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19 COMPLEX NUMBERS —_———__ NT PROPERTIES OF CONJUGATE, MODULUS AND ARGUME! Imaginary axis Conjugate © 2h B~ 2Relz) ©. 7 2ilmz) . (provided 7340) © a= fz), then = f(2) where = fiz) isa function in complex variable with real coefficients Modulus © d-0=2-0 © = )sRez 218 a purely real number =9 2-7 # Ware(2) 12-92 >is purely imaginary number = 2-2 Note that argument function behaves ike the log function. De Moivre's Theorem Un wsany mnteger, then (cos 0 +1 sin BY" = cosn 0 + isin n 8 {nisa rational muber, then one ofthe values of (cos 0+ 1 sin 0)" iscosn 0+ 1 sin nO. IFm = pa, where p and q are integers (gO and p,q 1 sin 0. Ite 2ve no common fate, then (cos 0 + 1 sin" has q distinct values. one of which fs cosa (6080 + 19m) and m isa positive integer, then 0) kns0) sin k= O12. a The nth Root of Unity Let xbe the mth root of unity, Then x" 052k isin2kx (where k isan integer) = x= c08 n=l «f=1), ie. the nth roots of unity are 10,07... v ioe | zs Thus the sum of the roots of unity is zero, Product of the Roots ee a Remarks ‘+The points represented by the n nth roots of unity are located at the vertices of a regular polygon of n sides inscribed in a unit circle having centre atthe origin, one vertex being on the positive real axis (Geometrically represented as shown) ‘+ Cube roots of unity For n=3, we get the cube roots of unity and they are I, 2m |, 2m 4m ae / sos 2 + isin = and cos + isin = os 2 and eos F x x 2 ) al+v3i il and: 2 pes ‘They are generally denoted by 1, « and «” and geometrically represented by the vertices of an equilateral triangle \whose citeumcentre is the origin and circurnradius is unity MMSE © os Land trator =0 (1a muluple of 3) + Traktor =3 - nota multiple of 3), + Lot roo (isan inte Concept of Rotation W220. ae the three vertices ofa tangle ABC described nthe counterclockwise sense then 2-4 00) CA on x Bee Gp oomervisinay = CA 7 Note that arg (z) ~ 2) ~ arg(z) ~ 2,) = eis the angle through which : OP must be rotated inthe anti-clock-wise direction so that it becomes, (a) parallel to OQ GEOMETRICAL APPLICATIONS Section Formula Hf z,and 2; be any two complex numbers representing the points A and B respectively in the argand plane, then the point Ciz) dividing the line segment AB internally in the ratio m:n, ie, SC =, is given by M2 BC on men Similarly if C(2) divides the segment AB externally in the ration of m:n, then 2 = @1.—™22 nm In the specific case if C(2) is the mid-point of AB then z = +22 Condition for Collinearity If there are three real numbers (other than 0) |, m and n such that lz) + mzy + nzs = numbers z,, 2) and 2; will be collinear. Equation of a Straight Line Equation of a straight line with the help of rotation formuta : Let A(z,) and B(z:) be any two points lying on any line and we have to obtain the equation of (2) on this bine Oand 1 +m + n= 0 then comple, this line. For this purpose let us take any point a beR %) and ib 723-22, This is the general equation ofa line in the complex plane. # Slope of a given line: Re(a) im(a) is the given line then its slope = If 2a+Zata is +7a+2=0 Equation of a line parallel to the line 2a +Za+b = (where 2. is a real number). Equation of a line perpendicular to the line 23 +%a +b =0 is 23 -Za +i (where 2. is a real number), ——eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeSSSFSFSSSSSSSFSFFFFSSS TIA eee Tat ‘+ Equation of Perpendicular Bisector: Consider a line segment joining A(z;) and B\z:). Let the line *L* be it's Perpendicular bisector. (2) be any point on the “L*, we have PA = PB >in 21 = (2-2 > 2(2, ~%)+ 2(2; ~2,)4 24%, -233, 0 Distance of a given point from a given line: Let the given tine bez +2a+b=0, and the given point be 2 betezast} zal then distance of 2 from this tine is za+za+b=0 * SB (2 20) Orepresentsa line passing through 2 with slope tan, (making angle 8 withthe positive direction of x-axis) Equation of a Circle Equation of a circle of radius r and having its centre a zp 2-2, 3 2-2 1 (2-2) (Z-%,)= 0 => 27 +02 + a +b =0, where ~ a= and b=ZozZ Ie represents the general equation of a circle inthe complex plane. © FE +aF+3e+b=Orepresents a circle whose centre is ~ aand radius is Vaa—D. Thus 77+ az +%e+b=0 + (b © R) represents a real circle ifand only if ai —b 20 ‘© Equation of a circle described ona line segment AB, (A(2;), B(23)) as diameter is Z)+(2-23) (Z # Let 2, and. be two given complex. numbers and a any complex number such that, arg| =a, where a. € (0,2), 2-2; Then ‘2’ will ie on the arc ofa circle (zs) and * Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral such that A (2)), B23 D(z.) lie on a circle is purely real ‘+ Equation of tangent to a given circle at a given point: Let 7 =r be the given circle then equation of tangent atthe point 2; is: mo Some Important Result to Remember ‘The triangle whose vertices are the points represented by complex numbers 7, 22.2 18 equilateral i 2p 4 2325 +230 1 ae 0 te, ie} +23 +7 © ez) ele ail = Ay represents am ellipse if jz, ~Za|< 2 having the points 7, and 23 as ts foct. And fi, %|~ A, then z lies on « ine segment connecting 2; and 7: © [2-2] izzy) =A represents a hyperbola ify ~23 ‘the ies om the line passing through 2; and 2 excluding the points between 2) and z having the points 2, and 2) a8 its foci Ang yy ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS ‘1. ‘Solve for ze find all complex munibers 2 which satisty i 2iz + 2c(1+ 1) “0 where cis real. Sol, Putz= a+ ibthena? + b= 2ai + 2b +2e+ 2ci=0 = (a4 B+ 26 2c) + (2e-2a)i=0=> a? +b’ +264 2e= Oand 2e-2a-O>a~c Now b + 2b +(e! + 2c)=0= b= «1 tVi-2e-€ Since bisreal, 1-2¢~c!20=> ce [-1-V2, -14V2] = z=eti(ltvi-2e-c ) 2 does not exist fore € [ 2 Consider an ‘n* sided regular polygon with origin as its centre. If 2 be the complex number Fepresenting a vertex A,, of the polygon, find the complex number associated with the vertex that is adjacent to Ay. s Sol, Vertex adjacent to A, is either Az or Ay. Let 2; and 2, represent the n/n vertices A; and A, respectively. Considering the rotation about the 2, -14V2} origin, we get 2-0) soem _ gore pan 20 elten gee oy nt q Similarly, 22 = e°?""" = 2, =e?" a eae 3 it pl=1, ten prev hat perpendicular straightness Since fz|= 1, z lies ona unit circle having centre atthe origin, Sol. soa= Vk e™ or Vi ea lies on one or other of the two perpendicular lines {Show that, whem z tes above the real axis, a wll le within the unit ercle which has ‘he origin. Find the locus of eas z travels onthe real axis from -20 to 40. Sol, From figue, itis clear that ei <|2 ti (asz lies above the real axis) >= ly el = a lies within the unit circle which has centre at the origin. ‘Now if is travelling on the real axis Im(z)0 and Re(z) varies from -<0 to +2. Laz=xti0ma=2cl .,gj= Rol i fei] (as fxd : Fine) oe in the argand plane. Sol. Let us take (4) = 2/3, Clearly z lies on the minor are of a circle passing through (1, 0) and (-1, 0), Similarly, an) mS pa Means that ‘2’ is lying on the major arc of the circle passing through (1, 0) and (-1, 0). Now if we take any point in the region included between the two aes, say Py), We get an{ 211) <2 zi)" 3 Thus Ec 24) 28 represents the shaded region (excluding the points (1, 0) and (-1. 0)) zl He and 4a a A Sol. Let O(2s) be the centre ofthe circle We have ZA0B =5 A =|o+4i = JB Let OA = OB=1= AB=ry2 ar= V6 mp SOLVED PROBLEMS 1 Wz t\ Landargiz)~ 0, where 2 # and 0 isacute then 171 eal te (Ay und (B) snd . 0 (C)tan (wy tans Sol (Bye 1 represents a circle with entre at # and radius equal to | We have OPA = Pa) = arp( 274) -2 Ab o-2)"2~ op 2 Now in AOAP ° A tan ~ AP op Thus 22 = itano 2 Ifz be a complex number satisfying (7 #2247) + 32-2) +4 = O,then complex number 7 + 3+ 2, yy ie on : (A) circle with centre | - St radius 4 (By circle with centre 1 + Si radius 4 (Gp cattle eth: centre ters) cad (D) circle with centre 1 ~ Si radius 3 Sol. (C). Given equation of circle ZF + 2+ 3i)+ 22-3) + 4-0 centre (2-31), rads = Vaa~b = 3=9|2+2-3i=3 Leto 2+ 352-24 2-Bt1+Si lo - 1-5] |2+2-3ij=3 0, 19 lies on cirele whose centre is | + Si, radius EF Ifle~2-i] [2]. fin{ 2 —argz | then locus of zis ' Ps (A) a pair of straight lines (B) circle (©) parabola (D) ellipse Sol. sin), where @ = arg z |. which isa parabola 4 The maximum area of the triangle formed by the complex co-ordinates z, 2), 23 which satisfy the relate is a 17? bee, where r > |z, -z: fi laa) leash fe-| rt 1 (A) Sl ofp GUA eee ak Sol, (B). By the given conditions, the area of the tangle ABC 1s It as - ao “hon |z isin 2 Locus of zifarg (2~(1 + ie | 4 8 [whem jzpiz-2 (A) straight ines passing through (2,0) (B) straight nes pasing through (2,0). (1.1 (Cline segment (D) a set of two rays (D), The given equation is written as Noa tr ‘ [PE when x1 age) jE when x1 fu) 4 => the locus isa set of two rays. _ to NS Reet f x In| Let2e Candif A= zane) = 3) an ar(2—3-3) =} Then (A.B) equal to (ayl (B)2 3 (D0 {D), We can observe that 3 +31 ¢ A but ¢ B n(A 0B) =0. fz), 2 2. are complex numbers such that [= za ls) = 1, then jy ~ 2+ fz ~ 2s" + ay ~ 2yf can not exceed (aye (B)9 (C12 z (D) none of these (B). Let y= |zy ~ 22) + fan ~ aap +fav—2aP? = @)~22)(%,~%) + @-2)(% -%) + @-20(%~%) REE ao _ ———— Oe Mee aD beds Oy AAD 4 ow we know |e 2 Caf 20) Ved taty HA bay 82:24; )20 AD) From Clyand (21 ® Droiding 2) by 24, we obtam the remainder 1 and dividing it by 2 * 1, we get the remainder 1 4, Hemamider upon the diviston of fl) by 726 Has 1 1 aaa) (By Lazer 1 1 ree te Dy A(eeape Soh BH eine ne ay ae tbe abe Wy toaeh a a2) From (1) and (2) 9. Ite 21-201 then the principal value of arg z can be in ay (by = 4 -2 p= 4 Or" Sol. 10,87, = ay + aby and 2: ~ ay + iby are complex numbers such that |2i| = 1, |za| = 2 and Re(2:23) = 0, then thy pair of complex numbers =a, + #2 anes ~ 2+ iy sit (B) os = 2 (A) jo = (D) Imo) (C) Relays) = 0 Sok (A,B,C, D). a3 +b} = dand aya, = bib, a3 +b3 = 4aj + 4b; (a; + 2a, = (2b, + iby => a= +2b, 2a; = tb —— TA ees Sol, 2 jor" andy" = 4bp +b} =4 > /o. Re(@yo,) = 2aby Io.) ~ ab + hy = 2a2 + 284 2 sare drawn tothe IF from a pint P representing the complex number 2 on the curve = 2. pir of tangents are di curve 2| = 1, meeting at point Q(z;) and R(2s), then 1 (A) complex number will lic on the curve [| = 1 (D) orthocentre and circumeentre of APQR will coincide (A, B,C, D). A, Dis true as POR is equilateral triangle so orthocentre,circumcentre and centroid will comcide. wy Eel Ova Piz) (eta + 234% 4%) -9 2) (©) ZQOR = 120", ‘One vertex of the triangle of maximum area that can be inscribed in the curve [2-2 i 2, is 2 +2i, remaining vertices is /are (a)-14 (2 +3) (B) 1-245) (142-5) (D)-1-(2-W3) nO Clearly the inseribed triangle is equilateral 11-7 47% mo 1y= -14i(2 +¥3 )anday=-1 +i(2-V3) zs 2,(2 #21) P+ az +a? = 0, then eter such that 2° + az +a” = 0, er and ‘a" be a real parameter suc ; 13. Let-2" bea complex Le and a be are a of zisa cele of 2 isa pair of straight Ines loc Qn (D) jal = Jal (Ay lot (Ch argte) Sok 0.0) Zrarta’=o = Zao, ao® (where “0” is non real root of cube unity) = locus of z isa pair of straight lines and arg (2) = arg (a) * arg(o) or arg(a) + arg(o") > argiz)= + = also, 2|* allo| o Jal ja Comprehension {n argand plane 2| represent the distance of a point z from the origin, in general |2i ~ | represent the between two points z; and 2s. Also for a general moving point z in argand plane, if arg(2) = 6, then z = 79 = cos0 +i sind Stang Whee ‘Answer the following questions 14. The equation jz —2)| + je z:|= 10 ifz, = 34 4i and 2, = ~ 3 ~ di represents (A) point circle (B) ordered pair (0, 0) (C) ellipse (D) none of these Sol (D) TS. lz~2i|-l2—2y} 1, where tis a real parameter always represents (A) ellipse (B) hyperbola (C) circle (D) none of these Sol, (D). Given equation can represent a hyperbola if|2, ~23|> 1 16 Ife-@ + 2i) | coal Seg then locus of 2 is | 4 (A) circle (B) parabola (C) ellipse (D) hyperbola Sol. (B). (x -3)+ iy 2) | sin), where @= arg 2 | = y(x-3) L eX ty. which isa parabola, Tey E (y~2) Cm Assertion Reason 17, Statement 1: The points 2 = «ay onthe comples plane ; 1 eo the same 1y on the complex plane satsfang 29115 2 side of the origin of a parabola with vertex on imaginary ants. hrecause Statement -2. 2 =x|< 2 - 1s always true. (A) Statement 1 is Truc, Statement -2 is True, Statement: (B) Statement-1 is True, Statement -? 1s True; Statement (C) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 iy False (D) Statement -1 is False, Statement -2 1s True is a correct eyplananion for Statement| is NOT a correct explanation for Staten Sol. (D). The first statement 2 statement oy 0,b>0 (given) Since, Re (2) + Im(2)=3 (given) fi) Saib-3 . Now, let E = (Re (2) Im (2) OC Sol. 4, Sol. 25. Sol. => Enab=a'3-a) @) Now, E is maximum or minimum if 2 da = ba-3a'=0 > 3a(2-a)=Oeithera=0ora=2 a Again, 0, when a= 2 Henee, E will attain its maximum if = 2 maximum value = (2) (3 2) =4, ya 3, hq ate all the 100* roots of unity, The numerical value of 3”) (a\a,)* is ‘siejsi00 (0.00) o i 2y Yalat (aj +0} +0} +a} +a$ +..)° (al? +a al? +a? +al? +..)=0-0= 1asi00 {100 if r= 100K because (aj +015 +...+.a/59) lif #100k 12, satisfies ay ~ 1~2i) + fy ~ 2i]= 9 and zy satisfies fx ~ 2i|= 1, then the minimum distance between 2) andzyis—— (3.00) 7, lies on ellipse with foci -1 + 2i and 2i while 2» lies on circle now find common normal 2 7 “ M Let M = max{(Re(z))* + 5(Lm(2))* f2|= 1} and m = min{2(Re(2))? + (Im(z))?: [2|= 1}, then at 25.00) M=Sandm=1

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