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Guidance of Competitive Exams and Supportfor Aspirants

DATE:-04-08-2021 MARKS: 1300
At any point in a stressed body, the principal planes can be located by identifying a set of orthogonal planes
passing through the point and having shear stress on it as
(C) minimum (D) anticlockwise
(A) zero. (B) maximum.
2. A beam of square cross-section (B X B) is used as a beam with one diagonal horizontal The location of the

maximum shear stress from the neutral axis will be at distance of

(A) Zero (B) (C) (D)
2 at
3. The plane stresses on x and y faces are 4.2 N/mm and 9,6 N/mms respectively. The value of normal stress
point where shear stress is maximum, would beA VLS A D
(A) 6.9 N/mm. (B)2:7 N/mm. (C) 5.4 Nmm (D) 13.8 N/mm
indicates that the
4. When there is a sudden inereasèor decreasein shear force diagram between ánylocation, it
location has
(A) a point load (B) an acting moment
(C) no load (D) maximum bending moment
5. Ifa metal bar f+xéd at both ends is cooled by reducing the tempreture by 30° C,the nature ofstresses developed
in the bar
(A) Compressive (B) Shear (C) Tensile (D) Nonof the above
6. If the bulk modulus
(A)SK-2c K,
Kan and modulus of rigidity, G are given then what will be the Poisson's
3K+4G 3K-4G 3+2
7. The
radius of gyration
(B)G-46 (C)kG
of a circular section with diameter 20 cm is
(B) 5 cm (C)2 cm (D) zero
(A) 4 cm
8. A metal bar of length 100 mm is inserted between two rigid supports and its temperature is increased by
then stress in the
Ifcoefficient of thermal expansion is 12 x 10 per "C and the Young's modulus is 2 x 10 MPa,
CA) zero (B) 12 MPa (C) 24 MPa (D) 2400 MPa
9. Number of unknowns to be determined in the Stitfness method is equal to
(A) Static indeterminac y (B) kinematic indeterminacy
(C) sum of static and kinematic indeterminacy (D) none of these
10. The moment required to rotate the near end of prismatic beam through unit angle, with translation, the far end
being fixed, will be
(A) (B)2L (C) (D) 4EL
11. If hinged end of propped cantilever(span L and flexural rigidity EI) undergoes a rotation, then shear in the
beam will be
(A) (B)
12. The fixed end moment MFaB for the beam shown is
( (D)
(A) w L 2 olunit run
Sol L2 L2-
(B) 48
(C) l

13. Compatibility conditions are essentially required to Solve
(A) substitute frame (B) complex truss
(C) redundant frame (D) compound truss

SO5 Turning Point Complex, opp. Omkar Row House, Uttran, Surat, Gujarat 394105
MO:-84606 37673 FACEBOOK: GCSA Surat INSTAGRAM gesasurat
14. Ifthe deflection at the ftree end of a uniformly loaded eantilever beam of length I m is equal to 7.5 mm, then
the slope at the firee end is
(A) 0.01 radian (B) 0.02 radian (C) 0.015 radian (D) None of these
15. The pin jointed cantilever truss is loaded as Shown in the given figure. The force in member ED is Hinged

Support Hinged
(A) 40 KN (compressive)
(B) 80 KN (tensile)
(C) 80 kN (compressive)
(D) 120 KN (compressive) Aoler upport

Nm is applied at a
16. A bar AB of diameter 40 mm and 4 m long is rigidly fixed at its ends. A torque of 600
Section of the bar I nm from endA. The fixing couples Ta and TB at the supports A andB respectively are
(A) 450 N-m and 150 N-m (B) 200 N-m and 400 N-m
(C) 300 N-m and 150 N-m (D) 300 N-m and 100 N-m
17. The centre of gravity of a plane lamina will not be at its geometric centre if it is a
(A) Circle (B)Square cýRectangle (D) Right angled triangle
18. it us that property of material duè tò which a material can resist deforrmáfiony
(A) strength B)
stiffness Ctenadity (D) ductility
19. A mild steel bar is intwo parts having equal length. The área of cross-section of pártI is double that of part-
2.1f the bar carries an axial load P, then the ratio of elongation in part -1 to that in part-2 will
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 1/2 (DA
is 125 GPa and Poisson's tatio is 0.25. The modulus ofrigidity of the
20. The Young's modulus of amaterial
material is
(A)100 GPa B) 80 GPa C)50GPa (D) 30 GPa
21.Two beams, onehaving a square cross-section and another having a circular cross-section, are subjected to the
If the cross-sectional area as well as the material of "both the beams are
same amount of bending moment.

is the
(A) maximum bending stress developed in both the beams
than the
(B) the circular beam experiences more bending stressthan the square one
circular one
(C) the square beam experiences More bending stress
(D) both the beams will experience the same deformation is called
22.Thestress at which a material fractures under large number of reversals of stress
(A) endurance limit. (B)creep:
(D) residual stress
(C) ultimate strength.
23. Match List-l with List-ll and select the correct answer using the
codes given below the lists:
List-I List-lI
A. Ductility 1. Failure without warning
2. Drawn permanently over great changes of shape without rupture
B. Brittlenes
C. Tenacity 3. Absorption of energy at high stress without rupture
4.High tensilestrënigth
D. Toughness
Codes A. B. C. D
(A)1.2. 4.3 (B) 1,2.3. 4
(C) (D)2. 1.4. 3
24. Which one of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched?
(A) Visco-elastic: Small plastie zone material
(B) Strain hardening materíal: Stiffening effect felt at some stage
(C) Orthotropic material: Different properties in three perpendicular directions
(D) Isotropic material: Same physical property in all directions at a point
25. Match List-1 (Material) with List-1 (Characteristic)and select the correct answer using the codesgiven below
the lists:
List I List-11
A. Inelastie material 1. No plastic zone
B. Rigid plastic material 2. Large plastic zone
C. Ductile material 3. Strain is not recovered after unloading

505 Turning Point Complex, opp. Omkar Row House, Uttran, Surat, Gujarat 394105
MO-84606 37673
D. Brittle material 4. Strain is zero upto a stress level and thenstress remains constant.
A. B. C.DD A. B. C. D
(A) 3.4. 2. 1. (B) 3.4. 1. 2.
(C) 4. 3. 2. 1. (D)4. 3. 1.2
26. Modulus of toughness is the area of the stress-strain diagram up to
(A) Rupture Point (B) Yield Point. (C) Limit of Proportionality. (D) Uitimate Point
27. Modulus of Rigidity is defined as a ratio of
(A) Shear strain to shear stress (B) Torsional stress to shear strain
(C) Shear stress to shear strain (D) Torsional strain to shear stress
28. Fora simply supported beam of length L, thebending moment Mis described as M= a(x-x'L).osx <L:
where a is a constant. The shear force will be zero at
(A) the support (B) x = L/2 (C)x = /V3 (D)x = L/3
29.The ratio of ultimate stress to the permissible stress is called..
(A) Factor of safety (B) Design factor (C) Stress factor (D) Load factor
30.An isotropic material is the one which

(A) has same structure at all th point
(B) has Young's modulus equal to the modulus of rigidity
(C) has the elastic constants, identical in allthe direction
(D) obeys Hooke'slaw up to failure
31. What is tenacity
(A) ultimate strength in tension. (B) ultimate strength in compréssíon
(C) ultimate shear stress. (D) ultimate impact strength
32. Match List-(Property) with List-ll (Characteristic)and select the correct answer usingthe codè given below the
List- List-11
A. Fatigue 1. Material continues to deform with timeundersustained loading
B. Creep 2. Decreased resistance of material to repeatedreversals of stress
C. Plasticity 3. Material has a high probability of not failingunder reversals of stress of
magnitude belowthis level
D. Endurance limit 4. Material continues to deform without anyfurther increase in stress
A) 2 143 (B)2 1 34 (C)1243 (D) 1 234
33. Creep is the gradual increase of
(A) plastic strain with time at constant load. (B) elastic strain with time at constant load
(C) plastic strain with time at varying load. (D) elastic strain with time at varying load
34. Creep of a material is a property indicated by
(A) a time dependent strain of the material
(B) elongation of the material due to changes inthe material properties
(C) shortening caused by shrinkage of themember
(D) the decrease in the volume of the materialaffected by the weather conditions
35. True stress o is related with eonventions! stres
(A)(1+¬} (B) (1+¬) TUD( 1+E (D) +E
36. According to St. Venant's principle
(A) Deformations ofall materials for a given loading are equal
(B) it is a method of determining stress conditions at the end of the plates
(C) Stress conditions approach uniformly as the distance from the point of applications of the toad increase
(D) After a point of time the stresses in a loaded member tend to relieve
37. Consider the following salient points in a stressstrain curve of a mild steel bar:
1. Yield point 2. Breaking point 3. Yield plateau
4. Proportionality limit 5. Ultimate point
The corect sequence in which they occur while testing the mild steel bar in tension from initial zero strain
to failure is
(A) 4,1,2,3 and 5 (B) 1,4,3,5 and 2. (C)4, 1,3, 5 and 2 (D) 1,4, 2, 3 and 5

505 Turning Point Complex, opp. Omkar Row House, Uttran, Surat, Gujarat 394105
MO:84606 37673 FACEBOOK:- GCSA Surat INSTAGRAM-gesasurat
38. Some structural members subjected to long time sustained loads deform progressively with timeespecially at
elevated temperatures.What is such a phenomenon called?
(A) Fatigue (B) Creep (C) Creep relaxation (D) Fracture
39. A plane element is subjected to a shearing stresses of 50MPa. The principal stresses existing in this element
and the directions of the planes on which they occur would be respectively.
(A) 50 MPa at 45° (B) 50 MPa at 90° C) 7 MPa at 45° (D) 7 MPa at 90°
40. Complimentary shear stresses are the shear stresses acting on a set of planes which are
(A) having zero normal stress (B) having maximum normal stress
(C) at an angle of 45° to each other (D) orthogonal to each other
41 The state ofstressesonan element. The values of stresses are ox (-32 MPa): oy (=-10 MPa) and major
principal stress al (40 MPa). The minor principal stress o2 is
(A)-22Mpa. (B)-18Mpa.
(C) 22 MPa. (D) indeterminate due to insufficient data
42.The radius of Mohr's circle is zero when the state of stress is such tha
(A) shear stress is zeo.
(B) there is pure shear E ND S perpendicular directions
(C) there is no shear stressbut identical direct stresses in two mutúally
(D) there is no shearstress but equal direct stresses, opposite in nature, ín fwo mutually
perpendicular directions
43. If the principal stresses at a point in a stressed body are 150 kN/m* tensileand 50 kN/m compressive, then
maximum shearstress at thispoint will be
(A) 100 kN/m* (B) 150 KN/m (C) 200 kN/m? (D) 250kN/m
44. If a body carries two unlike principal stresses, what is the maximum shear stress?
(A) Half the difference of magnitude ofthe principal stresses
(B) Halfthe sum of the magnitude of principal stresses
(C)Difference of the magnitude of principal stresses
(D) Sum of the magnitude of principal stresses
45. A thin rod of 10 mm diameter is subjected to a tensile force of 7850 N. What are the principal stresses and
maximumn shear stress?
(A) 70 MPa, 50 MPa, 10 MPa. (B) 100 MPa, zero, 50 MPa
(C) 100 MPa, 50 MPa, 25 MPa (D) 100 MPa, zero, zero
46. The statical and kinematic indeterminacy for the given truss respectively are
(A) 1,21
(B) 2,20
(C) 1,22
(D) 2,22
47. A cantilever carries a load at C as shown in the given figure. The deflection atB is

(A) 1) GCSA

(C) El Constant

48. Ihe statical and kinematic indeteminacy of the given truss respectively are
(A) 13,27
(B) 13, 30
(C) 10, 30
(D) 10, 27

505 Turning Point Complex, opp. Omkar Row House, Uttran, Surat, Gujarat 394105
MO:84606 37673 FACEBOOK-GCSA Surat INSTAGRAM:-gcsasurat
4.For the section Shown below, aecond
area is
moment of the area about an axis d/4 dístance above the bottom of the
(B) od d
50. Given uniform proppod cantilever has span L. and flexural rigidity El. The flexibility coefficient corresponding
to rotation of propped end is

S1.Consider the beam AB ghown In thefigure below. Part AC ofthebeam is ngd while Part CB has the flexural
rigidity El ldentifythe corect combination of deflection at end B and bendinig moment at end A, respectively


(B) PL
(C 3E 2PL
52. A simply supported beam of length L carries a point load Pas shown. The maximum deflection occurs at

A) L2-bfrom A
fromB A

C) rom A

53. Principal strains at a point are 100X 10 and-200 X 10* What is the maximum shear strain at the point?
(A) 300 X 10 (B) 200 X 10 (C) 150 X 10° (D) 100 X 10°
54. Major principal stress at a point is 220 MPa. Theradius of Mohr's stress circle is 70 MPa What is the minor principal
stress at the point"?
(A) 150 MPa (B) 100 MPa ILS (D) 50 MPa
55. The principal stresses developed at a point are +60,-60, 0 M Pa. Using shear strain energy theory, factor of safety
obtained is v3 What is yield stress of the material ?
(A) 60 MPa (B)120 MPa (C) 60 3 MPa (D) 180 MPa
56. For the beam shown below, the vertical reactions at A and B are Respectively
(A) 2 kN, 3 kN.
(B) 3 kN, 2 kN.
(C)-1 kN, 1 kN.
(D) 1 kN, -1 KN
57. For the shear force to be uniform throughout the span of a simply supported beam, it should carry which one
of the following loadings?
(A)Aconcentrated load at mid span
(B) UDL over the entire span

505 Turning Point Complex, opp. Omkar Row House, Uttran, Surat, Gujarat 394105
MO-84606 37673 FACEBOOK GCSA Surat INSTAGRAM-gesasurat
(C)A couple anywhere within its span
(D) Two concentrated loads equal in magnitude and placed at equal distance from each support
58. For a cantilever (dM/dx = a) constant for its whole length. What is the shape of the SF diagram for the beam
(c) A parabola (d) A hyperbola
(a) Rectangle (6) Triangle
59. SF diagram for a simply supported beam is a rectangle with its longer side equal to beam length. What type
of load is acting on the beam? 10 kN/m
(A) Concentrated load at its mid span
(B) UDL Over its whole span
2 m 2 m 2 m
(C) Concentrated load along with a couple at a point on beam length
(D) Couple at a point on the beam length
60. A cantilever beam of span carries a uniformly varying load of zero intensity a the free end and w per metre
at the fixed end. What does the between at the limits
length integration ofthe
ordinate of the load diagram
of free and fixed ends of the beam give?
(A) Bending moment at the fixed end
free.cnd.XAMShear force at the fixed end
(C Bending moment at the (D) Shearforce at the free end
61. Which one of thefollowing js the correct statement?
f for a beam, dM/dx = 0for its whole length, the beamis a cantilever
(A) Free from anyload
(B) subjected to a concentrated load at its free end
(C) subjectedtoän end moment (D) subjected to a UDL over ifs whole span
62.The shape of theshearforce diagram for a Load cantilever beam carrying uniformly distributed load
throughout itslength is
(A) a straight line (B) a parabola. O (C)a hyperbola. D)an ellipse
63. A simplýsupported beam with a gradually varying load from zero at B' and 'w' per unit lengthat 'A. The
shear force at '8'is equal to
(B)2wl/3. (C) wl.
64. Shear force at a section of a horizontal beam is the
A) algebraic sum of the vertical forces toany one side of the section
18) algebraic sum of the moments of all forces on any one side of the section

1C) algebraic sum of the moments ofallforces on both sides of the section
D) algebraic sum of the vertical forces on both sides of the section
65. If the shear force diagram of a simply supported beam is parabolic,the beam is subjected to
(B) a series of concentrated load
(A) uniformly distributed load.
(C) linearly varying load. (D) moments applied at the supports
66. In a-E Curve for mild steel, load at which considerable extension occurs with decrease in resistance is known


(A) Upper yield point (B) Breaking load (C) Ultimate load (D) None of these
67. f SFD betweentwosections varies linearly,BMbeweenthese sections varies
(A)linearly. (B) parabolically AC)Eonstant (D none of these
68.At section of beam sudden change in BM indicates the action of
(C) point load or couple (D) udl
(A) point load. (B) couple.
69. Rate of change of shear force at any section of a beam represents at that section.
(A) Rate of bending moment (8) Rate of loading
(C)A hinge condition (D) None of these
70. If a simply supported beam is loaded with point load W at the centre then what is the ratio of bending
moment at the support to the bending moment at the centre?
(A) 0.5 (B)0 (C) 1 (D) 2
71. A rod of length Lis hanging vertically and carries a load P at the bottom. Ifthe weight per unit length of the
rod be w, then the tensile force in the rod at a distance y from the support is given by
(A)P (B) P-wy (C) P +wy (D) P+wL-y)

505 Turning Point Complex, opp. Omkar Row House, Uttran, Surat,Gujarat 394105
MO:-84606 37673 FACEBOOK GCSA Surat INSTAGRAM-gcsasurat
72. Which of the following statements are correct?
i) Algebraic sum of Area of Shear Force Diagram between two sections is equal to the difference
between Bending Moment values at those sections.
(i) Algebraic sum of Area of Bending Moment Diagram between two sections is equal to the difference
between Shear Force values at those sections.
(i) In Simply Supported Beams, algebraic sum of Area of Shear Force Diagram on left side of any section
is same as that on the right side of that section.
() In Simply Supported Beams, algebraic sum of Area of Bending Moment Diagram on left side of any
section is same as that on the right side of that section.
(A) (i) and (ii) (B) () and (iv) (C) (i) and (in) (D) (i) and (iv)
73.Determine the maximum tensile stress at the section XX in the figure below:
(A) 2P/bd
(B) 4P/bd. V E E X A N**

(C) 6P/bd
(D) 8P/bd
74. A block of volume V mm*e is,sübjected to hydrostatic pressure p MPa:' Módulus of elasticity is E GPa and
Poisson's ratio v =0.5. Which'statement is trueabout the block?
(A) Bulk modulus K = oo, perfectly incompressible ánd change in volume is tero
(B) Bulk modülus K =0, perfectly incompressible and change in volume is c
(C) Bulk modulus K =, perfectly incompressible and change in volume is |ero.
and change in volume is zero.
(D) Bulkmodulus K =o, perfectly compressible
which the body tends to extend its
75. When a body is subjected to two equal and opposite pulls, as a result of
length, the stress and strain induced are (B) Compressive stress and compressive strain
(A)Tensilestress and compressive strain (D) Tensil stress and tensile strain
stress and tensile strain
76. Which of the following stresses is measured on inclined surface in Mohr's Circle Method?

Principal stress (B) Normal stress (C) Tangential stress (D) Maximum stress
77. The(A)
principal stresses at a point in a two-dimensional stress system are 0, and 0, and corresponding principal
strains are<and ce. If E and pu denote Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio,
then which one of the following is correct?

TA)o= ExG (B) B ( lt Ez) C)o eltu Eg) (D) oE(el +p E2)
100 x10 and -200 x 10°.
78. Calculate the maximum shear strain at the point where principal strains are
(A) 300 x 10 (B) 200 x 10 C) 150 x 10 (D) 100 x 10
line. bending moment diagram will be
79.1f Shear force diagram of a beam is an ascending and descending straight
(A) Parabolic curve (B) zero
(C) horizontal line D) Same as Shear force diagram
80. What is the number of kinematic indeterminacies for the building frame as shown in figure when member is
(B) 14
(C) 27
D) 29
81.Degree ofredundancy for the given frame is Mrnged

(A) 3
(B) 9
(C) 13
(D) 15
82. Which method does not fall under the category of displacement methods?
(A) Moment distribution method (B) Slope deflection method
(C) method of consistent deformation (D) Kani's method

505 Turning Point Complex, opp. Omkar Row House, Uttran, Surat, Gujarat 394105
MO 8460637673 FACEBOOK:- GCSA Surat INSTAGRAM :-gcsasurat
83.Consider following statements:
1. Modulus of toughness is total strain energy per unit volume upto ultimate stress point,
2. Ductile metals are tough and brittle materials are hard.
(A) Only 1 (B) Only 2 C) Both 1 and 2 (D) None of these
84.A simply supported beam carrying unifomly varying load from zero at each end to w per unit length at the
centre. The maximum bending moment is (take total length ofbeam is 2L)
(A) wL6 (B) wL/3 C) wIL 14 (D) wL/12
85.The following two statements are made with reference to the plane truss shown below.
I. The truss is statically determinate
2. The truss is Kinematically deteminate
Which reference to the above statements. which of the
following applies?
(A) Both statements are true (B) Both statements are false
(C) 2 is true but 1 is false (D) I is true but2 is false
86.The unit load method used in structural analysis is
(A) applicable only to statically indeterminatestructures
(B) another name for stiffness tmethod
(C) an extension of Maxwell's reciprocal theorem
(D) devired from castigliano's theorem
87. Match
List-I (Method) with List-ll (Factor) and sélectthe correct answer using the code given below the lists:

A. Moment distribution method 1. Rotation factor
B. Slope deflection method 2. Flexibility
C. Kani's method 3. Hardy Cross
D. Force method 4. Displacements
5. otiffness matrices
(A)3412 (B) 2153
C)2413 (D)3152
88. Which one of the following statements is correct ? The principal of superposition is applicable to
(A) nonlinear behavior of material and small displacement
(B) nonlinear behavior of material and large displacement theory.
C) linear elastic behavior of material and small displacement theory.
D) linear elastic behavior of material and large displacement theory
89. A uniform simply supported beam is subjected to a clockwise moment M at the left end. What is the moment
required at the right end so that rotation of the right end is zero?
(A) 2M (B) M C) M/2 (D) M/3
90. Which one of the following statements specifies shear flow?
(A) Flow of shear force along the beam
(B) it is the product of the shear strëss at any level and the corresponding width b (of the section)
(C) Unbalanced force on any side of given section divided by area ofsection
(D) The deformation at any level due tosudder variationin shear stress7
91. Consider the following: Assumptionsinthe analysis.of/aplane truss:
1. The individual members are
2. The individual members are connected by frictionless hinges.
3. The loads and reactions acts only at the joints,
Which of the following assumptions are valid?
(A) 1 and 2 (B) 1 and 3 (C) 2 and 3 (D) 1, 2 and 3
92. A beam carries a uniformly distributed load throughout its length, In which of the following conditions will the strain
energy be maximum ?
(A) Cantilever (B) Simply supported (C) Propped cantilever (D) Fixed beam
93. An increase in temperature on the top fiber of a simply supported beam will cause
(A) Downward defiection (B) Upward deflection
(C) No deflection (D) Angular rotation about neutral axis
94. Force method in structural analysis always ensures
(A) compatibility of deformation (B) equilibrium of forces
(C) kinematically admissible strains (D) overall safety

505 Turning Point Complex, opp. Omkar Row House, Uttran, Surat, Gujarat 394105
MO: 84606 37673 FACEBOOK:- GCSA Surat INSTAGRAM-gesasurat
95. Which of the following methods is not classifiable as a Force Method ?
(A) The Theorem of Three Moments (B) The Moment Distribution Method
(C) The Method of consistent Deformation (D) Castigliano's Theorem
96. For the portal frame shown in the
given figure, the shear equation is
(A)8CMca + P = 0 4 m
(B) BA MAR + P = 0
El Constant 4m
(C)BAMAR 4 NCD + P = 0 4 m
(D)Mc+P =0

97.In the slope-deflection equations, deformations are considered to be caused by

(A) Shear forces and bendingmoments onlyAMB) Axial,fprces, shear forces and bending moments
(C) Axial forces and bending momants only (D) Bending moments only
98. What is the ratio of load camyingcapacityofa fixed beam to that of a cantileverbéam of same span, having same
maximum bending moment and loaded with uniformly distributed load throughout the spán?
(A)6 (B)4 (C) 3 D2)
99. Carry-over factor at a support/end is defined as
(A) Modulus of Elasticity El
moment at that support /end
(B) The ratio of moment produced at the far end to the applied
(C) The alue of the moment to be applied to that end to cause a local slope of one radian
(D) 2 EK /
100. Match List-I with List-ll and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists:
List 11
ListI 1. Displacement of joints in a truss
A. Maxwell's diagram
B. Henneberg's Method 2. Deflection by numerical procedure
C. Newmark's Method 3. Forces in bar members
D. Williot-Mohr diagram 4. Concept of substitute member
Codes A B
4 (B) 3 1
(A) 3
4 (D)

(C) asiyulotoll (D) SIEL i l l

(A) R u d t (B)iNE

(A)dult 1 uj ud 2 .
(C) ua Qul uai d. (0) wa Qtll vRa d.

(B) u 18[l seA av udrlrlj una.

(C) Hu2dotl 2UGRAHiotl tHlA AucNai yolglon es 2,

(B) AlEsct-317 (D) lest-322

(A) lësct-311 (C) ulësCt-315

505 Turning Point Complex, opp. Omkar Row House, Uttran, Surat, Gujarat 394105


MO-84606 37673
(A) GsaAUl Ut2aa
(8) uuuIotl utzaid
(D) astylta
106. e ASSI VS
(a) H iuardl 2zst (1) AuEst -

(b) UUt Aslie *aRA (2) AlEst
- 280
(c) aituLNltl 2Usl (3) lEsa- 40
(d) ougi s{letat (4) EsA - 165
(A) b-4.a-3.c-1.d-2 (B) a-4.c-1.d-2.b-3 (C) c-4,a-3,b-2.c-1 (D) c-2,b-4,a-3,d-1
107. 2U*AAi iuual 2Uotl«ll dqLS AURe{lu
elaulatotlgSs2u uëscani saauHi uaa ?
(A) Auëset 249 ()
lEset- 243 (H)
(C) 3AEsea - 243 () (D) s a -243 ( )

(A) gs iuldol (B) Rca iuadl

109. euzct Hua siuEl «AsA (Aall *otra)l Augs S s ?

(A) u a
(C) asiyt (D) uauA

(A) 1915 (B) 1907 (C) 1920 (D) 1911


(A) AE (B) BeR ol2a (C) Uuyu

(A) iuad üal (B) rilGs uauaet (C) 2ia (D) ®CeL åiNA
113. NcaL iuaddl dós UHlzl la sel? eL2dll
(D) E2 9 HIA

(A)Sa Aal%al Hxld yuz-suR s2 (B) UHBs aallsegi aua sui aolls2q
(D) nè2 AtRI uslA
115. Assi A.
(a) ldol Aell Vi2a (1) u e s c - 120

(b) iHEHi qUuRqldl cuN (2) lësca- 151

(3) AlEsct - 79.
(d) iNE«ll 2Uu (4) 2AIEsct - 76

505 Turning Point Complex, opp. Omkar Row House, Uttran, Surat, Gujarat 394105
MO-84606 37673 FACEBOOK: GCSA Surat INSTAGRAM :- gesasurat
(A) (c)-(4). (a)-(2). (d)-(3), (b)-(1) (B) (d)-(3), (b)-(2), (c)-(1), (a)-(4)
(C) (a)-(4). (c)-(2). (d)-(1). (b)-(3) (D) (b)-(1),. (d)-(3), (a)-(4), (c)-(2)
116. 3H èaualanel ugiclel ua Aaui. Auel alagdb lau, u4es ut ua etsa2l uiazol

(A) ca iuud (B) 4 HHUN

(C) tGsl iuad (D) cau uuudol AaI uAAA
117. ugi QQas lua ofldotu 1Al szj su u t i otel ?

(A) s aNlde? () ta Hal ie? (C)9 HlUl ue?

119. iU As Au Mal (Union Public Service Commission UPSC) duru.

(A) U?dl 212ulA

(B) HE

(D)s ug stlë

4. 41I aL2l "2AulAs sasál'A vaua ElUG S2QLHi UA.

(D) Ha 1 M 2
(A) 1. 2, 3 4 4 (B) H1 2, 3 4 3 u 4

121. eURdott deall vaRdoj otlH VU

(A) Mala dARD (B) HSet alërtoll (C) . 2HUHl (D) 3.3. aeoNuG

(C) uadol Egddl dtulAU

505 Turning Point Complex, opp. Omkar Row House, Uttran, Surat, Gujarat 394105
MO:8460637673 FACEBOOK GCSA Surat INSTAGRAM:-gcsasurat
123. ysld iuad uAAa4, 1993- Nils u j ? úuud laiol egurtot éEHiotl azru?let

(A) lGst iuadl (B) rtlgs Ast uAsll

(C) Rcau iaadoll

(D) ulscd dHH LUHi

125. set iuad aAa, 1993 acivn M .oulaalarel,ueel assui sej sH 58l ASid ?
(A) sIRuN «AA-AL22a

126. t
(C) ua?uul eieel () teial iegll OR
i z d adGa, 1993ol AnausN ujU? Bee iuud Aa vyud iuçuHi Uartl H2aii

127. a Qul astA

1. HRdHl ilgl 2Al2T (Finance Commission) oll 2Utl sH 280 è60 GUZdll iuzlol AiaLS yIU
s2UHi Ud .
2. 154i ogu uuNll yed uiu qN u al sidsion 1 Ala 2020 e

(A) 1,2 4 3 cusl 2oe . (B)1 2 Usa 8

(C)1 4 3 aL ae
(B) oUU HauaA
(C) La uln
129. URctotl Ael vatzt idl AoiaLSA se sAHHi 6alaaui udea ?
(A) 75 (B) 76 (C) 77 (D) 78
130, "uadljegll aioiel udai auaeol eziaolAlat ouur-l cLS URrttl ziQuatil sel

(A) 243-0 (2M) (B) 243-N (t) (C) 243-M (U4) (D) 243-L (AGA)

505 Turning Point Complex, opp. Omkar Row House, Uttran, Surat, Gujarat 394105
MO-84606 37673 FACEBOOK GCSA Surat INSTAGRAM gcsasurat

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