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From Vanhalen Sanger ( 20021101134 )

Increasing infrastructure development in Indonesia affects land as a means to be used in

development, land depreciation due to rapid development certainly forced the deforestation, this
problem is not only faced by Indonesia, but this problem is faced by all countries in the world. What
actions did the Indonesian government take on this issue?

From Monica Tumarang (20021101012)

thx for the opportunity. my name is Monica Tumarang, from group 5. as time goes by, the world is
growing, so are technology and infrastructure. to keep up with the times, of course there will be
plans related to building construction. Forestry areas could potentially become the main target for
construction locations. Are there any other solutions to this kind of problem? if so, what kind of
handling that?

From Regina Lombogia ( 20021101189 )

Thank u for the opportunity, im Regina Lombogia (group 1)

How we protect, restore and shape forest and tree landscapes, while overcoming land use conflicts
and illegal development is still happening for all landscape stakeholders?

From Aldy Kristian (20021101024)

terima kasih atas kesempatan yang diberikan , saya Aldy Kristian dari kelompok 5,bagaimana
pendapat kelompok anda tentang pemindahan ibu kota , jika pemindahan ibu kota terjadi maka
akan membuka lahan baru untuk membangun ? bagaimana cara mengananginya?
From Dita Irianty Bahar to Everyone: 10:28 AM

I'm Dita Bahar from group 6. I want to ask, In your opinion is it difficult to stop deforestation? If so,
then what makes the deforstation so difficult to stop? And what will happen if we don't stop the
defostation as soon as possible? Thank you.

From Elsa Anastasia Rattu to Everyone: 10:29 AM

Thanks for the opportunity given, i'm Elsa Rattu from group 3. My question is : what should be done
to manage forests in order to avoid damage that can have a negative impact on the survival of life?...

From Maureen Iren Mamahit to Everyone: 10:31 AM

thank you for the opportunity, Im Maureen Iren Mamahit from group 5 and my question is, does
deforestation affect the rate of global warming? if so why did it happen? Thank you

From Estefani Pang to Everyone: 10:32 AM

Thank you for the opportunity, my name is Estefani Pang from group 3. my question is: Explain the
legal implications for people doing illegal deforestation!

From Angelique Malonda to Everyone: 10:38 AM

Thnk You for the opportunity, my name is Angelique from Group 1. I want to ask about the sanctions
given to the perpetrators of deforestation, are the opinions of group 2 regarding the case and the
sanctions in that regard? Please include sanctions or articles that state about deforestation in the
law that has been regulated by the Indonesian government.

From Michelle Siwu to Everyone: 10:38 AM

thanks for the opportunity, i'm Michelle Siwu from group 6. what is the government's best efforts to
prevent deforestation?

From ALSETYA DEBORA LADI to Everyone: 10:46 AM

thank for the opportunity. im Alsetya Ladi, from group 4. If humans are one of the causes of
deforestation (illegal logging), If humans are one of the causes of deforestation (illegal logging), what
are the main factors driving humans to carry out illegal logging? and how the government can
minimize illegal logging

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