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17 PERMUTATION & COMBINATION COUNTING PRINCIPLES ‘There are two fundamental counting principles viz. Multiplication principle and Addition principle. Multiplication Principle Tone experiment has n possible outcomes and another experiment has m p possible outcomes when both of these experiments are performed. nother words, ifa job has n parts and the job will be completed only when each part is completed and the first par can be completed in a, ways, the second part can be completed in a; ways and so on. . . the nth part can be completed in a, ways. then the total number of ways of doing the job is a, i This is known as the Multiplication principle Addition Principle If one experiment has n possible outcomes and another has m possible outcomes, then there are (m + n) possible sible outcomes, then there are mx y ‘outcomes when exactly one of these experiments is performed. In other words, ifa job ean be done by n methods and by using the first method, can be done in a, ways or by second ‘method in a: ways and so on ... by the nth method in 2, ways, then the number of ways to get the job done is (a; + + tay) PERMUTATIONS (ARRANGEMENT OF OBJECTS) The number of permutations of n objects, taken r ata time, is the total number of arrangements ofr objects, selected ffom n objects where the order of the arrangement is important Without Repetition: arranging n distinct objects, taken r at a time is equivalent to filling r places from n difference things. r-Places: he 2]3]4 —— f ‘Number of Choices: n oml a2 03 nel) The number of ways of arranging = The number of ways of filling r places =n(a-1) (0-2)... (a-r+1) n(n- 1) (n- 2) (a-r + Di@- (a=) | Com The number of arrangements of n different objects taken all a atime = “p, = n! With Repetition: The number of permutations (arrangements) of n different objects, taken r at atime, when each object may occur once, twiee, thrice .... upto times in any arrangement = The number of ways of filling r places where each place can be filled by any one of n objects . 2/3 ]a4]- —— . at Pe r-Places: 1 a nono The number of ways of filling r places =(ay Number of Choives: The number of permutations © The number of array hind, q are wentica pig't! "ments that can he formed using n objects out of which p are sdentical (and of one (and of another kind), ¢ are wentical (and of another kind) and the rest are distinct ts Circular Permutations The arrangements we have considered yo far were linear There are arrangements in closed loops also, called as carcular arrangements, Suppose B Persons (ay ds ay.) Are to be arranged around a circular table. There are n! ways an which they can bearranged m a ow. On the other hand, all the nar arangements depicted by will lead 0 the same arrangement for a circular table. Hence each exrcular arrangement corresponds to n linear arrangements (1¢, ma row). Hence the total number of circular arrangements of n persons is" = (n— 1)! Note: * Ino distinction is made between the clockwise and the anti-clockwise arrangements of n different objects semmgVk en feeembe ocormmsenen to Gn 1) COMBINATIONS Meaning of combination is selection of objects. Selection of Objects without Repetition ‘The number of selections (combinations or groups) that can be formed from n different objects taken r (0 p ao — ALL POSSIBLE SELECTIONS Selection from Distinct Objects The number of selections from n different objects, taken atleast one CATCH C= 2-1 Selection from Identical Objects (2) The number of selections of r objects out of identical objects 181 (bi Total number of selections of zero or more objects from n identical objects 18 n + 1 (© The total number of seeetions ofa least one out of 242; 124%. a objets, where a ae ake (of yp, kind), ay are alike (oF second kind ) and so on .. ay are alike (of th kind). is [a Las Tae), (a! D1 Selection when both Identical and Distinct Objects are Present The number of selections taking atleast one out of aytay+a;+...t&,#K objects, where a are alike (of one kind), arealike (of second kind) and so on .. ay are alike (of nth kind), and kare distinet = [(ay+1¥a9° a1). a, mM Division and Distribution of Objects (with fixed number of objects in each group) Into groups of unequal size (different number of objects in each group) * The number of ways in which m distinct objets can be divided into r unequal groups contining bjects ‘in the I* group, a; objects in the second group and so on nt "CPE, mane aylay tay boay! Here aytaytaytennsta, =, * The number of ways in which n distinct objets can be distributed among r persons such tha ist person ets ay objects, 2” person gets a, objects ... .* person gets a, objects = 7! EXPLANATION Le us divide the task into two parts. Inthe first part, we divide the objects into groups, n the second part, these #roups can be assigned to persons in r! ways, Into groups of equal size (each group con * The number of ways in which mn distinct objects can be divided equally into n groups (unmarked) (mn)! (m1"n! * The number of ways in which m» n different objects can be distributed equally among n persons (or (mnytn! _ (mn)! (myn! (mt? For example if out of 50 players, 5 teams of 10 players each have to be formed this becomes a question on grouping (50)! and thus the required number of ways to form such teams is OU)" (101) (51) numbered groups) ~ (numberof ways of dividing into groups) x (number of groups)! MULTINOMIAL THEOREM Let xis Xen be integers. Then the numberof solutions tothe equation Kyte to + X= a) subject tothe condition a, < xy eH ait eh (ef (ep sa(e) }{) 240) sane(th) }") Hef eonnrl) ‘Case Ik: When variables are distinct In such a case, we introduce some new variables to remove the condition of distinctness ‘Case IV: When the required sum is not fixed To find the number of solutions of the equation MAK to. thy S (yy We introduce a dummy variable x,u; 80 that Xp TR tee + Kemet = My Xm 20 Q) ‘The number of solutions of (1) and (2) will be same ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS ee ys be two 3-digit numbers. How many pairs of ny and m; can be aves is subtracted from n; without borrowing? Sol. Clearly n can be subtracted from n; without borrowing if y\2 x, for i= 1,2,3 . Let x 0 109 for i=2and3 and r=1to9 for i=1 Now as per our requirement yj~r,r +1, .-,9. Thus we have (10 -1) choices for, Hence the total ways of choosing y; and x, 2 {S00-nf So0-9) 245(557 ot Meo where r= 2 A delegation of four students is to be selected from a total of 12 st delegation be selected (a) if all the students are equally willing? (b) if ovo particular students have to be i (e) IC two particular students do not wish to be together in the delegation (2) iF 0v0 particular students wish to be included together only? (©) if O90 particular students refuse to he together and two ath ‘together only in the delegation? Mf Im how may wa can hy duded in the deleyation? particular students ssh ta he HO. 495 selcction of 4 out of 12. Hence the number of ways (b) If to particular students are already selected. Here we nced to select only ? out of the remainny tq Hence the number of ways = "C45 (6) The number of ways in which both are selected her 495 — 45-450, Sol. (a) Formation of delegation 45, Hence the number of ways in which the tu ay not mnelude (@) Ther are 10 possible eases (0) Either both are selected. In this case nbe made 45 1 the remaining: ten the number of ways in which the selection I the four students are selected fro (1) OF both are not selected. In this case students This ean be dane in "Cy Hence the total number of ways of selection ~ 45 210-255 (©) We assume that students A and B wish to be selected together and students C and D do not wish to be together. Now there are following 6 cases. (LA, B, C) selected, (D) not selected (H(A, B, D) selected (C) not selected Gn) (A,B) selected (C, D) not selected (v)(C) selected (A, B, D) not selected (8) (D) selected (A, BC) not selected (vi) A. B.C, Dnot selected For (1) the number of ways of selection = *C, = 8 For (ii) the number of ways of selection = "Cy = 8 For (ii) the number of ways of selection = “C) ~ 28 For (iv) the number of ways of selection = °C, = $6 For (v) the number of ways of selection = “Cy = 56 For (vi) the number of ways of selection = “Cy = 70 Hence total number of ways ~ 8 + 8 + 28 + $6 + 56+ 70 = 226 In how many ways the sum of upper faces of four distinct dies can be six. 210 ways. Sol. Here the number of required ways will be equal to the number of solutions of x4 +x: + x\4 x4 6, Xp Xp Me $6 Since the upper limit is six which is equal to the sum required, so upper limit can be taken as infinite So number af solutions coefficient of tin (t + = coefficient of Cin (1 1) 4. In how many ways can 13 identical blankets be distributed among six beggars such that everyone gets at least one blanket and fwo particular beggars get equal blankets and another three particular beggars get equal blankets. ber of ways of distributing blankets 1s equal to the number of solutions of the equation e ‘c= 10 Sol, The 3a + bt = 15 a. b,c > I. which is equal to coefficient of t"* in TI eee END Oe] a (HEH OEE Qe) sos neers) “coefficient of in (1 +1 iy OYE te eee 14 eF.. 1) eetinghigher Ps coefficient of Pin He D+ teas eee 2 ELE) HTEDHISTT +24 14242213 atleast /many ways can 14 identical toys be distributed among three bays so that each one gots AO a ind no two boys get equal number of toys? Sol, Let the boys get a,b and c toys respectively atb+e =14,a,b,c2 1 and a, bande are distinct leta 240 —— ee eeeeeeeeSSFSFSFSSSSSSSSe MP-MATHEMATICS-PERMUTATION & COMBINATIO CS 5 Sot Sol. Sol. 8 Sol. 7] be formed from a group of 10 students. If three particular students want "oe particular students do not want to remain together then the number of \ delegation of five students is to {© remain together where selections iy iio eas (B) 20 (D) none of these (BD. A,B,C want to tema together DLT do not want to remain to ether N [out NUMBER OF SELECTIONS ABCD F Cas ABCEp [zs dD ABGE [G75 I —_TARCD "C=5 Required number of selections iy TG Oe O= 20 In a shooting competition a man can score §, 4,3, 2 1 of 0 points for each shot, Then the number of ‘ays in which he can score different w: (A) 6938, (C165 30 in seven shots ts (B) 6539 (D) none of these (D). The number of ways of making 30 in 7 PP ERE te =I yea 4x + Dp SPO HTC MO DM Ex 30, coefficient of x" is. 7, +7 shots is the coefficient of x"”im (x" 4x! Fx xt xy DATE Mone shee 1 COME ETE: CE, +2) 2+ 7061S © 1) 6 21454 2)= 420, I'm and mare positive in (A) (mt (C) im nyt "gers more than oF equal to 2, m > n, then (mn)! is divisible by (B) (nt (D) (m= nyt mn) ! (A,8,€,0), the numberof ‘ways of distributing mn distint objects in n persons equally (my) (ma) | : . Hence isan integer => (m!)" | (mn)!.. Similarly (n!)" | (mn)! (my) Further m + n<2m (m =n)! | (mn)! Let n bea positive integer with fin) I! + 2! 31+ fin+2)= Plmpfin+1) + Qin)fin) for all-n > 1. Then (A) Pex) =x 43 (©) Pix) = =x nl and P(x), Q(x) be polynomials in x such that (B) Qo) (D) Qi) = x (A,B). fin) = 1+ 243+ tnt Anti) =e 2e3t+ ene DY fin +2) fin +2)- fin + 1) =(n +2)! = (n+ 2+ NE =(n + UH n+ 1) fy] => fini2)= (n+ 3)fl + 1) ~ (m+ 2Mfin) = Pla) =x + 3, Qin) = — x2 {421434 + (n+ 2! —_— ——.. TS eS Ee The number of ways in which we can choose 2 distinet integers from 1 to 100 such that the difeyn 9. between them is at most 101s WO car cy -*C {B) "Cig - “Con (10, an (D) None of these Sol (A,B,C). Let the chosen integers be x) and A>. Let thete be a integer before x), b nteger between x; and x3 and ¢ integer afler x; a+ b+ e=9R Wherea>0,b2 10,¢20 Now if we consider the choices where difference is atleast 11, then the number of solution 1s rc eee The number of ways in which b is less than 101s ™C, —“%C> which is equal to (A), (B) and «) option 10, on’ locks and ‘a’ corresponding keys are available. But the actual combination is not known, The maximum ‘numbers of trials that are needed to assign the keys to their corresponding locks are (A) 0 B) Yk) ynt (Dy "'C; Sol (A), (B). First key will be tried for at the most (n-1) locks. Second key will be tried for at the moy. (1 2) locks and so on. Thus the maximum number of tials needed im Dem-ae ot me, Comprehension matrices whose entries are binomial coefficients in the expansion of (1 + x)" (n 4s prime Let A be the set of all 2 2 11, Number of matrices in A are aint py) Oe 16 (yin tt (Dine Vt Sol. ({B) Binomial coefficients are "Co. "Cy. «4 "Cue wre distinct starting from "Co to- 12. Number of symmetric matrices in A are nen qa 8 (os oa g VI a eee A) a7 <>: _ [a 6] Sa malt | Symmetric matrix) — (a bbe) or (abe) +) Number of symmetric matrix = numberof linear arrangements of type (ab ) a 13. Number of matrices in A for which traces dvisile by‘ (x? 1) ia (a4) 0 Ore (an) © ae (D) (? - 1? Sol, (A) Note that "C; is divisible by m ifm is prime forall r except r= 0. < a a4)" [ +54) oah mais -(82! a (2) oe cd VN 2)2 16 Assertion Reason 14. Statement ~1: Number of rectangle in a chess board is "C, x "Cy, because Statement -2: To form a rectangle we have to select any two of the horizontal fine and any two vertical line (A) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 is True; Statement-2is a correct explanation for Statement-1 (B) Statement -I is True, Statement -2is True; Statement-2 is NOT correct explanation for Statement-1 (C) Statement -I is True, Statement -2 is False (D) Statement -1 is False, Statement -2 is True Sol (D) 15. Match the following 2 eee fea (A) The number of permutations of the letters of the word | HINDUSTAN such that neither the pattern ‘HIN’ nor ‘DUS’ nor | (p) 169194 “TAN’ appears, are (B) Taking all the letters of word “MATHEMATICS” how many @ oot words can be formed in which either M or T are together? 21 (©) The number of ways of distributing 15 identical toys among some or all of the students in a classroom consisting of 15 | (r) MC 5-15 students such that no student gets all the toys (D) The total number of eight-digit numbers, the sum of whose digits, : (45x10 is odd, is ® 0 91 So (A). Total number of permutations = ~— : Number of those conning HIN Number of those containing ‘DUS’ = Number of those containing “TAN Number of those containing “HIN’ and ‘DUS’ = 5! SEs ENT) —aa ‘Number of those containing “HIN’ and ‘TAN’ © 5 Number of those containing “TAN* and “DUS = 5' er of those containing ‘HIN’. ‘DUS’ and “TAN’ = 3! 2 gust 3! = 169194 Required number = Le-LS-1 Number of words in which btDT ate By M-2.7-2.A-2H-LE-bE Number of words in which both M are together ~ Number of words in which both T and both M are together = required number of words lot 109! 59 S99 9-9! ok 2 ey Required number of words = > * S75; hy ta:+ +4, 15 c equited number of ways of distributing selecting F students 1s GC Me dG coefficient of xin (1 8) -"eix coefficient of x" in (1+ xy" ~ 15 = "Cis ~ 15, (D) The numbers ill vary from 10000000 to 99999999. If sum of digits of @ particular nun even, then the sum of digits of its next consceutive number will be odd and the sum of diy, next consecutive number will be even and s0 on. As sum of digits of first number is odd and sum of digits of last number is even, So number of numbers with sum of digits as odd total_number of S-digit_ numbers abe ane Answer Q.16, Q.17 and Q.18 by appropriately matching the information given in the three columns ofthe following table. Xs +X: Xy Xe Rh =m where m2 Xp Xz. Xs 2:0. Column-I: lists conditions on x. Columml: ys For the equation x conditions on n and ColumneIH: lists integral solutions forthe equation (QY6SI = = [1R) 320 [1s) $12~ Which of the following combination is CORRECT? 16. (Ay) (Q) (B) (11) (iti) (S) (CC) Gti) (P) (D) (11) iv) (RY So (C) 17. Which of the following combination is CORRECT? (A) (ID) (i) (Q) (B) (111) (ii) (R) (C) (Gi) (PD (D) (U1 (iti) (S) Sol. (A) SIGNAL ea pe eet 1K Which ofthe following combination is INCORRE (Arab ain (ny (B) (IY) (i) (R) cv) GP) (D) AY) (iv) (S) Sul (B) Hol Wey ase xy 2A) 0x ban Number of solution 2 Way = 2X5 xy = Lo xy xp + 2X (n42)° Vow HIC= SET (niseven) Number of solution "1G, ¢" Ie Wea ns y= Lao ay tay ayo Number of solution °° 1 n+1)(3n+2) 2 Ixy 0° 01th 24 > Number of solution - %y'cy-(c,) =320 19. A.8 8 square grid allows movement only along the lefl-right or up-down direction with no back tracking. ITA ts the total number of paths from lower left corner to upper right corner and B is the number of paths trom lower left corner to upper right comer which do not cut the diagonal joining the two end points, then Sol. (9.00) A “C416 steps need to choose 8 up steps) B= Ly. any path frm the eft bottom comer (0, 0) to right upper comer (8,8) cuts the diagonal Joining the end points we releet the part of this path beyond the fist point of intersection in the diagonal joining (0, 1) and (7, 8). This path then ends at (7, 9) and has 9 upward steps one can see that this is a 11 mapping so B=", ~ cy =! ¢, 20, Ifthe number of integral sofutons to the system of equation x, + x2 +x5-+X«+ x5= 20nd Ay +x) + xy = 5, when x, 20, is M and M can be written as p’q, (p, q € N), then the largest possible value ofpis Sol, (4.00) Here, M= "Cp x C= 3364221 ped 21. Eight boxes are arranged in @ row. In how many ways can five distinct balls be put into them such that each box contains at most one ball and no two empty boxes are adjacent? Sol. (2400.00) Consider 5 boxes with 1 ball each, now there are 6 spaces in which to put 3 empty boxes 2 N= "C51 =5 x4 x 5 = 2400 22. minimum number of points of intersection of 8 straight lines and 8 circles be ‘a’ and maximum number of points of intersection be “b’, then ab equals__ Sol, (212.00) Cy + OAC, + 24C "Cy = 212 SATE)

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