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l. g.


Made by: Shubham Soni

Class: 11th-B
Submitted To:
Deveshree Gadale Ma’am
This is to certify that master Shubham Soni
of class 11th-B has completed his economics
project on topic performance of automobile
sector post liberalization Regime under my
guidance during the academic year 2022-23.
I would like to express my special thank of
gratitude to my economics teacher Mrs.
Devehsree Gadale Ma’am, as well as I
would like to say thanks to our principal
Mrs Vinita Bhatia Ma’am, who gave me
this golden opportunity to do this
economics project.

Principal Ma’am Subject Teacher


I feel highly privileged and honoured in

making the project report on Performance of
automobile sector post liberalization Regine.
I express my sincere gratitude to our teachers
and parents for their kind cooperation for
preparing this project. My special thanks to
our guide, our subject teacher Mrs.
Deveshree Gadale Ma’am for her continuous
support and encouragement that led to the
development of this material. I would also
like to thanks our Principal Mrs. Vinita
Bhatia Ma’am for her caring and
encouraging attitude towards us.
I look forward to receive valuable suggestions
from teachers, students and viewers also.
Thank You.

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