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Operations Auditing
Quiz No. 3 – The 7Es
1. Give a situation wherein an organization is being effective but not efficient. (5pts)

Giving good quality freebies to the new customers to get their loyalty. The marketing
strategies are effective in getting the attention of the customers but then the cost of it is not
efficient considering that they might face losses. It could report a high cost in marketing and
lower income or as is.

2. Give a situation wherein an organization is being efficient but not effective. (5pts)

A quicker orientation than its usual time consumption to the new employees. It is time
efficient because it saves the time but then it could be not effective since they don’t have
much time to deepen their understanding and this might cause job role disorder. They could
be confused of something but didn’t get enough time to clarify things and see it closely.

3. Given that Economy and Excellence both relate to quality, how would you differentiate
them? (5)

In terms of quality, Economy tends to determine the most cost effective solution, while the
excellence pushes things to become top of the top levels, it reveals the best of best.

4. Give 1 example of an organization that you believe has been unethical and why. (Provide a
local company or organization as much as possible). (10pts)

The first organization that comes out in my mind was the AIM coop in Polanco branch, as
what I’ve observe they lack of respect to their female employees, which is the teller. When I
visited the branch to inquire about the services they provide I saw how they treated the
teller. The manager keep telling the teller how sexy she is, how good her dress on her which
I could sense the uncomfortableness felt by the teller. Also, the other male employees they
keep talk about the girl they’ve dated which is not proper since customers are there and it is
working hours. One more thing, I overheard the security guard and the manager talks about
how they manipulated their time-in to get incentives. I know this kind of unethical activities
commonly happens but how could they possibly talk about it openly with the customers
around. After what happened that day I didn’t comeback there. It irritates me.

5. Give 1 actual situation that you have observed/heard wherein an organization suffered due
to lack of equity. (5pts)

Way back 2016 at Antipolo city, I have this friends of mine. She is my neighbor. Her and the
other girl, a daughter of personnel of our local municipality both applied to work in our
local municipality, personally speaking from what I’ve observe my neighbor is much more
capable of the job, considering her experience and knowledge. My neighbor itself didn’t
have high hopes that she’ll gets the jobs since her competitor has a backer. When the result
came, as what we’ve expected the daughter of the municipal personnel got the job. The
inequity in the job opportunity and hiring employees could cause hiring unproductive
employees and ineffective Performance. The organization may suffer loss due to hiring
unqualified employees, appointed merely just because of connection.

6. Give 1 company that has improved its business due to Ecological factors. Name the
company, its nature of business, product offerings and the ecological change it has made.

The best example I could think was the Jollibee which we all now a good fast-food
restaurant that most of the kids love. Before they uses plastic straws and cup which is a
single use plastics that contributed to massive pollution in our country. The company
addresses the said problem, instead of using single use plastics they changed it into paper
straw and cups. Through this changes they contribute in minimizing the plastic waste and
make it into recyclable, and I believe that it

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