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plant driven by a 500 h.p.

turbine to carry out Heroult's

of all naval hospitals, dispensaries and laboratories,

1561. His known opposition to the new learning in religion

to hospitality are found close to the entrance; while those


4344. It has long been a place of pilgrimage to which

value than the pot-acid, as it contains more impurities.

Chlorophyceae and Phaeophyceae exhibit important affinities,

of the European squadron sent to the coast of Albania as

of France where the climate is somewhat but not much more

but was in Theodore's power in Tigre. The following table

eldest son, Haeli Melicoth, to succeed him. Melicoth at once

cooling down, most of the sodium carbonate is separated in

AMMONIUS GRAMMATICUS, the supposed author of a treatise

of himself and his successors until the Tatar invasion of

island. An engagement followed in which the Aeginetans were

Or lest I should be by and by;

a depot for transhipment to the south and west. Among the

Thomas Graham (Phil. Trans., 1861, p. 163); the first

before, these twenty years last past, than perhaps a sixth of

Khawak (11,600 ft.) is not a high pass; the grades are easy

Gregory, and the conversion of Armenia to Christianity.

which he had undertaken to defend. This danger became a

The Women of Aetna in honour of the new town. He paid a

ideas. Moritz Cantor suspects the influence of Diophantine

mercenaries in Italy and the Levant, during the 13th and 14th

the Greeks named it Abydos, like the city on the Hellespont;

place ever since has been derived from its relation to this
business or occupation, trade or calling for the greater part

broader than the black-skinned individuals. We may assume

division of the ambulance service into ``bearer companies''

royal declaration, was to cultivate and improve the national

and to report whether any, and if so what, amendments were

silkworm disease at Alais, and the town has dedicated a bust

cautious in the opinions he expressed, as his literary errors

Aulus Gellius xvii. 21; and article MACEDONIAN EMPIRE.

act books earlier than 1641, or prize sentences earlier than

command of an army. The aged chief returned an answer full

The last procured his election as an associate of the Royal

planes, commanded by the fort and the outworks, and by the

at Bona the first expedition against Constantine. This

became conspicuous and are to be recognized in the actual

Gloucestershire. Trained in the monastery of Hales he was

commissioners, to which the sultan adhered on the 4th of the

dans l'Afrique barbaresque (1903); General Faure-Biguet,

things of nature newly found by man and opening to his coming;

blind preacher, James Waddel (1739-1805), whose eloquence

discovery, for his solution is now known as Cardan's Rule.

termination of an action, for the allowance of costs.

punishment. While for all common forms of fraud the common

Jevons (Element. Lessons in Logic, C. xxiii.), John Venn

this sentence: "If we accept the confirmatory evidence afforded

nails. In an ammunition or shell store these precautions need

Countries as aide-de-camp to General (Lord) Ligonier, and

chromatic or achromatic at will, without altering its spherical

exceptional facilities for smuggling, and liquor bas always

ACORUS CALAMUS, sweet-sedge or sweet-flag, a plant of the

ABUTMENT, a construction in stone or brickwork designed to

and edited from 1824 to 1854 by Edwin Croswell (1797-1871), was

Florence in 1428. He was famous for his learning, especially

of Lead Accumulators, p. 55) have also given tables.

and further agreed to cede to France the tiny group of islands

of the image depend upon the refractive indices of the

Preveza and the extreme south; these may be estimated at

Between September 1493 and the time of his last voyage (May

that the Athenians erected in his honour a noble statue

to heritable property in Scotland by the Entail Amendment Act

and several learned societies. The industries include

the 9th or 10th century, and to a large extent constituted by

which usually affect the mind of a contemporary" (Gibbon).

sent against the place both by the king of Dahomey from the

plants, and the oospore of Cutleria has been observed to

is too expensive, they can be erected in tiers; but, if

century B.C.; with so much freedom, indeed, that they must

attention by his exhibition at the Salon of two female

inquiry. The deputation became zealous converts, and on

estuary (liman) of the Dniester, 12 m. from the Black Sea.

the superintendence of a bailiff. Below the villeins in the

is exercising an attractive power upon the Jews. For all

himself to take the observations, and accordingly the first

was traversed by several explorers, among whom may be mentioned

and the scene in former days of sorrowful leave-takings.

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