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As a part of the bba circulam and in order to gain practical knowledge in the field of
management, we are required to make a presentation on “Listening and Speaking skills”.

The basic objective behind doing this project report is to get knowledge tools of different toll
s of marketing .

In this presentation we have included various concepts effects and implication regarding
importance of listening and speaking skills .
Doing this project helped us to enhance our knowledge regaring the work in the different skill
set one has to acquire in order to master the skills involved in the listening and speaking
aspect. Through this report we come to know about importance of team work and role of
devotion towards the work

The successful completion of any task would be incomplete without mentioning the names of
those persons who helped to make it possible .
I take this opportunity to express my gratitude in few words and respect to all those who
helped me in the completion of this project .It is my humble pleasureto acknowledge my deep
sense of gratitude to my communication teacher , Mrs Dr. Nikhat for his valuable
support,constant help and guidance at each and every stage , without which this project would
not have been completed .
Listening is a process of receiving , interpreting and reacting to a message from the speaker

No communication process is complete without listening

Listening is an important skill . Listening is quite similar to reading as it involves reception

and decoding of the verbal message from the other person . the following ex illustrates
importance of listening

In a biology class teacher asked the students to refer to a book titled “Origin of species”.

One of the student sicnerly went to library searched to the catalogue of library , looking for
book named orange and peaches but to his utter dismay hhe could not finf it . When he
approached the teacher he found that the book was entitled Origin of species. This is what
happens when there is lack of concentration in listening.
1) ACTIVE LISTENING :- also called as attentive listening.. Active listening involves
attention, careful consideration , concentration of the speaker’s ideas . The listner
participates in communication process actively and attentively.

The listner nods t=his head , leans forward or show positive body language , which
supports and encourages the speaker to communicate more enthusiastically.
This is a positive type of listening.

2) Passive listening is very stern , rigid and orthodox type of listening. This type of
listening may create confusion in the mind of the speaker about true intention of the
listener. The listner wears a ‘flat’ face serious expression, surrounding all gestures
that are used in active listening. Some times passive listening is used to show status of
the listners.

3) CRITICAL LISTENING:- The definition of critical listening is actively listening to

what the speaker is saying, while analyzing, judging, and forming an individual
opinion on the information that is being presented.
Critical listening is not appropriate for every situation, but it is used in scenarios where an
opinion needs to be developed on a particular topic. The person who is listening will have to
evaluate the claims that the speaker is making.
Critical listening is used in several communication situations. It is used in the workplace to
help develop problem-solving, encourage divergent thinking, and welcome innovative ideas.
It can also be used in research and academia. This application, helps scholars develop their
hypotheses and create counterarguments to ideas.
Critical listening has many day-to-day applications as well. It is used to help a person analyze
the information they are being presented with, to form their own opinion. So, this can be used
when a person is making an important medical decision. Or, if they are at a car dealership
deciding between cars and loans. When a person is viewing houses and speaking to a realtor,
critical listening helps them decide on what is the most appropriate decision for them.

4) ' Selective Listening: In This type of listening the listener listens to only important and
specific information. The listener does not pay need to other topics or issues in the
speech Biased Listening: ' In this type of listening:, the listener is biased and
prejudiced against the speaker. The listener has preconceived notion about the
speaker and the speech. He is already made not to trust the speaker, The listener
shows lack of respect for the listener.
Traits of a good listener '
Being non evaluative: ' If you are an active listener your verbal and non- verbal behavior
should suggest the speaker that he is being properly heard and understood. It should not
indicate what you think about a person. The purpose is to communicate overlooking the
qualities of the speaker. The behavior of the listener should convey the impression that you
accept the person without making judgment of right or wrong, good or bad, suitable or

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