Analyze Youtuber Needs in The Content Creator Sector

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Content Creators are included in one of the communication sectors, where the
definition of content creators themselves is a person who creates educational or
entertaining content according to the audience's wishes. Content created by Content
Creators can be various, such as photos, videos, podcasts, writing, digital art, and
others. Content created by a content creator can be shared through appropriate social
media, one of which is YouTube. Based on data from Global Media Insight, Youtube
is the social media with the most users in Indonesia and the world which ranks second
after Facebook with its total users reaching 2.5 billion users. Indonesia being the
country with the largest Youtube users number three in the world with 127 million
users. Someone who creates and shares content through YouTube, referred to as a
YouTuber. Youtuber is one of the professions that are in great demand by people.
Because there are many things that can be obtained when you become a YouTuber.
However, to become a YouTuber yourself, there are several needs that they must
complete in order to achieve the purpose of communication, namely conveying
information to listeners or audience of their content. This need can be in the form of
supporting tools as well as capabilities that can improve the quality of the content they
In creating content, research is needed to collect complete supporting
information. Therefore, a YouTuber must have the ability to understand market
conditions, trends, and audience needs so that the information conveyed can be
relevant to the interests of their audience. A YouTuber usually doesn't just create one
type of content. So in this case, good time management is needed to be able to
produce all content according to a predetermined schedule. A YouTuber must be good
at timing so that the pre-production, production, and post-production stages are well
To become a successful YouTuber, there are a number of skills or habits that
must be possessed. These skills and habits will help in terms of producing video
content as well as presenting it so that the results are more optimal. The ultimate goal
is to make the channel managed more attractive to the audience. Internet users come
to a YouTube channel to enjoy useful and entertaining video content. Therefore, the
ability to make videos is the main skill needed by a content creator on YouTube. In
addition, just like making a movie show, the content displayed on the YouTube
channel must also be interesting, emotionally evocative, intact, and interrelated. This
makes the audience will watch until the end. Therefore, a YouTuber must have good
directing skills, including drafting, writing scripts, creating storyboards, and filming,
among others. Video production does not stop at the filming process, but includes
video editing. The selected material is then edited and refined so that it is suitable for
consumption. At the video editing stage, Youtuber will usually cut or combine
material from one another. In this case, generally YouTubers will add other elements
such as music, voice overs, and others. Another important skill that YouTubers should
have is the ability to communicate. For example if the concept of the content created
is a podcast or Q&A with the source. The ability to communicate well will make the
information or messages from the conversation can be conveyed optimally. In
addition to visual appearance, the important thing about YouTube content is audio.
The audience will feel comfortable if they hear sounds with clear articulation so that
the information conveyed is more audible. A quality microphone will help make the
resulting sound clearer and easier to hear.
Beside that, creativity is also included in the need for a YouTuber. One way to
hone creativity is to dare to try new experiences. In addition, imagination can be a
source of creativity. Free self to express yourself and don't be easily limited by the
standard. Thus, YouTuber can create unique and anti mainstream works. In addition
to skills, YouTubers who are part of the content creator sector in communication
science also need tools that support content creation and create communication with
their audience. Some of the tools needed here, for example, are cameras. Cameras can
be said to be the most important YouTuber's tool, because without a camera, a content
creator will not be able to create their work. The type of camera needed for each
Youtubers is also different, so it goes back to what kind of content needs until later a
suitable camera will be found. As a Content Creator, YouTuber will often face the
world of editing. Therefore, a device that supports the editing process is needed in this
case. In my opinion, from all the explanations above, it can be concluded that the two
elements, namely skills and tools, have the same urgency in living the life of being a
Youtuber. If a YouTuber is able to balance these two things, then it is certain that the
content they present can be communicated well and reach more audiences.
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