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Postgraduate program Curriculum

Master of Science (MSc.) in Quality and Reliability Engineering

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1

2. Background Information ......................................................................................................... 2

3. Rationale of Program .............................................................................................................. 2

4. Objectives and Mission of the Program .................................................................................. 5

4.1 Objectives ............................................................................................................................. 5

4.2 Missions: ............................................................................................................................... 5
5. Focal Areas ............................................................................................................................. 6

6. Training Objectives ................................................................................................................. 7

6.1 Major Objectives ................................................................................................................... 7

6.2. Specific Objectives .............................................................................................................. 7
7. Admission and Graduation Requirements .............................................................................. 8

7.1 Admission Requirements ...................................................................................................... 8

7.2 Graduation Requirements ..................................................................................................... 9
8. Duration of Study.................................................................................................................... 9

9. Method of Evaluation, Assessment and Grading .................................................................. 10

10. Assignment of Course Codes ................................................................................................ 11

11. Conversion of Credit Hours to ECTS ................................................................................... 12

12. Degree Nomenclature ........................................................................................................... 12

13. Staff Profile ........................................................................................................................... 13

14. Quality Assurance & Curriculum Review ............................................................................ 14

15. Program Composition ........................................................................................................... 15

16. Course Breakdown ................................................................................................................ 16

17. Course Description and Course Outline ............................................................................... 18

1. Introduction
This curriculum/program is developed considering the transformation of agricultural lead
economy to industrial lead economy development strategy of our country. For this reason the
country demands higher level graduate human power in different fields of specializations.
Specifically, the demand reaches to pick when it comes to engineering and technology fields.
The movement towards industrialization has to be supported with the required professional
human power to achieve the intended development. Satisfying the manpower requirement of the
country has been the main objective of universities throughout the country.

Wollo University, Kombolcha Institute of Technology (KioT)is one of the second generation
universities and applying its best in fulfilling the gap of producing quality graduates in different
fields. Itis one of the technology institutesestablished since 1997 E.Care capable of producing
qualified and skilled professionals demanded for different fields of application. Although the
field Industrial Engineering has been a new and young profession in the country, we observed
from the need assessment that graduates from Bahir Dar, Mekelle and Addis Ababa Universities
arehighly demanded by the labor market and contributing their golden share for the country’s
development, thereby showing the relevance of the field for the industrialization movement of
the nation.

Therefore, the curriculum/program is developed, mainly by taking into consideration the

specific objectives of the department that in turn takes into consideration the education and
training policy of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) to produce technically
sound and professionally competent engineers, arm the local industries and contribute to
Global issues. The curriculum is expected to provide the students a lurching and strong
background in Industrial Engineering (IE) with courses that enables the department to
introduce world class manufacturing systems of international repute and national
standards back at home. This option gives flexibility of the training program and a room for
choice for students in some specific areas.

2. Background Information

According to University strategy and directives given by MoE, Higher Education

Institutions could survey labor market suitable for their specific area and select
appropriate employable program of Education to be offered based on the next 5 year
strategy plan GTP II.
An Education not supported by labor market demand would lead to miss use of resources
and narrows the employment opportunity of the graduates there by creating educated but
unemployed work force leading to frustration on individuals and community and causing
diverse effect on economic development endeavors. Based on this fact and the new
national Higher Education Institution strategy, the Higher Education Institution need be
established on the demand of the labor market/ industry.
In light of this, KIOT department of Mechanical Engineering launch master program in
industrial engineering in order to satisfy the market need of the industries and higher
institutes based on the human power and laboratory resources to have well skilled

3. Rationale of Program

The increasing competition in the market requires to simultaneously improving the

functionability, reliability and costs of product. In order to achieve these goals, it requires a
description of the culture, attitude and organization of a company that strives to provide
customers with products and services that satisfy their needs. The culture requires quality in all
aspects of the company's operations, with processes being done right the first time, eliminating
defects and wastage from operations.

The department of Industrial Engineering (IE)has its aim to produce graduates capable of
establishing a method by which management and employees can become involved in the
continuous improvement of the production of goods and services. Creating a combination of
quality, reliability and management tools aimed at increasing business and reducing losses due to
wasteful practices.

The department views an organization as a collection of processes. It maintains that
organizations must strive to continuously improve these processes by incorporating the
knowledge and experiences of workers. The simple objective is "do the right things, right the
first time, every time". Although originally applied to manufacturing operations, the objective is
to train in a generic management tool, just as applicable in service and public sector
Industrial Engineering is the most important and modern field that plays leading roles in the
industrial and economic development of a country. The trend of Industrial Engineering
Education up to now was to edify trainable, broad based industrial engineers confined in more
theoretical activities that loosen sight from solving real world problem. This was compromised
by on job training depending on the complexity or simplicity of the job. But this is costly that
industries fear to bear it.

In efforts to change the situation, attention should be given to the problems created by the
existing situation. In line with those efforts the industrial engineering department is working to
solve problems related to skilled diligent manpower. Especial emphasis is given to Quality and
Reliability Engineering so as to enjoy high level capabilities with an in-depth understanding on
developing of systems that ensure products or services are designed and produced to meet or
exceed customer expectations.

Arduous efforts were made to give prior attention to address the needs of local industry.
Nevertheless, the department could not muddle through to fill the ever increasing skill gap
of graduates in a short period since the profession is relatively new for the country and
inadequacy of experienced industrial engineers to critically evaluate the industrial
graduates to ameliorate the deliverables to atone the deficiencies.

The department has the information that most of the industries have been employing
industrial engineers are not assigning industrial engineers in their specific task. Moreover,
industries do not have senior industrial engineers for coaching the new recruits. The
budding industrial engineers with their limited experience, wholehearted professional
commitment, related training and others with functional knowledge of Industrial
engineering by experience gave credible information that the training lacks practice and

thinned by industrial management. Of course, this predicament was not concealed from the
understanding of the staffs of Industrial Engineering Department (IED). Till date, the
revelation remain in quandary due to obvious constrains.

In the meantime, the Government of Federal Republic of Ethiopia has demanded the
improvement of Engineering Education to make it more applicable to local industries while
having internationally acceptable standards.

The department is challenged to break the isolation by making the education highly
purposive, research based, and practice oriented and relevant to the developmental needs of
the country. The proposed pedagogue is instrumental to produce aspirants as job creators,
entrepreneurs rather government job expectants. As a result, the department responded
without more ado to enthusiastically participate in the preparation of the curriculum to
make the education more practice oriented to make world class manufacturing principles
work in Ethiopia to excel at the world of work. The latest technologies: Industrial Robotics
Applications, CIM, JIT, Computer simulation, etc in order to make the engineers more
productive with wider perspective of global orientation.

The department of Mechanical Engineering, Kombolcha Institute of Technology, have

discussed with professionals in the country working in more than 20 manufacturing and
service industries. The department is very much grateful to those professionals who provide
invaluable comment. Their diverse skill, knowledge and experience have big impact for the
preparation of the curriculum. In general, the curriculum was drafted with the objective of
meeting knowledge and skill requirement of specialized Industrial Engineers stated in the
professional profile.

The present curriculum will equip the graduates with necessary skills required for critical
thinking, effective communication, and independent learning and self-start to assume
greater leader ship in their roles.

4. Objectives and Mission of the Program

4.1 Objectives
The objective of IEpost graduate program is to graduate students having a broad education,
with emphasis in industrial engineering fundamentals and practices, which enable them to
function effectively in systems involving people, materials, information, energy, and money
so that they will have considerable role in the challenge of the industrial development in
the country.

Consequently, after graduation, M.Sc. graduates from the Industrial Engineering program
are expected to:
1. Demonstrate ability to function effectively in an organization with an understanding
of its many operations and its management styles.
2. Demonstrate competence in analyzing and designing operation and management
systems, and their controls, to safely and effectively produce and deliver the
organization’s products and services.
3. Demonstrate ability to understand, explain, and predict system behavior using
current or proposed resources, configurations and limitations using, if needed,
mathematical and computer modeling.
4. Demonstrate basic and professional skills in communication (both written and oral),
economics, physical and social science, mathematics, and statistics.
5. Think independently and to critically examine ideas, and make discerning
professional judgments that balance intellectual, ethical, and aesthetic
6. Interact professionally in situations with others having different backgrounds,
cultures, education, and interests.
7. Be responsible and informed citizens.

4.2 Missions:
 Preparing our students for professional practice, and continuing life-long intellectual
development by providing quality postgraduate program leading to the M.Sc. degree
in Industrial Engineeringspecialized in Quality and Reliability Engineering.

 Conducting strong research programs which fortify the educational process and
which advance engineering knowledge.
 Serving communities and industries in the state and nation by providing
educational opportunities for practicing engineers, research services, and technical
 Participating and providing leadership in technical and professional organizations
associated with engineering

5. Focal Areas
The high importance given to Industrial Engineering by developing and developed nations
internationally and after analyzing the role it could play to reverse the economical,
technological and social conditions we are in. Industrial engineering department has given
more emphasis on the production of IE professionals with the required knowledge and
skills. Hence, Wollo University Kombolcha Institute of Technology is finalizing its
preparation to launch M.Sc. program in Quality and Reliability Engineering, to address
demands by stakeholders and employers.

The profession has to play leading role in the following areas:

 Reliability Engineering and Maintenance

 Work Design and Ergonomics
 Supply Chain and Logistics
 Operations Management
 Operations Research
 Production Management
 Quality Engineering
 Robust Design
 Facility Design and Material Handling,
 System Simulation, Optimization and Queuing System Analysis
 Safety Engineering and Management
 Decision Support Systems, Human Resources Management, etc.

6. Training Objectives

6.1 Major Objectives

The department of Industrial Engineering has a firm commitment to achieve excellence in

teaching and maintaining the highest standards in professional preparation. All graduates
would have developed a depth of understanding that enables them to contribute to the
Industrial Engineering profession.

The department seeks to forge a close interaction with the industry and to foster an on-
going exchange of ideas between the faculty/school/departments and practicing
professionals. The department is also committed to significantly contributing to the
research conducted in Industrial Engineering both nationally and internationally.

6.2. Specific Objectives

At the end of completing the courses specified in this curriculum, the graduate will be able to:
 Develop systems that ensure products or services are designed and produced to meet or
exceed customer expectations: and design of a system or component to perform its
required functions under stated conditions for a specific period of time. These systems are
often developed in conjunction with other business and engineering disciplines using a
cross-functional approach.
 To equip graduates with advanced knowledge, skills and research capabilities in
Qualityand Reliability Engineering
 Know advanced concepts, theories and methods for the design and analysis of Quality
related problem.
 Master and apply modern quality practices
 Acquire knowledgein quality and productivity improvement techniques

7. Admission and Graduation Requirements
7.1 Admission Requirements
Applicants must have at least a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution with a minimum
of 2.00 Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). Students with undergraduate preparation in
Industrial engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Textile Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and
related fields are encouraged to apply for admission. Although a bachelor’s degree in industrial
engineering is advantageous in some areas of specializations offered by the department, students
with other engineering disciplines have found that this graduate programisa useful professional
In general, the applicant's admission requirement is given below

1. The total academic and professional achievements of the student plus supportive
documents attached.
2. Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least of 2.0 and above on a 4.0 scale.
3. Performance on the entrance exam (minimum 50 from 100) accompanied with the
approval of Department Graduate Council (DGC)
4. The presence of self or government sponsorship (i.e. presenting proof of financial
5. There is no age limit
6. Candidates with more industrial experience and other related area will get better chance
of being selected.


The following pre-requisites are recommended for all incoming students:

 Strong background in Applied Mathematics

 Background in Probability and Statistics, and
 Basic computer Skills and
 Other basic engineering courses

Credits earned in basic prerequisite courses are not used for fulfillment of the Master's degree

Along with the courses for the stated graduate programmes, the above prerequisites would also
be offered by the department. Those students who seek admission to the graduate programs but
have not completed these prerequisites may obtain admission to the programmes on the
condition that they will complete these prerequisites concurrently with the graduation courses.

7.2 Graduation Requirements

In addition to the requirements set by senate legislation of Wollo University a candidate for the
MSc degree is expected to successfully complete30 credit hours (52 ECTS) of course work given
in three semesters (one and half years)with CGPA equal or above 3.00 and successfully
defending thesis work of 6 credit hours (25 ECTS)which can be completed in one semester or
may even extend depending on the performance of the students with minimum achievement of
The Master’s Degree in Quality and Reliability Engineeringwill be awarded upon the completion
of the course requirements and approval of the thesis written by the student. The degree is
officially approved by the senate of the university as per the university legislation for a graduate

Generally, a student may graduate after the fulfillment of the following requirements: a student is
required to complete the Masters Study:
 With 30 credit hours (52 ECTS) of graduate work completed.
 With minimum CGPA of 3.00
 Must get at least ‘Good’ result in thesis evaluation
 With no grades less than C’s

8. Duration of Study

The total elapsed time of a completed master's degree program from admission to completion of
the program shall be two-three years.

A student should attain a course work in the first three semesters and start thesis work at
beginning of the fourth semester. If a student couldn’t complete his/her thesis in one semester, it
can be extended to a maximum of two additional semesters.

9. Method of Evaluation, Assessment and Grading

A. For Course Work
Since each course is different from the others by its nature,it will be good to estate separate mode
of assessment for each course. But, generally it can be stated the mode of assessment will include
mini and mega project works, presentations, mid-term and final exams, home take exam, seminar
and paper review. The grades are given using fixed scale grading system as set by Wollo
University senate legislation. The details are shown in table below.
Table 1: course grading scale
Raw Mark ( Scale) Letter Grade Grade Point Description
≥ 90 A+ 4.00 Excellent
85 ≤ X < 90 A 4.00 Excellent
80 ≤ X < 85 A- 3.75 Excellent
75 ≤X < 80 B+ 3.50 Very Good
70 ≤ X < 75 B 3.00 Very Good
65 ≤ X < 70 B- 2.75 Good
60 ≤ X < 65 C+ 2.50 Good
50 ≤ X < 60 C 2.00 Satisfactory
< 50 F Failure Not Applicable
Do Not Applicable Drop Out
NG Not Applicable No Grade
I Not Applicable Incomplete
IA Not Applicable Inc. Due to Attendance
W Not Applicable Withdrawal

B. For Thesis Work
For the thesis work, the evaluation is going to be undertaken under the supervision of internal
and/or external advisors and examinees. Finally, the grades will be given as Excellent, Very
Good, Good, Satisfactory and Unsatisfactory. The minimum requirement for successful
completion of the thesis is good.The achievements of thethesis shall be given a rank based on the
marks given by both internal and external advisors and examinees.
Table2: Thesis grading
Raw Mark (Scale) Description
≥ 85 Excellent
75 ≤ X < 85 Very Good
60 ≤ X < 75 Good
50 ≤ X < 60 Satisfactory
X < 50 Unsatisfactory

10.Assignment of Course Codes

Every course has been given an identification tag, characterized by an alphanumeric code.
 The set of alphabets preceding the numerals designate the department offering the course.
 The first digit in the numeric code indicates the year in which the subject is offered (6
stand for first year and 7 for second year postgraduate program)
 The second and third digit conveys the module to which the subject belongs to while the
last digit represent the semesters in which the course is offered where the odd numbers 1,
3, 5, 7, 9 sequentially represent the first, third … semesters, even numbers 2, 4, 6, 8
represent second, fourth … semesters.

IEng 6 03 4

Represents the semester within which the course is being given

Represents the course category mentioned below

Represents the year in which the course is offered i.e. 6 for 1st
year, 7 for 2nd year and so on

Stands for Industrial Engineering Department

There are four categories of departmental courses:
01. General Industrial Engineering Courses
02. Industrial Management Courses
03. Design, Manufacturing & Quality Courses
04. System Engineering Courses

For example, IEng 6034

Code Representation
IEng Stands for Industrial Engineering Department
6 Stands for the First Year of the graduate study
03 Stands for category of the course, here it is 3rd category i.e.
Design, Manufacturing & Quality Courses
4 Stands for second semester

11.Conversion of Credit Hours to ECTS

All courses in this curriculum are described using both Credit system and ECTS system. The
relations between the two systems is as indicated in Equation [1]
ECTS = 1/2(Lec. + Tut + Lab + HS) Eq. [1]
Lecture Equivalent Hours (LEH) of a course is determined as indicated in Equation [2]
LEH = Lec. + 2/3(Tut + Lab) Eq. [2]

12.Degree Nomenclature

The final degree awarded for the successful graduates: Masters of Science (MSc.) Degree in
Industrial Engineering specialized in Quality and Reliability Engineering
in Amharic “የሳይንስ ማስተርስ ዲግሪ በጥራትና አስተማማኝነት ምህንድስና”

13. Staff Profile

The current staff profile of the department by academic rank is shown below

Table 3: Staff profile summery of the department

Stream BSc MSc PhD Total Remark

Mechanical Design Engineering 3 4 1 8 2 of them Expat.
Manufacturing &Industrial system 4 12 1 17 1 of them Expat
Motor vehicle Engineering 2 - 2 4 1 of them Expat.
Thermal Engineering 2 10 3 15 2 of them Expat.
Mechatronics Engineering - 2 - 2 1 of them Expat.
Total 11 28 7 46

Table 4:Mechanical Engineering Department study leaves staff profile

Stream MSc PhD Total Remark

Mechanical Design Engineering 5 3 8
Manufacturing &Industrial system Engineering 6 7 13
Motor vehicle Engineering 12 - 12
Thermal Engineering 7 2 9
Total 30 12 42

14.Quality Assurance & Curriculum Review
The quality of the graduate program to be offered by the department of Industrial Engineering
will be assessed by the performance of its graduates and the impact they bear on the academic
and industrial sector of the country. The quality assurance methods that will be adopted by the
department include the following:
1. In line with the University Policy, student evaluations regarding the teaching-learning
process will be taken at the end of each semester;
2. Feedback obtained from employers and stakeholders will be through formal contacts;
3. Feedback from graduates of the program will be collected;
4. The programs will be reviewed by higher education quality agency and international
accreditation organizations.
5. Constructive comments and suggestions are invited from various industries, stake
holders, respective governmental institutions and other national and international
accreditation institutions curriculum would be revised accordingly time to time.
6. Based on the feedback collected, curriculum would be revised accordingly after each two

15.Program Composition
General structure of the program
Table 5: Course Module
Module Name and cluster under the Module Course Name Course Code

Module Module Name
Work Study and
IEng 6011
Methods Engineering 5 3
01 General Industrial Engineering Courses Research Methods IEng 6012 5 3

Graduate seminar IEng 7015 4 2

Probability &
02 Industrial Management Courses IEng 6023
Statistical Methods 5 3
IEng 6031 5 3
Quality Engineering IEng 6033 5 3
IEng 6032 5 3
03 Design, Manufacturing & Quality Courses Computer Applications
IEng 6034 5 3
for Quality & Reliability
Risk Assessment &
IEng 6036 4 2
Total Quality
IEng 7031 5 3
Management (TQM)

Business Process Re-

04 System Engineering Courses IEng 7041 4 2
engineering (BPR)

16. Course Breakdown
Course schedule



Course Title
Code Hr Hr Hr Hr CP CP
IEng 6011 Work Study and Methods Engineering 2 3 0 5 3 5
IEng 6023 Probability & Statistical Methods 2 3 0 5 3 5
IEng 6031 Reliability Engineering 2 3 0 5 3 5
IEng 6033 Quality Engineering 2 3 0 5 3 5
Total 8 12 0 20 12 20




Course Title
Code Hr Hr Hr Hr CP CP
IEng 6032 Maintenance Management 2 3 0 5 3 5
Computer Applications for Quality &
IEng 6034
I Reliability 2 3 0 5 3 5
IEng 6036 Risk Assessment & Management 2 2 0 4 2 4
IEng 6012 Research Methodology 2 3 0 5 3 5
Total 8 11 0 19 11 19





Course Title
Code Hr Hr Hr Hr CP CP
IEng 7031 Total Quality Management (TQM) 2 3 0 5 3 5
II Business Process Re-engineering
IEng 7041
(BPR) 2 2 0 4 2 4
IEng 7015 Graduate seminar 2 2 0 4 2 4
Total 6 7 0 13 7 13




Course Title
Code Hr Hr Hr Hr CP CP
IEng 7012 Thesis 6 25

Total 6 25

Total Course Credit Hours (not including thesis work) = or 52ECTS

17.Course Description and Course Outline
IEng 6011:Work Study and Methods Engineering
Course Code: IEng 6011 Credit Hours: 3 ECTS: 5
Course Title: Work Study and Methods Engineering Contact Hours: 2 Lecture hr. and 3 Tut hr.
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course, students would understand:
Course Description:
The course should be delivered in a way that the students will acquire the following attitude, knowledge
and skill:
- The basic knowledge about time and method study
- Basic knowledge about work standardization
- The skill of time measurement and performance measurement
- The skill of performance improvement
- The skill of standardization work
Course Outline:
1. Method analysis and time standards,
2. application of principles of motion economy; use of flow process charts and diagram, man
machine charts, micro-motion analysis SIMO chart, time formulas, work sampling, rating,
standard data systems and use of equipment related to this work,
3. Methods engineering and productivity concepts
Pre-requisites: None

1. Niebel B. and Freivalds A. (1999). Methods, Standards and Design, 10th Ed., USA.
2. Ralph M. (1980). Motion and Time Study Design and Measurement of Work, 5th Edition, Wiley,
3. Shan. H.S (2001). Work Study and Ergonomics, J.Kapur, Delhi
4. ChandrashekarHiregoudar and B. Raghavendra Reddy (2007); Facility Planning and Layout

Design – An Industrial Prospective; First Edition; Technical Publications Pune

Teaching Methods:
Lecture, case study, seminar
Attendance Requirement:
 Minimum of 85% attendance during lecture hours; and
 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except for some unprecedented mishaps.
Mid exam 20% case study 15% seminar 15% final exam 50%.
Hours per-semester: 80 Hrs

IEng 6023: Probability & Statistical Methods

Course Code: IEng 6023 Credit Hours: 3 ECTS: 5
Course Title: Probability & Statistical Methods Contact Hours: 2 Lecture hr. and 3 Tut hr.
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course, students would understand:
 To introduce students to basic ways of thinking about data, to give students the methodology for
summarizing and interpreting data.
 To introduce the basic ideas of probability, random variable, probability distributions,
expectation and variance.
 To analysis and test hypothesis.
 To design and analysis experiment
Course Description:
Probability. Random variables, Moments, Moment generating function, Standard distribution, Functions
of random variables, Two dimensional R. Vs, correlation and Regression. Principle of least squares,
Regression, Multiple and partial corrections, Estimation of parameters’ maximum likelihood estimates,
method of moments. Sampling distribution, Test based on normal, t- distribution, chi-square, and F-
distribution, Analysis of variance, one way And two way classifications. Completely Randomized
design, latin square Design, 2 Factorial Designs, characteristics and representation, Moving Averages,
Exponential Smoothing , Auto Regressive processes.

Course Outline:
1. Probabilityand Random Variables
Probability – Random variables – Moments – Moment generating function – Standard distribution – Functions
of random variables – Two dimensional R.Vs – Correlation and Regression.
2. Estimation Theory
Principle of least squares – Regression – Multiple and Partial Corrections – Estimation of Parameters –
Maximum likelihood estimates – Method of moments.
3. Testingof Hypothesis
Sampling distribution – Test based on Normal, t-distribution, Chi-square, and F-distribution – Analysis of
variance – one way and two way classifications.
4. Designof Experiments
Completely Randomized Design – Randomized Block Design – Latin Square Design – 2 Factorial Designs.
5. Time Series
Characteristics and Representation – Moving Averages – Exponential Smoothing – Auto Regressive Processes.
Pre-requisites: No pre-requisite
Textbook: Probability & statistics for Engineers & scientists, 4th edition, Ronald E. Walpole Raymond
h. Myers statistics for management, G.C Beri
1. Statistics Techniques in Business & Economics, 9th edition , Robert D. Mason, Douglas A. Lind
Teaching Methods:
 Lecture, Assignment, mini-project
Attendance Requirement:
 Minimum of 85% attendance during lecture hours; and
 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except for some unprecedented mishaps.
Assessment and Grading Method:
Mid exam 20%, Assignments 15%, Mini-projects 25, and final exam 40%
Hours per-semester: 80 Hrs

IEng 6031: Reliability Engineering

Course Code: IEng 6031 Credit Hours: 3 ECTS: 5

Course Title: Reliability Engineering Contact Hours: 2 Lecture hr. and 3 Tut hr.
Course Objectives:
 To acquaint students with the basic concepts of reliability engineering, reliability data analysis,
prediction models and management
 Students will be able to define and develop measures for reliability and safety
 Students will be able to model reliability by various life distributions
 Students will be able to compute system reliability
 Students will be able to relate reliability and safety factor
 Students will be able to estimate reliability by product testing
 Students will be able to understand design and management of reliability programs
Course Description:
this course is designed to use the "application-to-theory" approach to help students:

 Understand the concepts of robust design and reliability engineering methods

 Plan a designed experiment and analyze the results
 Learn the physics-of-failure and statistical approaches to reliability engineering
 Understand the product development process and how to integrate these methods into it
 Understand the merits and limitations of each method
 Ask appropriate questions in the product development process to design reliability/quality into
the product
 Identify opportunities for application of these methods in specific working environments

Course Outline:

1. Introduction toReliability Engineering Design: Basic terms, definitions, and principles; Life
Distributions; Complex System Models; Design Reliability; Failure Modes, Effect and Criticality
Analysis [FMECA]; Fault Tree Analysis [FTA]; Reliability Estimation (Binomial Distribution,

Exponential Distribution, Weibull Distribution)
2. Other Reliability Based Concepts: Maintainability; Availability; Failure; Concurrent
Engineering; Predictive Maintenance; Systematic planning and scheduling; Preventive
Maintenance; Life Data Analysis
3. Reliability Engineering Activities: Maintenance Prevention; LCC Analysis; Proactive
Maintenance (FPA, RCFA, Specification for New/Rebuilt Equipment, etc.); Capital Equipment
Replacement; Economic Evaluation/Justification Analysis in R&M Investments
4. Maintenance Modeling and Optimization: Maintenance issues; Technical foundations for
modeling such large-scale systems; Approaches for condition maintenance; Optimization
methodologies for optimum inspection, repair, and maintenance schedules
5. Advanced Topics in Reliability Theory and Engineering: Reliability optimization; Theory of
preventive maintenance, replacement, and inspection; Accelerated life reliability models;
Renewal processes; Maximum likelihood estimation
Life Data Analysis: Life-table techniques; Competing risk analysis; Parametric and
nonparametric inferences of lifetime distributions; Regressions and censored data; Poisson and
renewal processes; Multistate survival models and goodness-of-fit test
Pre-requisites: None
1. Quality & Reliability Analysis, Brijendrasingh, 1998.
2. Reliability Centered maintenance, Anthony M. Smith, 1993, USA, McGraw hill. Inc
3. Reliability Optimal maintenance, Hongzhou Wang, 2006, Germany
4. Maintainability, Maintenance and Reliability, B.S. Dhillon Taylor and Francis Group, 2006.

Teaching Methods:
 Lecture, Assignment, mini-project
Attendance Requirement:
 Minimum of 85% attendance during lecture hours; and
 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except for some unprecedented mishaps.
Assessment and Grading Method:
Mid exam 20%, Assignments 15%, Mini-projects 25, and final exam 40%
Hours per-semester: 80 Hrs

IEng 6033: Quality Engineering

Course Code: IEng 6033 Credit Hours: 3 ECTS: 5

Course Title: Quality Engineering Contact Hours: 2 Lecture hr. and 3 Tut hr.
Course Objectives:
 To acquaint students with the basic concepts of Quality engineering.
 To apply Statistical process Control Tools for problem solving
 To understand different sampling techniques and concept of deign of Experiments
 Build the concepts of Quality engineering
 Ability to use problem solving Statistical process Control Tools
Course Description:
Quality objectives, quality control, quality Assurance, Quality systems, economics, and statistical
tolerance, Quality loss function. Process variability, Control charts for variables and attributes, moving
average control charts, multi-variant chart, cumulative chart, demerit control chart, process capability
studies. Economics of sampling, acceptance sampling by variables and attributes, single, double and
sequential plans, OC curves, ATI, ASN, AOQL, Standard sampling tables. Factorial experiments,
fractional replication, Taguchi methods, use of orthogonal arrays, cases.
Course Outline:
1. 1. Quality Concepts
Quality objectives – Quality control – Quality Assurance – Quality systems, economics, and Statistical
tolerance – Quality loss function.
2. Statistical Process Control
Process variability – Control charts for variables and attributes - Moving average control charts -
multivariantchart – Cumulative chart – demerit control chart – process capability studies.
3. Acceptance Sampling
Economics of sampling – Acceptance sampling by variables and attributes – Single, double and sequential
plans – OC curves - ATI, ASN, AOQL – Standard sampling tables.
4. Designof Experiments
Factorial experiments – fractional replication – Taguchi methods – use of orthogonal arrays – cases.
Pre-requisites: None

1. Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 5th edition, Douglas C. Montgomery, John Wiley &
Sons, 2005.
2. Design and Analysis of experiments, 4th edition, D.C. Douglas C. Montgomery, John Wiley,
3. Accelerated Testing, statistical models, test plans, and data analyses, Wayne Nelson, John
Wiley, 1990.
4. Quality control, 6th edition, Dale H. Besterfield, Prentice Hall, 2001.
5. Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement, AmitavaMitra, 2004.
6. Statistical quality Control, M. Mahajan, 2005.
7. Grant, E., and Leavenworth, R., “Statistical Quality Control”, McGraw-Hill, 1996.
8. Besterfield, D.H., Besterfield–Michna, C., Besterfield, G., and Besterfield-Sacre, M., “Total
Quality Management”, Prentice-Hall, 2003.
9. Montgomery, D.C., “Introduction to Statistical Quality Control”, John Wiley & Sons, 1996.
Teaching Methods:
 Lecture, Assignment, mini-project
Attendance Requirement:
 Minimum of 85% attendance during lecture hours; and
 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except for some unprecedented mishaps.
Assessment and Grading Method:
Mid exam 20%, Assignments 15%, Mini-projects 25, and final exam 40%
Hours per-semester: 80 Hrs

IEng 6032: Maintenance Management

Course Code: IEng 6032 Credit Hours: 3 ECTS: 5

Course Title: Maintenance Management Contact Hours: 2 Lecture hr. and 3 Tut hr.
Course Objectives:

Course Description:

Course Outline:
1. Overview and Historical Development of Maintenance.
2. Maintenance Strategies and approach (PM, CM, PDM, TPM, RCM, VDM, RBM)
3. Maintenance Planning and scheduling, Computerized Maintenance Management Systems,
4. Maintenance Engineering (Plant Availability, Reliability, Reliability-Centered Maintenance,
5. Plant Maintenance. Maintenance Costs. Management of Maintenance.
6. Condition Monitoring Concepts. Principles and Economics. Vibration Based Condition Monitoring. Oil
Based Condition Monitoring. Life Cycle Costing, Non Destructive Testing Technique
7. Design and Manufacture Considerations.
8. Failure Mechanisms and Safeguard against them.
9. Maintenance Performance Measurement Models
Pre-requisites: None
Teaching Methods:
 Lecture, Assignment, mini-project
Attendance Requirement:
 Minimum of 85% attendance during lecture hours; and
 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except for some unprecedented mishaps.
Assessment and Grading Method:
Mid exam 20%, Assignments 15%, Mini-projects 25, and final exam 40%
Hours per-semester: 80 Hrs

IEng 6034: Computer Applications for Quality & Reliability
Course Code: IEng 6034 Credit Hours: 3 ECTS: 5
Course Title: Computer Applications for Quality & Reliability Contact Hours: 2 Lecture hr. and 3 Tut hr.
Course Objectives:

Course Description:

Course Outline:
1. Computerized quality control approach
 Offline inspection
 Online/in-process inspection
 On line post process inspection
2. Distributed inspection and final inspection
3. Sensor technology and final inspection
4. Coordinated measure machines
5. Contact inspection methods
6. Machine visions
7. Optical inspection measures
8. Non-contact inspection methods
Pre-requisites: None
Teaching Methods:
 Lecture, Assignment, mini-project
Attendance Requirement:
 Minimum of 85% attendance during lecture hours; and
 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except for some unprecedented mishaps.
Assessment and Grading Method:
Mid exam 20%, Assignments 15%, Mini-projects 25, and final exam 40%
Hours per-semester: 80 Hrs

IEng 6036:Risk Assessment & Management
Course Code: IEng 6036 Credit Hours: 2 ECTS: 4
Course Title: Risk Assessment & Management Contact Hours: 2 Lecture hr. and 2 Tut hr.
Course Objectives:
 To acquaint the student the norm of business risk assessment and management
 To equip students with the knowledge of business risk assessment and management
 Able to identify and assess possible business risks
 Able to forecast, plan, and manage business risks
Course Description:
Risk assessment is a step in risk management procedure. It is the determination of quantitative or
qualitative value of risk related to a concrete situation and a recognized threat. Risk assessment is often
made within Safety engineering and Reliability engineering when it concerns threats to life, environment
or machine functioning. Methods for assessment of risk may differ between industries and whether it
pertains to general financial decisions or environmental, ecological, or public health risk assessment.
Risk management is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated
and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact
of unfortunate events to maximize the realization of opportunities.
Course Outline:
1. The concept and perceptions of hazards and risk.
2. Risk attitudes and impact on decision-making.
3. Risk assessment in view of Industrial safety
4. Basic concepts of risk-reliability and hazard potential-elements of risk assessment – statistical
methods – control charts-appraisal of advanced techniques-fault tree analysis-failure mode and
effect analysis – quantitative structure-activity relationship analysis-fuzzy model for risk

5. Interpretations of probability
6. Quantitative and qualitative aspects of risk
7. Modeling of decision making under conditions of risk
Pre-requisites: No pre-requisite

Teaching Methods:
 Lecture, case study, seminar
Attendance Requirement:
 Minimum of 85% attendance during lecture hours; and
 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except for some unprecedented mishaps.
Assessment and Grading Method:
Mid exam 20% case study 15% seminar 15% final exam 50%
Hours per-semester: 80 Hrs

IEng 6012: Research Methodology

Course Code: IEng 6012 Credit Hours: 3 ECTS: 5
Course Title: Research Methodology Contact Hours: 2 Lecture hr. and 3 Tut hr.
Course Objectives:
 The course introduces the essential components of scientific research design and statistical methods
that can be used to collect, summarize, analyze and interpret scientific data.
 Graduates of this field should have basic and state of the art knowledge of research activities like data
gathering and analyzing techniques as they are always involved in problem solving and productivity
improvement areas.
 At the end of this course students will be able to
o Develop research problems and formulate hypothesis
o Collect data and design method of analysis
o Develop research proposals and research reports
o Develop manuscripts and journal articles
Course Description:

The course should be delivered in a way that the students will acquire the following attitude, knowledge
and skill:

- The attitude towards problem solving through practical research and development practices.
- The basic Science of problem identification, proposal development, data collection, data analysis
and knowledge based problem solving conditions.
Course Outline:
1. Introduction:
1.1.Defining Research, Scientific Enquiry, Hypothesis and Scientific Method,
1.2.Types of Research and Research Process
1.3.Research Proposal development – types of research, contents, sponsoring agent’s

requirements, Ethical, Cooperation and Legal aspects
2. Research Design:
2.1.Meaning, Need, Concepts related of research design and the Categories
2.2.Literature Survey and Review, Dimensions and issues of Research Design
2.3.Process – Selection of type of research, Measurement and measurement techniques, Selection
of Sample and Data Collection Procedures, Selection of Methods of Analysis, Errors in
3. Research Problem:
3.1.Types, Process and Approaches of Problem Solving
3.2.Creative problem solving process, Development of Creativity, Group Problem Solving
Techniques for Idea Generation – Brainstorming and Delphi Method.
4. Research Modeling:
4.1.Mathematical approach
4.1.1. Classification of Models and Development of Models
4.1.2. Stages in Model building, Principles of Modeling, Use of Analogy
4.1.3. Models as Approximations, Data consideration and Testing of Models
4.2.Heuristics and Simulation approach
4.2.1. Definition, Applications and reasons for using Heuristics, Heuristic Methods and
approaches, Meta-Heuristics;
4.2.2. Simulation –Meaning, Applications and Classification of Simulation Models, Process
of Simulation, Steps and Features of Simulation Experiments and their Validation.
5. Experimentation:
5.1.Objective, Strategies, Factorial Experimental Design
5.2.Applications of Experimental Design, Basic Principles – Replication, Randomization and
Blocking, Guidelines for designing experiments;
5.3.Laboratory Experiments, Methods of manipulating Variables, Errors in Experiments, Steps in
Design of Experiments, Basis
6. Process Optimization:
6.1.Factorial Design principles,
6.2.two factor Factorial Design, General Factorial Design,
6.3.Fitting response Curves and Surfaces, Blocking
6.4.Taguchi Approach to Parameter Design, Robust Design
7. Analysis:
7.1.Surveys and Sampling Design.
7.2.The Choice of Analysis, review of basic statistics
7.3.Analysis of Variance and Co-variance,
7.4.Hypothesis Testing – Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests,
7.5.Uni-variate and Bi-variate analysis
7.6.Regression analysis, analysis of variance, multiple regression,
7.7.Hypothesis testing, dummy variable in regression, one way ANOVA,

7.8.Theory and application of maximum likelihood methods.
8. Report Writing:
8.1.Pre-writing Considerations, Principles of Thesis Writing,
8.2.Format of Report Writing,
Format of Publication in Research Journals (manuscript development) and Oral Presentations
Pre-requisites: None
1. Textbook: Geoffrey Marczyk, David DeMatteo, David Festinger (2005), Essentials of Research
Design and Methodology,John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey


2. Yogesh Kumar Singh (2006), Fundamental of Research Methodology and Statistics,New Age
International (P) Limited, Publishers, New Delhi
3. C.R. Kothari (2004), Research Methodology - Methods and Techniques, Second Revised
Edition, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, New Delhi

Teaching Methods:
 Lecture, Assignment, mini-project
Attendance Requirement:
 Minimum of 85% attendance during lecture hours; and
 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except for some unprecedented mishaps.
Assessment and Grading Method:
Mid exam 20%, Assignments 15%, Mini-projects 25, and final exam 40%
Hours per-semester: 80 Hrs

IEng 7031: Total Quality Management (TQM)

Course Code: IEng 7031 Credit Hours: 3 ECTS: 5

Course Title: Total Quality Management (TQM) Contact Hours: 2 Lecture hr. and 3 Tut hr.
Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are:
 To assist students in developing quality strategies
 Enhance their quality in business decision making
 Expand their in office and shop floor quality management knowledge
 Understanding of the concept of total quality management
 To utilize the concepts of total quality management for organizational performance excellence
Course Description:
Total Quality Management (TQM) is a holistic approach to long-term success that views continuous
improvement in all aspects of an organization as a process and not as a short-term goal. It aims to
radically transform the organization through progressive changes in the attitudes, practices, structures,
and systems. Total quality management transcends the product quality approach, involves everyone in
the organization, and encompasses its every function: administration, communications, distribution,
manufacturing, marketing, planning, training, etc.
Course Outline:
1. Basic concepts of quality / Quality of products and services;
2. Cost of quality; relationship of quality and productivity;
3. New concepts of quality; effect of Japanese, Kaizen; JIT;
4. Quality circles/ The approaches of the total quality management (TQM) gurus/ General principles
and philosophy of TQM /
5. Implementation process of TQM: in context of behavioral and organizational issues, in context of
technical issues / Quality improvement, problem solving and TQM tools.
Pre-requisites: None
Textbook: J.M. Juran “ Quality Planning and Analysis” McGraw Hill, 1979

1. Besterfield D. H., Besterfield-Michna C., Besterfield G.H., Besterfield-Sacre M (1999). Total
quality management, Prentice Hall,
2. Evans, J. R., Dean J. W. (2003); Total quality management, organization and strategy, Thomson,.
3. Kanji G. K., Asher M. (1996); 100 Methods for Total Quality Management. London: SAGE
4. Oakland G. F. Total Quality Management, Oxford, 1995.
5. Goetsch D. L., Davis S. B. (2003); Quality management. Introduction to TQM for production,
processing and services. New Jersey: Prentice Hall,.
6. John N. Morfaw (2009), Total Quality Management (TQM) – A model for the sustainability of
Projects and Programs in Africa, University Press of America,
7. P.N. Mukherjee (2006), Total Quality Management, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New
8. Jack P. Pekar (1995), Total Quality Management-Guiding Principles for Application
9. V.S. Bagad (2008), Total Quality Management, First Edition, Technical Publications Pune
10. R.S. Naagarazan and A.A. Arivalagar (); Total Quality Management; New Age International

Teaching Methods:
 Lecture, Assignment, mini-project
Attendance Requirement:
 Minimum of 85% attendance during lecture hours; and
 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except for some unprecedented mishaps.
Assessment and Grading Method:
Mid exam 20%, Assignments 15%, Mini-projects 25, and final exam 40%
Hours per-semester: 80 Hrs

IEng 7041: Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)

Course Code: IEng 7041 Credit Hours: 2 ECTS: 4

Course Title: Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) Contact Hours: 2 Lecture hr. and 2 Tut hr.
Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are:

Course Description:

Course Outline:
1. Introduction to BPR
 The alignment of Organizational goals and objectives with Globalization, Competitiveness,
Cost reduction, productivity, Information technology
 The strategy framework & business processes-aligned
 Reengineering-today’s need
 Broad objectives of reengineering
 Business process & reengineering
2. Identify core processes
 Business processes-defined
 Classification of business processes
 The needs of reengineering
 Identify core processes, Rationale for core processes
 Key analysis points
3. Documentation
 Purpose of process documentation
 Objectives and needs identification
 Documentation techniques
 Documentation tools
4. Business process analysis
 Recap of reengineering needs/objectives
 Business process analysis guideline

 Business process analysis tools and techniques
5. Reengineering
 Improvements-the core objective
 Recap of process redesign
 Things to remember
 Reengineering approaches
 Reengineering models
 Reengineering tools and techniques
6. Implementation
 Implementation guide
 Issues that will raise
 Role of line and support functions
 Change management
Pre-requisites: None
Teaching Methods:
 Lecture, Assignment, mini-project
Attendance Requirement:
 Minimum of 85% attendance during lecture hours; and
 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except for some unprecedented mishaps.
Assessment and Grading Method:
Mid exam 20%, Assignments 15%, Mini-projects 25, and final exam 40%
Hours per-semester: 80 Hrs

IEng 7015: Graduate Seminar
Presentation on topic of interest from Industrial Engineering discipline the presentation
will be held with the presence of graduate and under graduate students, faculty members
and invited guests. Topics should offer theoretical or experimental work under
individual/faculty supervision. Written report required.

IEng 7012: Master’s Thesis

The candidate, in undertaking a Thesis work, is expected to demonstrate a strong ability
to apply skills and techniques acquired during the course to solve industrial engineering
and/or management related problems.


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