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The Untold

Motivation Secret To
Master Motivation

Arnav Badola
Arnav Badola is a 13years old boy who writes a book to entertain
people. He told that his passion is to write horror and fantasy books.
This book is one of his masterpieces and scary. He was born in
Dehradun, India in a small middle-class family. His grandfather died
when he was too young. As a young boy, he was named
‘Thunderstorm’. The turning point in Arnav’s life came in the year
2020 when he was in 6th class. He started to write stories onwards.
His true and heart touching lines were that-
“I am in this position because of my lovely teachers and parents who
spent their lives teaching me…… Thank you for giving me this much

Author’s Preface 3
1- Introduction 7
2- Brainstorm Strategy 14
3- Search for your Weakness
4- The Master Keys
5- Look for the Lost Gold
6- Research For Yourself
7- Kill your Demotivation
8- Change your Attitude
9- Be Rude
10- Bounce Your Thoughts
11- The Voice Change Technique
12- The Friendship with Adults
13- Enjoy the Life
14- Read Books
Teach Yourself The Power of Negative Thinking
Author’s Preface
We shall discuss several successful techniques in this book
that will benefit you in the future. After two years of
investigation, I discovered that money has the power to
accomplish anything. It is the most effective incentive, not the
only one. If we offer money to someone and tell them it's their
reward for doing a beautiful job, they'll do it twice as fast. As
you might have guessed, this book is about motivation and

When I was strolling down the street and witnessed

several folks battling for nothing more than money, I had the
idea for this study. When I questioned what they were doing, he
responded it was only a game. I simply disregarded them.
Then, while looking for clothing in the market, another
occurrence occurred. On the side of the road, I noticed some
folks playing cards. They were having a bet of 10,000₹.

"A goal without an action plan is a fantasy," writes Branden.

The self is created via movement. In my experience, there are
15 different modes of thinking that directly lead to inspiration.
I'm constantly on the lookout for new methods of thinking that
re-energize the mind and get us moving.

When we leave this world, we will ask ourselves one question:

What's different? What's different because I was here? And the
answer to that question will be the difference that we made. All
of our thoughts and feelings won't matter anymore when we are
on our deathbeds asking that question. What will matter is the
action we took and the difference that it made.
We continue to obsess about our thoughts and become
fascinated with our feelings. We are offended by other people.
We want to prove we are right. We make other people wrong.
We are disappointed in some people and resent others. It goes
on and on and none of it will matter on that deathbed.

Action will be all that matters.

We could have made a difference every hour, every day if we
had wanted to. So how do we do that? How do we motivate
ourselves to get into action? How do we live a life of action and
The Author
Special Thanks To
Vidit Panwar; The storyteller
Moral stories; storytellers
Steve Chandler; a Motivational Author
The Inferiors; the Superhero Gang
Aman; Chapter 3 Helper

The Beauty of Nature

The Rich Man’s Interview

On Sunday, Mr. Thomas William was asked for an interview.
Alongside the camera, they sat together and spoke a lot. "Sir, I,
Richard Nixon, am very glad to speak with you on this
occasion," the interviewer said as the camera was turned on.
You brought light into a gloomy planet. So, tell me about a
period in your life when you were the happiest. After some time,
after thinking, "I went through four phases of happiness in my
life before eventually understanding the meaning of real
happiness," Thomas stated. The first stage was when I began
to amass wealth and resources was pleased with this point, but
not the happiness I desired. The second stage began when I
began to accumulate pricey and unusual goods. But then I
learned that this, too, was fleeting and that the glitter of
priceless things fades quickly.
The third stage began when I was awarded a significant project
and gained control of 95% of the petroleum supply in my
country, as well as becoming Asia's largest ship-owner. But
even then, the happiness I desired had vanished.
Then came the 4th and the last stage…………

It was when I was requested to provide several wheelchairs for

youngsters with disabilities. I bought them right away when I
realized it was a true emergency. I went to the hospital with a
buddy who had recommended it. When I arrived on the scene, I
handed out the wheelchairs. I saw the youngsters were joyful
and having a good time while I was doing so. "Thank you sir for
assisting us," one of them gripped my leg hard as we walked
away. I simply want to remember your face so that I can identify
you when we meet in paradise. This experience changed my
life and provided me with all of the happiness I desired.

Many people struggle daily to attain true happiness, regardless

of their financial situation. As a result, having a lot of money
does not ensure happiness. To various people, true happiness
implies different things. Some think happiness comes with real
love, while others say it comes with having all the world has to
offer. True happiness, in my opinion, is about falling in love with
oneself. Because of their state of mind, a person who is at
peace with themselves would readily come up with a solution
when life challenges emerge. True pleasure comes from being
at peace with the creator after completing one's divine
mission on this planet. I'm thrilled when I make a difference in
people's lives or when they smile because of me. True
pleasure is the inner fulfillment that comes from knowing that
someone else benefits from my contributions and efforts in
their lives. There have been people who have done this,
including Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and Helen Keller.
They had all had similar lives. True pleasure comes from
living for others rather than for oneself . True happiness
means embracing one's body size, weight, complexion,
family, society, nation, and everything else in one's
environment. I've always learned to be joyful regardless of
the circumstances, and I strive to share my joy with everyone
around me. Many people have turned to suicide in recent
years owing to a lack of contentment. Unhappiness results
from being disappointed by someone we trust or believe in.
Unhappiness arises when we fail to fulfill a specified goal or
objective. Little things that I appreciate, such as family, are
what will make me genuinely happy. And then there's the one
you adore.

Once upon a time, there was a rich man in Delhi. He was a

wealthy man. He came upon a calf laying on the side of the
road one day while strolling. Men of mercy lifted the calf to
his lap and returned home. He discovered it was the
strongest breed of bulls, dubbed Chiania, after conducting a
Google search. He continued to feed him, and the bull gained
in strength. He was once incredibly large and capable of
pulling ten carts together.

"I must offer something back to my lord because he

raised me," he reasoned. "Hey master, locate a merchant
and challenge him that I can pull 100 carts together," he said
to his master. The rich guy was overjoyed and rushed
straight to the merchant. He told him everything and
challenged him, saying that although his bulls couldn't keep
100 carts together, the rich man's bull could. A 10,000₹ bet
was made, and the merchant went to work.
Then came the day when everyone was supposed to meet at a
specific spot. The contest had begun, and the wealthy man's
bull had arrived. He began to pull it. "You foolish animal, pull
those carts quicker," the rich guy yelled when he saw the bull
wouldn't be able to draw those carts. When the bull heard that
voice at that specific moment, he was furious. He assumed he
was simply wasting his energy on that game. He made the
decision not to pull the carts. The merchant was victorious, and
the wealthy guy handed him 10,000₹. They arrived at their
destination. The man appeared depressed and unhappy. What
was the matter, the bull inquired of his master? The man
responded that it was because of him that he had lost the bet.

"It wasn't because of me that you lost the bet," the bull said,
"but it was because of you that you lost the bet." What made
you think I was incredibly dumb? Was I doing something stupid
or just relaxing?" The man was devastated by his error and
resolved not to repeat it.

Respect is an encompassing phrase. It is interpreted

differently by experts. It is, in general, a pleasant sentiment or
action directed toward something. It might also apply to
something that is held in great respect or esteem. Respect is
an indicator of ethical behavior. Regrettably, the value of
respect has been undermined in the modern period. There are
two important characteristics of Respect to consider. Self-
respect and regard for others are two of these characteristics.
“Respect yourself and the others will respect you”- Cornelius
Self-respect is defined as liking oneself and acting honorably
and dignifiedly. It demonstrates self-respect. A person with self-
respect would treat himself with respect. In addition, low self-
respect is a source of shame. An individual who does not
respect himself should not expect others to respect him. This is
because no one loves to treat such a person with respect. Self-
respect reflects ruggedness and self-assurance. Self-respect
encourages people to take on more responsibilities.
Furthermore, such a person's character would be powerful.
Furthermore, such a person always defends his or her rights,
principles, and viewpoints.

Self-respect deficiency has harmful repercussions. Others

treat someone who lacks self-respect as though they are a
doormat. Furthermore, such a person may develop harmful
behaviors. In addition, such a person has a major lack of self-
confidence. This individual is prone to be abused verbally or
mentally. Such a person's lifestyle likewise becomes sloppy
and dirty.

Human beings must be respected by everybody. This is a

basic prerequisite of societal existence. We owe others a
fundamental amount of respect. Respect must also be offered
to those who affect our lives. This includes our parents,
siblings, teachers, friends, co-workers, and authority people,
among others. Listening is one of the most effective methods of
demonstrating respect for others. Respect is demonstrated
through listening to another person's point of view. Above all,
we must enable others to voice their opinions even if we
disagree with them.
Those in positions of power must be respected. Almost
everyone throughout their life interacts with persons in positions
of power. As a result, such persons should be treated with
respect. People in positions of influence might fall into several
categories. These include bosses, cops, religious leaders, and
teachers, among others.

An Old Lady

There was once an elderly lady who lived in the countryside in

a modest house with one bathroom, one-bedroom, and a
kitchen. On surrounding roadways, she worked as a garbage
collector. She couldn't afford to feed herself since she didn't
have enough money.

Max, a rich guy, was driving to an important appointment

when he noticed that his car was not running correctly. When
he walked down to investigate what had happened, he noticed
that its engine was emitting smoke. He was unhappy and
disappointed since he had missed out on meeting Elon Musk.
He sat along the roadside and noticed a modest home. It was
so little that no more than three people could fit inside. He
walked to the house and rang the doorbell. He saw that the
door was locked. He returned to his car.

He was fortunate to meet that elderly lady. "What are you

doing here?" the old lady inquired. You appear depressed. Sir,
what is the reason?" "I was heading to such an important
meeting and realized that my automobile was not working," the
man who was listening said. "Could you kindly assist me?" The
old lady informed the man that she lived near a mechanical
business. The restless man thanked the lady and dashed into
the store. The mechanic arrived and swapped out his old
components with new ones.

When the man arrived at the meeting, he was startled to learn

that he had been offered a partnership with Elon Musk. He was
granted 200,000₹ advances and 200,000₹ annual pay. He
came back one day to thank the lady for alerting him about the
technician. He noticed that the elderly lady was sick and
helpless. He put him in a respectable hospital, paid all of his
bills, and supplied him with a lovely home to live in.

“It doesn’t mean that you are rich or poor… Be helpful.”-Vidit


The Brainstorm Strategy

Brainstorm your own

A group problem-solving technique called brainstorming

involves the impromptu introduction of original ideas and
solutions. This method calls for a lengthy, rambunctious
conversation in which each group member is urged to think
aloud and offer as many ideas as they can be based on their
varied expertise. Brainstorming blends lateral thinking, a
technique for creating new ideas to address issues by taking a
fresh look at them, with an informal approach to problem-
solving. Some of these concepts may be incorporated into
novel, inventive responses to issues, while others can spark
new concepts. According to some experts, brainstorming is
preferable to traditional group interaction since it might avoid
the potential for group mentality. The phenomenon known as
"group thought" happens when the team's need for consensus
trumps the opinions of individual group members. Several
studies have demonstrated that individual brainstorming can
yield better ideas than group brainstorming, despite the fact
that group brainstorming is typically better for producing ideas
than typical group problem-solving. This could happen if group
members focus so intently on each other's ideas that they
overlook or fail to generate their own. Additionally, groups don't
always follow the best brainstorming techniques. In order to
explore new possibilities and deconstruct wrong replies,
participants should refrain from praising or condemning ideas
during brainstorming sessions. After the brainstorming session,
an assessment session (which involves analysis and debate of
the ideas that were expressed) starts, and traditional methods
can be used to create solutions.
Tips for Brainstorming yourself and others….

1. Set an end goal for yourself- This is sometimes referred

to as a 'Future Time Table' by children. To put it another
way, we need to define a future objective for ourselves.
Some individuals will try to demotivate you, for example, if
you want to be an engineer but can't perform arithmetic.
This issue is raging over the globe like wildfire. Some
people lack the necessary knowledge to compete with a
genius. They are beaten. The genius, on the other hand,
will taunt the weaker one. Mathematically challenged
persons account for 85 percent of the population. Some
may believe that they are unable to become engineers,
however, this is incorrect. According to my study, if a
person wants to achieve anything, he can. No one can
stop it, whether they are mathematically challenged or not.
I believe in God, and he claims that no one can defeat a
man who has overcome his flaws. Do some people say
whenever I talk to them what is their plan B?

Plan B?????????????????????????????????????????

I do not believe in plan B. If your mindset is fixed that you

have to follow a definite plan, 100% plan ‘A’ will be hit. No
one can destroy the wording mentioned up. To develop a
fixed plan about what to do and what not to do and write a
clear statement like- (I am __________ and I promise not to
step back of the decided goal to ____________. I must
sacrifice all the precious things to achieve the goal.)

2. Write all the ideas on a piece of paper- The famous

novel "Think and Grow Rich" by Sir Napoleon Hill claims
that the US president had a modest and exclusive room
with a little study table and a light in it. He used to go to
the room every evening with a pen and a piece of paper.
He memorizes everything and writes down all the thoughts
that come to him while doing so. When he opened his
eyes, he discovered that he had penned several brilliant

You must do the same thing: grab a piece of paper and

write down anything that comes to mind, whether positive or
unpleasant. Then, after a while, when you open your eyes, you
will notice your troubles. It's what we'd call a mental test. Read
the article out loud and keep an eye on yourself. You can see
how much positive and negativity you have in yourself. When
you've concluded, get a folder and gently place the paper
inside. After a month, you read aloud all of the papers. It will
take time, but you will notice a significant difference in yourself.

On Day 1, you will find that your mind will write numerous
negative things about yourself. On Day 30, you'll note that the
2% portion is negative, while the 98 percent portion is positive.

So, this is the Power of your Subconscious mind.

3. What are you interested in? - I've observed some guys

who would like to do something else but are forced to do
something another for various reasons. Like other people
who aspire to be engineers but are unable to do it owing
to a variety of factors, he becomes a cameraman. The film
3 Idiots is a perfect illustration of this. In that film, a young
man named 'Farhan Qureshi' was obliged to study
engineering at a well-known Delhi college called 'The
Indian Institute of Management.'

He had an interest in photography but was not

permitted to pursue it. When his father purchased him a
laptop, he informed them that he had no interest in
engineering. As a result, this occurs to everyone in India.
They are even afraid of telling someone that they do not
wish to undertake a certain profession or take a certain
course. When this happens, they destroy their future.

So the simple wording of this whole paragraph is that ‘Be

Original, Do not be Shy, Think about What Interests you
the Most’.

4. Take the help of others= It is very difficult for you to go

on your adventure (here referred to as your future job or
course) without the help of others. They could tell us if we
are acting improperly. They have previously gone through
what we are about to undertake.
5. Eidetic image method= Jacqueline Sussman, a
psychologist and author, suggests using visualization to
access vivid pictures from all of our past experiences. Set
your intentions first: Ask the group to close their eyes and
state their purpose for what they will produce, such as a
cutting-edge smartphone. Each member of the group
makes a mental commitment to themselves that they will
create a new phone design that is distinct from existing
models. You'll ask everyone to close their eyes once again
after setting these intents, and you'll draw the first eidetic
image—the company's current phone design. You can all
start adding to the design once everyone in the group has
that mental image. Ask the group to visualise the existing
design in their ideal size or preferred colour. Ask them to
include any extras they wish the original design had
incorporated. Perhaps they'll upgrade the camera or
increase the screen size. You'll ask a team member at
random to describe exactly how their improved version
appears once everyone has developed a vision of their
ideal phone design in their minds. After they've said, write
that thought down. Now that everyone has seen the new
phone, you can start adding ideas on top of it. You may
come up with hundreds of fresh, tangible ideas in the end,
spanning from size and colour to features and functions.
When enhancing an existing design rather than
completely reimagining it, this approach performs well.
The group should not concentrate on expenses, but their
ideas should still be attainable.

Search for Your Weakness


Weakness is both a strength and a reality in our lives. Every

one of us has our weaknesses, whether they be mental,
financial, or physical. The key idea is that we all have flaws, at
least some of them. These flaws are talents that are concealed.
Evidently, we view our vulnerability as a strength. The Almighty
gave us this as a gift. No one is even close to becoming
powerful. God endowed each person with a mixture of strength
and weakness. As a result, nobody is flawless. God alone is
flawless. When one is sick in health, another is weak in
finances. Some have weak personalities. Some have incredibly
powerful personalities. Some people have a strong mental
capacity. But some people have really weak mental capacity.
God created the world with his finest fragrance in this manner.
When a newborn is born, it is quite frail. A baby gets stronger
as they get older than they were in their newborn condition. It
has now been shown that humans go from weakness to
strength. It's a similar journey from darkness to light. Each guy
is susceptible to flaws. Both insects and animals have their
vulnerabilities. We all admit to or talk about our weaknesses in
daily life. Our flaws are usually given weight by an interviewer.
So, while we are in front of the interview table, we must be

It is not merely sufficient. Every human being has various

vulnerabilities of their own. The words defect, proneness,
deficiency, failure, fault, fragility, frailty, gap, instability, lack,
lapse, inadequacy, etc. are all synonyms for weakness. An
advantage, perfection, abundance, strength, strong suit,
success, aptitude, aversion, disinclination, dislike, hostility,
hatred, health, indifference, loathing, soundness, etc. are some
of the opposites of weakness. A man can define himself
through his weaknesses and strength. Suppose a man is angry
which is his weakness. Lack of temperament denotes that the
man is weak in nature. He has no control over his wrath. The
example of a lame man suggests that he is physically weak. A
person who has no knowledge and has no strength to take a
decision refers to mental weakness.
Thus in this world, everyone has their own weakness. If they
will not check themselves this folly may be the cause of their
downfall. An honest person is weak because he has no power
to state a lie or to choose the way of vice. A cruel person is
weak as he is devoid of a pure heart. But it's also true that we
may make the most of these flaws by using them to our
advantage. Our character and fortune are determined by our
shortcomings. Therefore, if we make effective use of them,
those flaws won't ever be our downfalls but rather our
decorations Some individuals in the world believe that being
intelligent is the best strategy for success. But the fact is that
the most courageous paths to heavenly accomplishment are
those that are honest and pure. A person's economics and
health may suffer, but his character shouldn't. He or she must
have the heart of a monarch. If so, then no flaws have any
influence over or even dare to approach that individual. Even
though a newborn seems helpless, its presence surrounds us
with a sacred energy. A baby is the epitome of purity since it is
the gift of the Almighty. No matter what the circumstance or
circumstances, our presence creates a wonderful environment.
Both weakness and strength are products of the All-Powerful.
As a result, nobody should extol their power. Actually, God also
uses this as a toy. Forgetting everything, we can still believe
that we are universe-born beings. Our significance to the world
is enormous.

Tips to Control Weakness in


1. Identify your weakness

What are your strengths and weaknesses? Or a version is one

of the most often asked questions during job interviews.
Employers may ask candidates to describe their weaknesses in
order to gauge how they react under pressure, so you must be
careful with your words before responding. The typical
responses to this question, "you work too hard" and "you are
not a morning person," are not the only ways to identify your
deficiencies. Instead, you need to pinpoint a "genuine"
weakness—something you struggle with but are actively
attempting to overcome. Consider what is keeping you from
accomplishing your objectives. For instance, you could find it
difficult to delegate to others and prefer to do everything
yourself. You should improve your abilities in this area so that
you can help with the burden. Alternatively, you can be unable
to multitask and find it difficult to manage several things at
once. To stay up with workload expectations, it would be wise
to upgrade your talents in this area once again.

 You are a perfectionist, but don't mention that in response to

this question. Employers want to hear from applicants who are
being interviewed for positions at their company what areas
require development since they are aware that nobody is
flawless. There is always space for growth and improvement,
therefore being weak need not be a bad thing about who you
are as a person. Be sincere in your response since businesses
want to choose someone who will evolve into the role over time
rather than someone who would become stationary and unable
to advance. You can answer this question more accurately if
you can pinpoint your vulnerability.

2. Classify Your Weakness

There are five types of weaknesses you may need to address

for a job interview. The first is the personal weakness or
something about your personality that could be seen as
unfavorable. For example, if one of your weaknesses is “you’re
not always punctual,” this would be an attribute from your
character which can’t be fixed in response to questioning. The
second kind of weakness is knowledge-based. Examples
include lacking recent experience, being rusty on particular
subjects, having insufficient experience overall, and lacking
understanding of some crucial activities related to the
company's business. But once more, things may be improved
through training and time spent acquiring those talents from
someone who is more knowledgeable about them than you are.
The third form of weakness is technical, such as not
understanding how to use certain tools or having a poor grasp
of how things operate. These weaknesses are often remedied
by acquiring knowledge on the relevant subjects.

Situational kind is the fourth. Let's say you have personal

concerns (like taking care of parents and children at home) that
will prevent you from doing effectively in some tasks connected
to the demands of the organisation when you go for this job
interview. Then it could be wise to mention them as a barrier
rather than spending more time interviewing for a job where
you know there would be too much friction. Even if it's not your
fault, being upfront about this kind of thing can deter potential
employers who don't understand the situation (or who have
never had children themselves) from employing you. The
environmental kind is the fifth. This could refer to the workplace
culture or a lack of room for advancement within that particular
employment function. Once more, issues may frequently be
resolved by switching jobs and environments. Always be
honest with the interviewer so they can understand where
you're coming from, regardless of the kind of shortcoming you
have to address during the interview (particularly if it relates to
talents). In order to avoid being "too polite," the interviewer
might not be interested in learning about your flaws. In this
case, they are probably searching for someone who will follow
instructions without inquiry. It may seem like a waste of time or
that there is too much information. However, this level of
candour demonstrates that you are interested in their business
enough to have thought about these issues before meeting with
them for an interview. Knowing your areas of weakness is
therefore essential.

Turning Your Weakness into Strengths

You've undoubtedly been questioned about your flaws at some

time in your career. I was unsure of how to respond. Even the
most competent applicants for a job interview (or promotion)
could feel uncomfortable answering this challenging question.
The fact is that there isn't a very effective way to react when
this topic is posed during an interview. Simple things like "you
work too hard" or "you don't take enough breaks" might be said.
These responses, however, can give the impression that you're
uninspired or lethargic, which will put off many companies who
are considering you as a possible job. Instead, try incorporating
one of your shortcomings as part of your response to make it
into a strength.

You may be overly cautious, but at least it sounds like an asset

rather than something employers might find problematic during
your interview process if you're slow to finish projects because
you are a perfectionist, for instance: "you are a perfectionist,
and take time making sure the product is perfect."

Tell A Story

Everyone has areas for improvement, but it doesn't imply you

can't. By questioning candidates about their strengths or
shortcomings, interviewers want to learn more about their
history of overcoming their weaknesses. Candidates should be
aware of the best ways to respond to these inquiries in order to
avoid boring the interviewer with excessive detail and to show
that they are capable of being open and honest about
themselves while maintaining a good attitude. And a fantastic
approach to respond to this query is by sharing a tale! The best
way to handle these questions is by telling a story about your
personal experience overcoming the weakness. One good
example of this would be saying, “you are always there for your
family and friends, but you know that sometimes it can take too
much time away from work.” 

This demonstrates their care-taking abilities while also showing

their awareness of balancing both spheres in life. Another
option might be something like, “your biggest flaw has been
procrastinating on certain projects until the last minute because
you have trouble focusing when there are other distractions
around you. Make sure to separate yourself from everything
else at least an hour before starting a project so that you don’t
feel distracted by anything.” Knowing how to effectively present
your professional deficiencies in an interview and being honest
about them are both crucial. The most effective technique is to
provide a personal experience that demonstrates both your
vulnerability and your ability to overcome it. This goes beyond
just saying something like, "You are occasionally late," without
providing any further context or explanation. Instead, by using
words to construct a picture for the interviewer, they may better
understand your personality and determine whether or not
hiring you will strengthen their business.

The Master Keys

The most significant items in the world are thus referred to
as "The Master Keys." If we do not have these things, we
will be struggling to live.

 The 10 Master Keys

1. Health= Being healthy is the single most crucial aspect

of our existence since poor health increases the risk of
early death. That being said, it's critical to take care of
our bodies by eating a balanced diet and getting regular
exercise. This will help us maintain our excellent health.
By leading a healthy lifestyle, you may "lower your risk
of chronic illnesses (including heart disease and
cancer), and increase your general health," according to
the US Department of Health and Human Services
(HSS). A full condition of mental and physical well-being
is referred to as being "healthy." In order to preserve
this ideal level of health, people can access healthcare.
The United States spent $3.5 trillion on healthcare in
2017, according to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC). Nevertheless, despite this
investment, Americans have a shorter life expectancy
than individuals in other wealthy nations. This is caused
by a number of things, including lifestyle choices and
access to healthcare. In 1948, World Health
Organization defined health with a phrase that modern
authorities still apply.

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and

social well-being and not merely the absence of disease
or infirmity.”- WHO
2. Purpose= A vital part of leading a fulfilling life is having
a purpose. Without a sense of purpose, we lack the
drive to do great things or even to do something as
basic as getting out of bed in the morning. Lack of
purpose "makes us more sensitive to boredom, anxiety,
and despair," says psychologist Steve Taylor. On the
other hand, having a strong sense of purpose may
improve our lives. If you look at the success stories of
successful businesspeople, you'll see that most of them
were motivated and had a sense of direction. They put
in a lot of effort because they were sure of what they
could accomplish; we should follow their lead if we want
to feel successful in life. When you do anything with
intention, you act decisively. When you are doing with a
purpose, you are thinking about an objective or
intention. According to psychologists, the purpose is the
persistent desire to realize a long-term objective that
has value for the individual as well as a good impact on
the world. The objectives that give one a feeling of
purpose are those that have the potential to improve the
lives of others, such as founding a non-profit, doing
medical research, or teaching children to read. Like
happiness, the purpose is a journey and a practice
rather than a destination. If we're prepared to consider
what is important to us and the type of person we want
to be—and then act to become that person—available
it's at any age. This research implies that if we can
revisit and reaffirm our sense of purpose as we move
through milestones and transitions, we might anticipate
living more fulfilling, meaningful lives.

3. Passion= Passion is a by-product of purpose; it

represents our aspirations, goals, and hopes for the
future. If you're enthusiastic about something, you'll put
in a lot of effort to make it happen. For instance, Huda
Kattan started out as a self-taught makeup artist, but
her love of makeup inspired her to create a beauty
empire that is today valued at over $600 million.

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