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Loneliness and Love

People nowadays seek aid to their peers, relatives and their family. They
seek aid because life is not just about happiness because reality is much harsher
than how we perceive it to be. Life with only happiness is not a life that has been
lived to its fullest.

Loneliness is the opposite of happiness. In love we expect that we always

feel happiness, joy, fulfillment and such, but we avoid loneliness, sorrow, grief
and negativities that brings us to shed tears especially when we feel alone in our
darkest times. We live with happiness but it needs to be balanced by loneliness.

In our loneliest times, the only thing that can help us feel better is the
feeling of being loved, being cared for and being special. I know that loneliness is
hard to fight especially when we are not ready to face it. Regardless of feeling
lonesome, let us always remember that we may be experiencing that we are
isolated from others but never forget that love is what connects us to others
which gives us warmth and joy.

To live a life that has been lived to the fullest, we should experience both
sides of reality. The side where we feel isolated and the side where there is that
light that will give us the warmth, the happiness, the love that we long for.
People may come and go but at the end of the day, let love be your light to
finding happiness in your lonesome times.

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