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Conductivity in layman’s term can be defined as the measure of ease when electric charge or heat

traverses through materials. There are several types of conductivity such as thermal conductivity,
electrical conductivity and the likes. It can also be correlated to resistance as conductivity is the inverse
of resistance. It is often measure in conductance in a given volume of sample by a conductivity meter.

There are many uses for conductivity in the industry ranging from; water treatment, leak detection,
cleaning in place, desalination and interface detection.

Conductivity measurements are vital in such processes, for example, raw water from rivers or lakes are
barely usable in industrial processes since they contains large amounts of ionic substances which can
corrode and damage the plant’s equipment and other paraphernalia. Since conductivity is also a measure
of the total concentration of ions, it makes it a suitable process for monitoring the water being fed into
the plant’s equipment.

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