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UNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN ACADEMIC YEAR 2017/2018 APRIL EXAMINATION MPU33173 SOCIOLOGY IN MALAYSIAN CONTEXT MONDAY, 7 MAY 2018 TIME: 2.00PM — 4.00PM (2 HOURS) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONS) FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONS) PHYSICS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: All answers are to be written in the examination answer booklet(s) provided. Section A: Answer ALL the questions. Section B: Answer FOUR questions only. Section C: Answer TWO questions only. ‘This question paper consists of 23 questions on 8 printed pages. 2 173 SOCIOLOGY IN MALAYSIAN CONTEXT. SECTION A: (TOTAL: 30 MARI ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS. Qi. @. @ 4. Jacob was conducting a research on the Malaysian films. He had to go to the National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (FINAS) to search for the information. During the process he was able to collect secondary sources that were needed for his research. This form of data collection technique is known as experiment. ethnography. participant observation, analysis of existing data, [Total: 2 marks] The system is practised among the Hindus where it consists of the Brahman, Kshairiya, Vaisya and Shudra which constitutes their job scope due to their status. caste; ascribed. ascribed; caste. class; ascribed. ascribed; class. [Total: 2 marks] gOp> Children goes through several stages in “learning how to think”. Name the order according to the age factor. A. Sensorimotor; concrete operational; preoperational; formal operational. B. _ Sensorimotor; preoperational; concrete operational; formal operational. C. — Conerete operational; sensorimotor; preoperational; formal operational. D. Concrete operational; sensorimotor, formal operational; preoperational. [Total: 2 marks} What are the elements that were required when one is “presenting the self"? A. Role distance; front stage; backstage. B. _ Role distance; centre stage; backstage. C. Role difference; front stage; backstage. D. _ Role difference; centre stage; backstage. [Total: 2 marks} This question paper consists of 23 questions on 8 printed pages. MPU33173 SOCIOLOGY IN Qs, Q6. Q7. QB. 3 MALAYSIAN CONTEXT ‘The functionalist perspective had several theorists who discussed on the deviance aspect. Which of the following is NOT included in this category? A. Strain theory. B. Power theory C. Control theory D. —Shaming theory. [Total: 2 marks] Cassandra used to be a very hardworking student. She always scores straight As in all her subjects. Unfortunately, her family was going through a financial crisis as her father lost his job and her mother is a housewife. The incident had distracted her concentration in her studies and she performed poorly in her final school examination, This indicated Cassandra went through alan in her academic achievement, A. pushed mobili B. upward mobility, C. straight mobili D. — downward mobility. (Total: 2 marks} There are many female students who are enrolling in the engineering courses in the Malaysian universities. This shows a good sign that women in the 21° century are taking up professions that was once considered as a man’s job. The concept of had provided them the platform or opportunities to achieve greater heights in their careers. A. gender equality B. gender mobility. C. gender inequality. D. _ gender stratification. {Total: 2 marks} William owns an advertising company in the city. He is presently looking for candidates who meets his company’s criteria. He selects the candidates regardless of their ethnic, religion and gender background. This illustrates William is a/an and prejudiced; discriminator. unprejudiced; discriminator, prejudiced; nondiscriminator. unprejudiced; nondiscriminator. [Total: 2 marks} pom> This question paper consists of 23 questions on 8 printed pages. MPU. 4 173 SO OLOGY IN MALAYSIAN CONTEXT Q@. Quo. Qu Qi. Qi3, Viswanathan’s daughter is getting married and he is very busy preparing for this major event. However, there is one important aspect that he needs to give attention before planning out the wedding which is the selection of the marriage date. Who will he consult? A. The bride. B. The groom. C. The temple priest. D. The elders in the family [Total: 2 marks] Majority of our Malaysians regardless of their ethnic and religion would still want to preserve their tradition and cultural heritages by blending in the and in their lives. eastem values; modern principles. eastern values; western principles. modern values; great western principles. great eastern values; great western principles. [Total: 2 marks] popp Rihana and Kirana are sisters and were not in talking terms for more than a decade. Kirana’s son is going to be engaged and she sent an invitation card to her older sister. Despite of their misunderstanding, Rihana still attended her nephew's engagement. This situation shows Rihana at the event. A. no face. B. lose face. C. give face. D. thick face. [Total: 2 marks] Which of the following religion/teaching is NOT practiced by the majority Malaysian Chinese? A. Taoism. B. Hinduism. C. Buddhism, D. — Confucianism. [Total: 2 marks] Daisy was not satisfied with the decision that her boss made for the project. She could not communicate or speak directly to her superior because it may be A. unwritten, B. unspoken. C, less direct. D. disrespectful. [Tot marks} This question paper consists of 23 questions on 8 printed pages. 5 MPU33173 SOCIOLOGY IN MALAYSIAN CONTEXT 4. ais. Mikhail came to Malaysia on a student exchange programme. He was invited by Roshan’s family to attend Deepavali ‘open house’ at their residence. Mikhail almost stepped into the house without removing his shoes and Roshan politely explained the Malaysian culture, Roshan’s action had saved Mikhail from A. approval. B. _ politeness. C. understanding. D. embarrassment. (Total: 2 marks} The following represents the social stratification of a Malaysian society EXCEPT A. power. B. wealth. C. society. D. prestige. [Total: 2 marks} This question paper consists of 23 questions on 8 printed pages. 6 MPU33173 SOCIOLOGY IN MALAYSIAN CONTEXT ON 20 MARK: ANSWER FOUR (4) QUESTIONS ONLY. Define and explain each of the following concepts. Give a relevant example. QI. Feudal system [Total : 5 marks} Q2. Gender inequality {Total : $ marks] Ethnicity {Total : 5 marks] Q4. Superstitions [Total : 5 marks] QS. Relationship orientation {Total : 5 marks} This question paper consisis of 23 questions on 8 printed pages. 7 MPU33173 SOCIOLOGY IN MALAYSIAN CONTEXT ANSWER TWO (2) QUESTIONS ONLY Read the situation below and answer QI. The bankruptey issue had been widely discussed for the past several years, Relevant authorities had taken various steps to educate especially the youth on how to manage their financial income. However, these youths ended up in bankruptcy | due to their lifestyles. They are believed to spend excessively on branded items | such as clothes, shoes, handbags, costly cars and extravagant weddings, QI. In your opinion, how far do you agree that the lifestyle had caused the bankruptcy scenario? Analyze critically the situation based on wealth, power and prestige in the context of symbolic interactionist perspective. (Total: 25 marks] Read the situation below and answer Q2. There are various forms of cybercrimes taking place in our nation, One of the serious crime that took place is the leakage of our personal information due to our mobile phones. This data breach had caused the consumers to be in distressed as they worry that their personal data may or will be misused in criminal activities. The police have taken action by trying to detect and trace these criminals from further damaging or abusing the victims information. However, we as the mobile phone users need to be more cautions of the problem that is taking place so that we will not fall into the seammers trap. Q2. Analyze how far do you agree with the case above? Critically explain by applying TWO (2) sociological paradigms to support your argument. [Total: 25 marks] This question paper consists of 23 questions on 8 printed pages 8 MPU33173 SOCIOLOGY IN MALAYSIAN CONTEXT Read the situation below and answer Q3. i | Language/datect plays a vital role in identifying one’s root, clan, ethnic, race, | origin and country. Many Malaysians are worried that the younger children today | do not have the knowledge of their mother tongue language/dialect. This situation | occurs because of several reasons such as the medium or language of instruction in | schools, languages/dialects conversed in the family and the influence of media such as films. It indirectly makes them feel that these are the important and dominant languages/dialects that they need to know to communicate. However, this scenario will cause various languages/dialects endangered that may lead to extinction. Q3. Examine how far do you agree with the matter above? Justify your argument by applying TWO (2) sociological theories. [Total: 25 marks} This question paper consists of 23 questions on 8 printed pages.

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