Quadratic Equations

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14 I a, QUADRATIC EQUATIONS ‘An equation of the form ax? + bx + © = 0, where a « O and a, b, ¢ are real numbers, is called a gua ba Vor — tae The roots of the quadratic equation are given by X= The quantity B (D= 6 4ac) is known asthe discriminant of the equation. BASIC RESULTS Leta and p be two roots ofthe given quadratic equation, Then B= ‘A quadratic equation, whose roots are a and can be writen as (x ~ ax ~) =0 icc, ax? + bx +c ma(x -a) (x - B) *HFthe unde eaton esd by more han wo isnt numbers (al FSB he th, an identity, teva b= 0-0. . ie. bt 4ac=0, ‘The quadratic equation has real and equal roots if and only if D ‘The quadratic equation has real and distinct roots if and only if D > O i.e. b* ~ 4ac> 0 quation has complex roots with non-zero imaginary parts if and enly ip p<, Js the P82, 5 2 and ap = The quadratic i.e dae <0. Ifp + iq (p and q being real) is a root ofthe quadratic equation where i = the quadratic equation. Provided a,b, ¢ are real Ifp +a isan irrational root ofthe quadratic equation, then p —@ is also a root of the quadratic tein provided that all the coefficients are rational. ‘The quadratic equation has rational roots ifD isa perfect square and a, b, care rational, quadratic equation are rational, then the roe mas ig Ifa = 1 and b, ¢ are integers and the roots of the integers. Condition for Common Root(s) Let ax?+ bx +00 and dx? + ex + f= have a common root a(say). Then aa + ba +¢= 0 and da? + ea f= Solving for a? and o,, we get A a de~af Pere Fenbg 7 4° - A? = (OF ce) (ae - bd) 8 to have a common root, 1, ga bine ae—bd ae~bd bf-ce do-af Which is the required condition for the two equat Note: . Condition for both the roots o be common is + - ‘ The Method of Intervals (Wavy Curve Method) The Method of intervals (or wavy curve) is used for solving inequalities of the form > 0(< 0, $0, or > 0) where m, ny...5 my my, My,.My are nail (x= a1)" (=a) (Koay fx) es (x= 0) (x= ba) one (xp) numbers and the numbers ai, 83. 845 bts Bayn.Bp are any real numbers such that a, # b, . where i= 1.2.3! and j= 1, 2,3,..4P- MEGACOSM Ineoasts of he tllowin Fate the fancton 4) conte oth et hand se of the meu shal Be marked othe umber Tne with inked (Magh)celeg Het hal sle othe nequaiy 6AM points of discontin marke onthe rier Tne wh 4 Check the sale oF) for From right (0 fet, heginnin otherwise fom below the . netion 1) contained on the fel hand side of the equality should be ed (white) circles Feal number greater than the night most marked number on the number line 1g above the mumber ine (in case of value of fx} 1s positive an step (it) curve should be drawn which passes through all the marked ve pount, the curve intersects the number line, and, when passing the sign of equality (the function ffx) 18 postive ber line, i ne of equa lune), Theie union just represents the solution Remarks: + Points of discontinuity will never be included in d Ifyou ate Asbo to ind he neva whet) toe lose wtesonding tthe tnt a the mae Senominatr QUADRATIC EXPRESSION The expression ax? + bx + ¢ is said to be a real qua atic expression in x where a, b, © are real and a ¢ 0 Let Ax) = ax’ + bx +e where a bee © R(a #0) eal fx) can be rowriten as ay aff xe BY) SHH \ a I discriminant of the quadratic expression. Then y = where Db? — dae as the Ax) represents a parabola whose axis is parallel tothe y-axis, with vertex b ja |> Now depending upon the values of “a” and D the parabola will have following different shapes: NZ \Y ete i e be z a>0.D<0 a>0,D=0 a>0,D>0 fix) 2-Di4a VER fix20 VxER Dd -2 sfx) <0 Ve ela, a) (a, 6) §y)0 ¥ xe, «) UB.) DN IN FS a<0.D<0 a<0,D=0 a<0,D>0 fix) <-Di4a Vx eR fixy sO VeeR D Po fay 0 vx eta, a7) 70 ¥x (0.8) "The point for which fig vanishes (becomes roi called ers of the funtion 2 The points x = by are the points ofthe disco of he function fs) ifthe exponents of «factor i odd then the points called simple pont “ifthe exponent ofa facior is even then the pont is called double point __— Yo, Them the Kalowan m_— Interval in which the Roots Lie owas beee Rand ae 0. Suppers > 2- pif 2 0.afta) > and 2.< = ba iy Wand -b2a by #6, where a Lottisy ay tr than iil be less than 2, 1D > 0 @ a) <0. wal (ins Pa) D2 0, alla) = 0, afiy a Dosh roots of 9) ho owill ow Both roots. of fx) If ities between the roots of 1X) - (will belong 10 the inte othen Both roots of fx) <0. OifaRAs) < 0. aftPa) < V6 (0 wil He im (2, 22) WO) 22) ine roots of f18) 0, Exactly one root of 8) and P@.) = Interval (2.2) wil be contained between t 5. wal be the repeated root of x) = 01 AU) inequations of the type MX) $0 OF fx) 2 0 ae kno Quadratic Inequations ortesponding quadratic exes Let fix) = ax’ + by + ¢ bea quadratic expression, Then quate inequations, The study ofthese can be easily dane by taking the by applying the basic results of quadratic expression. ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS 2+ bx +¢=0 can not be rational, fa, b and € are odd integers, then prove that the roots of ax B Sol. Discriminant D =~ 4. Suppose the roots are rational. Then D will be a perfect square Leth’ = 4ac = d Since a, band. are odd integers, d will be odd Now, bi = dae @ will be a multiple of 8 (note). But 4ac is only a mulipeo Since b and d are odd integers, b? 4 (not of 8), which is a contradiction. Hence the roots of ax’ 2+bx + ¢ = 0 can not be rational. x Let (x) is continuous function aid attains only rational values If f (0) = 3, then find the routs t ‘equation f(1) x° + 26(2)x + (3) = 0. f(x) is continuous function and attain only rational values = f (x) Hence given equation is 3 (x? +2x + 1) =0 = x =~ Lis the only solution, constant = 3 Sol. 2 34x-71 Find out the range in which the value of the function ed lies for all real values of x. ee ~1)-2x(17 = yp + 71 Ty=0 Sol. 428-7 For real values of x, (17 ~ y)’ = (y= I)(71-7y)20 = By'= 112y + 36020 y"- dy + 4520 = (y-9)(y- 5) 20, Either y <5 or y> 9. (9. »). Thus for real values of x, range is (2, 5] a 4 Find the value of “a” for which ax (a-3)x +1 <0 for atleast one postive real X Sol Let fx) a Haye Case (9 If 0, then fl) willbe postive ony for_those valu of x which ie between the 00. As the infers hetwecn the touts an not eee <0 for atleast ' er all the positive real numbers implies fw one positive real x Cased) IF 0 then i) sil be negaive only foe those the graphs we can soe alues of x which lie between the roots. From Ax) wall be less than zero for atleast one positive real x, when fix) -O has ASL ONE of these roots is pesitive real rool, SY 3 —, ret Fee Fad Aistnet roots and a Le » \W Fig. 4 For this D>0, ic. (a-3)'—4a>0 > actor &9 a ‘Both the roots are non-positive => sum < O and product > 0 34 >3and (1) is satisfied 2) => at least one roots is positive ifa < 3 and (I) is satisfied Combining (1) and (2), we get a< 1 sothat, 0< ac 1 Case ii) Obviously a ~ 0 wil satisfies this condition Hence the required set of values ofa is (2, 1) popes) ame 2, 3, (given that a, B.y> 0) if by Bede] nme So a +B 4 = (1 +a)(1 +B)= 1 + (a+ B)+ of aches, 4 ay Sol Sol, Sol. Sol. Sol. then (Byp-4=0 a) 1 yout double repeated rot of NG eeee {D) none of these top.are dy gt rotr=0 (1, Since «= 1 is double rot of PX? + A089) feetay pe baie) +8 then 1) = FC) 8 7 rail °) conclusively from (1) and 2) We & penare. integers, then (a +b’) can be equal (has roots which are posit The quadratic x? ax +41 ws (3)37 (ol wl (9).¥ Hae + + 1 Oas posible rots and Satp=—aandap=b+1 = (a py Hap 1 =a 8 (e+ YB Doak +8 2! +b can be qual 050, 1y2"" + a=0 has roots of opposite signs then exhaustive st of valucs of (Bace1,0) ‘The equation 2° + (a (D)a€ (0,13) Waco (Cpa e(- 2,13) (©. Let Pat = +%a~t+a=0. Now t=T shoul ie betwen the rots ofthis equation 1 S1aa-Nracdsact 3 IF the roots of the equation x7 + ax + b= 0 are © and d then one of the roots of the equation V+ Qe+ay +c +ae+b=Ois (Aye (B)d-e (C)2c (D) 2d Qetante tact b= fix+e). (B). Let f(x)=x° + ax +b, then Thus roots of ffx + ¢) = 0 will be 0, dc. k has four real roots, then 4e-b? 5 (B) bY 4e Oand 0< k< dc (D) none of these (C) b= 4e> Oand k >: (A), For the equation to have four real roots the line yk must intersect |x? + bx ~ eat four points D) > D>Oandk €| 0, aan TI ee Sol Sol Hijsn' 17x] jhe ME 88) OE V7 ITY co! then x es in (By 4.4] (Dy none of these (BD bin’ 17x) Hg Sty +A-WItI9+ bi twhenalley, ear 20,0 2-20 bE Sorsoy o-Asxsd The equation cox + Beos'x + 1 ~ Owl havea solution it belongs 10 (ver 2) (B20) 1-7-2) (Dy none ofthese (©. Given equation can be written as (cos'x44_) b= -leostys 1} 7] S-2¥xER sbet»,-2 4x, am satity the mequations log,» x? > logy sx + 2) and 49x? — 4m 0, then (Aye (2 ~a} (ym e(-2, - V7 }u[ V7. «) (By mea) (D) none ofthese (Dp ogy 2x? > logis (x # 2) = -x-260 xe f 1,2]- 10} and 49x" < 4m" some|-22, M1 | gy brerp 17-950 then the interval of x cam be (Axe (0.2) (B)x-€ (0,250) OxeR {D) x © (-250, 250) aah V4des (A,B). 37> 9 2x 62> 250 xsi) at Ge stg ox>0. fax’ —bx + © = O has two distint roots lying in the interval (0, 1), a,b, ¢ € Ns then (A) logabe = 1 (B)logabe “2 (C) logabe = 3 (D) logsabe = 4 Picciy, arp-2, ape£ ocapeiae<(-a),0-f<1 ness 1 20S a(l-a)s 7 and 0bsadoa-Seb 52min (abe) 2: ae an noe ont then ce Ryhae a common ne . 1. trax! be Fe Oandex! + be 12 Bea. be RO havea onmen tt ta) tote b eal 3 Warne Sol (A), (B),(D) 7 Dy = b? -4ac < 0, Dy = b? ~ dac < 0, as the root Is no > Both roots will be common, pbc cba Now, b? due <0=> 6? > I< 2 la (or 2 12, Consider the equation x’ + x ~a= 0, € N. Hfequation has integral roots then (Aya? (B) a= 6 (a-2 (D) a> 20 4a? (or de) < 0 Sok (A), (B), (©) and (D) Discriminant, D= Vi-+da => 14a should be a perfest square. AS La i always odd 3 H4a= (241) 261 > an hath, 13, The equation aye" + ayn” tayn” +. + ay =O hs all its roots postive and real (where ay 1, ay =. Sol, (B,C). Let the roots be a, 5 «56 2 y+ Ost at y= 4 1 ay, ay... a= 2 = (tt) 03. 4)! = AM. GM, =allthe rotate gual o 4 TS NN —— ‘Comprehension Mae Bybee rots 8 bic eatin ax + xe +. on Fox + d= Othen we havea + ane! M. Terao genic etn mae (©) two positive and one negative (Dhan et andone pose Sol. © 15, ‘a must be (Ge eaityea Ot ayirses Sol. (A) 16. Therange of values of is given by ty Beast head (ey east 0) -P equation has two positive and one negative root. Let be the nogative root then a +B+y=0 => magnitude of y must be larger of a and B. In particular y<02 2b~ 3a=~2aBy + aR + y+ ya)a = apy + 3a? (B+) = ofy-3a°=-b-30°<0 2» ney 3b~ 2aa = — 3aPy + (0B + By+ yaya ~aBy +208 +7) =a[-28 +y - Br Scab p27 == al@B +7) 6+ 20) aff ~ a) (y- 0) 20. 3b ase. 2a Assertion Reason 0,06 (F.5) bsnert binging, 20 x? 2sin0 x #1 = 17. STATEMENT - I: The equation 2sin*@ x? ~ 2 “ oie imerval (1,2). anion iingin te eV a of rossi vey STATEMENT - Ik is palma sucha fe) at Stag, (3) Satomi Tse Seat 2 re Sateen? a cet 0 1)-20-(n8-1)<0 of 0c 802) (sind 1) sind -1)>0 of 8 (4 + ata) = has @ root in (0, 1) and other in (1, 2). 18 For the equation 2° + 62 +20 = 0, match the following: 4 Mame 1 (A) The number of the roots in the first quadrant canbe | (p) (B) ‘The number of the roots in the second quadrant can be @ 2 (©) The number ofthe roots in the Third quadrant can be | (®) 3 (D) The number ofthe rots inthe Fourth quadrant canbe |(s) 4 JO = So. > 0.9; B)> 0,95 ©> 0,95 0) > (0,0) ‘There are no real roots of the ‘equation 2+ 6z+20 Ifx + iy is a root then x iy is also a root Let the roots be X14 iyi, x2 iy xy tiyy ‘Sum of the roots = 2(x; $x, Hy) =0 Sx tutu =0 = one of Xi, Xa is negative and other two are postive o vice-versa => The number of roots in each of the quadrant is either 1 or 2, IGMP-MATHEMATICS-QUADRATIC EQUATIONS] Colum: contains some quadkatic equity teen f0048 of p(x) = O and Column tt ey with variable tains value of pies’ Mk air p= Ske Tarr jw pd NR De _ ike JUV) pid xt bw li ke 19, Which ofthe fllowing combination is CORRECT? (A 0) ¢)(Q) \ (8) UH GS) (haut G(R) «Dp () G(R) Sol (D) 20. Which of the followin (ADA GQ) KC) Gi (R) ig combination is CORRECT? (B) (Uy Git) (8) (DA Li) Q Sol. (B) 21, Which of the following combination is INCORRECT? (A) A) Gv) (Py (B) AV) GP) Ouv) GR) (AN) Gy Q Sol (A) 19-21. For 2% column p(1) <0 will gt the answer and for 3" column p(O} ptt) <0 = p()>0 22 beta. by be three real numbers such that a+ b+ e= Danda? 8! +Dalso, D>0m -2 50 k>Oalso a k-3 =k 10k +9509 KF co K-10 oF Ske (2,1) 0,0)90,3) >ke@,1) x=0 SATEEN Consider, nwo numbers ab, sum of wich Sol = Sum of distinct values of 5 is 150 4041 = Ohi ng [Number of integral values of ‘2° such that the quadratic equation (2.00) D20 as2-2 and a> 2+ 2V3 a+ and @B=a+t =atptoptl=2 x15 C1) x(2)= 62)" D (a+ IXB+ = 2= 1 2= acanbe |,

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