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Magellan’s Voyage Around the World

Instructions: Do a content and contextual analysis of the given historical source by
answering the guide questions inside the table below. Write your answers briefly and
direct to the point. Each question is worth 5 points.

1. What is the main idea? 1. Who wrote the document?

The said historical document was

The story behind the Magellan’s Voyage written by Antonio Pigafetta.
around the World mainly focuses on the
adventures, chronological happenings of the 2. When was the document written?
past expeditions, explorations and
colonizations of Magellan. The document was written on 1525
which is years after the actual Magellan-
Eclo expedition that happened on 1521.

3. How did the author know about the


  Antonio Pigafetta know about the

events in relation to the Magellan’s
Voyage around the World because he
heard of Magellan's planned expedition
and decided to join, accepting the title of
supernumerary (sobresaliente), and a
modest salary of 1,000 maravedís . He
was also one of the explorer of the
expedition and served as Magellan’s
assistant which led him write an
accurate journal about the Voyage.

4. Why was the document written

The primary reason why Antonio

Pigafetta wrote the document was
because he wanted to prove that
the world was round. He wanted to learn
about the world and he took the chance
to let himself explore the world through
joining Magellan’s expedition.

5.      Why did the author keep the document?

The document was kept by the author

because he wants to inform everyone on
how Magellan changes some
speculations regarding to the world and
made some revisions towards people
perspectives and beliefs.
1.     What is going on when the source was What is your prior knowledge and your
created? newly acquired knowledge?

  Magellan's achievement was a landmark The prior knowledge that I acquired

in the history of exploration still hailed by his was the fact that Magellan had travelled
modern-day successors. Perhaps his around the world introducing spices and
greatest feat, and still considered today one influences us with Christianity. While the
of the greatest feats of the history of newly acquired knowledge that I’ve
navigation, was negotiating this strait, of learned is that Antonio Pigafetta was the
which there were no maps and whose one who wrote the Magellan’s Voyage
existence was vaguely rumoured. When the around the World which provided us
source was created, there was an expedition information that helps us understand the
of Magellan around the world. Magellan had expedition during the 16th century.
influenced innocent Filipinos with their
traditions and beliefs.

1. Is the source credible and reliable? 1. How does the source contribute to
Explain. your understanding of the past?

The source is credible and reliable since The said historical source contributed
Magellan provided a primary source. to my understanding by imparting to our
Because he was able to give an knowledge that the Europeans’ has
approximate date knowing that he was an marked the worlds of space exploration
explorer. He clearly identifies the and astronomy to this day. Through
experiences, the nearness to the event, gaining information and the happenings
motives, origin, and ideology. The chronicle during the 16th century with the use of the
of Pigafetta was one of the most cited source written by Antonio Pigafetta, we
documents by historian who wished to study have learnt how Magellan colonizes and
the pre-colonial Philippines. As one of the influences the Filipinos with the religion
earliest written accounts, Pigafetta was seen known as Christianity.
as a credible source for a period, which was
prior unchronicled and undocumented.

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