initiatives (summit, Conventions, organisations, rules et) Rolo of technology in climate change mitigation (Sectors ike agnieuture, incusty, et) History-03 India in te second nalt of 8th century othe Advent of te Europeans, * Brtish Conquest of neta 2 The Company Rul Social — Religious Rennaissance in Incia (til date) National Movement (pre Gandhian Phase) Mine Reveltof fas? & cnange ater 1037 Moderate Phase (1885 ~ 1305), Extremist Phase (1305 — 1917) Emergence of Extremist & Leaders ‘The Berttion of Beng Morley Minto Reforms Reference ‘Geography ‘th NCERT -Ineia: Physical Environment Majid Husain's Boake "Geageapry of ina Inca: & Comprenenave Geography By DR, Khar NCERT 8th = Sclence -Unit 18 NEERT 9m" Scence Unit 18 NCERT Biology 12th — Unit 10 (Chapter 13, 14, 15 & te) 3. Biodiversity and Conservation: Environment Information System ( 4.NloS Environment Module 5. Environment and Ecology By R Rajagopalan current Affairs References ‘Geography ond You Kenan ‘The ington express Down To Earth ‘The incian Express ENVIS portal lags 42th Themes in Indian History Indias Sttuggio for independence. Bipan Chandra History Ot Modern nda Eipan Chandra From Plassey to Pation Specrums A Set History of Modern ica by Ray ©, IGNOU ang NOS Matera 2. mosseen India by Poonam Dolal Dahiya (TMH) oS istorieal Events in tro Nows by Government Pia Updates ‘Sonsod TV Programme Series - AZADI KI \VEERAAGNAVEINENVIS portal Pe RMI C its ‘Science and Technology - 01 Physics ent Sound, Optics, Elecnelty ang Mgnetiem, Brectromagnetie Waves, Grevitation, Wer ana Frower atomic an Nuclear Prysies ane Modern Prosice ‘cnemstry eM Properies ang Structure of Matter, Chemical Biomolecules, Poniocic Cinasincaton of Seman Chemical Boning. Carbon andte compounds, Seid, Bases on Savin, Metaln and Norsemen: ‘Themmodynamics, Agreuttral chemi, Medicinal Chemisty. Food Chemistry. Bloctemisry. Polymers ane Plastes Biotoay. ee reduction, Coll Biology. Life Processes, Mechanism, Nutrtion, Origin and Evontion of if, Genetics, Plant Biology. ete tnrormation & communication Technology 1-7) Mnformetion Technelogy (Th Computing (cleud Computing, Supetcompater, Quantum Computing ‘Ste}/aruncial meligence & Rebeties, Block Gna, iypiog aon, Public Key. Cryptocurency, Dieta drreney. Non Fungibte foxes (Ts) DAD @ecentehsed ‘Autonomous Grganisaions) Web £5"bcep web. Oar we, cyborerime, Zoro Cle Waineratiny, Zero bay Uuinerapnity Barcode, OF Code, etc, and Otter Related Techmolowes ‘Weecom, Ber setoodh, WIE WioMade LE RED, ‘Noor cid Communication (Fe) DAR, Satite Communiestion and other fetated technologies «Upcoming Technologies’ Web 50, lo. te anotechnology MConcept applications and advancements related tome feld of nanotechnology Sources of nergy + "Ginanineation of Sources of Energy, Conventional Sources of chetay, Nomconventionel Sources of Energy: Renewable Sources at nergy (wana Energy, Solr Energy Hyerosiectite Energy. Geothermn! Encray. Blocneray. Hysrogen Eneray. ‘Sigal Energy. ete) Nuclear Energy et Reference Book 1 Developments in Scienco and Technology in india ~ Kalpana Rajaram - Spectrum 2. General Science For Civil Services Preliminary Examinations S.A Maj inerinau ‘he nen xpress [eee oa elated uadtetary Supreme court 2 igh’Courts 2 Suboranete Courts: District Courts, Gram Nyayalayas + ADRS, NALSA, ete Election Commission Elections and Political Forties. Representation of People's Act (1950-51). Dulmitation Act, Ant Dotection, et) Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) ‘Sine ube Serves Commission (SPSe) Finance Commission cae. Rtomey oneal of Inca Aevoone General of naa Special Omicer tor Linguistic Minories Notional Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC) National Commission for Scheduled Tries (NEST) National Commission for Bacleward Castor NCBGY, Non-Constitutional Bodies PRIMI Aayes 2 Nie: Goveming Council SHRC, CIC, SIC, CVE, + Cokpal, Loxayurta, NCPCR, ete 5. Bib. Banus inteduction Tone Consthuion ofl 6: Phe Consthution orindlaby Pw Baksh "Monthly Potey Review by PRS ‘Annual Reviews PRS Down To Earth ‘The Hines ‘The Indian Express BYJU'S EXAM PREP Monthly Magazine Current Atos Test Code PoC r mets Economy -04 ‘Agreuitural Marketing and Retorms ‘tal ebony Warehousing Foe procesting Agr creel industrial Sector comeing SMe ‘Companies Act ‘Challonges in inlstral development Stgenized and Unorganised Sector ‘Special Economic Zones Corporate Insalvancy Resolution Process PrevPeckaged Insolvency Resolution Process Cmpned index of Eight Core industies ‘StartUp inca ieitiativos by the government "Government Policies 1 EConomie Potces til 1991 Economic Reforms Since 1991 Eng of Licence Ra}. Liboraeation, Privatisation. and Globalisation inrrastructure: iT, Communteation, Urbanisation, ‘Transport, Mining, ete: ‘Agricumture 1 thth NCERT: Economies: Ndlan Economic 2 Bam NET Economies Mi r 3. Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh 4: Indian Economy by Nitn Singharia Economie Suvey ond Gudget ‘The Hind The nclan Express Business Stondore! Live Mint BYJU'S EXAM PREP Monthly Magazine Current Saina-May-Social Security Kurunshetra-august 2022-Ruralindustiies Kuruichotra July 2022 Water Rosourees Kurusanetra May 2022-Rural Connectutty Kurukshetra Apa 2022 Empowering Rural Women Pe RMS ats Geography- 04 Human and Economie Geography (Worle) iS Natute ana Scope. 1 The World Population Distabuton, Density. an Population Composition Human Oevelopment Primary Activities, Seconclary Activities, Tertiay and Quaternary Activites ‘Transpart ana Communication International Trace Agriculture and Agro-Cimatic Regions industries and Indstral Regions ‘Map based: Location of Countries, City, Minerals, Industries ete. Human and Economie Geography (nia) es population Migration ean Development Land Resources and Agriculture Mineral and Encray Resources Manuractring incusties Branning and Sustainable Devolopment in the Indian Context ‘Traneport ana Communtcavon International Trade ‘Geographical Perspectwe on Selected Issues and Brobiome Protected Aree Networkand Species Map Based: Places such as Ramsar Sites, Blesphere Reserves, Waite Sanctuaries, and ‘Notional Parks, Tiger Reserves, ete. + Majer species of india lore and una} Conservation status, characteristics, range, ete Sustainable Development PM ABout sustainable development, SOGs and related Role of teennotogy in ensuring sustainable evelopment Tian NGERT | Fundamentals of Human Geography BAO NCERT | Contemporary india I SLOW NCERT | Cantemporary india 1 4 Physical, Human and Economie Geography for Ci Senices Examination by DR Khulat ©. Environment: CERT Chomisiy th Par i) Chapter 14 NIGS Environment Morkule 6. Environment and Ecology by R Rajagopalan current affairs References ‘Geography ana You. feranet Incl Express News paper me Hines tnctan express ENVIS pert Pe RMI C its istory-0a Ss Crea ah Serene 1 Wording cass Movements, Civil Rebellons, ete ‘Other Aspects of Brith Rule MRdmintstrative Acts Policies of Bish Rule 2 Development or Press A 'NCERT History - Class 6tn to 12th ‘Class 12th Themes in Indian History incl After Ganant The History Othe World's Largest Democracy ~ Ramchandra Guna History Ot Modern india” eipan Chandra From Plassey to Pation Spectrum’s A Bret History of Modern India by Raj Ane 7. Modern india by Poonam Dalal Dahiya (TMH) CCurront Aftairs References SMiiitontenl Events im news 2 Commemoration of 50 years, 100 years or Events by Government PIB Updates + Speeches of Prime Ministers on Birth Anniversaries of Groat Porsonaitios Sansad Tv programme Series - AZADI Sor Pe RM C ts Eres Science and Technology - 02 ‘pat oP Space Basics: Inclination Angle, Polar Orbs Sun Synchronous Orbil (S50), LEO (Low Earth ‘rb, MeO (medium Earth Ori, CEO. {Geostationary Ear Ob. GTO (Gesnymetvencus Black hoves, singulanty ete Space Technology. Jet Engine, Rocket Engines, Ghegenic Engines Turbotet. Ramet ane Samet, Sokcttes: Remote sensing and its applications, 6S {Gsagrapinc ntormation Syston) aps. Ecmmunieation Sateites te \oniclos Sst, Sates Lauren venictos Ztamontew Sette Lnanch Uchiciow Aste), FLV {Gover Satelite lunch vehiiey Tira Generation, Econynenronous Suche Launch vohicie (Sst) Veto fv-10), tone 5. ote indie’ Space Missions: Chandrayaan 1, Chandrayaan 2, Mars Orater Mission @¥angalysan Ntstlony nota Regional Nowigotien Sates Systm sey ee 5 OtKe Epc led naive am Acroue he Detonce Technologies P intearated Culsied Missle Development Programme (MOM ANTLTANK GUIDED MISSILE” NAG, SPIKE, MILAN tron Dome, BARAK, Long And Rledium Range, Hypersonic Misses HSTOV Gtriert ier Howirzens, abvanceD Towed SiceAnAADI TVA, ns VIRRANT BAG) INS VISNAL ropulton a), MCEAe SUBMAES Helcoptere Ghmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVS) and Other Roltew Systeme PFpacttional Medicine 2 Aitmajoratseases related to bacter, viruses, protozoa ana other microorgansm= + Ghetteattn, Neglected Troples! Diseases, India’s Vaccine Ecosystem. Seltampiiiving messenger RNA (mRNA) Vaccine, Trans Fate, Rice Farulication, Voctine Development. Diferent iypes of Vaccites, + Agencies! National Cente fer Disease Cento! (cde. FSSA ete + Nationa! Bight Heann nassion * rineiples and Process: DNA, RNA, mRNA + Applications: Crise, Stem Cet Trerapy, aetieted Reproductive Technology. GM Crops Aloaencie ‘Stem Call, ransgenic animals, Coring. Syntvetic Blotogy, Xonotrarsplantation and other technologies Keipana Rajrom “Spectr Examinations SAMaid + NCERT books for stancoress 6th to 12h ‘current Aftairs References ‘Science Reporter ‘The Inctan Express eC EMIS oe India and its Neighborhood - Relations oioteral Regianal, and Glabal Groupings anc ‘Agreements Involung India anor Aftecting India's + Important mematonainttutions,Agenctes, ane + PiacesinNews 2 Challenge and Str Policy by Rally Sika + Intend feiatons by Pawnee Singh ‘Examination By Prot Pusnpesh Part CCurront Affaire References Bown To earth ‘The Indian Exprose BYJU'S EXAM PREP Monthly Magazine Current Rethinking India's Foreign ‘Complete syttabus Current affairs References eal sources Complete Syitabus ‘Complete Syitabue ‘Complete Syllabus Current artairs References eal Sources eal sources eal Sources Complete Syllabus Reference Book ‘Complete syitabus ‘Complete syitabus Reference Book Current Affairs References Reference Book rereni sources Current Affairs References eal sources Current artairs References real sources

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