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The passion of Christ is all about the life of Jesus Christ and that’s why it's so good to watch especially
for young people like me. I learned a lot of lessons after watching it. I felt mixed emotions while
watching the movie, especially on the part where he was tortured and nailed to the cross where I teared
up. Jesus paid for our sins just to save and purify us from all unrighteousness. That's why I realized in
myself that I should increase my belief and faith in our God.
There are many events in the film that I was amazed especially when Jesus Christ healed those disabled
and sick people. Also on how he fed so many people and how he preached to those who believed in him.
Until it gets to the crying part where he knows people are going to kill him and he has to accept it because
that's what needs to happen. And the most painful thing is that Judas betrayed him in exchange for money
that’s why Jesus was caught, tortured, and crucified. But after three days he came back to life, appeared,
and go to his father’s kingdom that’s why people are waiting for his return until now.
The Passion of Christ taught me to be a better person, love others and help those in need. When there are
problems in life just pray and trust our Lord and ask him for guidance. Even if you are a bad person if you
are willing to change and believe in God he will forgive and save you. Because not only a good person is
needed to be forgiven and saved, but we must believe and have faith in our Lord. That's why even though
I'm a sinful person, I continue to ask for forgiveness and strengthen my faith in our God so that one day
when I'm no longer in this world, I'm sure I'll be in the kingdom of our Almighty God.

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