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school are boys and the

number of girls is 540, how

many boys are in the school?
Sol. 30% of girls students = 540
1% = 18
70% of boys students
= 70 × 18 = 1260
45. A batsman scored 130 runs
which included 5 four and 5
sixes. What percent of his to#tal score did he make by run#ning between the wickets
Sol. The batsman scored 5 × 4 + 5
× 6 = 50 runs by fours and sixes
respectively. Then runs scored
by running.
= 130 – 50 = 80
Required percentage
80 100
130  =
7 61 %
46. The Cost of manufacturing of
an article as made up of four
components A, B, C and D
which have a ratio of 3:4:5:6 re#spectively. If there are respective
changes in the cost of +10%,
–20%, –30% and +40%, then
what would be the percentage
change in the cost.
Sol. NOTE- In such type of ques#tions assume any value but
ratio should not be changed.
A : B : C : D
330 320 350 840
400 500 600
+10% –20% –30% +40%
Total old cost = (300 + 400 +
500 + 600) = Rs. 1800
Total new cost = (330 + 320 +
350 + 840) =Rs. 1840
% change =
1840 –1800 100
1800 
40 22 %
18 9  
47. Goutam invests Rs. 10,000 in
some shares in the ratio 2:3:5
which pay dividents of 10%,
25% and 20% (on his invest#ment) for that year respectively.
Find the divident income.
Sol. Ratio of shares = 2x : 3x : 5x
According to question,
(2x + 3x + 5x) = 10,000
10x = 10,000
Ist share = 2×1000 = 2000
IInd share = 3×1000 = 3000
IIIrd share = 5×1000 = 5000
Divident income
2000 10 3000 25
100 100
  
5000 20
 
= 200 + 750 + 1000 = Rs. 1950
48. The radius of a sphere is 20 cm.
Find out its surface area is how
much % of its volume?
Sol. S. A = 4r ²
Volume =
4 3
Required percentage
4 3 100 100 4
r r
   

= 3 100
20  = 15%
 The required percentage = 15%
49. In a village there are 700 males,
500 females and 800 children.
If due to epidemic 20% males,
40% females and 10% children
are died. Find the % age of safe
population of the village.
Sol. No. of safe males:
= 80 700
100  = 560
No. of safe females
60 500
100  = 300
No. of safe children
90 800
100  = 720
Total safe population
= 560 + 300 + 720 = 1580
Required %
=  
1580 100
700 500 800   
1580 100
2000  = 79%

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