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Model Formulation to Estimate

Manpower Demand for the

Real-Estate Construction
Projects in India

Anil L. Agarwal B. L. Rajput Er. Satpute Mangesh A.

NICMAR; 25/1, Balewadi, Pune (India) NICMAR; 25/1, Balewadi, Pune (India) Gherzi Eastern Ltd., Mumbai (India)

DOI 10.5592/otmcj.2013.2.1 Real Estate as well as Infrastructure constructions are a

Research Paper part of the development and indicators of the growth of the
economy. At any point of time huge amount of construction is
carried out across pan India, with natural cycle of ups and downs
in the quantum of work executed per annum. Construction
requires large number of manpower in the categories of
un-skilled, skilled and technical for planning, monitoring and
execution of these projects. Manpower demand estimation is
an essential component to facilitate manpower deployment.
The construction output and manpower constants are found to
Keywords be the most significant and sensitive factors determining the
Manpower, Estimation, demand of construction manpower. In this paper efforts are
Real-estate, Planning,
made to formulate the model to assist in predicting manpower
demand for effective deployment of the construction manpower
Regression Model
from the contractor perspective.

828 o rga n i za t i o n , te ch n ol o g y a n d ma na ge m e n t i n co nst r u c t i o n · an international journal · 5(2)2013

INTRODUCTION after these scientific and mathemati- intense interest in this topic. The work
Manpower requirement for the con- cal methods are available to calculate in 20th and 21st century is notable as
struction of real estate projects is dif- manpower for the construction project, many countries have recognized the
ferent for the contracting agencies that still most of the construction contrac- importance of forecasting and applied
do the construction of the project from tors don’t do manpower estimation for various forecasting methodologies to
the client who carry out the supervision want of time. Construction contractors determine the future training needs
of the construction. Being an important need approximate numbers only, as (James Wong 2004). This section of
resource, proper planning of manpower during construction period actual men paper critically reviews these forecast-
on construction projects is a major con- deployment varies considerably. Thus, ing methodologies which have been
cern for Project Managers. The project there is need to develop an effective developed and used earlier for demand
construction manpower planning is method for manpower estimation at forecasting at project level.
primarily concerned with estimating project level to give ballpark number N K Kwak et al (1977) developed
the worker’s productivity, scheduling of personals to facilitate manpower a stochastic model for short term
manpower employment and structur- planning. Hence, this study is done demand forecasting of manpower
ing it into workers teams and work with following objectives so as to meet requirements for a particular functional
groups, with a view to economically the future manpower requirement for skill group. Bayesian decision analy-
match manpower supply with the task real-estate construction project. sis was used to produce a composite
requirements (K. K. Chitkara 2009). � To thoroughly understand the man- forecast of total skill group manpower
Estimating correct manpower require- power planning and deployment demand. This model is adaptable to
ments for each activity/work package practices for various building con- any organizations in which the demand
is an important function of manpower struction projects. for services from skill group is derived
planning team. Shortages in any typi- � To analyze and classify manpower from several projects or activities. In
cal category may result in time and demand at various categories. the United States, Georgia Department
cost overrun to construction projects � To relate project cost and the man- of Transportation (1993) developed a
with the reduction of overall productiv- power required and thus forecast- system for predicting construction
ity. However, the right combination of ing the required manpower for the engineering manpower system for
members to be included within a team particular project. Georgia Department of Transportation.
is very difficult to specify and there- This system is able to estimate number
fore a significant challenge exists in The model was developed based upon of employees and engineers required
forming a good project team (G Coates data collected from construction proj- for different construction projects Manpower forecasting is ects which were executed in India by based upon construction dollars. K R
needed to facilitate the construction using multiple regression method. Persad et al (1995) using simple regres-
programme and to prevent the damage This paper presents above said model sion and multiple regression tech-
to the company caused by attempts to which project managers can use for niques developed a forecasting model
undertake construction and when and estimating manpower requirements to forecast engineering manpower
where the resources are not available for construction projects. This paper is requirements in terms of engineering
(James M.W.Wong 2004). organized in four sections. Following man hours as well as engineering cost.
Traditionally, estimation of man- this introduction a review of man- They concluded from their study that
power required for each type of func- power forecasting methods follows. project construction cost and project
tion is based upon previous experi- Third section of this paper discusses type are excellent predictors of engi-
ence of executing similar types of data attributes and data collection neering manpower requirements. Bell
construction activities. Many hand- methods used to develop model fol- L C et al (2003) developed a model to
books, guideline and reference books lowed by result analysis and developed forecast manpower requirements as
are available which provides labour model. Finally conclusion from study a function of project types and cost
constants or productivity to arrive at is presented. for selected employee classifica-
manpower for various types of con- tion. Using data from 130 completed
struction activities. Indian standard Literature review highway construction projects and
codes on recommendation for labour Manpower forecasting is needed over 11000 employee payroll entries,
output constants for building works mainly to show expected demand regression analysis plots were gen-
(IS 7272) are published zonewise by the of each type of manpower on con- erated to predict overall manpower
Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi struction project sites. Since 1960’s requirements for project of given type
to standardised labour outputs. Even number of researchers have shown and cost.

a. l. agarwal · b. l. rajput · er. s. mangesh a. · model formulation to estimate manpower demand for the real.. · p p 828 - 833 829
Unstandardized Coefficients
Model Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta

(Constant) 9.276 2.562 3.621 .011

cost of project in Rs.

.026 .038 .274 .697 .512

a. Dependent Variable: Engineers Engineers = 9.276 + 0.026 * cost of project

Table 1. Coefficients for Engineers

Unstandardized Coefficients
Model Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta

(Constant) -.470 .563 -.835 .436

cost of project in Rs.

.055 .008 .938 6.628 .001

a. Dependent Variable: consultants Consultants = -0.470 + 0.055 * cost of project

Table 2. Coefficients for Consultants

Unstandardized Coefficients
Model Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta

(Constant) 2.332 .411 5.676 .001

cost of project in Rs.

.038 .006 .931 6.226 .001

a. Dependent Variable: administrators Administrators = 2.332 + 0.038 * cost of project

Table 3. Coefficients for administrators

Unstandardized Coefficients
Model Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta

(Constant) 154.454 22.282 6.932 .000

cost of project in Rs.

2.376 .329 .947 7.212 .000

a. Dependent Variable: shopfloor Shop Floor = 154.454 + 2.376 * cost of project

Table 4. Coefficients for Shop Floor level

Chan et al (2003) using simple regres- expenditure in the given project dura- for total project labour and ten essential
sion analysis developed a model to esti- tion. The model can also be used to trades by using multiple regressions.
mate total labour required for any given predict the number of jobs created for They concluded from their study that
type of project using labour demand a given level of investment. The govern- project labour demand depends not
cost relationship. Chan et al (2006) ment can apply this model to check and only on a single factor, but a cluster of
developed a forecasting model on the compare which project type will gener- variables related to the project charac-
basis of labour multipliers approach ate most jobs before committing public teristics, including construction cost,
by driving the relationship between money. Wong et al (2008) developed 11 project complexity attributes, physical
number of workers required and project manpower demand forecasting models site conditions and project type.

830 o rga n i za t i o n , te ch n ol o g y a n d ma na ge m e n t i n co nst r u c t i o n · an international journal · 5(2)2013

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .986a .973 .937 8.018

a. Predictors: (Constant), shopfloor, engineers, consultants, administrative

Table 5. Model Summary

Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

Regression 6995.013 4 1748.753 27.202 .011

Residual 192.862 3 64.287

Total 7187.875 7

a. Predictors: (Constant), shopfloor, engineers, consultants, administrative

b. Dependent Variable: cost of project in Rs. Crore

Table 6. ANOVA

Un standardized Coefficients
Model Coefficients T Sig.
B Std. Error Beta

(Constant) -41.764 19.616 -2.129 .123

engineers -.843 1.578 -.081 -.535 .630

consultants 3.027 5.901 .178 .513 .643

administrative 9.557 8.773 .388 1.089 .356

shopfloor .197 .077 .493 2.555 .084

a. Dependent Variable: cost of project in Rs. Crore

Table 7. Coefficients for all independent variables

Data collection and analysis Collected data about project cost and indicates that entire model is highly
residential/commercial building con- manpower used was used to develop correlated with cost of project. Total
structions during 2005-2012 are con- regression models for all four catego- variation defined by all the variables is
sidered for developing this estimation ries of manpower by using statistical 97.3% i.e. the project is feasible from
model. Manpower requirement varies software SPSS (Statistical Package data point of view with only 2.7% loss of
from building project to infrastructure for the Social Sciences). The outputs data. As per Statistics, if the value of R
project construction and hence data generated by regression analysis for = 1 then the respective model is highly
collection was done only from residen- all four categories of manpower are correlated and R = -1 then the model
tial or commercial building projects. presented respectively in Table 1, Table is highly correlated in reverse fashion
Questionnaire survey is used for col- 2, Table 3 and Table 4. In these tables, i.e. no positive relation can be obtain.
lection of data and data regarding man- the values in column “B” are the coef- In this case, R = 0.986 which is nearly
power utilized and total project costs ficients of the regression equation and equals to 1, hence the correlation can
were collected from selected construc- accordingly the regression models for be found out with very less amount of
tion project sites. Total manpower used various categories of manpower are loss in data. The ANOVA table tests
in all projects was categorized in to four formulated. the acceptability of the model from a
categories as Engineers, Consultants, Table 5 shows the Model summary in statistical perspective (Table 6). The
Administrators and Shop Floor level. which Correlation coefficient R = .986, Regression row displays information

a. l. agarwal · b. l. rajput · er. s. mangesh a. · model formulation to estimate manpower demand for the real.. · p p 828 - 833 831
Analyzed data based on
Manpower categories Actual data collected from site Difference
regression equations obtained

Engineers 15 11.85 3.15

Consultants 4 4.97 0.97

Administrators 6 6.09 0.09

Shop floor 397 389.67 7.33

Table 8. Comparative analysis between actual project vs models

about the variation accounted for by the Validity of the models construction methods, technology
model. The Residual row displays infor- Validity of models was tested by com- and construction materials to get
mation about the variation that is not paring predicted values with actual more accuracy.
accounted for by the model. The regres- values for construction project site
sion and residual sums of squares which is located in Mumbai. Forecasting Conclusion
are not equal, i.e. regression sum of performance of all four models is as Review of literature concluded that
squares is greater than residual sum shown in Table 8. project cost is one of the major fac-
of squares which indicates that about The results of the validation confirm tors which affect project manpower
entire of the variation is explained by that the forecasting models are predict- demand. Hence project cost and man-
the model. The significance value of ing manpower demand with very less power data from selected residential/
the F statistic is less than 0.05 (value = amount of deviation. commercial building projects were col-
0.011), which means that the variation lected to develop regression models
explained by the model is not due to Limitations of the models using multiple regression analysis. By
chance and hence acceptable. Although models predict manpower using this data manpower forecasting
Table 7 gives the regression equation demand for construction projects, it models were created for four catego-
coefficients in consideration with all is acknowledged that the models are ries such as Engineers, Consultants,
the independent variables (Engineers, subject to following limitations: Administrators and Shop Floor level.
Consultants, Administrators and Shop � The study was limited to only residen- The models were then verified by com-
floor labor) and dependent variable tial or commercial building construc- paring predicted values with actual
(Cost of project). tion projects. As project cost vary values for one building construction
from structure to structure, above project. Results of validity test indicate
General Regression Equation: regression models are useful to cal- that the developed models predict man-
Y = -41.76 - 0.843 X1+ 3.027 X2+ 9.557 culate manpower demand only for power demand for construction project
X3 + 0.197 X4 similar kind of projects which involve with minimum deviation. Contracting
similar kind of activities. agencies can use these models to
� The beta coefficient tells that how � Developed regression models estimate manpower requirement for
strongly the independent variable give only approximate manpower effective personals deployments for
is associated with the dependent demand for only four categories execution of a new construction proj-
variable. such as Engineers, Consultants, ect. This facilitates better manpower
� Above table indicates that indepen- Administrators and Shop Floor level. planning and budgeting for projects
dent variable Shop Floor is highly � The results were derived from a and will help to curb delays in comple-
associated (Beta Coefficient .493) sample of selected projects only, tion of construction work.
with dependent variable Cost of which may not be sufficient to
Project. develop regression models for all
� P-Significance value .011 means sig- projects.
nificance i.e. it is the significance of � Labour demand and project cost of
model. construction projects depend upon
� Negative sign for the coefficient of construction methods and technol-
Engineers indicates uncertainty in ogy, construction materials used. It
the data available. is advisable to update models taking
into consideration the change in

832 o rga n i za t i o n , te ch n ol o g y a n d ma na ge m e n t i n co nst r u c t i o n · an international journal · 5(2)2013

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