Notes POGD

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You can only create the atmosphere for motivation, but motivation comes from individual


Key prerequisites for an effective team-

- Common goals –
o Due to external factors – fear or greed
o Due to the alignment of individual goals with common goals
- Interdependencies – arising from diverse skill sets
- Communication

A group becomes a team when synergy is positive. (1+1>2)

A mature team does not need a leader


A diverse team is generally able to take clearer (less biased) decisions, than an individual.

Many a time we agree to somethings out of fear of coercion, fear of hurting others. We
agree to certain things just to please others, the things we would not have agreed
otherwise. This false agreement takes away the benefits of decision making of team over
decision making by individual.

The problem of the Agreement – Abilene paradox

Glues to organization
- Gossips
o Help employees to connect with others, release frustration
o Helps. Managers to know the mood
o Gossips have some substance; rumors are all fabricated
- Politics
- Romance

Gossips form shared stories, stories form bonding

Cognitive loafing – not contributing to decision-making in a group scenario.

Group Decision making

Groups generally make better decisions, as groups are less likely to be impacted by
individual biases. But there are some challenges with group decision-making also –
- Groupthink
- Problem of agreement
- Tends to be riskier
- Tends to be more conservative

Few key terms –

- Nominal group technique
- Delphi technique
- Punctuated group equilibrium

In a sure loss, people take risks. In sure gain, people are risk-averse

Team Making – The army team

If you need world-class output, select for talent first, and later build camaraderie

If you need regular output, form camaraderie first, can compromise on talent

The high performers – need to be given some time to form a team, do not put them under
performance pressure from T = 0

Referee vs Coach

Leading teams

Research shows that first leaders should be tasked focused, and then look into relationships.

In small teams, a leader is expected to be fair

Transparency is a prerequisite to fairness, but it is not sufficient.

Task vs role

Mental and procedural maturity


Conflicts emerge when parties perceive the difference in opinion with others as a threat.
The threat can be physical, financial, emotional, reputational etc.

Conflicts are triggers can be broadly classified into three categories –

- communication
- personality
- structural

There are two ways to: by being assertive or cooperative

The matrix –

High Low
Assertiveness High Collaborate Compete
Low Accommodate Avoid


In negotiations – know your BATNA

Power is derived from dependency.

The struggles –
- class struggle – capitalists vs proletariat
- fascist model – superiors vs inferiors
- democracy – distributed power > results in coalition and collusion

sanctioned process vs sanctioned outcome

How to leverage politics in workplaces –

- blaming some and glorifying some
- network
- create obligations – dependencies

Some points
- establish your hold on ground, then only pick up fights
- do not criticize others just because of difference in opinion
- do not take higher up connections for guaranteed

The one who has followers is a leader, the more the followers, the more motivation in
followers, greater is the leader

Task-oriented vs relationship-oriented

The suitable leadership style – depends on people

There are two qualities – willingness and ability

With M1 – not willing, not able – be high on task – micromanage – carrot and stick - telling

With M2 – willing but not able – be high on task and relationship – “selling style” – keep
them motivated and train them

With M3 – not willing but able – be high on relationship – engage them in decision making –
“participatory style”

With M4 – delegate
Other leadership concepts –
 Transformational leadership
 Charismatic leadership
 Transactional leadership
 Authentic leadership
 Servant leadership

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