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KMEA College of Architecture

7th Semester Architectural Design Studio

Checklist for detailed site analysis

The exercise focuses on understanding and then analyzing different layers of

relationships and complexities existing within and around the selected site with
respect to natural, built and human interactions and interventions.

Rather than collecting information, the exercise is structured to make students

learn from site visits and relearn the site and its immediate surroundings through
analysis of the collected data.

There are main points and sub categories which need to be analyzed through site

1. History and evolution of the site and neighborhood

2. Ecology and landscape
3. Morphological characteristics
4. Functional structure
5. Transportation and movement
6. People and relationship
7. Society and culture
History and evolution of the site and neighborhood

● Historic evolution and relationship of site with respect to larger locality and

Ecology and landscape

● Ecology of site with respect to city

● Main aspects

- topography map, relief map and land profile of the site (analyzing
contours through site sections and different maps)

- Vegetation and open space systems of the site

● Climate, sunpath, wind direction analysis through diagrams and sections

● Soil typology
● Understand and analyze greens and blue systems - its networks and how
they are influencing/ affecting/ catering the selected site

Green systems

- Tree foliages, types, heights, age, patterns

Blue systems

- Water quality, movement, natural drains with respect to the terrains,

water logging/ watersheds
- Water table depth

Morphological characteristics

● Existing and proposed land use zoning/plan analysis for the area
● Proposed city development plans for the area
● Distribution of built and open around the site
● Structure of public spaces and streets around in and around the site
● Analysis of land value with respect to the development pattern of
● Types of built fabric around the site
● Building typologies (within and around the site) - building height, facade,
● Edge conditions and types
● Byelaws applicable for the site - (checking if the site falls under any
particular zone under land use planning, setbacks, percentage of open
spaces, coverage, FAR, CRZ areas etc)

Functional structure

● Analyzing activities happening immediately around the site and different

times of the day through land use
● Character of the precinct
● Entry points, movement corridors within the site
● Various street characters around the site (width, edge conditions, activities
needs to be analyzed and shown through sections)
● Various types of linkages to and within the site
● Heritage buildings/ zones (conservation perspective analysis)

Transportation and movement

● Networks of transportation
● Road hierarchies
● Street characteristics with respect to the site precinct
● Public transportation facilities
● Major nodes and activity anchors in and around the site
● Pedestrian movement pattern and its intensity within the site (if any
existing) and around the site
● Parking scenarios

People and relationship

● Existing networks and relationships between people and site + larger area
● People - identifying and analyzing different age groups (children, youth,
middle age, elderly) different genders, ethnic patterns, occupation patterns,
education and aspirations
● Establish connections between people and place
● Main activity spots in the site and its relationship with people
● Aspirations, needs of the different people

Society and culture

● Different types of activities around the site with respect to educational/

religious or other types of institutions
● Tourism and development scopes and limitations
● Attitude of the neighborhood
● Trends and usage of spaces according to different age groups
● Festive areas, procession routes, local activities of fishing, agriculture etc…

❖ All the expected outcomes have to be analysis and inferences of the place
and not the documentation and data collection of the place.
❖ Different types of maps and mapping techniques needs to be explored by
❖ Sections, diagrams have to be made to support the analysis

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