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Group members :

1. Aryacetta Amarelo Amodyanta (5)

2. Intan Paramita Meisanthi (20)
3. Nafa Azzahra Fahlevi (27)
4. Nandana Tristan Arkawijaya (31)


ELLA : Okay, onwards we go! Joule, sure this is the right way?

JULIUS : Absolutely! According to this compass we should be heading this way

ELLA : Alrighty, now, do keep in mind that you’re the only one in this team who knows how to
use a compass, so uhh.. Please don’t lead us astray..

JULIUS : Don’t worry! I’m a pro at this…! We’ll never get lost..!

DILBERT : So.. Which symbol are we going to first…?

ELLA : Uh… It should be symbol 1…?

REED : Sorry to interrupt but according to this map and where we just came from, station 1 may
be a little far from here…

ELLA : Oh, my bad… So which symbol should we go to first?

REED : In here it looks like symbol 5 is the nearest…

ELLA : Then to symbol 5 we go…!

15 minutes later....

ELLA : Okay, this is weird… We’ve been walking for the past 15 minutes or so…? And we
have yet to find a single symbol, what’s going on here?

JULIUS : Agh, we must be tricked!

ELLA : No, I don’t think that’s possible; no way the school would something as petty as that…
REED, any ideas on where we are…?
REED : Uh… I’m afraid not.. I can’t pinpoint our location anywhere, dare I say, we might have
gone off-path…

DILBERT : JULIUS…! I thought you know how to work this thing…?

JULIUS : And indeed I can…! We’ve been following the correct directions..! It’s just… Maybe
this compass is just busted…

DILBERT : Or maybe you don’t truly know how to use it…?

JULIUS : EXCUSE ME?! Listen here, you pickle-head…! I know how to use a compass, in fact,
I know it more than YOU do! If you’re feeling so smart why don’t you guide us instead...???

ELLA : Okay, okay, calm down, guys… Let’s not fight, now’s not the time. Now listen, right
now we are lost in a forest with no phones, no guide, only us and our wits; please, I ask both of
you to put this argument aside for now and focus on working together to find our way back,
because that’s the most important thing right now. If we drag this argument further, we’ll never
be able to get out of here…


DILBERT : You’re right…

JULIUS : Yeah, and now that I think about it again this is all the school’s fault, isn’t it..?

ELLA : Haha, we’ll discuss that and file out our complains later, for now let’s try and get out of
this darn forest

REED : Wait, what about the symbols?

JULIUS : Forget them! We already got this much trouble of finding one and I’m tired!

DILBERT : Yeah, plus, it’s already late…! The symbols are the least of our concerns right now

REED : Hmm, you’re right… Okay, let’s try and find a way back

ELLA : And this time, let’s do it together…!

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