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possessing the largest circulation are of the very first

systematic thinking, and this enabled him to construct out of

till the pressure of the working air fell nearly to that of the

affairs, but devoted herself to pious exercises, to intimate

3. Missouri and West Virginia.--Missouri, at the other flank

under the Carolingians to the chief chaplain of the king,

beauty. Aesthetics will return to Kant and confine itself to

continent is shown in the writings of Ptolemy (2nd century

and the second, entitled Ain-i-Akbari, or Institutes of

are spread out at all altitudes from 8000 ft. down to sea-level.

general, the remains of the classical epoch attest the

1 The allusions in Jer. xlix. 1-6; Zeph. ii. 8-11; Ezek.

of his sons, the queen mother, Baldwin, count of Flanders

the simplest representative of the aliphatic ketones. It

districts ravaged by the Danes. In the parts of Mercia acquired

CON. Conjux, Consensus, Consiliarius, Consul, Consularis.

his immoral conduct, forfeited the right to speak before the

Algeciras was perhaps the Portus Albus of the Romans, but

Etienne Montgolfier (1745-1799), sons of Pierre Montgolfier,

capacity. This involves similarity of treatment. (3) The

Many methods have been devised for the preparation of the

many potsherds of the Mycenaean style were found; but Olympia

non-African form of bellows, &c., all characteristic of their

campaigns of 1793- 1795 in the Low Countries, distinguishing

the bench; he was partial, dictatorial and vain; and complaint

dramas. While thus employed he became acquainted with the

according to Jerome, of over-eating. Quintilian quotes some

Discovery of the Guinea coast--Rise of the slave trade.

moment when the tsar had made up his mind to break with

expenditure, limiting improvements to what was demanded for

coast of her possessions, which led to immediate protest from

the declarations embodied in it that there was ``no intention

of two acres, Bnrra near Old Meldrum, Tap o' Noth, Dunnideer

neighbouring Christian states; and its merchant ships traded

Monch . . . . . . . . . . . 13,468 Grand Muveran. . . . . . . . . . 10,043

as ever marked religious evolution in any community. The

descendants of these who ``began again to do ungodliness

ALETHIOLOGY (from the Gr. aletheia, truth), an

ADOLPH OF NASSAU (c. 1255-.1298), German king, son of

characteristics stand halfway between the Hova and the

the schools of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts at the

west; and he wrote, besides, biographies of Goldsmith and

must be on his guard against an error which pervades it,

to purchasers who think that they are obtaining extra value

generally, a trying or determining of a case by the exercise

of the Civic Guard,'' by van der Helst. The Trippenhuis gallery

Brunni Pass (Disentis to Amsteg), snow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8,977

or Venelais), each wrote a Vengeance d'Alexandre. Jean le

containing red-lead and one vermilion; of upwards of one

ADMINISTRATION (Lat. administrare, to serve), the performance

opposed to immediate annexation. But under pressure of public

lugs on glass slats, and are separated by three rows of glass

measure so unpopular in New England caused him to be hated by

and south, passing through Victoria Square, a small park

Porphyra, are leaf-like with a rigidity varying from a fleshy

learning, Abdallatif applied himself to natural philosophy and

the remainder is drawn from various sources, and contains

previously. There Julius Caesar dallied with Cleopatra in

of admiralty has no jurisdiction to enforce it in rem (the

acids. By digesting in hot alcohol, a substance termed

interference with uterine contractions or injury to the

a married person with another than the offender's husband or

to write good Arabic. Under this provocation Obeidullah drew

Acetylene is one of those bodies the formation of which is

such international importance, excited considerable feeling in

Confession of Faith. In 1578 he submitted himself to the

during his boyhood in selling water in a mosque in Cairo.

each other at fixed intervals, so as to ensure continuity in

daily gazette, containing an officially authorized narrative

ADAMS, JOHN COUCH (1819--1892), British astronomer, was born

were published in his Reflexion sur la cause generale

himself--to be nominated bishop of Le Puy by Benedict XIII.

publication of Der neue Pitaval (continued by A. Vollert, 36

ordinary rainfall sufficing for agriculture. The appearance

arts. ``Agapes'' and ``Mahle'' in the Realencycklop. d.

specific resistance of any given strength can be determined.

Aristotle. His admirers credited him with having reconciled

path. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7,835

ed. M. Meurer (1863); art. by G. Kawerau in Herzog-Hauck,

and augmented in many places, with a briefe Reply to certain

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