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FOOD AND NUTRITION - material consisting of essential nutrients that are used in the body of an
organism to sustain growth, repair, and vital processes and to furnish energy.

NUTRITION - the processes by which a human being takes in and utilizes food substances. The amount
and kind of food you eat affects your health and well-being.

NUTRIENTS - it is simply defined as a basic substance of the body that is used for important function
varieties. In simple terms it is anything that you eat, where your body can supply more energy for
performing your daily Physical activities.

PHYSICAL ACITIVITIES - is a movement that requires your muscle to use more energy. When you are
engaging in activities your body uses nutrients to have a good performance and helps you to repair
tissue damage during activity.


 Carbohydrates
 Fats
 Proteins
 Vitamins
 Minerals
 Water

CARBOHYDRATES - are the second important nutrient and water is the first
 are one of the three energy-yielding nutrients Because they provide your body with
calories, which can be converted to Energy. You also get calories from proteins and
fats, making them the other Two energy-yielding nutrients, but when you are
physically active, carbs will Be your best energy source.


SIMPLE CARBOHYDRATES – are broken down quickly by the body that converts into energy. It is found
naturally in table sugar and syrups.

COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES – these are the carbohydrates that it takes long to digest but the most
stable source of energy. Examples of this are bread and pasta.

FATS - are important dietary components, it provides energy and enhances the flavor of food, excess
intake of fats causes cardiovascular diseases and cholesterol in the blood.

PROTEINS - it is important for numerous body functions. The primary role of protein is to serve as the
structural units to build and repair body tissues. It supports nutrients and maintains the body salts and
fluid balance. It also plays an important role in blood clotting.
VITAMINS - are organic compounds needed in small quantities by the body to perform specific functions
of growth and development to the work of nerves and muscles. It plays a significant role in increasing
energy from the food we eat.

MINERALS - are those elements in food that our bodies need to develop and function normally. Those
essential for health include calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chloride, magnesium, iron, zinc,
iodine, chromium, copper, fluoride, molybdenum, manganese, and selenium. Hence, minerals play
significant roles in regulating key body functions such conducting nerve impulses, muscular
construction, enzyme functions and maintenance of water balance.

WATER - is involved in all vital processes in the body. It is considered to be the nutrients greatest
concern to physically active individuals. A water loss of 15% can be fatal. Water is important for
temperature control of the body, absorption, and digestion of foods, formation of blood and elimination
of wastes.


DAILY NUTRITIONAL GUIDE (DNG) – it is the Philippine food guide or pyramid before Pyramid but
PINGGANG PINOY - is the new food guide today.
YEAR 1990 - the first dietary Food Guide of the Philippines was published, then they revised it in 2000
and they revised it again in 2012.


 has 2 recommended consumption levels. The Messages
of this pyramid is about doing regular exercise or workouts for
at least 30 minutes and practicing good environmental and
personal hygiene.
shows the healthy food plate for Filipino adults. It
includes Grow (fish, chicken or etc.), Go (wheat bread, rice
or etc.), and Glow Foods (vegetables, fruits or etc.).
Pinggang Pinoy also provides messages by indicating the
appropriate giving out of food notorious in every meal.

 Eat a variety of healthy foods that add nutrients that our body needs.
 Breastfeed infants exclusively from birth up to 6 months, then give appropriate
complementary foods while continuing breastfeeding for 2 years and beyond for
optimum growth and development.
 Practice a balanced diet with proper exercise.
 Eat foods that are rich in protein for growth and repair of body tissues.
 Consume calcium rich foods for healthy bones and teeth.
 Drink potable water or any healthy drinkable liquids to prevent water-borne
diseases. Avoid drinking carbonated drinks that can affect your urinary system.
 Using iodized salt can prevent having iodine deficiency like goiter.
 Limit the intakes of salty or any fatty acidic foods, this will cause cardiovascular
 Be physically active by doing both outdoor and indoor activities. Hence, this will
help you to manage stress and live a healthy lifestyle.


It is the process that There are solid One of the main
causes the body to release evidence showing that criticisms of this diet is
ketones. In the absence of ketogenic diet reduces that many people tend
circulating blood sugar seizures in children, to eat too much
KETOGENIC from food, we start sometimes as protein and poor-
DIET breaking down stored fat effectively as quality fats from
into molecules called medication. processed foods, with
ketone bodies (the very few fruits and
process is called vegetables. Patients
ketosis). It is a diet that is with kidney disease
rich in proteins and fats. need to be cautious
because this diet could
worsen their
WHOLE30 is a nutritional program Whole30 is essentially a Because Whole30
DIET designed to change the consumer-friendly guidelines don’t
way you feel and eat in 30 version of an require the re-entry of
days. Basically, you have elimination diet that restricted foods after
to remove all of the cuts out potential food 30 days, you may be
potentially inflammatory sensitivities for 30 days, putting yourself at risk
foods and beverages in as well as drastically for nutrient
your diet (think: added decreases deficiencies. Calcium
sugar and sweeteners, inflammatory food and Vitamin D
alcohol, grains, legumes, intake and increases deficiencies are the
dairy, processed foods key anti-inflammatory biggest concerns, but
and beverages, baked foods like fruits, magnesium, folate,
goods, and junk foods) vegetables, and omega- Vitamin A, Vitamin E
and eat three "clean" 3 fatty acids and others may be
meals a day, made with affected if you aren’t
Whole30-approved getting an adequate
ingredients variety of produce and
healthy fats.
FODMAPs stand for Have fewer digestive FODMAPs
fermentable oligo- symptoms, draw water into your
LOW- saccharides, di- like gas, bloating, diarrh digestive tract, which
FOODMAP saccharides, mono- ea, and constipation could make you
DIET saccharides and polyols. bloated. If you eat too
Put more simply, much of them, they
FODMAPs are certain Manage your IBS can hang around in
types of carbohydrates -- symptoms without your gut and ferment.
the sugars, starches, and taking medicine
fiber in foods. Improve your quality of
Is an eating pattern where Reduced body weight, Accumulating that
you cycle between this fasting can help eating in a 6-hour
INTERMITTEN periods lower cholesterol, period and fasting for
T FASTING of eating and fasting. It improve glucose 18 hours can trigger a
DIET (TIME- does not say anything control, reduce metabolic switch from
about which foods to eat, liver fat and improve glucose-based to
but rather when you blood pressure. ketone-based energy,
should eat them. with increased stress
resistance, increased
longevity, and a
decreased incidence of
diseases, including
cancer and obesity.
People who follow Eating pattern is lower
A Mediterranean diet Mediterranean diet in calcium and vitamin
THE incorporates the have a lower risk of D. This is due to the
MEDITERRANE traditional healthy living various diseases, fact that less dairy is
AN DIET habits. It is high in including obesity, diabe consumed when
vegetables, fruits, tes, cancer, and following this eating
legumes, cereals, and cardiovascular pattern. The possibility
unsaturated fats. It usually disease. of reduced calcium
includes low intake of and vitamin D intake
meat and dairy products. has raised concerns
among some people.
It’s a diet rich in fruits, DASH diet helps to Not designated for
THE DASH vegetables, legumes and reduce cholesterol, and weight loss because of
DIET low-fat dairy products, may improve other the food that will take
and low in snacks and cardiovascular risk are foods that are
saturated fats. The factors. Hence, .The capable of controlling
acronym stands for DASH diet has or to stop
Dietary Approaches to been shown to be an hypertension.
Stop Hypertension. effective management
strategy for diabetes
and research has even
shown that the DASH
diet may reduce the
risk of gout in men.
Developed at Rush MIND diet is filled with limits foods that
University Medical, foods that are high in contain saturated fats
THE MIND combines foods from the antioxidant that and trans fats, which
DIET Mediterranean and DASH protects the brain studies have shown
diets. against oxidative stress. can increase beta-
amyloid protein levels
in brains

KINESIOLOGY – in physical education, it is also known as orthopedics, athletic training, and physical
therapy and medicine. Hence, it is the study of human body movements to provide information from
the point of view of physical science.

ANATOMICAL – It is the body structure of living things. Thus, it is used to describe the actions of muscles
upon the skeleton.
FLEXION – Is the bending of an arm or leg. Technically, it's a physical position that decreases the
angle between the bones of the limb at a joint. It occurs when muscles contract and move your bones
and joints into a bent position. Example of this is when you are in a sitting position.

EXTENSION – describes as straightening movement that increases the angle between body parts. For
example, when standing up, the knees are extended


ABDUCTION – moves the limb away from the midline of the body laterally. Example, raising the arm
laterally and move it away from the body.

ADDUCTION – is the opposite of abduction. Thus, it is the movement of the body toward the body’s
midline. Example, if a person has their arms straight out at the shoulders and brings them down to their

CIRCUMDUCTION – is the movement of a body region in a circular manner. It involves the sequential
combination of flexion, adduction, extension, and abduction at a joint.

ROTATION – it is a ring-shape or a circular motion of a whole or some parts of the body around the
center or point of rotation.


SUPINATION – A movement of the forearm from the prone position to supine position or facing upward
position of your palm.

PRONATION – A motion that moves the forearm from the supine position to the palm backward

SUPINE – Whole or some parts of your body lying down facing upward.
PRONE – Whole or some parts of your body lying down facing downward.


DORSIFLEXION – it is the movement of the ankle joint lifting the front of the foot that allows the top of
the foot moves upward.

PLANTAR FLEXION – likewise is a movement of the ankle joint lifting the heel of the foot from the
ground and pointing the toes downward.


INVERSION – a reversal of position that turns the foot to angle the bottom toward the midline.
EVERSION – the condition of the foot being rotated outward.


PROTRACTION – the act of protracting of the scapula when the shoulder is moved forward as when
throwing a ball.

RETRACTION – the scapula is being pulled back posteriorly towards the vertebral column.


ELEVATION – the movement of the scapula and shoulder upward.

DEPRESSION – it is the movement of the scapula and shoulder downward elevation.

EXCURSION – the movement of the mandible laterally.
A. LATERAL EXCURSION – movement of the mandible away from the midline towards right or left
B. MEDIAL EXCURSION – movement where in the mandible is being returned to its resting


OPPOSITION – it is the movement of the thumb that brings the tip in contact with the tip of the finger.

REPOSITION – it is the returning of the thumb to its anatomical position next to the index finger.

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