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Educational Development Seminar (EDS)-2011:A Report
organized by Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah (Scholarship Programme)
on 27-29 July 2011 at Nainital, Uttarkhand
Theme: Role of Muslim Youth towards Community and Country
The t hr ee days
Educational Development
Seminar 2011 was held
successfully under the able
guidance of the Dr. Suhail
Sabir, Honorary Student's
Counselor of North Zone-
II, India.
The seminar was
started with the recitation of
Surah-Alaq from The Holy
Quran. It was then followed
by welcome address and
introduction of the theme
Role of Muslim Youth
towards Community and
Country by Dr. Suhail
Sabir, HSC, North Zone-II.
It was then followed by
introductory speech by the
Chief Guest Janab Mazhar
Naeem Nawab, President
Minority Commission, UK.
Presidential remarks were then delivered
by Janab Syed Abdullah Tariq, Chairman
WORK, India.
A brief idea of the lectures
delivered by our guest speakers is as
DAY 1 (27-07-2011)
Topic: Advances in Space
Sciences-Indian Context
Speaker: Dr. Akram Jawed,
Associte Professor,
Deptt. Of Geology, AMU, Aligarh.
The outset of this session was made
by telling the IDB Scholars about the
importance of space science. We need to
know what lies beyond this earth and in turn
the discovery of beneficial resources can be
The lecture then continued with an
introduction to the satellites and the
emerging technologies. Two types of
satellites were told- geostationary and sun-
synchronous. Geostationary satellites have
an altitude of 36,000 kms and they are used
for weather monitoring & forecasting,
communication, TV & Radio programs and
disaster warning purposes.
An example is INSAT series
(India). On the other hand
sun-synchronous satellites
float on an altitude of 700-
900 kms. They are used for
di sast er moni t or i ng &
management, mapping of
natural resources, urban
pl anni ng, envi r onment
monitoring and management.
An example is IRS series
Then he gave an idea
about the remote sensing. It is
t h e c o l l e c t i o n a n d
interpretation of information
about an object without being
in physical contact with it. It
has t hree component s-
platforms, sensors, and
electromagnetic radiation
(EMR). Sensors receive
EMR and convert it into a signal. It has
two types- Active Remote Sensing and
Passive Remote Sensing. A few
applications of remote sensing include
forests and wildlife studies, environment
monitoring, planning and management
and mineral and oil gas exploration, etc.
Contd.... page 3 (Azad Minds)
L-R: Dr. Akram Javed, Dr. Abdul Aziz Khan, Dr. Suhail Sabir, Mr. Mazhar Naeem, Chairman,
Minority Commission Uttrakhand (Chief Guest), Er. Syed Abdullah Tariq
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Topic: Dawah: What, Why and
Speaker: Janab Syed Abdullah
Tariq, Chairman, WORK, India
This was one of the most
enlightening session of the day, started
with the explanation of the meaning of
Dawah that is Inviting Non-Muslims to
Islam. Reasons were pointed out
explaining why Muslims are in a minority
in India. It has been the specialty of Islam
that it enters every country as a minority
and in a short span of time, it becomes a
majority. India and Spain are exceptions.
Reasons were explained for this also.
Muslims were compared with Christians
in context of broad mindedness.
The next part of this session
explained the 'Why' part of the topic. It
was told that the day we Muslims decide
to make ourselves a majority, nothing on
this earth can stop us. It was told with the
help of statistics that, every Muslim
should take the responsibility of four
Non-Muslims and invite them to Islam.
In the later part of this session, Khwaja
Moinuddin Chishti and Aurangzeb were
compared regarding their work in Dawah.
We were also told how to make 'insurance'
for our exemption from the hell-fire.
Question-answer session:
Questions were asked regarding
the initial steps to Dawah, the problems
that Non-Muslims face after conversion,
and many more. The speaker answered all
the questions in an excellent way.
Topic: Concept of Health in
Speaker: Dr. Abdul Aziz KhanTime:
6:30pm to 7:00pm
This session started with the
elaboration of the importance of health in
our life. Four categories of medicines
were mentioned- Islamic medicine,
Prophetic medicine, Quranic medicine
and Arab medicine.
Religious consciousness and
scientific spirit in Islam was explained.
Heart and brain were compared in terms
of their functioning. This was then
followed by the explanation of the basic
rights and legitimate needs of human
body. It included personal hygiene and
cleanliness, diet, sickness, Islamic view
of dress and religious injunctions.
Theor et i cal and pr act i cal
medicines were explained efficiently. A
brief question answer round marked the
end of this session.
After the sessions were over IDB
scholars who attended all the sessions were
asked to evaluate each lecture and2 were
requested to share their views. It was
wonderful and most lively interactive part
of day first. Students spoke freely and some
of them spoke for the first time on a podium.
Every scholar was of the view that such
type of things were done for the first time
during EDS that subject experts delivered
their talk and gave PowerPoint presentation
in a very lucid manner.
Topic: Professional Ethics
Speaker: Dr. Mumtaz Arshi
This session started at around 10:30
am. It was delivered in Urdu. We were told
that we should show by our actions that we
are Muslims, but not just by name. All our
actions should be in accordance with The
Quran and The Hadith. Absence of this was
the only reason behind the failure of proper
spreading of Islam.
The lecture then continued by
ment i oni ng t he hi erarchy of our
responsibilities. Community should be at
the top, followed by family and then
Then the importance of ethics
(Husn-e-Ikhlaq) was explained. We should
make proper use of our professional
excellence with faith and sincerity. We
should be very sincere towards our
profession. This marked the end of this
Topic: Namaz
Speaker: Janab Syed Abdullah Tariq
Thi s was one of t he most
informative sessions as at its end, the
speaker was asked to continue. This too was
delivered in Urdu with the help of power
point presentation. It started with the
explanation of the origin of the word
'Namaz'. It was told that Namaz prevents us
if offered properly. We should say 'Namaz
qayam karo' instead of 'Namaz padho'.
The correct niyat to start the Salah
was told. A proper salaat requires entire
concentration on Allah (SWT). A hadith in
this context was told:
Our Prophet Muhammad (saw) said:
'Worship Allah (in the state of) AS IF
you are seeing Him.
And i f you ar e unabl e t o
(concentrate upon) seeing Him, then
(concentrate that) He is surely seeing you.'
Then we were told how namaz can
be helpful to us here and in the hereafter.
Namaz should be offered in trans. Trans is
situation when you concentrate on just one
The session ended with a small
presentation with the central idea- 'Take
Allah with you and you will never have fear
or grief in your life.' Namaz gives us peace,
self-confidence, creativity and success.
Topi c: Ramadan Is t he
P r o g r a m m i n g o f
Speaker: Dr. Mohd. Shahid Malik
This was the last session of this EDS
and was successful in its goal- to remind us
about the glory of the month of Ramadan,
as it is going to be started in a few days. This
blessed month of fasting is the time to
purify and train our body and soul. Nawafil
(optional prayers) become equivalent to
obligatory prayers.
Reasons were told why we should
plan for Ramadan. This included revelation
of The Quran in this month, events like
Yu mu l F u r q a n , Yu mu l F a t e h ,
multiplication of rewards from ten to
hundred times, and many more. Ramadan is
the ninth month according to the lunar
DAY 2 (28-07-2011)
calendar. We were told about the conditions
for exemption from fasting. The goal of
fasting is to develop self-restraint (Taqwa).
Taqwa is the ability to self-guard. We were
then told about the importance of Tahajjud.
First ten days of Ramadan bring
Allah's mercy, next ten days bring Allah's
forgiveness, and the last ten days bring
salvation from hell-fire. Allah loves so
much the person who fasts, that we can't
imagine. Fasting cultivates in us feelings
for the poor and the hungry. We were then
shown a small video on food, thirst and
hunger. This video brought half of the
audience into tears.
At the end, it was explained that how
fasting ensures complete health.
The second day ended with the
valedictory function. The valedictory
function was designed in such a manner
that during this function Cheques,
Memento, certificates were distributed.
The Chief Guest of the session was
Municipal committee chairman of Rampur
Mr. Sardar Javed Khan who was an
Alumnus of AMU. He was happy to join
such a function and promised to come again
if invited to any such function. The guest of
honor was Mr. Syed Abdullah Asim from
corporate world. He is presently looking
after bisuness in India, South Africa and
Saudi Arabia of Religare, a concern of
Reliance Industries. He talked about
professional excellence and exhorted IDB
Scholars to strive hard to achieve their
career goals.
Question-Answer session:
Questions were asked in a very good
number by the IDB scholars and were
highly appreciated. Some of the questions
were- why are we unable to launch
geostationary satellites from India, how to
get information about things that lies inside
the earth by external pictures, what is DN
value. These questions were brilliantly
ans wer ed by t he
speaker and this is how
the first session ended
Th e g u e s t s
distributed the cheques
of Rs.8675/- to each of
the IDB scholar for the
month of April-June.
Cer t i f i cat es wer e
gi ven t o al l t he
participants, members
o f O r g a n i s i n g
Committee and to
t h o s e wh o h a v e
excelled in various
fields be it Academics,
attendance in WMs,
MMs, QMs and other
At the end Dr.
Mohd Shahid Malik
also addressed the
gathering as Senior
HSC. Dr.Suhail Sabir,
HSC North Zone II
proposed the vote of
On the third
day al l t he I DB
Scholars were taken to
N a i n i t a l , t h e
pi ct ur es que hi l l y
terrain of Uttrakhand
for sightseeing. Full
day excursion was
very entertaining and
each one of those who
went there enjoyed
thoroughly. At around
5 PM all the persons
returned back. On the
way they were invited
over a dinner by Janab
Tariq Abdullah at
Rampur. It was a lavish dinner well served
by the host. All those present offered Isha
Prayers and left for the final destination
and reached Aligarh at 5 AM.
Thus came to an end one of the
most exci t i ng, i nf or mat i ve and
memorable Educational Development
Shoeb Masood, IDB Scholar
(B. Tech, Final year, Civil Engineering,
Ms. Zaira Bano, IDB Scholar
(B. Tech, Final year, Computer
Engineering, AMU)
Mohd. Amir, IDB Scholar
(B. Tech, Final year, Electronic
Engineering, AMU)
Dr. Suhail Sabir, Honorary Student's
North Zone-II, IDB Scholarship
Programme, India.
Educational Development Seminar (EDS)-2011:A Report....... contd. from page 1
Mr. Salman Khursheed
Minister of Minority Welfare and
Water Resources
Govt. of India
In order to implement the RTE
policy of UPA Govt., the Registrar
of A.M.U. Aligarh had submitted
Five Schools project to HRD
Ministry, Govt. of India in year
So that good Schools can be
established in educationally
backward, and Slum area of
Minority in Aligarh such as upper
Fort, Jamalpur, Shahjamal and
It i s a humbl e request t o
recommend these projects to HRD
Thanking you.
Your's Affectionately
Dr. Masood Ahmad
Secretary , U.P Rabita committee
Mr. Mazhar Naeem
Er. Syed Abdullhah Tariq
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