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Describe your strength that will benefit the company, as well as your weakness and

how you are going to cope with your weakness.

As Quality & Shariah Compliance Executive in current company which responsible and experience on the ISO
9001:2015 (Quality Management System), MS 1900:2014 (Shariah-Based Quality Management System), and
MS1500 Halal Management System, I believe that I have a good strength that will benefit to my new company,
and a few weaknesses that I believe can cope it within my circle of my strength.

My first strength is I am very friendly and humble person. By carrying this character, it helps me to build up a
good rapport and understanding with my team especially during develop a Quality Management System in

My second strength is I’ve always preferred to work with dateline. As per my current job that taking care on the
compliance matters including ISO, Shariah standard, Halal standard, OSHA standard, all of these things
required a dateline of every activity. By proper planning with written To-Do List, it makes my assignment
completed according with the dateline.

My third strength is communication skill. With current responsible as internal auditor, trainer, and consultant, it
helps me to have good relationship with others and able to complete the task peacefully.

My fourth strength is I am a fast learner person. Even though new knowledge or lesson is unfamiliar with me,
but I can learn fast to get more understanding and by end of the result I could deliver what I have been learn and
practice in my current job.

Even though I have a good strength, as a human being I also have a weakness. But I believe it is not become a
big issue for me since those weaknesses are around in circle of my strength which manageable.

My first weakness is I'm not familiar with the takaful industry directly and have no experience about it, as I am
currently from Hospitality industry. But it is not a big problem for me which I had attended one training
regarding Islamic finance and takaful (Shariah Compliance, Audit & Risk Management Executive Training
certified by UI Platinum Group and Amanie to refresh my knowledge stagedly.

My second weakness is I always try to ensure any task given to be completed within the dateline. One most
critical thing is that if the task given is related and need other people commitment, so that I have to look forward
seriously and sometime it can make others pressure and stress. To coupe this issue I have always made a
discussion session with respective personnel and try to complete the task together by making a best timeline.

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