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Tip strip Question 52 Lok for Setar as inwestigative {Question $5: ook or the names of occupations inet {uertion 56: Look or Sot herman ose Wheto Part8 You are going to read an article about an art exhibition that focuses on the subject of whether paintings are authentic or fake. For questions 47-56, choose from the sections of the article (A-F). The sections may be chosen more than ones. Inthe exam, mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. In which section of the article are the following mentioned? information that solved 2 mystery about a painting known to be authentic {an incorrect idea about the attitude of people responsible for ‘exhibiting pictures the fundamental issue surrounding research into a picture similarities in an artist's style in more than one place reasons why itis understandable that a certain mistake was made investigative work that showed that a picture was an unusual ‘example of an artist's work the wilingness of experts to accept that their beliefs are wrong the different categories of people involved in examinit 9 pictures evidence from an expert outside the world of art ‘an accusation that upset the writer personally TEST 2: READING AND USE OF ENGLISH AA RAAB SE A Seeing through the fakes A. Close Examination at the National Gallery looks at 40 problematic works from the Gallery's collection — including outright forgeries, rmisaccributions, pastiches, copies, altered or over- restored paintings, and works whose authenticity has wrongly been doubted. ‘The curators have taken on a huge subject ~ the range of possibilities museum professionals take into consideration when they investigate a picture's status and the variety of technical procedures conservation scientists use £0 establish authorship and date. The case histories they discuss have a single common denominator. In whatever direction and co whatever conclusion the combined disciplines of connoisseurship, science and art history may lead, che study of any work of art begins with a question: isthe work by the artist ro whom it isactribured? BA good example is an Ialian painting on panel that the National Gallery acquired in 1923, a8 the work of an artist in che circle ofthe Traian fifteench- century painter Melozzo da Forli. Today, we find it incredible that anyone was ever fooled by a picture that looks like it was painted by a Surrealist follower of Salvador Dali, But ths is to forger how litle was known about Melozzo 90 years ago, and how little could be done in the conservation lab to determine the date of pigments oF wood panel. Even so, from the moment the picture was acquired, sceptics called its status inco question, Nothing could be proved tunsil 1960 when a costume historian pointed ou the many anachronisms in the clothing, When technological advances enabled the gallery co test the pigments, they were found to be from the nineteenth G Scientific evidence can be invaluable but it has to bbe used with caution and in tandem with historical research, For example, Corors ravishing sketch The Roman Campagna, with the Claudian Aqueduct has always been dated to about 1826, soon after the artists arrival in Rome. However, the green pigment called viridian that Corot used throughout che picture only became available to artists in the 1830s, ‘The landscape wasnt a fake and for stylistic reasons couldn't have been painted later than the mid-1820s. All became clear when are historians did further rescarch and discovered that the firm thac sold artists supplies to Corot in Paris started making the newly developed colour available to selected customers in the 1820s, long before it came into widespread use. D ‘The flipside of a fake, but capable of doing equal violence to an artist’ reputation, occurs when an. authentic work is mistakenly labelled a forgery. Back in 1996, I well remember how distressing it was co read an article in which the former director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Thomas Hoving, | declared that Uceello’ lovely litle canvas of St George «and the Dragon was forged. The gallery therefore X-rayed the picture and tested paint samples, before concluding that it was a rare survival of a work ‘by Uccello dating from the early 1470s. Hoving \was irresponsible not because he questioned the axtribution of a much-loved work, but because he went public without first asking the gallery to carry out a thorough scientific analysis. E Anyone can label a picture a fake or a copy, but their opinions are worthless unless they can support them with tangible proof. One picture that's been smeared in this way is Raphael's Madonna of the Pinks. In this exhibition, we are shown infrared photographs that reveal the presence both of major corrections which a copyist would not need ro make, and also of under drawing in hand comparable Raphael’ when he sketched on paper. The pigments and painting technique exactly match those thar the artist used in other works of aboue the same date. F Forall its pleasures, the show also has an unspoken agenda. Ic isa riposte to che mistaken belief that museums have anything to gain by hiding the tue status ofthe art they own. As the downgrading in this show of Courber's Sef Porerait to the status ‘ofa posthumous copy of a picture in the Louvre shows, the opposite isthe case: museums and galleries constantly question, revise, reatribute and re-date the works in their care. If they make a mistake, they acknowledge it. TEST 2; READING ANO USE OF ENGLISH TEST 2 oa Russ ‘You must answer this question. Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style. In the exam, write your answer on the separate answer sheet provided. Tip Strip R Question 1: fesdallteingutand 1 You have listened toa raco discussion programme about the importance of choose which two reading different kinds of books in modern society. You have made the Socks to dens i. notes below: Your esa. Think about "sons or ad aga tech ype of book yu choose, wth examples 5 ; ‘to support your views. What type of book is most important. Decide which type of to read nowadays? , book is most important for people o read, and eae * fiction i sonciien, © science * pepesniae lng ee Some opinions expressed in the discussion: Sepa “You learn a great deal about people by Spies ee reading fiction, so it helps with relationships." the opinions given =~ 7 ; puta hove enty of History is just a collection of facts - you Besohour cum can find out all you need to know on the use the words, just the internet.’ dees jiibbeeanices Cars ‘It’s important for everyone to know about and coherenty using science nowadays, but some ideas in books ast mta can be hard to understand.” sea range of language toemplan and justify {he pois youwantto _Yyrite an essay discussing two ofthe points in your notes. You should explain which type of book you think is most important to read nowadays, giving reasons in + Make your argument eipereant support of your answer. persuasive 95 possible, You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible. rest 2: weminc = AEE Part 2 ‘Write an answer to one of the questions 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 220-260 words. In the exam, write your answer on the separate answer sheet provided, and put the question number in the box at the top of the page. 2 You see the following announcement on a music website: Have you been to an interesting and unusual music festival or concert recently? Write @ review for our website and tell us about it. Explain what itwas, and what made it interesting and unusual. Do you think this kind of event is relevant today? We will put the most interesting reviews on our website. Write your review. 3. Your friend Sarah has applied for a job in the office of an English Language College that has students from all over the world, and has asked you to write a letter of recommendation for the College Principal. Applicants should have good ‘communication skills, be a team player and well-organised. In your letter you should include information about your friend's relevant work experience and personal qualities, and reasons for recommending them for the job. Write your letter. 4 You have just finished a short period of work in a company abroad as part of your business course, You have now been asked to write a report for your course organiser. {In your report you should explain what you did and how you benefited from the period of work, describe any problems you had and make recommendations for other students on the business course who will be working in the same company abroad later. Write your report. Tip Strip Question + Ths review shouldbe interesting and engaging for users ofthe website, sit shoud nat be to formalin sive. It shoud be clearly organised and paragraphed 0 that tea to ead + Think ofan engaging opening to catch the reader’ interest, and make sre that yur opinion is dearly expressed atthe end + Use techniques such as hetrcal questions to interest and engage eades. + inthis task you must describe the festival, explain what mage nteresting or unusual and justify your reasons for whether important or nat Questions: Read the instructions careful to identify the job, what sil are required and any other relevant information you might want to incude. In ths tas, the ob s working ina busy office, and the person required needs tobe wel-organised, work well with others and have good communication sil, Nour fer shoul be ariten 2 omal oc semifoual le * You should decide why you want to recommend your end, give your reasons deat ad provide details of why you fiend ‘would be sutable for hood. alee oe oc Question 4: + Explain the purpose ofthe report inthe invodution. ‘our report may have headings and some bullet points to make it eas for you tutor o pick out relevant information, but make sure that you show a range of language inthe other sections + Inthis task you must say what you did and explain the benelits, descr any problems and make recommendations for other Students Yurecomendatons may ret fom the robs; mate sue the reasons you gi areca the Ouse fran Ets 2: wainina

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