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Reptilia for it. J. F.

Meckel,3 on the other hand, while

Lucia. But nothing decisive occurred. The Spanish fleet

senior incumbent of St Paul's Chapel in the Cowgate. For

and Antichrist (1623, 4to), that he had ``received all'' his

the title Commentarios do Grande Affonso d'Alboquerque .

its entirety till 1901, when a new act came into operation.

which are the two principal mosques. A large part of the

lake shore, where it ends in a low rounded hill. In general,

underlying the phenomenon of the universe stands to us in the

Manning, Menelek provided a force of 5000 to co-operate with

Oriental alabaster is either a stalagmitic deposit, from the

than any other single country. Most of the British alkali

continuously. In the XIIth dynasty a gigantic tomb was

an extremely beautiful table and set of men, belonging to Ibn

history of Mont Blanc has been written by Ch. Durier, Le

down as a finely-divided precipitate of alum meal. If much

conservation of force or the indestructibility of matter. . . .

diarrhoea. It is an ingredient in pot-pourri, is employed

the impure amber is called firniss. Enclosures of pyrites

the mouth of the Baron of Bradwardine in Waverley, chap.

mysticism. His best known works are: a manual of theology

a number of small states under the control of the British and

war, making several successful expeditions into Corinthian

The Emperor Hadrian, trans. by M. E. Robinson (1898).

being provided out of the rates. The Act 30 & 31 Vict. c.

urge him to this great enterprise. Some lines of the Roman

a British cruiser west of Ireland on his return journey, was

receive evidence and report as to whether any modification

Babylonian, and the plantations of sacred trees, one of

100 to 2500 amperes. They are constructed for the measurement

enshrouded, no single copy being allowed to reach the public,

cell or cells, the Protoplast of which contains a single

ceremonies, its mysteries, its impressive spectacles and

patron, either in his own right or in the right of the proper

the various countries is the factor determining the rate of

withholding its former Thessalian possessions excited its deep

they are preserved by any external application applied in

but eventually difficulties of transport and the topography

of the English expedition followed to some extent in the

Latin scolding matches which were then the fashion. Alphonso

of the Linnaean society, and in 1879 he presided over the

reformer. His programme was to attack notorious abuses one

between tribes, the dissemination of culture and tribal

possible to dispense with the bare fallow, and still later the

de l'abaissement de la raison en la creance des mysteres

the remainder of the Atlantic coast of South America and both

cold colouring of the latter, he entered the studio of Gregorio

1843 by Sir John Bennet Lawes (q.v.). The results of more

hospital, he probably went there for the better treatment of

balloon descended at nine o'clock, at Meaux, the early descent

digestion. A set of five kittens fed with milk containing 1

the reliefs of the ``Birth'' and ``Agony of Christ'' for the

21 On the value of the judgments of experts

G. Busolt, Griech. Gesch. ed. 2, vol. i. p. 190 (1893); D.

of imperial officers to raise a local force in preparation for

network, and the arena was sometimes surrounded also by a ditch

division of the plagioclases (q.v..) It is a sodium and

it is desired to give the shipowner a lien for demurrage

sultanates had been seized by Portugal, Mozambique being

5,758,191 or 2% of the acreage in all crops; the value of

@ turned through an angle of 90 deg. . So also if Kaf corresponds

Under a broad bank | by a burn-side;

mention. For the amphitheatre at Pompeii, see Mau-Kelsey.

in England these are called primers. For small guns the case

dans l'Afrique barbaresque (1903); General Faure-Biguet,

and acquaintances he was hospitable, courteous and obliging;

Greece (4 vols., Lond. 1845). See also Pouqueville's Hist.

Herzog-Hauck, Realencyklopadie; Bayle, s.v.; Biog. Univ.,

ANABAPTISTS (``re-baptizers,'' from Gr. ana and baptizo),

central plateau of France should be firmer than the more modern

E. Ejus, Eques, Erexft, Ergo, Est, Et, Etiam, Ex.

hand customarily written upon it in Egypt now made its way into

Col de Tenda (Tenda to Cuneo), carriage road, railway beneath. . . . . . .6,145

whose vigorous measures broke for ever the power of the Creek

held against the insurgents. It received a colony under

Alexander D. Bache, Joseph Henry, Wm. B. Rogers, Othuiel C.

faith, which he reissued in Latin in 1598 and dedicated to

adhesive extract. In 1553, the lord mayor of London ordered

whole tract. In Hyla and Pipa there is a small caecum

Louis XVI.'s last minister of war (July 1792), and organized

he determined to make the stage his profession. His first

digitata there are also glands secreting a plentiful

Crawfurd's Lives of the Officers of State (1726), p. 226;

Pausanias iii. 10. 5; Diodorus xvii. 48, 62, 63; Justin xii. 1;
FIG. 7.--Revolving Black-ash Furnace. (Elevation.) Scale

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