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First and foremost, praises and thanks to the God the Almighty, for giving the

wisdom, strength, support, and acknowledge in exploring things, for the guidance in

helping surpass all the trails that we encountered and for giving determination to

pursue our study, and to make this study possible.

This research would not have been possible without the help and guidance of

the resources contributed and extended their valuable assistance in the preparation and

completion of the study

To Professor Maria Krisia Fae R. De Asis, Research Adviser and mentor, who

gave advice and invaluable guidance throughout this study.

To Mrs. Ronica M. Parayno, criminology instructor, for her assistance and

valuable suggestions regarding this study.

To Mrs.Louise Ian Aquino, the MDC librarian, who assisted in gathering data


Lastly, we are grateful to our friends, and parents whose constant love and

support keep us motivated and confident. Our accomplishments and success are

because they believe in us. We are extremely grateful to our parents for their love,

prayers, caring, and sacrifices for educating us in preparing us for our future.

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