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Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development

Apply Business Communication in Work Place Communication

After completing this learning guide, you should be able to:

Lo 1. Obtain and convey workplace information

Lo 2. Participate in workplace meetings and discussions
Lo 3. Complete relevant work related documents
Lo 4. Describe team role and scope
Lo 5. Identify own role and responsibility within team
Lo 6 .Work as a team member

How to Use this TTLM

o Read through the Learning Guide carefully. It is divided into sections that cover
all the knowledge, skills and attitude that you need.
o Read Information Sheets and complete the Self-Check at the end of each section
to check your progress
o Read and make sure to Practice the activities in the Operation Sheets. Ask your
trainer to show you the correct way to do things or talk to more experienced
person for guidance.
o When you are ready, ask your trainer for institutional assessment and provide you
with feedback from your performance.
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development

Lo 1. Obtain and convey workplace information

INFORMATION SHEET 1: Obtain and convey workplace information

Communicating information
Workers must be able to communicate information to work effectively. Information is
communicated in two directions - sometimes you receive information and sometimes you convey
it. You communicate regularly with your employer or supervisor and your co-workers. You
might also communicate with customers and suppliers, contractors, local government employees,
or other people from outside your workplace.
Gathering information for work
Every day, you have to gather information that you need for your work. Some information comes
from your supervisor, co-workers, clients, suppliers and other people you speak with each day.
Some information, such as work rosters, vehicle logbooks, or telephone messages, comes in
written form. You might also gather information from your own observations by, for example,
looking at a rain gauge, or checking supplies of materials
Information sources
 Letters memos Plans
 internet websites faxes
 newsletters work notes order sheets
 SMS industry magazines

Quite a lot of information is collected by listening to someone. You can listen to the other
• face-to-face
• by telephone
• by radio.


-You can also collect information by observation. 'For instance you might:
 count items of stock
 check the condition of equipment or livestock
 check a thermometer, vermin traps, a fuel gauge
 watch a TV program or DVD.
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development

Recording Information
Workplaces rely on large amounts of information from many different sources to operate
effectively. Most of that information is recorded either manually (on paper) or electronically (on
computer). Work schedules, product catalogues, orders and receipts, time sheets and memos are
all examples of written information, or records, found in most workplaces.
Locating written information
Before you can use records, you need to know where to find them. Written information may be
located in:
• computer databases • filing cabinets
• shelving • drawers
• counters • pin boards or whiteboards.

Organising written information

Records need to be kept in the same place all the time so that everyone knows where to get them
when they want to use them. It would very frustrating to find that the vehicle logbook was not in
the truck as it should be, or that someone had moved the order book just when you needed it to
answer a customer inquiry.

Sometimes many records are kept together in one place, such as in a filing cabinet. They are
often organised in alphabetical order so that they are easy to find. There are many ways to
organise records, so you must use the method preferred in your workplace. Records stored
together must be replaced in the correct order to make it easy for everyone to find them. Some
records are only needed for a short time. Eg A message telling you to collect a parcel from the
post office can be thrown away afterwards, and the social club newsletter can be replaced on the
pin board when the new one arrives.

Recording information accurately and legibly

Written information is only useful if it is accurate and legible. A great deal of time and effort can
be saved in the longer term if you take care to check that the information is correct before you
write it down. If your handwriting is not very clear, it might be better to print the information so
that it can be easily read.

Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development

Lo2. Participate in workplace meetings and discussions

INFORMATION SHEET 2: Participate in workplace meetings and discussions

Communicating courteously and clearly

An important part of your job is to pass on information to other people. Lots of messages and
instructions that you receive in person, or by telephone or radio, have to be passed on to someone
else. You could use the phone or a written note to pass on the information, or you could speak to
the other person face to face.
Much of the time you will be communicating with co-workers or your supervisor, but you might
also have to talk to clients. Anyone that you provide with a product or service is your client. You
can have both internal and external clients. Internal clients are the people you deal with in other
sections of your workplace. External clients are customers, suppliers, industry bodies,
government employees, contractors or anyone else in your industry network.
There is good reason for you to communicate courteously and clearly with all these people. You
have to get along with the people at your workplace, and you can do that better if you treat them
with respect and help them as much as you can. When you are dealing with people from outside
your workplace, you are representing your employer and you need to present a good image.

Communicating face to face

Communicating face to face with other people involves:
 speaking observing
 listening being observed

When you are face to face with another person, you don't just hear the words they say - you also
hear their tone of voice, see what they look like and watch how they behave. At the same time,
they can hear, see and watch you.
Observing and being observed
Would you be convinced by the advice of safety inspector who forgot
his hard hat and steel-capped boots? Would you want a sandwich
made by a lunch bar attendant with filthy hands and clothes?
Your personal presentation dress and hygiene all contribute to the
impression you make on others. Appropriate personal presentation
demonstrates your respect for yourself, your employer, and the
people you interact with through your work.
Make sure your clothes are suitable for the work you do. If your work
calls for personal protective equipment, make sure you wear it. In
some jobs you will need to cover long hair and jewellery. You should
be neat, clean and well groomed for a job that involves personal
contact with others - especially the general public.
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development

People also notice 'body language'. The way you use your hands, your posture and the
expressions on your face are all examples of non-verbal behaviour that you can use to get your
message across. When you are face to face with someone, you pick up a lot of information from
their non-verbal communication. Some people can be very quiet, yet still show aggressive body
language. They might have a pained look on their face, they might look tense, or they might
shake with anger. You interpret as much from their mannerisms and gestures, tone of voice and
level of eye contact, as you do from their words

Choosing the right way to share information depends on the needs and interests of the other
person, not just on what you want to say. When sharing information:

 stand or sit up straight • slouch
 make eye contact • look around
 smile and greet the other person read the newspaper & pretend you haven't
 listen and observe carefully noticed anyone
 speak clearly • interrupt or be distracted
 get straight to the point. • mumble
• waffle.

Listening is more than hearing, and it requires some effort. It involves nonverbal communication
as well. When people are giving you instructions, you need to listen
carefully so that the job is done safely and accurately. By being a good
listener, you will follow instructions more accurately and reduce the risk of
As a listener you should:
 listen for people's feelings
 show you are listening by the answer you give
 Use non-verbal means to encourage the speaker to continue.
A lot of workplace communication involves asking questions or responding to inquiries. To get
the answers you want, you have to ask the right questions. Be specific about what you need to
find out so that the other person understands clearly. If you need to ask a number of questions, it
will help you to remember them all if you write them down first. Speak slowly and clearly so
that you are heard and understood the first time. The other person must be able to pay full
attention to what you are saying, so choose a time that is mutually convenient. If you need to
know the answer urgently, you might have to interrupt. Just make sure you explain that it is
important. Before you ask a question of anyone, think about.

what exactly you want to What is the best way to ask what is the best time to ask.
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development

Responding to inquiries
Be sure to use your listening and observing skills when someone asks you a question. Pay
attention to the persons tone of voice, facial expression and gestures - your observations will help
you to decide what you need to explain.
For instance, if you are asked 'Where is the instruction manual? - should you explain:
 Where it is kept (the person doesn't know where to look)?
 Why it is not in its usual place (the person is angry that it is not where it should be)?
 Why you are not using the instruction manual (the person thinks you should be using

If you still don't understand what the person is asking, say so right away. Once you are sure
about the question, answer it promptly and concisely. Long, complicated answers waste time and
confuse the issue. If you need to supply more information, you will be asked for it.
Often your response will take the form of an explanation. For instance, you could be asked how
to do something, how to get somewhere or how something works. An explanation takes some
thought. You must not only provide the facts, but you must do so in a way the person can
understand. That could mean speaking slowly, using words that are familiar to the other person,
and perhaps making a drawing or map.

Communicating by telephone or radio

The procedures for telephone and radio communications are very similar because they both rely
solely on speech. It is more difficult to communicate when you can't see how the other person is
responding, so you need to be well prepared. You will feel much more confident if you are
prepared -especially if you have to speak to someone you don't know.
Because you are representing your workplace or section, you should know some basic facts
about it. You should know:
 what services or products you provide
 the main sections of your business and what they do
 the approximate number of people employed
 work place guidelines and policies for matters you deal with.

Whenever YOU are speaking to clients you should:

 be discreet
 don't discuss internal workplace problems
 accept responsibility for handling the call
 if you can't help the caller, offer to find someone or some way to help
 don't blame someone else for problems or difficulties
 Stay calm and cool.
Making calls
List the calls you have to make in order of importance and make a checklist for each one . The
check list should include items such as:
 the name of the person you are calling
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development

 the section where the person works (in case there's another person with the same
 the extension number
 the reason for calling
 how to address the person
 What you want to know
 What you want done
 When you want the information (or delivery etc)
 how you want the job done.
Receiving calls
You should also be prepared for receiving calls. Always:
 have a pen or sharpened pencil and a message pad ready
 answer the call promptly
 greet the caller with a pleasant voice
 identify your business and section, and yourself
 write down the caller's name
Find out all the information

Giving and following instructions

Good instructions are simple, logical and clear.

Learning a new skill

Instructions can be used to teach someone a new skill. These are the 5 steps to learning a new

 be introduced to the skill

 get to know it
 try it out
 get feedback on how you're going
 apply the skill.

Clarifying instructions

You will often have to follow instructions and then pass them on to someone else. Sometimes the
person giving the instructions doesn't follow the five steps described earlier. This is when you
should ask questions to find out how you are going or to clarify what the instructions are.
Written instructions
Written instructions should.
• 'be clear, exact and logical
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development

• be set out in the order in which they have to be done

• be set out in small, manageable steps
• have space between the steps to show that they are separate
• explain what to expect at each step
• be written to suit the person who will read them
• be free of jargon and unnecessary technical terms
• include advice on safety and troubleshooting.

Working in groups
Work groups
Many workplaces set up groups of workers to perform a certain
job or achieve a particular goal. The work group may be split up
afterwards or given a new job or goal. The people who make up
the group may all be from the one section of the business with
similar skills and qualifications, or they may be from different
Work groups can be set up for many different reasons. They
could work on:
 shutting down equipment for annual maintenance
 organising a revegetation program
 revising OHS guidelines
 planning a special event

Your group discussions

When people come together in groups they bring many different ideas, experiences and skills.
Working in groups fosters initiative, tolerance and trust.
Work groups can:
• share information
• solve problems
• make decisions
• accomplish tasks.
For work groups to be successful, people have to communicate and cooperate.

Here is an example of how a work group can communicate and cooperate effectively.
A group meets with the supervisor every Monday morning to work out the jobs for the coming
week. At the start of the meeting, the supervisor tells the Workers the goals for the week. He
encourages them to join in. As they prioritise the tasks and allocate them, they have a chance to
discuss any problems.
For more serious problems, he lets the group brainstorm possible solutions. They often come up
with quite novel solutions by working together. They feel more committed to these ideas too,
because they have discovered and discussed them as a group.
The supervisor encourages everyone to join in the discussion without letting anyone take it over.
He makes sure they keep on track and on time.
He listens to what the employees say and he encourages them to listen to each other. He accepts
their views and is concerned about their problems. He considers their ideas and gives them
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development

feedback on their suggestions. At the end of the meeting he asks one team member to write up
the decisions.

Structuring meetings
Meetings need a structure. Without structure, the discussion usually takes far too much time
without reaching any firm decisions. An agenda is used to give some structure to a group
discussion. An agenda lets people know what the meeting will be about so that they can think
about it before they come. It makes sure that everything necessary is included for discussion and
nothing gets forgotten at the meeting. During the meeting, it keeps the discussion on track.
Formal meetings
A typical agenda for a formal meeting includes the following items:
• opening
• welcome and apologies
• minutes from the previous meeting
• business arising from the minutes
• correspondence, inwards and outwards
• business arising from the correspondence
• 'reports - financial and subcommittees
• general business
• other business
• date, time and place of next meeting
• close.
Lo3. Complete relevant work related documents

INFORMATION SHEET 3: Complete relevant work related documents

Informal meetings
Informal meetings also need an agenda, although it might be much simpler than the one shown
above. It should include opportunities to discuss:
• the purpose of the meeting
• What has happened so far
• What problems still need to be addressed
* how the work group will achieve its goals.

Obligations of work group members

As a member of a work group, you have an obligation to:
• attend meetings
• participate to the best of your ability
• behave courteously towards other members of the group
• comply with meeting decisions
• carry out instructions decided at meetings
* keep sensitive matters confidential.
If your obligations are not obvious or clear, you should ask your supervisor or co-workers for
Types of communication

Assertive communication is that

which is open, direct and
honest. When communicating assertively you state your personal view
without attacking or blaming others. Assertive communication respects
the feelings and values of others. It does not try to compete by "scoring
points" off others in the team. The message assertive communicators give is "'I'm OK, you're
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in Workplace Communication
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Some people confuse assertiveness with aggression. Aggressive communication occurs when the
speaker attacks the other person or tries to promote themselves at the other's expense. The
message aggressive communicators give is " I'm OK, you're not OK". Other people retreat from
stating clearly what's on their minds and will agree with the group rather than express a different

Non-assertive communicators tend to feel "hardly done by" and often feel angry and resentful
towards others. The message they project is -You're OK; I'm not OK".

Assertive Aggressive Non-assertive

communication communication communication

Style  clear, honest,  verbal abuse  withholds opinion

 direct open  name calling  does not share
Communication  one-upmanship" ideas
 listens attentively  win at all costs  agrees with others
to others  does not listen to without expressing
others loud voice a personal view

Nonverbal signs  eye contact  sarcastic tone avoids eye contact

 relaxed posture  finger pointing quiet voice closed
 smiles, nods when  table thumping etc. posture
others speak  angry/ tense
 speaks in a expression
 tone

Underlying value respects others ideas does not respect others believes other
and opinions opinions and ideas people’s ideas are
enjoys communicating enjoys power over better than their own
with others others feels threatened by
"I'm OK; you're OW' "I' In OK; you're not open communication
OK" 'You're OK; I'm not

OPERATION SHEET 3Complete relevant work related documents

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in Workplace Communication
Date: April 2013 Page 11 of 18
This learning outcome aims to provide trainees with the knowledge, skill and attitude work with
others. Understanding the concept of work relationship helps to make easy the daily work

Equipment, Tools and Materials:

 Computer
 Projector
 White board
 White board marker &Duster
 Lecture room
 Printer


Students and trainer’s are legally required to lock the health and safety of trainer. This applies to
all organizations and including voluntary organizations.
 Students must provide safe working environment.
 Students must not put themselves or others at risk.


 Need to create good communication

 Identify the objective of workplace communication
 Prepare effective common plan
 Apply practically
 A collection of individuals who are
Lo 4. Describe team role and scope interdependent in their tasks, who
share responsibility for outcomes,
INFORMATION SHEET 1: Describe who see themselves and who are
team role and scope seen by others as an intact social
entity embedded in one or more
What is a Team? larger social systems and who
manage their relationships across
 Team is a group whose members organizational borders
influence one another toward the
accomplishment of an organizational  A group consists of any number of
objective or purpose. people who interact with one
another, are psychologically aware

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of one another, and think of  Reduces conflict
themselves as a group.
To be effective,  Enhances creativity and innovation
teams require clear  Creates better adaptability and
structures that
outline flexibility in the organization
 Team objectives Core Competencies for Teamwork
 Roles and responsibilities of team  Knowledge of healthcare roles
members  Ability to communicate effectively
 Mechanisms for exchanging with other health professionals
information  Ability to reflect the effect of health
 Coordination mechanisms for team professionals’ roles/attitudes related
activities to mutual trust
Team objectives  Willingness to work together
 Team objectives must be firm, yet Protocol for Effective Meetings
 Team objectives may be based on  Respect
SMART goals:  Openness
 Participation
 S-Simple  Experimentation
 Safety
 M-Measurable
Why move to team working?
 A-Achievable
Teamwork can increase competitiveness by:
 R-Realistic
 improving productivity
 T-Tim
 improving quality and encouraging
The Importance of Teamwork
 Reduced costs
 taking advantage of the opportunities
 Quality of result has improved and
provided by technological
service provided
 advances
 Increases employee involvement
 improving employee motivation and
 Reduces absenteeism and improves
dentify own role and responsibility
within team

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in Workplace Communication
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the nature of the team or the task it must
perform. Tuckman's model (2) proposed the
INFORMATION SHEET 5: Identify following typical phases in team
own role and responsibility within development:
 Forming: This is the initial
How can you select the right team for orientation period. The team is
a project? unsure about what it is supposed to
do, members do not know each other
Having the right core team can make or well or are not yet familiar with the
break a project. Therefore, great care should way the team leader and the other
be taken when selecting team members. It members function. This stage is
might be very useful to consider the complete when the members begin to
following elements: see themselves as a part of the group.

 Team size  Storming: This is a sorting out

 Overall team composition period where members begin to find
 Team member selection and their place as team members. The
exclusion criteria team members now feel more
 Member recruitment comfortable giving their opinion and
challenging the team leader's
Team size authority and recommendations.
 Recommended size is a team of 3-12 Some members may become
members. A team of 5-7 members is dissatisfied and challenge not only
the tasks of the team and how these
the best. will be carried out, but also the
 Small teams (3 or 4 members) work leader's role and style of leadership.
This is the start of intragroup
faster and tend to produce results conflicts.
quickly, but there is less diversity.  Norming: Team members begin to
use their past experiences to solve
 Teams greater than 7 or 8 members their problems and pull together as a
require an expert facilitator and the cohesive group. This process should
result in the team establishing
creation of sub teams to operate procedures for handling conflicts,
effectively. They have the potential decisions, and methods to
accomplish the team projects.
for generating more ideas and be
more diverse.  Performing: In this phase the team
has achieved harmony, defined its
tasks, worked out its relationships,
What are the usual phases of a team's and has started producing results.
development Leadership is provided by the team
members best suited for the task at
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in Workplace Communication
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hand. Members have learned how to  Methodology: Process aspect, which includes the tea
work together, manage conflict and
members work together (e.g. leadership, team roles,
contribute their resources to meet the
team's purposes. teams, frequently struggle more with process issues t
 Resources: Time, budget, computer facility, educatio
 Dissolving or reorientating: The
team dissolves when the team has support.
completed the project. It may be
reoriented to continue on a next
phase of the project

How to begin team building?

There are three main components in any team's work :

 Goal: Result-oriented tasks or content aspect (e.g. team goals and objectives). These
are usually developed through interaction with team members;
Attributes of Effective Teamwork
 Commitment to team success and
Lo6. Work as a team member
shared goals
INFORMATION SHEET 3: Work as a  Interdependence
team member
 Interpersonal Skills
3.1 Methods of Assessment  Open Communication and positive

 Knowledge of healthcare roles feedback

 Ability to communicate  Appropriate team composition

effectively with other health  Commitment to team processes,

professionals leadership & accountability

 Ability to reflect the effect of Overall team composition

 Ensure that the team represents the
health professionals’
stakeholders involved in the project.
roles/attitudes related to mutual
A well-rounded team includes a mix
of members from relevant
 Willingness to work together
units/organizations involved in the
project having a wide range of

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in Workplace Communication
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experience and skills. Consider patient self-help groups, non-health
members who: professionals),
􀀟 belong to relevant partners  Suppliers (e.g. pharmaceutical
organizations or organizational units department at the ministry, funding
of the agencies).
project Team member selection and exclusion
􀀟 have different abilities such as:
You need the "best and brightest" on your
- technical expertise and skills, team, but even those people must work well
together for the project to succeed. When
- administrative skills (e.g.
selecting team members, give preference to
problem-solving and decision- individuals who are:
making skills),  Concerned about and committed to
the common purpose and goals
- interpersonal and communication (interested in the project)
skills  Enthusiastic
 Optimistic
The team could include:  Creative, flexible and open minded
 Proactive
 Good team players:
 People who understand the project How to recruit the best members for your
very well such as, for example, those team?
 Keep in mind the project goals and
already working in cancer control
the selection criteria mentioned
(e.g. public health specialists, cancer
institutesprogramme managers,
 Identify relevant people in partner
cancer societies, professional
organization/s or unit/s. Make
associations, and cancer patient
informal contact with those who
have been identified, as well as with
 People who are technical experts
anyone who knows them to see if
(e.g. health care providers from
they fulfill the criteria. Include their
oncology services),
interest in the project and the time
 People who can provide objectivity
needed to integrate the project.
in the process and outcome (e.g.
NGOs, community leaders, cancer

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in Workplace Communication
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 Decide if he/she is the right person
with the preliminary information you

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in Workplace Communication
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