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Smart Academy

Annual Examination – 2022

Class: Two
Subject: Religion
Time – 1 hour 30 munities Full marks – 32.5
1. Fill in the gaps with appropriate word. 1×5 = 5
prayer Things Guide prophet Marcy

a) I do not throw my …………. here and there.

b) Allah made Adam to ………….. people.
c) Hazrat Adam is the ……….. of Allah.
d) Allah always opens the doors of………..
e) Supplication is the………..

2. Write yes or no according to the sentence. 1×5 = 5

a) Halima Sadiyyah was a wet nurse.
b) Maryam was married.
c) A muslim believes in only Allah.
d) Before Salah, one shouldn’t be pure.
e) We should seek the shelter of Allah.

3. Join the following: 1×5 = 5

Column A Column B
Maryam gave birth Isa (as) Belonged to the Quraysh tribe.
Isa (as) Could bring the we recite kalema Sahada.
Hazrat Mohammad (sm) They become dirty.
At the end of the Wodhu under a palm tree.
I change my clothes when dead to life of Allah.

4. Answer the following Question. 2×5 = 10

a) What is Tahara?
b) What should we do when we meet a Muslim?
c) Who brought Muhammad (sm) back to Makkah?
d) Whom do we worship?
e) What should we do before praying?

5. Oral: Soorah kafirun, Soorah Acor. 2×3.75 = 7.5

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