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 Software Requirements Specification


 Hospital Management 

 Supervisor Name:

M,am Sabeen Javaid

 Prepared y:

Usman Mansoor 

Junaid Ali

Usman Bashir 

Zeeshan Latif 

  !niversity of "u#rat$
 Sial%ot &ampus


  13 July, 201



1. INTRODUCTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!3

1!1! "ur#ose $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$3

1!2 S%o#e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!3
1!3! &efinitions, A%ronyms, and Abbreviations $$$$$$$$$$$$$$!'
1!'! (eferen%es$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'
1! )vervie*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!

2.  GENERAL DESCRIPTION   $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!

2!1 "rodu%t "ers#e%tive$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!

2!2 "rodu%t +un%tions$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!$
2!3 User hara%teristi%s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!
2!' -eneral onstraints$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!.
2! Assum#tions and &e#enden%ies$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!$.

3. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/

3!1 +un%tional (euirements$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!/

3!2 &esin onstraints$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!
 3!3 on4+un%tional (euirements$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!
 3!3!1 Se%urity$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!
3!3!2 "erforman%e (euirements$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!5
 3!3!3 Maintainability$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!5
3!3!' (eliability$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!5


'!1 Use ase$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!10

'!2 &ata +lo* &iaram$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!11413
'!3 -lossary$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!1'


1. In!"d#$i"n

1.1  P#!p"%e 

6he #ur#ose of this do%ument is to des%ribe the reuirements for the 7os#ital "atient 8nfo
Manaement System 97"8MS:! 6he intended audien%e in%ludes all sta;eholders in the #otential
system! 6hese in%lude, but are not ne%essarily limited to, the follo*in< Administrative Staff,
  #atients and develo#ers!

&evelo#ers should %onsult this do%ument and its revisions as the only sour%e of reuirements for
the #ro=e%t! 6hey should not %onsider any reuirements statements, *ritten or verbal as valid
until they a##ear in this do%ument or its revision!

1.2  S$"pe 

6he #ro#osed soft*are #rodu%t is the 7os#ital "atient 8nfo Manaement System 97"8MS:! 6he
system *ill be used to et the information from the #atients and then storin that data for future
usae! 6he %urrent system in use is a #a#er4based system! 8t is too slo* and %annot #rovide
u#dated lists of #atients *ithin a reasonable timeframe!6he intentions of the system are to redu%e
over4time #ay and in%rease the number of #atients that %an be treated a%%urately! (euirements
statements in this do%ument are both fun%tional and non4fun%tional!

1.3  4 De&inii"n%' A$!"n()%' *nd A++!e,i*i"n%  

-PIMS  4 7os#ital "atient 8nfo Manaement System

P-N  4 "ersonal 7ealth umber on health %ard
Rep"!  an a%%ount of #atients
F!"nde%/ %*&&   4 administrative staff that *or; at re%e#tion des;
L"0"n ID  4 a user identifi%ation number to enter the system
P*%%"!d   4 a *ord that enables one to ain admission into the system

e++*%ed *ppi$*i"n  4 an a##li%ation that runs on the 8nternet

M(SQL 4 a uery lanuae to interroate the system
GUI  4 -ra#hi%al User 8nterfa%e

SRS  Soft*are (euirements S#efi%ifi%ation


1.4 Re&e!en$e%  

 o formal do%uments have been referen%ed in this do%ument

1. O,e!,ie  

6his Soft*are (euirements S#e%ifi%ation 9S(S: is the reuirements *or; #rodu%t that formally
s#e%ifies 7os#ital "atient 8nfo Manaement System 97"8MS:! 8t in%ludes the results of both
 business analysis and systems analysis efforts! >arious te%hniues *ere used to eli%it the
reuirements and *e have identified your needs, analy?ed and refined them! 6he ob=e%tive of this
do%ument therefore is to formally des%ribe the system@s hih level reuirements in%ludin
fun%tional reuirements, non4fun%tional reuirements and business rules and %onstraints! 6he
detail stru%ture of this do%ument is orani?ed as follo*s<

Se%tion 2 of this do%ument #rovides an overvie* of the business domain that the #ro#osed
7os#ital "atient 8nfo Manaement System 97"8MS: *ill su##ort! 6hese in%lude a eneral
des%ri#tion of the #rodu%t, user %hara%teristi%s, eneral %onstraints, and any assum#tions for this
system! 6his model demonstrates the develo#ment teams understandin of the business domain
and serves to maimi?e the teams ability to build a system that truly does su##ort the business!
Se%tion 3 #resents the detail reuirements, *hi%h %om#rise the domain model!

2. Gene!* De%$!ipi"n

2.1 P!"d#$ Pe!%pe$i,e  

6his 7os#ital "atient 8nfo Manaement System is a self4%ontained system that manaes a%tivities
of the hos#ital as "atient 8nfo! >arious sta;eholders are involved in the hos#ital #atient info

2.2 P!"d#$ F#n$i"n%  

6he system fun%tions %an be des%ribed as follo*s<

Re0i%!*i"n:  Chen a #atient is admitted, the front4des; staff %he%;s to see if the #atient is
already reistered *ith the hos#ital! 8f he is, hisDher "ersonal 7ealth umber 9"7: is entered
into the %om#uter! )ther*ise a ne* "ersonal 7ealth umber is iven to this #atient! 6he
 #atient@s information su%h as date of birth, address and tele#hone number is also entered into
%om#uter system!

P*ien $5e$/ "# ! 8f a #atient %he%;s out, the administrative staff shall delete his "7 from the
system and the =ust eva%uated bed is in%luded in available4beds list!

Rep"! Gene!*i"n <

6he system enerates re#orts on the follo*in information< List of detailed information
reardin the #atient *ho ha admitted in the hos#ital

2.3 U%e! C5*!*$e!i%i$%  

6he system *ill be used in the hos#ital! 6he administrators,front4des; staff *ill be the main
users! -iven the %ondition that not all the users are %om#uter4literate! Some users may have to be
trained on usin the system! 6he system is also desined to be user4friendly! 8t uses a -ra#hi%al
User 8nterfa%e 9-U8:!

F!"nde%/ %*&&:
6hey all have eneral re%e#tion and se%retarial duties! Every staff has some basi% %om#uter
trainin! 6hey are res#onsible for #atient@s %he%;4in or notifi%ation of a##ro#riate #eo#le !


6hey all have #ost4se%ondary edu%ation relatin to eneral business administration #ra%ti%es!
Every administrator has basi% %om#uter trainin! 6hey are res#onsible for all of the s%hedulin
and u#datin dayDniht em#loyee shifts!

! 2.4 Gene!* C"n%!*in%  

• 6he system must be delivered by January 1st 2011!

• 6he eistin 6ele%ommuni%ation infrastru%ture is based on 8EEE10002!3 standards and

the system must %onform to this standard usin %ateory  %ables for net*or;in

• 6he system must be user4friendly

2. A%%#)pi"n% *nd Dependen$ie%  

F 8t is assumed that one hundred 8BM %om#atible %om#uters *ill be available before the
system is installed and tested!
F 8t is assumed that the 7os#ital *ill have enouh trained staff to ta;e %are of the system

3. Spe$i&i$ Re6#i!e)en%

3.1 F#n$i"n* Re6#i!e)en%  


SRS771 Add p*ien%

6he 7"8MS shall allo* front4des; staff to add ne* #atients to the system!
SRS772 A%%i0n ID
6he 7"8MS shall allo* front4des; staff to ive ea%h #atient a 8& and add it to the #atient@s
re%ord! 6his 8& shall be used by the #atient throuhout hisDher stay in hos#ital!

Check Out

SRS773 Deee P*ien ID
6he administrative staff in the *ard shall be allo*ed to delete the 8& of the #atient from the
system *hen the #atient %he%;s out!
SRS774 Add " +ed%*,*i*+e i%  
6he administrative staff in the *ard shall be allo*ed to #ut the beds =ust eva%uated in beds4
available list!

Report Generation

SRS77 P*ien in&"!)*i"n  
6he 7"8MS shall enerate re#orts on #atients about the follo*in information< #atient@s "7,
 #atient@s name, *ard name, bed number and the do%tor@s name *hi%h *as assined!
SRS778 Bed A*,*i*+ii(
6he 7"8MS shall enerate re#orts on bed availability about the follo*in information< *ard
name, bed number, o%%u#iedDuno%%u#ied!


SRS779 P*ien M*nd*"!( In&"!)*i"n

Ea%h #atient shall have the follo*in mandatory information< first name, last name, #hone
number, #ersonal health number, address, #ostal %ode, %ity, %ountry, #atient identifi%ation
SRS77 Upd*e P*ien In&"!)*i"n  
6he 7"8MS shall allo* the user to u#date any of the #atient@s information as des%ribed in

3.2 De%i0n C"n%!*in% 

SRS77; D**+*%e  
6he system shall use the MySGL &atabase, *hi%h is o#en sour%e and free!
SRS717 Ope!*in0 S(%e)  
6he &evelo#ment environment shall be Cindo*s 2000!
SRS711  e+B*%ed 
6he system shall be a Ceb4based a##li%ation!

3.3 N"nF#n$i"n* Re6#i!e)en%  

3.3.1 Se$#!i( 

SRS712 P*ien Ideni&i$*i"n

6he system reuires the #atient to identify himself Dherself usin "7

SRS713 L"0"n ID
Any user *ho uses the system shall have a Loon 8& and "ass*ord!

SRS714 M"di&i$*i"n
Any modifi%ation 9insert, delete, u#date: for the &atabase shall be syn%hroni?ed and done only
 by the administrator in the *ard!

SRS71 F!"n De%/ %*&& Ri05%

+ront &es; staff shall be able to vie* all information in 7"8MS, add ne* #atients to 7"8MS but
shall not be able to modify any information in it!
SRS718 Ad)ini%!*"!%  Ri05% Administrators shall be able to vie* and modify all
information in 7"8MS!

3.3.2 Pe!&"!)*n$e Re6#i!e)en% 

SRS719 Re%p"n%e Ti)e

  6he system shall ive res#onses in 1 se%ond after %he%;in the #atient@s

SRS71 C*p*$i(
6he System must su##ort 1000 #eo#le at a time!
SRS71; U%e!ine!&*$e  

6he user4interfa%e s%reen shall res#ond *ithin  se%onds!

SRS727 C"n&"!)i(
  6he systems must %onform to the Mi%rosoft A%%essibility uidelines

3.3.3 M*in*in*+ii(  

SRS721 B*$/ Up 

6he system shall #rovide the %a#ability to ba%;4u# the &ata
SRS722 E!!"!%
  6he system shall ;ee# a lo of all the errors!

3.3.4 Rei*+ii(  

SRS723 A,*i*+ii(
6he system shall be available all the time


 6his S(S do%ument is used to ive details reardin 7os#ital "atient 8nfo Manaement System!
8n this all the fun%tional and non4fun%tional reuirements are s#e%ified inorder to et a %lear %ut
idea to develo# a #ro=e%t!

4.1 U%eC*%e Di*0!*):


 4.2 Data Flow Diagram

Hospital Management 

Level 0

Level 2.5

4.3 Glossary:

+AG< +reuently As;ed Guestions!

8EEE< 8nstitute of Ele%tri%s H Ele%troni%s Enineerin
8S< 8nformation Systems
86< 8nformation 6e%hnoloy
  Maruee< A #ie%e of tet that s%rolls a%ross a bro*ser do%ument *indo*!

  S&&< Soft*are &esin &o%ument

  S(S< Soft*are (euirement S#e%ifi%ation
  Staff< 6he #eo#le *ho *or;s for 7os#ital Manaement!
  6eam< 6he name of the develo#er rou#!

  User< "eo#le *ho use the System and the administrator of 6he 7os#ital manaement system!
  Ceb< the net*or; of %om#uters that forms the 8nternet!

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