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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 199.


§ 199.119 Reporting of anti-drug test- and drives a commercial motor vehi-

ing results. cle), count the employee only on the
(a) Each large operator (having more MIS report for the DOT agency under
than 50 covered employees) shall sub- which he or she is randomly tested.
mit an annual MIS report to PHMSA of Normally, this will be the DOT agency
its anti-drug testing using the Manage- under which the employee performs
ment Information System (MIS) form more than 50% of his or her duties. Op-
and instructions as required by 49 CFR erators may have to explain the testing
part 40 (at § 40.25 and appendix H to data for these employees in the event
Part 40), not later than March 15 of of a DOT agency inspection or audit.
each year for the prior calendar year (f) A service agent (e.g., Consortia/
(January 1 through December 31). The Third Party Administrator as defined
Administrator shall require by written in 49 CFR part 40) may prepare the MIS
notice that small operators (50 or fewer report on behalf of an operator. How-
covered employees) not otherwise re- ever, each report shall be certified by
quired to submit annual MIS reports to the operator’s anti-drug manager or
prepare and submit such reports to
designated representative for accuracy
and completeness.
(b) Each report required under this
section shall be submitted to the Office [68 FR 75465, Dec. 31, 2003, as amended by
of Pipeline Safety, Pipeline and Haz- Amdt. 199–20, 69 FR 32898, June 14, 2004; 70 FR
ardous Materials Safety Administra- 11140, Mar. 8, 2005; 73 FR 16571, Mar. 28, 2008]
tion, U.S. Department of Transpor-
tation, PHP–60, 1200 New Jersey Ave- Subpart C—Alcohol Misuse
nue, SE., Washington, DC 20590. Prevention Program
(c) To calculate the total number of
covered employees eligible for random
testing throughout the year, as an op- SOURCE: Amdt. 199–9, 59 FR 7430, Feb. 15,
erator, you must add the total number 1994, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated
by Amdt. 199–19, 66 FR 47118, Sept. 11, 2001.
of covered employees eligible for test-
ing during each random testing period § 199.200 Purpose.
for the year and divide that total by
the number of random testing periods. The purpose of this subpart is to es-
Covered employees, and only covered tablish programs designed to help pre-
employees, are to be in an employer’s vent accidents and injuries resulting
random testing pool, and all covered from the misuse of alcohol by employ-
employees must be in the random pool. ees who perform covered functions for
If you are an employer conducting ran- operators of certain pipeline facilities
dom testing more often than once per subject to parts 192, 193, or 195 of this
month (e.g., you select daily, weekly, chapter.
bi-weekly), you do not need to compute
this total number of covered employees § 199.201 [Reserved]
rate more than on a once per month
basis. § 199.202 Alcohol misuse plan.
(d) As an employer, you may use a Each operator must maintain and
service agent (e.g., C/TPA) to perform follow a written alcohol misuse plan
random selections for you; and your that conforms to the requirements of
covered employees may be part of a this part and DOT Procedures con-
larger random testing pool of covered cerning alcohol testing programs. The
employees. However, you must ensure plan shall contain methods and proce-
that the service agent you use is test-
dures for compliance with all the re-
ing at the appropriate percentage es-
quirements of this subpart, including
tablished for your industry and that
required testing, recordkeeping, re-
only covered employees are in the ran-
dom testing pool. porting, education and training ele-
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(e) Each operator that has a covered ments.

employee who performs multi-DOT [Amdt. 199–9, 59 FR 7430, Feb. 15, 1994, as
agency functions (e.g., an employee amended by Amdt. 199–19, 66 FR 47119, Sept.
performs pipeline maintenance duties 11, 2001]


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