Punjab Govt To Review Subsidies

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Punjab Govt to review subsidies,Cuts down atta-dal scheme

Punjab Newsline Network Thursday, 24 September 2009

CHANDIGARH: Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal has said, A re-look will be done on all subsidies keeping in mind the interest of the people in relation to the interest of the state.

Many subsidies in Punjab will undergo a change following a review by a committee constituted by the Punjab government, apparently under pressure from the 13th Finance Commission. Sources said the government was forced to rethink on the subsidies after the 13th Finance Commission assured the state financial assistance in case it decided to withdraw subsidies on free power to agriculture sector, house tax and octroi. Badal said the two-member committee, comprising Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Singh Badal and Industries Minister Manoranjan Kalia, would study the entire gamut of subsidies and update the government. The Chief Minister said that the government would implement the recommendations of the committe.He said the states fiscal health could not be ignored while arriving at any decision. Punjab government had already altered its atta-dal scheme by reducing the amount of atta from 35 to 25 kg and dal from 4 to 2.5 kg per family in a month. Admitting the reduction in quantity of atta and dal, Badal said it had been done due to operational difficulties. Significantly, the move is expected to save the government over Rs 150 crore. Notably, a re-think on subsidies was a complete turnaround from the SADs Shimla Vichar Sammelan. SAD president had come out with a statement in Shimla that there would be no change in the policy on subsidies, a commitment made by the party in its poll manifesto. When reminded about SADs commitment on subsidies in the manifesto, the Chief Minister today said: Whats written in the manifesto is not sacrosanct if its not in the interest of the state. Refusing to be dragged into any debate on the issue of subsides -- first raised by Finance Minister Manpreet Singh Badal - the Chief Minister assured that the atta-dal scheme would not be stopped.


Atta-dal scheme in a pretty pickle

Express news service
Posted: Jan 15, 2008 at 2116 hrs IST Print Email To Editor Post Comments

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Chandigarh, January 14 The Punjab government's much flaunted atta-dal scheme, a manifesto promise made by the SAD-BJP combine in the run-up to the elections, has hit a roadblock.

Ration depots in the state, the designated outlets for distribution of atta-dal to eligible beneficiaries holding valid blue cards, are threatening to prolong their ongoing strike beyond January 15 if the state government

fails to accept their demands.

The distribution of atta-dal is done in Punjab from 16th of every month to the month-end. However, if the threat of Punjab Fair Price Shop Association, the union of ration depots in the state, is anything to go by, the government could land itself in a piquant situation. President of the association Janak Raj Garg, while talking to The Indian Express, today said, "The

government pays us no commission, no labour charges. We have to bear all costs from our pocket to carry out the distribution.'' Garg said the beneficiaries, over 13.4 lakh in Punjab, were given atta-dal at the same price (Rs 20 for dal and Rs 4 for wheat) at which the government forwards it to them. "We even have to bear the cost of transportation from the government warehouse to depots," he rued. The association representatives had also met Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal to air their grievance. "The CM has assured us that he would talk to the minister concerned for redressing our grouse," he said. The scheme was launched on August 15 last year and would cost the state, in the form of subsidy, a whopping over Rs 800 crore annually. Now, with the association mounting pressure on the government, the state government, which is already finding it hard to take on this high financial cost to sustain the scheme, might have to dish out more to satisfy the protesting depotholders. Discounting the looming crisis on the execution of the scheme, official sources said the issue would be amicable resolved shortly.

Rich grab share of atta-dal scheme

Balwant Garg,TNN,Jul 17, 2010, 07.04am IST BATHINDA: About three years after introduction of much-hyped atta-dal scheme of Punjab government, an ongoing inquiry has exposed a large number of fraudulent beneficiaries, who were procuring wheat at the rate of Rs 4 per kg and pulses at Rs 20 per kg. Out of the 12,85,892 beneficiaries, 71,630 were found to be fake in the state last year. Though the deadline was fixed for July 20, preliminary investigation revealed that while the target citizens failed to avail the benefits, the well-off were procuring the required documents from government officers. The report submitted by tehsildar of Sangat Mandi to Bathinda DC Gurkirat Kirpal Singh revealed that many farmers owning agriculture land over 12 acres and with an annual income of over Rs 4 lakh were deriving the benefit.

Atta-Dal Sceheme Exposes Sukhbirs Claims Of Development: Khaira

F W Ch B an populist 'Atta-Dal' sceheme has exposed Sukhbir Badal's claims of Punjab being a U The dig RE prosperous state as one-third population has been living Below Poverty Line (BPL). Through this arh A scheme, the SAD-BJP government has added another Rs 1,000 crore to the existing debt of Rs , U 70,000 crore through this scheme, said a press release issued by Congress MLA Sukhpal Singh Fe Khaira. He said this scheme in fact exposes the hollowness of the statements related to b development, prosperity and so-called progress of Punjab by Sukhbir Badal. The release said at 17 present approximately 14.57 lakh families are availing the 'Atta-Dal' scheme meant for the families living Below Poverty Line (BPL). It virtually amounts to one-third of approximate 45 lakh families living in the state. According to BPL norms, people who do not have a fan, who do not own any mode of ordinary transport means like a by-cycle and have an annual income of less than Rs 30,000 are supposed to be the beneficiaries. It we go by these standards, then one-third of Punjabi's are virtually living in extreme poverty and have been covered under BPL by the state government, the release added. However, Sukhbir Badal has been shouting from rooftops and misusing public exchequer daily to issue ads worth crores daily to highlight development schemes being launched by the SAD-BJP government. Khaira asked Sujhbir to clarify to the people, which of the two facts are true -- is one third of Punjab that poor that they have to be dependent on 'Atta - Dal' scheme meant for the BPL or his oft-repeated statements of Punjab being compared with California are true? Further the rpess release raises the question as to who would foot the 'Atta - Dal' scheme bill which has now accumulated to Rs 1,097 crore since the 2007. The government has paid Markfed and Punsup merely Rs 101 crore during the last three years, Markfed and Punsup are being forced to pick loans from the market to run this scheme.
http://www.thefinancialworld.com/newsdetails.aspx?newsid=66708&pageid=5 http://pbplanning.gov.in/pdf/ATTA%20DAL%20%20SCHEME%20%2031-1-2008.pdf imp data in 2008

Atta-Dal scheme yet to be implemented in Punjab Vijay C Roy / New Delhi/ Chandigarh April 25, 2007

The much-touted " atta -dal scheme" of the SAD-BJP alliance in Punjab, announced during election, is yet to take shape. In the election campaign the party had promised to give atta at Rs. 4 per kg and dal at Rs 20 per kg. immediately after assuming power. Later the date of implementation of the scheme was extended to April 13, and now if everything goes well it might take one or two months. Officials in the Punjab government opined that the census to identify the beneficiaries is going on, which is to be completed soon, and the scheme thus is expected to be implemented within two months. Due to delay, the ruling alliance has been facing severe criticism from the Congress and other

political outfits for the inordinate delay in implementation of the scheme. Earlier, the Punjab Youth Congress under the leadership of Vijay Inder Singla had decided to take on SAD-BJP government on the atta-dal issue. He told that the present government has taken the people of the state for a ride on the issue by excluding majority sections of the people by fixing the eligibility limit Rs. 30,000 per annum. The opposition claimed that the government has cheated people by excluding majority sections from the cheaper scheme and is delaying it further on the pretext of carrying out an unnecessary survey. For the implementation of the scheme, the government has made budgetary provision of approximately Rs 500 crore.


India Atta-Dal scheme covers over 15 lakh families in Punjab Chandigarh | Thursday, Feb 24 2011 IST

Wedding Vows Magazine Fashion Show

The Atta-Dal scheme implemented by the Punjab government has crossed the figure of 15 lakh beneficiary families. Stating this here today, an official spokesman said the Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) had promised to provide fair price Atta and Dal to the economically weaker families of the state in its manifesto. Keeping its promise after assuming office, he said the SAD-BJP government headed by Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal had implemented the scheme and started providing atta at a rate of Rs four per kg and Dal Rs 20 per kg to the poor families. The spokesman said beneficiary families have been increasing continuously and now it touched the figure of 15.7 lakh. The state government had spent Rs 1,097 crore under this scheme and it was making all out efforts for the welfare of the people in the state.

In less than a month, another scam in the state governments much-hyped Atta Dal scheme has surfaced in Kharar sub-division. If the unearthed scams are any indication, it seems that many beneficiaries of the scheme are deprived of the benefit, which is costing the state exchequer heavily. A trader was arrested with 9.5 quintals of subsidized wheat meant for distribution to the beneficiaries under the scheme. A ration depot (fair price shop) holder, through whom the distribution was undertaken, was absconding. SI Lakhwinder Singh told Newsline that acting on a tip-off, he raided the shop of Suresh Kumar, a karyana merchant, shop in Kurali, and recovered 9.5 quintals of subsidized wheat. Police arrested him. Depot holder Tarsem, who sold the subsidized wheat in black market, managed to escape. During preliminary interrogation, the arrested trader told the police that he had purchased 10 quintals of subsidized wheat from Tarsem at the rate of Rs. 900 per quintal, of which he had sold 50 kg stock at his shop at the rate of Rs. 10.5 per kg.

Atta-Dal scheme adds another Rs. 1000 crores to the existing debt of Rs. 70000 crores
Punjab Newsline Network Thursday, 17 February 2011
CHANDIGARH: Sukhpal Singh Khaira Punjab Congress MLA from Bholath has stated that there was a massive contradiction in the statements related to development, prosperity and so called progress of Punjab by Sukhbir Badal and the situation on the ground.One such glaring example is the figures available under the Atta-Dal scheme of the govt.

In a statement issued here Thursday he said that at present approx 14.57 lac families are availing the AttaDal scheme meant for families living Below Poverty Line (BPL).It virtually amounts to one third of approx. 45 lac families living in the state. According to BPL norms people who do not have a fan, who do not own any mode of ordinary transport means like a by cycle and have an annual income of less than Rs. 30000 are supposed to be beneficiaries. "It we go by these standards, then onethird of Punjabis are virtually living in extreme poverty and have been covered under BPL by the state govt. But Sh. Sukhbir Badal has been shouting from rooftops and misusing public exchequer daily to issue advertising worth crores daily to highlight development schemes being launched by the SADBJP govt", he added. Congress party urges Sukhbir Badal to clarify to the people of Punjab, which of the two facts are true, is one third of Punjab that poor that they have to be dependent on Atta Dal scheme meant for the BPL or his oft repeated statements of Punjab being compared with California are true? Khaira further said secondly, the congress questions the junior Badal that who will foot the Atta Dal scheme bill which has now accumulated to Rs. 1097 crores since the year 2007. The state govt. has paid Markfed and Punsup merely Rs. 101 crores during the last three years, Markfed and Punsup are being forced to pick up loans from the market to run this scheme. Rs. 1000 crore will further add to the already Rs. 70000 crores debt of the state exchequer. Why the SAD BJP govt. is not paying Rs. 1097 to Markfed and Punsup, questions the congress party? Are they purposely delaying payment so that the next govt is further burdened by another Rs. 1000 crores? Congress urges the CM and DY CM to clarify on both the issue raised above.

Punjab Govt orders scrutiny of 'Atta Dal Scheme' beneficiaries Khanuri, Sangrur, Oct 17 (UNI) The Punjab Government has ordered that the lists of beneficiaries of the 'Atta-Dal Scheme' should be again scrutinised to weed out the bogus and fake cases. This was disclosed by Chief Minister Parkash

Singh Badal while addressing a public rally here after launching the Rs 137.43 crore project for construction of embankments and widening the Ghaggar river, which causes floods in this part of the state during the monsoons. Mr Badal said the fresh survey would be conducted soon, as the underlying objective of the scheme was to cater to the needs of the economically poor families by providing them subsidised wheat and pulses. He regreted that certain well off families were availing this scheme. The Ghaggar project would entail a total expenditure of Rs 217 crore, of which Rs 137.43 crore would be spent on the first phase from Khanauri of Makraur Sahib and the second phase would cover the river length from Makraru Sahib to Karail. Apart from this the discharge capacity of Bhakhra Main Line passing through this area would also be enhanced from 14,000 cusecs to 25,000

cusecs. As many as 44 villages covering an area of 60,000 acres would be benefited under this project. MORE UNI HS JT KN2352

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