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PHONG GIAO DYC VA DAO TAO DE THI HQC SINH GIOI LOP 9 VONG 1 HUYEN GIA LAM NAM HQC 2022 - 2023 by Arwals of Mén thi: TIENG ANH Siri by RNS SEES CEA Ngiy thi: 29 thing 9 nim 2022 ‘86 PHACH: ——— This gian lam bai: 150 phat (Dé thi nay ©6 06 trang) Diém Chit ky GK Luu §: * Thi sinh lim bai vao te gidy thi, * Thi sinh khong duye sis dung tai ligu, ke ea tr dién, * Gidm thj khong hudng din hoe iai thich gi them, ‘A. PHONETICS 1. Circle the word (A, B, C or D) whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. (Spts) 1. Avragged B. invited C. wicked D. scared 2. A. hasty B. nasty sty D, wastage 3, A. tablecloth B. authenticity C. although D. through 4. A weave B. treat C. deal D. drumhead 5. A. mature B. adventure ©. fature D. figure Il. Circle the word (A, B, C or D) whose stress pattern is different from the others. (Spts) 1, A. complicated B. experience C. prosperity D. traditional 2. A. mysterious B. preferable C, modemity D. historical 3. A. philosophy B. engineering C. adaptation D. influential 4, A. historical B. embroidery C. architecture D. authority 5. A. questionnaire B. introduce C. recommend D. concentrate B. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 1. Circle the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence (10 pts) 1, [gota new baseball yesterday. A. stick B. bat D. racket 2 Eva wanted to pursue a career in acting, she couldn't find a job. A. However B. Although C. Despite D. Therefore 3. The factory is closed today. The workers are strike because their demand increase pay has not been met A.on- for—in —C, for—on in D.on-in— for 4, Lhave told you not to do it A. hundreds of times B. many hundred times C. hundred times D. ahundred times 5. [have bought new shirt which matches jacket I bought last week A. some/a B. thefa C. althe D. some/the 6, When we___at the airport we__that we_our passports at the office. A. arrived - had noticed - had left B. arrived - noticed - had left C. have arrived - noticed ~ left D, had arrived - have noticed - have left 7. It was very difficult to ‘what he was saying about the noise of the traffic. A. pick up B. make up C. turn out D. make out 8. Itwas impossible for anyone in that room because there was s0 much noise from the club opposite A. to sleep well well sleep C. sleeping well -—_D. well sleeping 9. The water was not to swim in for more than a few minutes. ‘A. such warm, B. too warm enough warm —_D. warm enough 10, She is good at creating paintings. Shared by Angels of Otto Channel A. interesting Vietnamese new square B. interesting new square Vietnamese C. Vietnamese interesting square new DD. square Vietnamese new interesting I, Each of the flowing sentences has an error. Find the errors und correct them (Spts) 1. During wedding ceremonies in the United States guests are usually silence. 2. Every candidate under considering for a federal job must undergo a thorough medical examination. 3. Major advertising companies have traditionally volunteered its time to publie service accounts. 4. Coconut oil produces a soap whom will lather in salt water as well as fresh 5, Rudolph Nureyev has become one of the greatest dancer that the ballet world has ever knowa. IL. Give the correct form of the words in brackets. (Spts) 1. At the auction, Elton John's car was (value) at 1 mill 2. This road is so bed that it needs (surface) in euros. 3. Weather is still (predict) in long term, so we don’t know exactly where the storm will move 4, You shouldn't have said that! It was a totally (appropriate) remark. 5, Many people don't understand the (simple) of lite IV. Circle the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning (o the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. (2 pts) 1, [could see the finish line and thought I was home and dry, Avunsuccessful —B. hopeful CC. successful D. hopeless 2, School uniform is compulsory in most of Vietnamese schools. A. paid B. required C. divided D. depended V. Cirele the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 2 pts) 1. He is over the moon about his examination result. A. stressed B. very sad C. very happy D. satisfied 2, We ought to keep these proposals secret from the chairman for the time being, A. revealed B. frequented C. accessible D. lively VI. Complete the sentences with the appropriate phrasal verbs from the bax in their correct form. There are two extra ones that you do not need to use. (6 pts) put through carry aut — die down take over look on join in give away — drop off 1. Come and help me to carry the boxes! Don’t just stand there, 2. I watched a horror film on TY last night, but I can’t remember how it ended. Imust have before the end. 3 Shared by Angels of Otto Channel 3, Tomorrow, we will be an experiment to test this theory. 4, Just ask them if you can play and I'm sure they'll let you 5, Do you think the wind has, enough for us to go sailing without any danger? 6. Who is going to the family business when Aretha’s father retires? C. READING 1. Read through the following text and then choose the best phrase given below to fill each of the gaps. Write one letter (A-1) in each of the numbered gaps. Some of the suggested answers do not fitat all. (0) has been done for you (5 pts). Every teacher knows that not all students are good examinees. Some are too tense, become ‘over-anxious of too stressed and then perform below expectations just when it matters most. Teachers try to help by compensating, believing that if they boost a student’s academic knowledge they will cure his fear of exams. So, last year, )_I. I completely rewrote the Business Studies Revision Course at this secondary school. The central idea of the course is to treat the examination as an event, a challenge, a performance, much like a sports match, a drama production, or perhaps a major music concert, (1) and very definitely on the public stage, The idea is to show that the exam is not a test, but an opportunity to show how good the candidate is ‘The objective is to improve students’ final performance (2) control and ability to cope. The theme of ‘total preparation for performance’ teaches them that (3) are obviously important, they are only two of the five skills required, the others being coping strategies, mental skills and management skills. These additions give a new dimension (4) increasing enjoyment and motivation. They widen a student’s focus and help to convince some of the less confident students that there are many ways in which they can actively contribute towards their (5) ‘A. those not mattering so much B CC _ by increasing self-confidence D_ relying on my expertise alone F self-confidence and self-esteem EB toastudent’s revision but a real desire G__ while knowledge and examination techniques. -H__but bigger and more important, 1 drawing on my teaching experience and sports psychology skills IL, Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. (10pts) When going on holiday, it is always a good idea to take out travel insurance. This is just in case something goes (1) along the way. You could lose your luggage, you c even become ill and need expensive medical treatment, For millions of holiday makers insurance is just a precaution (2) will help them have an enjoyable and worry-free holiday. But for (3) , travel insurance is a way of earning money (4) making false claims against insurance companies. For (5) , some people pretend that they have had expensive equipment stolen which in (6) never even existed, and then claim large sums in compensation. Such claims cost insurance company a total (7) £ 50 million per year. But the cheats’ luck is about to run (8) (9) to a new computer system, companies will be able to tell ata glance (10) someone has made a claim within the last three years, Honest travelers will no longer have to pay through the nose for other peaple’s dishonesty. 1 x 3. 4, 3. 6 t, 8 9. 10. MI. Circle A, B, C or D to choose the best words to fill in the text. (10 pts) Few people now question the reality of global warming and its effects on the world's climate. Many scientists (1) the blame for recent natural disasters on the increase (2) the world’s temperatures and are convinced that, more than ever before, the Earth is at @) from the force of the wind, rain and sun. (4) to them, global warming is making extreme ‘weather events; such as hurricanes and droughts, even more (5) and causing sea levels all around the world to (6) Environmental groups are putting (7) on governments to take action to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide which is given (8) by factories and power plants, thus attacking the problem at its source, They are in (9) of more money being spent on research into solar, wind and wave energy devices, which could then replace existing power stations. Some scientists, (10) . believe that even if we stopped releasing carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere tomorrow, we would have to wait several hundred years to notice the results. Global warming, it seems, is to stay. 1 Agive B. put C. take D. have 20 Ain 3, A. threat B. danger C. risk D. harm, 4, A.Conceming B. Regarding C. Depending D. According 3. Av strike B. strong, C. severe D. heavy 6 Avraise B. arise Clift D. rise 7. A force B. pressure C. persuasion D. encouragement 8 Aoff B. away Cup D. over 9 Abelief B. request C. favor D. suggestion 10, A. because B. however C. despite D. although IV. You are going to read an article about instant messaging, a way of communicating using the internet. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A - F for each part (5) of the article. There is an example at the beginning (0). (Spts) CHAT WITH FRIENDS IN AN INSTANT (by Chris Toney) A. Ways to communicate, D, Speed and flexibility. B. Getting started, E, Communicating with friends online, C. Choose your eategory. F. Long - distance solution, Shared by Angels of Otto Channel o |p Instant messaging -or IM- is more immediate than e-mail as you don't have to check your inbox for new messages - they appear instantly. Another advantage is that more than two people at a time can join in an IM conversation, so it's ideal for, say, making social arrangements among groups of friends. Communication by IM isn't restricted to text, You can send pictures stored on your computer, and if you have microphones and speakers you can talk - the advantage being that intemet charges are usually cheaper than phone calls. If you and a friend have webcams, you can also make a video call, in which you can see as well as hear each other. 2, John Moran, 13, from Southport uses instant messaging to keep in touch with relatives on the other side of the world. "When I go online I swap messages with my cousins in Australia”, says John. I's much cheaper than phoning them and means I can speak to them more often". Carol Taylor, 24, ‘who lives in Argentina, agrees. "My parents live in the UK, and we prefer using an instant messenger to sending email or text messages as it’s more like a real conversation", she says. "I'd rather chat online than call them as it costs so much less". 3 Shared by Angels of Otto Channel ‘The first step in using IM is to download a piece of software from one of the websites that offer the service. If you already have friends who use IM, find out which program they have. Its, free, doesn't take Tong to download and the only costs you face are the standard call charges while ou're on line. 4 Once you've installed this software and connected to the Intemet you can start exchanging messages with your friends online. Each user of the service has their own user name. If you find out the user name of people you know, you can create a friend lists. Then, when you go on line, the software tells you which of them are aiso connected to the Internet, and you can send them a message. 5 ‘The features on offer vary depending on which service you opt for, although there is not much difference between instant messenger packages. As well as allowing you to use microphones and webeums, most give you a range of options regarding your status. You can usually appear as “online”, “busy” or "away from PC". The "busy" status is useful if you're online but don't want to be disturbed. ‘The “away from PC" status is usually used by those who are permanently online (people who have broadband or an office connection) but aren’t always at their computer. D. WRITING 1. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it. (Spts) 1. I rather not go out this afternoon. Ido not feel 2. Adele tries hard, but she doesn’t get anywhere. However 3, It is thought that the boss is considering raising wages, The boss 4. His disabilities did not prevent Despite the fact im from sailing around the world, 5. “You damage my bicycle, John”, said Margaret. Margaret accused, 1. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. You must use not more than five words, including the word given, Do not change the word given. (Spts) 1. She was so beautiful that T couldn't stop looking at her. (eyes) ‘She was so beautiful that I couldn't her. 2, We are looking forward to watching the program. (wait) We the program, 3, She started taking ballet lessons ten years ago. (been) She for ten years. 4, They say that a visitor to the national art gallery damaged an 18th century painting. (alleged) A visitor to the national art gallery 18th century painting, 5, Lreally don't mind whether Jill chooses to come on holiday with us or not. (difference) Itreally ____ whether Jill chooses to come on holiday with us or not HL. Essay topic (20pts) The social networks such as Facebook or Tiktok are very popular among teenagers. Write an essay of about 200 words to talk about their advantages, give examples and reasons to Support rounppatiad, Shared by Angels of Otto Channel The end. PHONG GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO GIA LAM Shared by Angels of Otto Channel HUONG DAN CHAM DE THI HQC SINH GIO MON TIENG ANH -LOP 9 NAM HQC 2022-2023 Lam ding méi cau, cho 1,0 diém, Sau khi cng toan b6 sé diém, gidm khao uy vé hé diém 20, khéng lam tron s6. Question Answer Total A. Phoneties 10pts Part! |1.D 2.B 3.6 4.D S.A Spts Partit | 1A 2.B 3.A 4c 3.D Spts B. Vocabulary and Grammar 30pts 1B 2.B 3A 4A 5.€ Part 1 Opts 6.B 7.D BA 9D 10.B Part | 1. silence > silent 2. considering > consideration Spts 3.its > their 4. whom > which 5. dancer dancers 1. valued 2. resurfacing 3. unpredictable Part UI . : Spts 4. inappropriate 5. simplicity Part IV 1.¢c 2.B 2pts Part V LB 2A 2pts 1. look: 2. dropped off 3. carrying out paver ooking on pped of carrying 01 sis 4. join in 5. died down 6. take over C. Reading 30pts PartI 1.H 2.¢ 3.G 4.E 5.B Spts Part IT Part HT Part iV 1. wrong 2. which 3. other/some 5. example/instance 6. fact T.of 8. out 9. Thanks 10. whether/if 1.B 2A 3. 4.D 5.C 6.D 7B B.A aC 10.B LA 2F 3.B 4.E £¢ Opts 1pts Spts D. Writing 30pts Parti Part It Part UT 1. I do not feel like going out this afternoon. 2. However hard Adele tries, she doesn't get anywhere/gets nowhere. Shared by Angels of Otto Channel 3. The boss is thought to be considering raising wages. 4. Despite the fact that he was disabled, he sailed/managed to sail around the world. 5. Margaret accused John of damaging/having damaged her bicycle. 1. She was so beautiful that I couldn't take my eyes off her. 2. We can't wait to watch the program. 3. She has been taking ballet lessons for ten years. 4, A visitor to the national art gallery is alleged to have damaged an 18th century painting 5. It really makes no difference to me whether Jill chooses to come on holiday with us or not. The mark given is based on the following scheme - The writing passage should be well organized (Spts) * Introduction, body and ending of the passage * Linking words - The content of the writing passage should be clear, logical and creative with explanations (10pts) - The writing passage is supposed to be free of grammatical and spelling errors (5pts) Spts Spts 20pts

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