4 Building Blocks

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Product Design

The process of imagining, creating, and literating products that solve users’ problems or address
specific needs in a given market.

●Standard parts
► is manufactured in complete compliance with an established government or industry-accepted
specification, which contains design, manufacturing, and uniform identification requirements.

●Modular design
► is a design principle that subdivides a system into smaller parts called modules, which can be
independently created, modified, replaced, or exchanged with other modules or between different

► quality means performance upon expectations and fit for functions

●Concurrent engineering
► is a work methodology emphasizing the parallelization of tasks, which is sometimes called
simultaneous engineering or integrated product development using an integrated product

Process Design

Process design is where the product is broken down into parts, which further can be helpful in
the actual manufacturing process.

●Small lot sizes

► small lot sizes have traditionally been reserved for customized or quasi-customized products,
small lot sizes can sometimes make sense for plug and play products as well.

●Setup time reduction

► the process of reducing the amount of time needed to changeover a process from the last part
for the previous product to the first good part for the next product.
●Manufacturing cells
► is a process of manufacturing which is subsection of just-in-time manufacturing and lean
manufacturing encompassing group technology.

●Quality improvement
► is the framework used to systematically improve care. Quality improvement seeks to
standardize process and structure to reduce variation, achieve predictable results, and improve
outcomes for patients, healthcare systems, and organizations.

●Production flexibility
► can be defined as the amount of responsiveness or adaptability for any future change in a
product design, including new products and derivatives of existing products.

●A balanced system
► the balanced system is a whole system strategic approach to supporting children and people
with a whole range of need that has primarily come out of work in the area of speech, language
and communication.

●Little inventory storage

► by maintaining lower levels of inventory in each product, they have more room to market and
sell more products. Retailers that maintain low inventory levels do not need to allocate as much
storage space in the building for extra inventory.

●Fail-safe methods
► fail safe design are designs that incorporate various techniques to mitigate losses due to
system or component failures.

Personnel/Organizational Elements

Personnel management deals with the managerial function of estimating and classifying human
resources requirements for meeting organizational goals through people at work and their
relationship with each other.
●Workers as assets
► this includes their knowledge, expertise, abilities, skillsets, and experience. These are all
invaluable and intangible assets or for securing a future to the company. So when employees feel
valued, they will gladly compete in the race and beat the competition.

●Cross-trained workers
► is the process of teaching an employee another set of skills to perform in a job they didn’t
initially quality for.

●Continuous improvement
► also often called a continuous improvement process, is an ongoing effort to improve products,
services, or processes. These efforts can seek incremental improvement over time or
breakthrough improvement all at once.

●Cost accounting
► is a process of assigning cost to cost objects that typically include a company’s products,
services, and any other activities that involve the company. Cost accounting is helpful because it
can identify where a company is spending its money, how much it earns, and where money is
being lost.

●Leadership/project management
► is a process by which a project manager can direct, guide and influence the behavior and work
of the project team towards accomplishing the project objectives.

Manufacturing Planning and Control

Manufacturing planning and control software enables manufacturers to author and implement
comprehensive plans that links products, operations, resources, and facilities to run their
enterprise more efficiently.

●Level loading
► also referred to as production levelling refers to the balanced throughout rates of activities
within a process.
●Pull system
► is lean manufacturing strategy used to reduce waste in the production process. In this type of
system, components used in the manufacturing process are only replaced once they have been
consumed so companies only make enough products to meet customer demand.

●Visual system
► visual control is a business management technique employed in many places where
information is communicated by using visual signals instead of texts or other written
instructions. The design is deliberate in allowing quick recognition of the information being
communicated, in order to increase efficiency and clarity.

●Limited work-in-process (WIP)

► sets the maximum amount of work that can exist in each status of a workflow. Limiting the
amount of work in progress makes it easier to identify inefficiency in a team’s workflow.

●Close vendor relationship

► vendor relationship management is a process that enables your company to control costs,
mitigate risks, and improve service.

●Reduce transaction processing

► is a style of computing, typically performed by the large server computers, that supports
interactive applications. In transaction processing, work is divided into individual, indivisible
operations, called transaction.

●Preventive maintenance and housekeeping

► proper housekeeping and preventive maintenance program are critically important in
preventing injuries, illnesses, and even fatalities. Preventive maintenance is predetermined work
performed to a schedule with the aim of preventing the wear and tear or sudden failure of
equipment compinents.

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