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How has BPO changed the world today

2. How Technology can change my life


5. The importance of positive thinking

6. 3 things I would like to do to make the world a better place

7. Today’s education system

8. Indian Economy

9. Current financial situation in India

10. Agriculture in India

11. Friendship

12. Poverty

13. My first Job

14. Future of BPO industries in India

15. Memories

16. promotion

17. Importance of English as a language.

18. My dream company

19. If you had a chance to live a life of a personality whom would you choose

20. Importance of creativity

21. Freedom

22. Attrition in the BPO industry

23. A healthy body is as Important as an active mind

24. Make Hay while the sun shine


26. Computer need or luxury

27. Pleasure of reading

28. Is E-learning the future of Learning system?

29. Social media

30. Advertisement

31. Newspaper

32. Person Who I Admire the Most

33. Actions speak louder than words

34. Pen is mightier than the sword

35. A stitch in time saves nine

36. Corruption

37. BPO culture – what do you like

38. Money is a motivator

39. Your favorite destination

40. My favorite cartoon character.

41. If I were a super hero whom would I choose and why?

42. Significance of rain

43. How would you reduce the number of road accidents?

44. 3 secrets to win Battle against Stress

45. Future of Indian economy

46. Which skill is more important in communication – listening or speaking?

47. Has tablet replaced books?

48. Where do you see yourself five years from now?

49. “India is an Emerging Economy”

50. Who is a customer?

51. Why is a good communication skill important in a BPO company?

52. Does MBA make a better manager?

53. Should companies stop using papers?

54. If you’re given a choice between knowledge and wisdom which would you choose and why?

55. India 2020

56. Importance of documentation.

57. Grammar is the backbone of language

58. Could you live without TV?

59. What is the relevance of money in today’s day and age?

60. Child labor in India

61. What makes a good manager?

62. language is important for communication.

63. If you get a chance to change the name “Infosys” which name do you like? Why?
64. Customer service

65. If you had to choose a super computer or a human being, what would you choose

66. If you were to be on a deserted island what are three things that you would take.

67. If you’re given a choice between knowledge and wisdom which would you choose and why?

68. Which season do you identify with and why?

69. Who helps you in making decision ‘friends or family?

70. Importance of Corporate Etiquette

71. If I can be an object, which object would it be and why?

72. Friend in need is a friend indeed

73. Life without computers

74. Should company run on policies or ideas?

75. If you were the CEO of Infosys, what are the two things about Infosys would you change and

76. How do you boost your confidence?

77. How do you ensure you are a top performer?

78. Is Human Being the Creator of the New World

79. Thinking out of the box

80. Importance of festivals

81. Globalization - Advantages & Disadvantages

82. Role of Media

83. Education in India.

84. Mobile phones

85. Good Old College Days

86. My Training experience

87. JOB satisfaction

88. My Dream house

89. Never judge a book by its cover.

90. Clothes do not make your personality.

91. Is creative thinking important in today’s world

92. Time and tide waits for none

93. Is technology boon or bane?

94. Has internet compromised physical activities?

95. Should villages in India be digitalized?

96. If I were a music system

97. Higher Studies or Job: Which one do you Prefer

98. Does exercise help you relieve stress?

99. Is information loss a threat for a company?

100. Foresee how Customer Service will have advanced in the year 2020

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