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UNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN ACADEMIC YEAR 2016/2017 APRIL EXAMINATION MPU33173 SOCIOLOGY IN MALAYSIAN CONTEXT. THURSDAY, 11 MAY 2017 TIME: 2.00PM ~ 4.00PM (2 HOURS) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONS) FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS, BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONS) PHYSICS Instruction to Candidates: Read the instructions carefully. The question paper consists of three sections. Please write your answers on a new page for every section in the provided answer booklet. Section A - Multiple Choice Questions (30 Marks) Answer ALL the questions, Section B — Definition Questions (20 Marks) Answer FOUR of five questions, Section C — Essay Question (50 Marks) Answer only TWO of three questions. This question paper consists of 18 questions on 6 printed pages. 2 MPU33173 SOCIOLOGY IN MALAYSIAN CONTEXT. SECTION A: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (TOTAL: 30 MARKS} ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. QI. According to the functionalist perspective on racial and ethnic relations, various racial and ethnic groups _ always disrupts the social order. can contribute to the social order. can coexist without hurting one another. will always prove dysfunctional for a society. popPp ‘Mary was able to understand that her friend's suicide had to do with isolation from ressures created by family and friends. Q2. The above understanding shows that Mary probably possess social work skills, psychological insight. sociological imagination, inaccurate ideas about human behavior. pomp | Robert was a salesman who took a prospective client to dinner. He dressed carefully, spoke in a confident way. and hoped his guest did not notice his obvious flaws. Q3.__ The above situation shows that Robert was involved in presenting his ‘self. cynical manipulation predetermined role playing. oppositional social interaction, com> Q4. Emile Durkheim’s classic study of suicide makes the sociological point that social facts are unrelated to the rates of suicide. high suicide rates are caused by poor mental health. suicide rates can increase as a result of excessive isolation from people. divorce and widowed people have the same rate of suicide as married people. pop> This question paper consists of 23 questions on 6 printed pages. 3 MPU33173 SOCIOLOGY IN MALAYSIAN CONTEXT John works overtime and he therefore cannot spend as much time with his children | as he would like. He feels guilty but knows that if he does not work overtime, he could lose his job. Q5. The above situation is an example of poe> role conflict. role fatigue. role overload. conflicting subordinate statuses. ‘Human beings can never be puppets to society all the time because it is impossible 10 be entirely socialized. Q6. Based on the above statement, which is NOT a reason why human beings cannot be entirely socialized? poRp We are all different individuals and behave the way we want. In learning to obey the rules, we may also learn how to break them. Complete socialization would make us unhappy and probably neurotic. Socializing influences are not always consistent and harmonious with one another. Q7. Goffman suggests that even when there is not a script for how people should communicate or behave with each other, such as an embarrassing situation, the participants will use gyow> tactful blindness. ignoring techniques. non-verbal techniques. saving face techniques. Q8. How does Karl Marx view the difference between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat? pop ‘The workers want a classless society while the owners do not. ‘The capitalists own the means of production and the workers do not. ‘The workers are satisfied with their situation and the owners are not. Blue collar workers have become more prosperous while the owners have not. ‘This question paper consists of 23 questions on 6 printed pages MPU33173 SOCIOLO! Q@. Quo. Qu Qi2. 4 y IN MALAYSIAN CONTEXT. Micheal was a factory worker and never graduated from high school. His son, however, went 1 college. Based on the above social mobility, sociologists use the concept of to understand the difference attainments of father and son. career mobility horizontal mobility. intergenerational mobility. intragenerational mobility. com> Which of the following aspects of family life would be of the most interest to symbolic interactionists? A. The interaction between husband and wife. B. How a family is a haven in a heartless world. C. The interaction between the family and the economy. D. The way the family functions to promote emotional support. Social class affected the life chances of those involved in the Titanic tragedy because A. awide variety of persons perished. B. life boats were placed nearer the front of the boat. C. people at the first class level were allowed to leave first. D. __ persons at the third class level were allowed to leave first. Auguste Comte sought to develop a science of society by focusing on the interplay between biology and society religion and science. conflict and consensus. social statics and social dynamics. comp ‘The process by which people create through social interaction a certain idea, feeling, or belief about their environment is called the playing of social roles. cultural dynamics of reality social construction of reality cooperative social interaction. com> This question paper consists of 23 questions on 6 printed pages. 5 MPU33173 SOCIOLOGY IN MALAYSIAN CONTEXT. Q14, Surveys are especially useful for pore collecting information about persons in an unobtrusive way. the careful control of experimental and extraneous variables. grasping the subjective meanings persons attach to the activities of others describing the characteristics of large numbers of people in an efficient way QUS. The experience of a sense of shame or guilt emerged because we know we have done something wrong and thus, we are powp SECTION B: DEF) worrying too much. internalizing cultural norms. experiencing external social control. responding to positive social sanctions. [Total: 30 marks} ION QUESTIO! 20 MARI ANSWER FOUR (4) OF FIVE QUESTIONS BELOW. QI. Define in brief each of the following concepts. Give examples where appropriate (@) (b) (©) @ ©) Disintegrative shaming (5 marks) Secondary groups (5 marks) Achieved status, (5 marks) Cultural lag 5 marks) Sexism (5 marks) (Total: 25 marks) This question paper consists of 23 questions on 6 printed pages. 6 MPU33173 SOCIOLOGY IN MALAYSIAN CONTEXT. SECTION C: ESSAY QUESTION [50 MARKS There are three essay questions, answer only TWO (2) of three questions. Indicate your question number clearly and write on a fresh page of the answer booklet. Qi The influx of foreign workers in the country had caused uneasiness among the Malaysians as they believe the migrant workers are the cause of the social | problems in our society. However, their contribution is needed in the critical 3D (dirty, difficult and dangerous) economy sector as our locals do not want to take up L such jobs. Discuss how far you agree with the issue above. Analyze critically by applying any ONE(\) of sociological perspective to support your argument. [Total: 25 marks] Q2. Functionalists argue that the family plays a major role as the first and primary agent of socialization. How far do you agree with the functionalists? Evaluate using functionalism and support your arguments with Malaysian examples. [Total: 25 marks] ‘According 10 functionalism, education benefits the society. However, education also brings harm because it is a mean and cause for social stratification to become entrenched in society. Evaluate the above statements and support your arguments with some Malaysian’s examples, [Total: 25 marks] This question paper consists of 23 questions on 6 printed pages.

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