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21 pETERMINANTS AND LINEAR fQUATIONS — gasic CONCEPTS yb si] A determinant of order three consisting of 3 rows and 3 columns is written as fa; by | ands by equal to a a, (B36 ~€2bs)~ by (3,65 ~c245) +6, (a3b; ~bya5) The numbers a, by &, (1 =1, 2,3 ) ae called the elements of the determinant. The determinant obtained by deleting the i* row and j* column is called the minor of element at the 1° row and the" column, The cofactor of this element is (-1)' (minor), Note that: ly ob by &] = aA, + bB)t eC, & gy where A;, B; and C; are the cofactors of ay, by and ¢; respectively. We can expand the determinant through any row or column, It means that we can write Az +byB, +0,C, = ayAy +azA, +a, A, ete. Also aA; +b,B, +¢,C; =0 SaAtbBtoC, =A iti =0 if i#j These results are true for determinants of any order. Properties of Determinants ‘The determinant remains unaltered if its rows are changed into columns and the columns into rows. Ifall the elements of a row (or column) are zero, then the determinant is zero, Ifthe elements ofa row (column) are proportional (or identical) to the elements of any other row (column), then the determinant is zero. The interchange of any two rows (columns) of the determinant changes its sign. If all the elements of a row (column) of @ determinant are multiplied by a non-zero constant then the determinant gets multiplied by the same constant. A determinant remains unaltered under a column (C,) operation of the form C, + aC, + BC, ( jk # i) or a row (R,) operation of the form R, + a R, + BR« (j,k # 1). If each element in any row (column) is the sum of r terms, then the determinant can be expressed as the sum ofr determinants If the determinant A = f(x) and fia) = 0, then (x ~a) is a factor of the determinant. In other word, if two rows (or two columns) become proportional (identical) for x = a then (x ~ a) isa factor of determinant, In general, ifr rows become identical for x =a then (x ~ a)" isa factor of the determinant. © Hana determmant (of order three or more) the elements m difierent common difference, the ¥ © The determmant value of an odd order ske' all the rows (columns) aren A. yg, si ue of the determinant 1s Zero. ay symmetric determinant is always 2er0, Product of two Determinants We can wnite a bh cl doy B E. he Gl ee B | ajay +B, + Ey, yy] fey + BB Fey, ant, + BBs Fert? Ye] =[asay +038, +epn a2; +b:Bp +eat2 8205 + biBs teary lage, + bay #ey7) yey + SB. + OV ayy + bsBy + eays a ob ed jay Boal Here we have muluplied rows by rows, We ean also multiply rows by columns or columns By FOWS, OF Colum, columns Note: © IPA = ja, 1s determinant of order n, then the value of the determ 1 [Agls where A,, isthe cofactor is V | This ts known as power cofactor formula. Differentiation of a Determinant lair © cage ft? 1 then aren fasta) B00) fa, (x) by 4x) lay(x) B(x) laj(x) —by(x) ay (x) by (x) where a dash dingy, derivative with respect to x. © wewnte A(xi=|C,C,C4] then 4'(x)=|C, 'C3Cs]#[C\C2 C3] +1C2 R, Ri] Ri] (Rs © | Similarly if A(x) =/R3], then A'(x)=|R> | +#/R'3|+/R> \r,| Rs| Ry} [R's Summation of Determinants f(r) ad Let A= je(r) bom Ihr) con \ pt a ‘| where a, b,c, lm and are constants, independent of Then 7, = Del) bm). Here function of r can be the elements of only one row or one column, ct [ra | ney ea Determinants Involving Integrations f(x) gs) boo} Letagy=| 2b © | where a,b, .l,mandn ae constants il om [fers fats fresre foo a co Poh S| Note: se an be done Ifthe elements of more than one column or rows are functions of then the_tntezraion ca Be only afler evaluation / expansion of the determinant cramer’s Rule ~ b af ee eal | then the solution of the system of “non-homogencous simultaneous hinear equations ax tby+e2=d, ayx #byy +2 =d, agx + bay +e\2 = dy ts given by {where (dj aly d,) # (0,0.0)} ae hee Bk yesh Sh wher b 6 {a 4d q| dy A ={ds by oh, A, =|ay a. «| A, dy d, b; ey} a d c dy © Many of Ay Ay A, © R and 42 0, system of equation will have unique solution and 1s said to be consistence independent. @ WAS Ay Ap Oand Ais also zero then the system of equation will have and is said to be consistent dependent @ IFA, A, A, is non zero and A is zero, then the system of equations will have no solution and is said to be inconsistent Linear Equations infinitely many solutions ‘The system of homogeneous simultancous linear equations an+bytez=0, axebsytez=0, axtbytez=0 Here notice that Ay Ay = O has a non-trivial solution (ie. atleast one of x,y, different from zero ) if moh Ae, =f |= bog] If. 0, hen the only solution of the above system of equations is x ~ 0, y= 0,2 = 0 (called trivial solution) 7 ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS - Let a, b,c be real numbers with a?+b?-+ Afatapreet)y -axtby-e eyrb |= a (a? +b? +07)z cytb — -ax-by te oe > ly -axtby-e — cytb |=0 1 cy+b — ~ax—byte| Applying C: -> C= bC, and C; Cs ~ eC Py a we ft b [= Oapplying Ry > Ry + xR, + yR2, we get 1 cy -ax=by ’ ay al a y -ax-e b/=0 Ix? ty? +1 i) ol > 08 + H1laby +a’x +ac) = 0 = ax + by + ¢= 0, which represents a straight line. fax) (ay) (a-2) ” (b-2)"| as the product of two determinants and evaluate it, (c-2) 2 Express A= |(b-x)’ (b-y flex) (e-y (a? -2ax+x?) (a? ~2ay+y’) (a? -2az+2?) A= (b? -2bx+x?) (b*-2by+y?) (b? -2b2+2) Sol. (e2-2exrx?) (@-2eysy") (€-22242') -2a 1 1x —ab.1/xfi ¥ ¥4 2 1 ih 2 = 2(a-b)(b-c)(c-ax~y)(¥~ 2Y(Z-x). ne Oe Pueta;=|0-1? Qn? dn—2 « Show that 3°, =0. @-1 3n> 3y? 3p] a gol By adding all the corresponding elements of C; of all determinants A, we have n 6 4n-2 3n? ~3n] Since C, and C, are identical)” A, = 0. = ? x + cot x coseca| By “0 — cosec’x |, prove that at [ f(x)dx - cos? x Sol. Operate Ry -> Ry ~ see x Ry | 0 0 sec? x+cotxeoseex~cosx| = £(x)= Joos” x cos? x cosec*x 1 cos?x cos” x ==sin? x~cos' x +cos' xsin” n > J teva = = (sin? x +008 vii={ 0 0 22 #) Sol, For what values of p and q, the system of equations 2x + py + 62 — 8x tiytar=Sx4y, values , has (i) no solution (ii) a unique solution (ili) infinitely many solutions? 4 a) 26g) pd q) + 61-2) 12 2q-3p i pq 6 Pq 2q~3p + 6 -(p-2Xq-3) pol 2g) 86 -q)- pLS —4q) + 65 8) 13 48 - 8q — 15p + 4pq—18 = 4pq - 8q- 1Sp + 30 4alp — 2) 15(p -2) = (4q- 15\p -2) 28 4 Ar=|1 5g] = 2(15 - 4q)~ 8(3 ~ ) + (4-5) = 0 43 2 p 8| As= JI 2. S| = 248-5) — p(4—5) + 8(1- 2) = p-2 1 1 Case -1 When q=3,p#2,A= 0,4, 40. The given system of equations will have no solution. Case When A #0. i.e. p# 2, q-3, the given system of equation has unique solution ‘Case When A= 0, i.e. p=2,0rq When p=2, A= 0, 4,=0,4:=0,4,=0 given system of equation has infinitely many solutions sol SOLVED PROBLEMS if-a, B and ate the roots of the equation x2 1 (px + q) = r(x + 1). Then the value of determinant bea | 1 BL fis 1 1 ty wel @ tated oo eB ¢ (D) none of these +), The give ng (C)- The given equation is px + gx 1-0, rots ae given oy 50 we have apy== P atBtY apy { S0+B rsa faut D= aBy| 4-4-4 \ . apy b?+2 ab ae One factor of] ab B40 cb | is ca cbc? +a) wir (B)@ +A + ACE +2) (D) none of these (a). Putd=0 la? ab ac] lb | The given determinant becomes ab b’ cbl =abcla b c|=022=0 lca cb oc? lab | [eed x+l If}2x?-1 1 x+2{=ag +ayxtayx? tax? +... then ais equal to per 1 xt ai (B)2 3 (Do x4] 1 x4l (D). a, = £(0) where f(x)=|2x7=1 1 x42) 3x°-2 1 x+3) x+l] x+2)+0+0=0 (R,~R;, R)-R,) x43) F(0)=0 a= 0, (Bat (D) none of these 4 The system of equa in 0 (C)A--S Sol. (©), For non-trivial solution 4-0 los i 3-1 4/-0 lio Consider an identity matrix (n« n) Ls. € Ro then |Adjt?. 1) 18 (Ayn! (B) ce (D) x Sol. (B) GAY AGA I) HG) 2 AGHA) = = AdWE. Ay) 7 la a et sin2xtanx"| i IFA() = fin(l+x) cosx sinn | = A+ BK+ Cx? «then Bis equal to J cosx? eh =1 siny? (Ayo (BI (C2 (D) none of these Sol, (A) | ec 2cos2x aa eX sin2x —tanx ax) [in(t+x) cose sinx [+f -sinx cosx/+] In(L+x) cosx sins Joosx? et-1 sin? | Py e 2veosy? osx? e* 1 sinx’| B+2cx+. 2a po off og Putx-0,B= [0 1 osfi 0-140 1 of -0 rod fo of] 9 14 +a xta x+al beia)-agid) pte) 28( is Infix)=|x+b x +B 3/800 (a. ~ x) (Bx) (7 =»), then the value of P x+b x+b x+y] (AVF) (B)(- 1) (C) F(0) (D) none of these Ix+a a-a 0 Sol (C). Fox)=|x+b B-b afl) linear expression in x = px + q(say) x+b 0 y-b) f(-a)~ pa tg: f(-b)=-pb+q f a ana “| la-a 0 0 Fea fea Bob a Beba Poa a BC) 9C,1G) te an antr—ad Bea) b-a 0 y-bf fb-a bea yb} feb [0 Pb aH te bxp bay) ethy #a) par g, zi) pb +q be (a)—agib) (b-ayq (bay toy a Mp.qrbereal then fx) | pq xvq? gr | Bw omer (A) increases in interval (0,6) {B) decreases in imerval| 22 +2 *F). g Pegs) (C) increases in interval 7, (D) none of tl 1 0 O | leap’ pq opr | fxtp pa pl (ABO). fO0=\pq xsg ge ff O10 pe ge xe] | pe gr ner I + QEp eq’ tex [a +bx ath Ha, b,. ce R (= 1.2, 3)andx © Band la, +b,x a,x +b, ¢; lay +byx ayxtb, cy 0, then ' (Bx 1 bh, el=0 (D0 (A, B,C) Applying C, -» C;-xCy a,(1-x7) ax +b, lasix?) axed, fa l-x2) ayx +b, Applying C: > C; -xC, {a by alien a,b, lay bs BB Tesin?xcostx sin 2x 2 soos? sin2x | ate w 10, If'maximum and minimum values of the determinant] Si” i+ 7 and x Lesin2y] : sin?x 608 Wa sp =4 (B) ap” (C) (a — B") is always an even integer for n € N (D)a triangle can be constructed having it's sides as &, Band oP Sol. (A), (B),(C) Applying C) > C, + Cy, we get 2 cos?x sin 2x 2 Iteos’x — sin2x [1 cos tsin2 Applying Ry —» Ry ~ Ry and Ry-> Ry ~ Ry, we get | 2 cos?x sin2x fo 1 0 |+2+sin2x. | fhe maximum value of'sin 2x is 1, and min value of sin 2x 1-1) Sine Therefore a = 3, B= 1 aa) a I. Ifa, i = 1, 2,....9 are perfect odd squares, then | ay as ay is always a multiple of a my 4% (Ay4 (B)7 (C) 16 (D)5 AO, Let ay = (2m+1)? a = 2n+1? => ay ~ay = 4(m(mt 1) - n(n + 1)) = 8k so, difference of any two odd square is always a multiple of 8 Now apply C; ~ C; and C) Cx 1th become multiple of 8 so A always a multiple of 64, then C) and ja 10 12, Ifg(x)=fax_ a =I) then g(2x) — g(x) is divisible by lax? ax a (A)x (B)a (C) 2a + 3x (D)x? Sol. A,B,C g(x) = ala +x)" (2x) — g(x) : > afa+ 2x) ~a(a+ xP a((2a+ 3x)x) = ax(2a + 3x) a eeeeESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS MP-MATHEMATICS-DETERMINANTS & LINEAR EQUATIONS} comprehension pay sags the determinant, A=) y ce Im q o ‘s f fs the minor of an element in i row and j* column ent M, den " s the cofactor ofan element in i" row and j® column, Cyaenote Now answer the following questions based on the above comprehension: iu. Thevalue ofp. CQ. Coe. Cais equa to (ayo fb (ae (Dy sol (A) - p.q rare the entries of first row and C1, C3, Care the cofactors of second row. p.Cn#q.Cn #1. =0, 1 The value ofx. Carty. Ca #2.Cysis equal to (ayo @-4 ae ‘Da’ sil. © x, ys Zate the entries of second row and C31, Cra, Care the cofactors of second row. x.Cyty-Cntz.C= 15, The value of. Mjy~ y. Mrz +m. My is equal to (Ayo (B)-a a (Dy) Sol. (B) q-Miz~ Ma: +m. Myz =-4.Cu-y.Cn-m.C q.Cn-y. Cam. Cy) =A (+g, yemare entries of second column and Cys, Czx, Cy are cofactor of second column) Assertion Reason 16, Statement -I: The number of possible dimensions of a matrix containing 32 elements is 6 Because ‘Statement -II: The number of ways of expressing 32 as the product of two possible integers is 6 (A) Statement -| is True, Statement -2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1 (B) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1 (C) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 is False (D) Statement -1 is False, Statement -2 is True So (0) The possible types of matrix are 1x32, 2x16, 4x8, 32«1, 16x2, 8x4 SoA is true But 32 can only be expressed as the product of two positive integers in 3 ways. So A is true but R is false el _ SMa ee aU NOS 17. Matis the toffowenp Crohn t yout Column tL Column — 1 Column af Shi OK AP WAG fd oye (py WEA Ser gy Jn oxo by oa} ane bs hex tak then [s-? Se aN DEW ISH A56 ye i rat rexrdsthen |) ay pti (Cy) Wat) jax’ m j)2 | Ww ed 19 Jrton sty eb Fe! ds! ex then | www | ainx | aby bet osathen | (sy a 42b 42 Jeosy ni x?) m0 Sol (A) (pds (BY (Qs (OC) (0); (D) > (9) WM Osea be 0 2 Ss 3 MO} 1 9f odo AL fo 6 Bt (Q) AtX 0 io o 7 AW) 1-1 8 od 0 ae 5x At fax x=1 8 le on ff Pulx Ove 17 jo sx | |! 5 ul | $ 7 wine x-1 8/+{ax 1 1 8]=6ax +26 lo ax of E 3 0 b 3 0) Putx -0 2h R= b~ 42 os 7 fos 7 Am(x)=[2 1 dist 1 sl=6a>3 424.2% 42-54-21 lo 3 fp 39 (R) 2-0, b= 161, = 46, d= -73, e 43, (S) Put x= 0 then a= 0 J [et sinx cos. . Be 2Cx+ |-sin In(t+x?)} TRL ee as NT ES t—“‘“‘“(‘( ll at 20. a1p OXF) CosK +B) costx + y) SMELT ED sin(x +f) sin(x + y)},, then £(8) ~ 2F() + Foy) is equal to iB) sinty-a) sinta- py] ietoy (0.00), DINLX +a) sin(x +P) sin(x +y)] Jeostx+a) cos(x+P) costx +7)| NIM(X HA) sin(x +) sin(x + y)] +eostx +a) costx +B) cos(x + 1) SIMPY) siny- a) sin(a—B)}|sin(B- 7) sinty-a) sina -B)} 0° 0-0 F(x) isa constant function, let F(x) = ¢ -. F(0) ~ 26) + Fy) =e = 2e + Now, f(x) ajay ay AD] @2%10 42 Way. a &y oe ay are in ALP. and Ay =layay a Jaya, ay ay then AL: A, is equal to ays Ay aya, ay 24 lay ay as (1.00) Here, Ay = dlay ~ a2ay —as){as~ a)) = 2d", Also, A; = 2d" a. 2 4 Ore ane k If |x +1 x S)= Ax + Bx! + Cx? + Dx? + Ex +F then the value of SA + 4B + 3C + 2D + Eas, then “> Rx-1 1 x is equal to (2.60) Pao ds wails xd bx xt Slaft4t 2x Sleht4t x? 0. FU)=S5A44B+3C+ 2D+E=12+3-2=13 2 x xf Px-l 1 ox) Px-t xd - k Hays as, ay, 5. 4y Aes ry Mg ag are in WLP. and A=|S 4 ag), then [3A] isk, find is equal to _ (where {.] denote the greatest integer function) (3.50) 10 iw ~|

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