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EULAR Online Introductory Ultrasound course

List of Modules 2021

No. Module Title

01 B-mode MSUS and Doppler MSUS physics

02 Sonoanatomy, Scanning technique and basic pathology of the wrist and hand

03 Sonoanatomy, Scanning technique and basic pathology of the elbow

04 Sonoanatomy, Scanning technique and basic pathology of the shoulder

05 Sonoanatomy, Scanning technique and basic pathology of the ankle and foot

06 Sonoanatomy, Scanning technique and basic pathology of the knee

07 Sonoanatomy, Scanning technique and basic pathology of the hip

EULAR | Education
Seestrasse 240 | 8802 Kilchberg | Switzerland
T: +41 44 716 30 30 |

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